clearvars -except times;close all;warning off; set(0,'defaultfigurecolor','w'); addpath ..\..\library addpath ..\..\library\matlab ip = ''; addpath BPSK\transmitter addpath BPSK\receiver %% Transmit and Receive using MATLAB libiio % System Object Configuration s = iio_sys_obj_matlab; % MATLAB libiio Constructor s.ip_address = ip; s.dev_name = 'ad9361'; s.in_ch_no = 2; s.out_ch_no = 2; s.in_ch_size = 42568;%length(txdata); s.out_ch_size = 42568.*8;%length(txdata).*8; s = s.setupImpl(); input = cell(1, s.in_ch_no + length(s.iio_dev_cfg.cfg_ch)); output = cell(1, s.out_ch_no + length(s.iio_dev_cfg.mon_ch)); % Set the attributes of AD9361 input{s.getInChannel('RX_LO_FREQ')} = 1e9; input{s.getInChannel('RX_SAMPLING_FREQ')} = 40e6; input{s.getInChannel('RX_RF_BANDWIDTH')} = 20e6; input{s.getInChannel('RX1_GAIN_MODE')} = 'manual';%% slow_attack manual input{s.getInChannel('RX1_GAIN')} = 10; % input{s.getInChannel('RX2_GAIN_MODE')} = 'slow_attack'; % input{s.getInChannel('RX2_GAIN')} = 0; input{s.getInChannel('TX_LO_FREQ')} = 2e9; input{s.getInChannel('TX_SAMPLING_FREQ')} = 40e6; input{s.getInChannel('TX_RF_BANDWIDTH')} = 20e6; %strToSend = 'HomePod is a powerful speaker that sounds amazing and adapts to wherever it’s playing. It’s the ultimate music authority, bringing together Apple Music and Siri to learn your taste in music. It’s also an intelligent home assistant, capable of handling everyday tasks — and controlling your smart home. HomePod takes the listening experience to a whole new level. And that’s just the beginning. We completely reimagined how music should sound in the home. HomePod combines Apple-engineered audio technology and advanced software to deliver the highest-fidelity sound throughout the room, anywhere it’s placed. This elegantly designed, compact speaker totally rocks the house. Setting up HomePod is quick and magical. Simply plug it in and your iOS device will detect it. Equipped with spatial awareness, HomePod automatically adjusts to give you optimal sound — wherever it’s placed. It can even hear your requests from across the room while loud songs are playing. All you need to do is enjoy your music. HomePod is great at playing your music. But it can also tell you the latest news, traffic, sports, and weather. Set reminders and tasks. Send messages. Hand off phone calls. And HomePod is a hub for controlling your smart home accessories — from a single light bulb to the whole house — with just your voice.'; fid = fopen('C:\Users\Berr\Desktop\ok.txt','rb'); bytes = fread(fid); fclose(fid); encoder = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; strToSend = char(encoder.encode(bytes))'; %在每60个字符之前插入3位帧序号信息 %帧序号是窗口的两倍,1-10 arrLength = ceil(length(strToSend)/57); sendArray = cell(1,arrLength); seqNum = 1; for index = 1:arrLength if seqNum < 10 seqNumStr = ['00', int2str(seqNum)]; else seqNumStr = ['0', int2str(seqNum)]; end if seqNum == 10 seqNum = 1; else seqNum = seqNum + 1; end if index*57 > length(strToSend) sendArray(index) = {[seqNumStr,strToSend(index*57-56:length(strToSend))]}; else sendArray(index) = {[seqNumStr,strToSend(index*57-56:index*57)]}; end end disp('start sending...'); disp(['totoal packet count: ', int2str(length(sendArray))]); sendTime = clock; %开始发送 - 滑动窗口 %窗口长度为5 startIndex = 1; %在sendArray上滑动发送窗口 lastSendIndex = 0; receivedSeqNum = 0; lastReceivedSeqNum = 0; roundCount = 0; %序号回滚了几圈 while startIndex <= length(sendArray) isTimeOut = 1; while isTimeOut %超时自动重传 finishIndex = startIndex + 4; if startIndex + 4 > length(sendArray) finishIndex = length(sendArray); end for i = lastSendIndex+1 : finishIndex disp(['sending: ', sendArray{i}]); txdata = bpsk_tx_func(sendArray{i}); txdata = round(txdata .* 2^14); txdata=repmat(txdata, 8,1); input{1} = real(txdata); input{2} = imag(txdata); writeTxData(s, input); %发送数据 lastSendIndex = i; pause(0.5); end t1 = clock; isSlide = 0; %是否滑动 while 1 if etime(clock, t1) > 10 %超时 isTimeOut = 1; disp('timeOut'); if ~isSlide lastSendIndex = startIndex - 1; end break; end output = readRxData(s); I = output{1}; Q = output{2}; Rx = I+1i*Q; [rStr, crcResult] = bpsk_rx_func(Rx); if crcResult == 1 disp(['receivedSeq: ', rStr]); receivedSeqNum = str2num(rStr); if receivedSeqNum < lastReceivedSeqNum roundCount = roundCount + 1; end startIndex = receivedSeqNum + 1 + 10 * roundCount; disp(['startIndex set to: ', int2str(startIndex)]); disp(['progress: ', num2str(startIndex/length(sendArray))]); if lastReceivedSeqNum ~= receivedSeqNum isSlide = 1; %收到的序号变化,说明窗口滑动了 isTimeOut = 0; lastReceivedSeqNum = receivedSeqNum; break; else isSlide = 0; end end end end end disp('finished.'); timeSpand = etime(clock, sendTime); disp(['time: ', num2str(timeSpand)]); disp(['average speed: ', num2str(length(sendArray)*57*8/timeSpand), ' bps']); %发送完毕,挥手再见 receivedACK = 0; for i = 1:10 %发送十次再见,若十次还没有回应,自己关闭 if(receivedACK == 1) break; end txdata = bpsk_tx_func('BYE'); txdata = round(txdata .* 2^14); txdata=repmat(txdata, 8,1); input{1} = real(txdata); input{2} = imag(txdata); writeTxData(s, input); %发送再见信息 disp('BYE'); pause(0.1); sendTime = clock; while(etime(clock, sendTime) < 10) %未超时,一直监听回复的ACK output = readRxData(s); I = output{1}; Q = output{2}; Rx = I+1i*Q; [rStr, crcResult] = bpsk_rx_func(Rx); disp(['received:', rStr]); if crcResult == 1 && strcmp(rStr, 'ACK') receivedACK = 1; %收到ACK 关闭会话 break; end end end disp('Quit. Bye!'); rssi1 = output{s.getOutChannel('RX1_RSSI')}; s.releaseImpl();