csdn_spider/blog/ds19991999/原创-- Python正则表达式(二).md

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# 原创
# Python正则表达式
# Contents
## re模块
① Python 1.5.2 版中新增2.4 版中增加 flags 参数
② Python 2.2 版中新增2.4 版中增加 flags 参数
③ Python 2.7 和 3.1 版中增加 flags 参数
主要学习match()和 search(),以及 compile()函数
## re常用函数
### 使用 match()方法匹配字符串
`match(pattern string flags=0)`
尝试使用带有可选的标记的正则表达式的模式来匹配字符串。如果匹配成功,就返回匹配对象;如果失败,就返回 None
匹配对象的 group()方法能够用于显示那个成功的匹配。
<code>import re
m = re.match('foo','foo')
if m is not None:
regex1 = m.group()
&lt;_sre.SRE_Match at 0x522adb0&gt;
<code>m = re.match('foo','bar')
if m is not None:m.group()# 单行版本的if语句
print m # 不匹配
**后面操作省去if语句**,实际开发要加上,避免 AttributeError 异常
<code>m = re.match("foo","food on the table")
<code>re.match("foo","food on the table").group()
### 使用search()在一个字符串中查找模式(搜索与匹配的对比)
`search(pattern string flags=0)`
使用可选标记搜索字符串中**第一次出现的正则表达式模式**。如果匹配成功,则返回匹配对象;如果失败,则返回 None
<code>m = re.match('foo','seafood')
if m is not None:print m.group()#匹配失败
<code>m = re.search('foo','searchfood')
if m is not None:regex3 = m.group()
print regex3 # 搜索成功,但是匹配失败
### 匹配多个字符串(|
<code>bt = 'bat|bet|bit'
m = re.match(bt,'bat')
if m is not None:print m.group() # Pytho2这里不加print就打印不出结果
<code>m = re.match(bt,'blt')
if m is not None:print m.group() # 匹配失败
<code>m = re.match(bt, 'he bit me')
if m is not None:print m.group() # 匹配失败:不能匹配字符串
<code>m = re.search(bt,'he bit me')
if m is not None:print m.group()
### 匹配任何单个字符
点号(.)不能匹配一个换行符\n 或者非字符,也就是说,一个空字符串
<code>anyend = '.end'
m = re.match(anyend, 'bend')
if m is not None:print m.group()
<code>m = re.match(anyend, 'end')
if m is not None:print m.group() # 匹配失败
<code>m = re.match(anyend, '\nend')
if m is not None:print m.group() # 除了\n之外的任何字符
<code>m = re.search(anyend, 'The end.')
if m is not None:str = m.group() # 可以匹配' '
' end'
<code>pat314 = '3.14' # 表示正则表达式的点号
pi_pat = '3\.14' # 表示字面量的点号 (dec. point)
m = re.match(pi_pat,'3.14') #精确匹配
if m is not None:str = m.group()
<code>m = re.match(pat314,'3014') # 点号匹配0
if m is not None:str = m.group()
<code>m = re.match(pat314,'3.14') # 点号匹配.
if m is not None:str = m.group()
### 创建字符集([ ])
<code>m = re.match('[cr][23][dp][o2]', 'c3po') # 匹配 'c3po'
if m is not None:str = m.group()
<code>m = re.match('r2d2|c3po', 'r2d2')# 匹配 'r2d2'
if m is not None:str = m.group()
### 重复、特殊字符以及分组
简单电子邮件地址的正则表达式`\w+@\w+\.com`, `www.xxx.com`,仅仅允许 [xxx.com](http://xxx.com) 作为整个域名,必须修改现有的正则表达式.为了表示主机名是可选的,即`\w+@(\w+\.)?\w+\.com`
<code>patt = '\w+@(\w+\.)?\w+\.com' # “?”操作符来表示该模式出现零次或者一次
re.match(patt, 'nobody@xxx.com').group()
<code># 允许任意数量的中间子域名存在
patt = '\w+@(\w+\.)*\w+\.com'
re.match(patt, 'nobody@www.xxx.yyy.zzz.com').group()
<code>m = re.match('(\w\w\w)-(\d\d\d)','abc-123')
if m is not None:str = m.group()
<code>m.group(1) #子组1
('abc', '123')
<code>m = re.match('ab','ab')
<code>m.groups() # 只抓取子组信息
<code>m = re.match('(ab)','ab')
<code>m.groups() # 注意到元祖里面如果只有一个元素,需要加一个','号
<code>m = re.match('(a(b))', 'ab') # 两个子组
('ab', 'b')
### 匹配字符串的起始和结尾以及单词边界
<code>m = re.search('The','The end.')
