clearvars -except times;close all;warning off; set(0,'defaultfigurecolor','w'); addpath ..\..\library addpath ..\..\library\matlab ip = ''; addpath BPSK\transmitter addpath BPSK\receiver %% Transmit and Receive using MATLAB libiio % System Object Configuration s = iio_sys_obj_matlab; % MATLAB libiio Constructor s.ip_address = ip; s.dev_name = 'ad9361'; s.in_ch_no = 2; s.out_ch_no = 2; s.in_ch_size = 42568;%length(txdata); s.out_ch_size = 42568.*8;%length(txdata).*8; s = s.setupImpl(); input = cell(1, s.in_ch_no + length(s.iio_dev_cfg.cfg_ch)); output = cell(1, s.out_ch_no + length(s.iio_dev_cfg.mon_ch)); % Set the attributes of AD9361 input{s.getInChannel('RX_LO_FREQ')} = 2e9; input{s.getInChannel('RX_SAMPLING_FREQ')} = 40e6; input{s.getInChannel('RX_RF_BANDWIDTH')} = 20e6; input{s.getInChannel('RX1_GAIN_MODE')} = 'manual';%% slow_attack manual input{s.getInChannel('RX1_GAIN')} = 10; % input{s.getInChannel('RX2_GAIN_MODE')} = 'slow_attack'; % input{s.getInChannel('RX2_GAIN')} = 0; input{s.getInChannel('TX_LO_FREQ')} = 1e9; input{s.getInChannel('TX_SAMPLING_FREQ')} = 40e6; input{s.getInChannel('TX_RF_BANDWIDTH')} = 20e6; expectedSeqNum = 0; lastSeqNum = 0; while(1) output = readRxData(s); I = output{1}; Q = output{2}; Rx = I+1i*Q; [rStr, crcResult] = bpsk_rx_func(Rx); disp(['received:',rStr]); seq = rStr(1:3); if crcResult == 1 %成功接收到消息,回复收到的帧序号 strToReply = '0'; if seq== 'BYE' strToReply = 'ACK'; txdata = bpsk_tx_func(strToReply); txdata = round(txdata .* 2^14); txdata=repmat(txdata, 8,1); input{1} = real(txdata); input{2} = imag(txdata); for i = 1:10 writeTxData(s, input); disp('send ack'); pause(0.1); end break; end if expectedSeqNum == str2num(seq) disp(['!!!success received:',rStr]); lastSeqNum = expectedSeqNum; if expectedSeqNum == 0 expectedSeqNum = 1; else expectedSeqNum = 0; end strToReply = int2str(str2num(seq)); else strToReply = int2str(lastSeqNum); end disp(['reply:', strToReply]); txdata = bpsk_tx_func(strToReply); txdata = round(txdata .* 2^14); txdata=repmat(txdata, 8,1); input{1} = real(txdata); input{2} = imag(txdata); writeTxData(s, input); end end %{ strToSend = 'hello world! This is a testing message, which length is more than 60. It should divide in to several parts, and each part will has 60 characters. Bye!'; arrLength = ceil(length(strToSend)/60); sendArray = cell(1,arrLength); for index = 1:arrLength if index*60 > length(strToSend) sendArray(index) = {strToSend(index*60-59:length(strToSend))}; else sendArray(index) = {strToSend(index*60-59:index*60)}; end end index = 1; disp('[[sending:]]'); disp(strToSend); disp('[[receiving:]]'); isSuccess = 0; while(1) output = readRxData(s); %output = stepImpl(s, input); %fprintf('Data Block %i Received...\n',currentIndex); I = output{1}; Q = output{2}; Rx = I+1i*Q; [rStr, crcResult] = bpsk_rx_func(Rx);%bpsk_rx_func(Rx(end/2:end)); seq = rStr(1:3); seqNum = str2num(seq); if crcResult == 1 isSuccess = 1; fprintf(rStr); %disp(rStr); end end %{ for currentIndex = 1:length(sendArray) %fprintf('txdata number %i ...\n',currentIndex); isSuccess = 0; while(~isSuccess) index = index+1; txdata = bpsk_tx_func(sendArray{mod(index, length(sendArray))+1}); txdata = round(txdata .* 2^14); txdata=repmat(txdata, 8,1); %fprintf('Transmitting Data Block %i ...\n',currentIndex); input{1} = real(txdata); input{2} = imag(txdata); writeTxData(s, input); output = readRxData(s); %output = stepImpl(s, input); %fprintf('Data Block %i Received...\n',currentIndex); I = output{1}; Q = output{2}; Rx = I+1i*Q; [rStr, crcResult] = bpsk_rx_func(Rx);%bpsk_rx_func(Rx(end/2:end)); if crcResult == 1 isSuccess = 1; fprintf(rStr); %disp(rStr); end pause(0.1); end end %} %fprintf('Transmission and reception finished\n'); %} % Read the RSSI attributes of both channels rssi1 = output{s.getOutChannel('RX1_RSSI')}; % rssi2 = output{s.getOutChannel('RX2_RSSI')}; s.releaseImpl();