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* ChartXYSerie.h
* Written by Cédric Moonen (cedric_moonen@hotmail.com)
* This code may be used for any non-commercial and commercial purposes in a compiled form.
* The code may be redistributed as long as it remains unmodified and providing that the
* author name and this disclaimer remain intact. The sources can be modified WITH the author
* consent only.
* This code is provided without any garanties. I cannot be held responsible for the damage or
* the loss of time it causes. Use it at your own risks
* An e-mail to notify me that you are using this code is appreciated also.
#pragma once
#include "ChartSerieBase.h"
//! Structure containing a point data with X and Y values
struct SChartXYPoint
SChartXYPoint() : X(0.0), Y(0.0)
#ifndef NO_USER_DATA
pUserData = NULL;
SChartXYPoint(double XVal, double YVal) : X(XVal), Y(YVal)
#ifndef NO_USER_DATA
pUserData = NULL;
double GetX() const { return X; }
double GetY() const { return Y; }
double GetXMin() const { return X; }
double GetXMax() const { return X; }
double GetYMin() const { return Y; }
double GetYMax() const { return Y; }
//! The point X value.
double X;
//! The point Y value.
double Y;
#ifndef NO_USER_DATA
//! Optional user data.
void *pUserData;
//! Specialization of a CChartSerieBase for series having data with an X and an Y value.
This class is abstract and has to be implemented for specific series. It
already provides features which are common to all series with points having
an X and an Y value. Examples of such series are: point series, line series,
surface series and bar series.
class CChartXYSerie : public CChartSerieBase<SChartXYPoint>
//! Constructor
CChartXYSerie(CChartCtrl* pParent);
//! Destructor
virtual ~CChartXYSerie();
//! Adds a single data point to the series.
void AddPoint(double X, double Y);
//! Adds an array of points to the series.
Points which were already present in the series are kept.
@param pX
Array of X values for the points
@param pY
Array of Y values for the points
@param Count
Size of each of both arrays (number of points to add)
void AddPoints(double* pX, double* pY, unsigned Count);
//! Sets an array of points to the series.
Points which were already present in the series are discarded.
@param pX
Array of X values for the points
@param pY
Array of Y values for the points
@param Count
Size of each of both arrays (number of points to add)
void SetPoints(double* pX, double* pY, unsigned Count);
//! Returns the Y value of a specific point in the series.
double GetYPointValue(unsigned PointIndex) const;
//! Returns the X value of a specific point in the series.
double GetXPointValue(unsigned PointIndex) const;
//! Sets the Y value of a specific point in the series.
The control is refreshed to display the change.
@param PointIndex
The index of the points to change the Y value
@param NewVal
The new Y value of the point
void SetYPointValue(unsigned PointIndex, double NewVal);
//! Sets the X value of a specific point in the series.
The control is refreshed to display the change.
@param PointIndex
The index of the points to change the Y value
@param NewVal
The new X value of the point
void SetXPointValue(unsigned PointIndex, double NewVal);
#ifndef NO_USER_DATA
//! Sets user data for a specific point.
User data can be disabled by adding the flag NO_USER_DATA in the preprocessor
definitions. This is usefull when you don't want to have an additional pointer
stored for each points in your series.
void SetUserData(unsigned uPointIndex, void* pData);
//! Retrieves user data for a specific point.
User data can be disabled by adding the flag NO_USER_DATA in the preprocessor
definitions. This is usefull when you don't want to have an additional pointer
stored for each points in your series.
void* GetUserData(unsigned uPointIndex);
//! Retrieves the control points of a bezier curve fitting the points stored in the array.
@param uFirst
The index of the first point of the bezier curve
@param uLast
The index of the last point of the bezier curve
@param pKnots
This parameter will store the points data
@param pFirstControlPoints
This parameter will store the primary control points of the bezier curve
@param pSecondControlPoints
This parameter will store the secondary control points of the bezier curve
void GetBezierControlPoints(unsigned uFirst, unsigned uLast, SChartXYPoint* &pKnots,
SChartXYPoint* &pFirstControlPoints, SChartXYPoint* &pSecondControlPoints) const;
double* GetFirstControlPoints(double* rhs, int Count) const;