if m is not None: print m.group()
<code>m = re.search('^The','end. The')
if m is not None:print m.group()
<code>m = re.search(r'\bthe','bite the dog')# 在边界
if m is not None: print m.group()
<code>m = re.search(r'\bthe', 'bitethe dog') # 有边界
if m is not None: print m.group()
<code>m = re.search(r'\Bthe', 'bitethe dog') # 有边界
if m is not None: print m.group()
### 使用 findall()和 finditer()查找每一次出现的位置
findall(pattern string [, flags] )
finditer(pattern string [, flags] )
与 findall()函数相同,但返回的不是一个列表,而是一个迭代器。对于每一次匹配,迭<br/> 代器都返回一个匹配对象
<code>re.findall('car','carry the barcardi to the car')
['car', 'car', 'car']
<code>s = 'This and that.'
re.findall(r'(th\w+) and (th\w+)',s,re.I)
[('This', 'that')]
<code>re.finditer(r'(th\w+) and (th\w+)', s,re.I).next().groups()
('This', 'that')
<code>re.finditer(r'(th\w+) and (th\w+)', s,re.I).next().group(1)
<code> [g.groups() for g in re.finditer(r'(th\w+) and (th\w+)',s, re.I)]
[('This', 'that')]
<code>re.findall(r'(th\w+)', s, re.I)
['This', 'that']
<code>it = re.finditer(r'(th\w+)', s, re.I)
g = it.next()
<code>g = it.next()
<code>[g.group(1) for g in re.finditer(r'(th\w+)',s,re.I)]
['This', 'that']
### 使用 sub()和 subn()搜索与替换
<code>re.sub('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
'attn: Mr. Smith\n\nDear Mr. Smith,\n'
<code>re.subn('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
('attn: Mr. Smith\n\nDear Mr. Smith,\n', 2)
<code>print re.sub('X', 'Mr. Smith', 'attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
attn: Mr. Smith
Dear Mr. Smith,
<code>re.sub('[ae]', 'X', 'abcdef')
<code>re.subn('[ae]', 'X', 'abcdef')
('XbcdXf', 2)
group方法除了能够取出匹配分组编号外还可以使用\N其中 N 是在替换字符串中使用的分组编号
<code>re.sub(r'(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{2}|\d{4})',r'\2/\1/\3', '2/20/91') # 分组重排
<code>re.sub(r'(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{2}|\d{4})',r'\2/\1/\3', '2/20/1991')
### 在限定模式上使用 split()分隔字符串
<code>DATA = (
'Mountain View, CA 94040',
'Sunnyvale, CA',
'Los Altos, 94023',
'Cupertino 95014',
'Palo Alto CA',
for datum in DATA:
# 如果空格紧跟在五个数字ZIP 编码)或者两个大写字母(美国联邦州缩
# 写)之后,就用 split 语句分割该空格。
print re.split(', |(?= (?:\d{5}|[A-Z]{2})) ', datum)
['Mountain View', 'CA', '94040']
['Sunnyvale', 'CA']
['Los Altos', '94023']
['Cupertino', '95014']
['Palo Alto', 'CA']
### 扩展符号
** i不区分大小写 **
<code>re.findall(r'(?i)yes', 'yes? Yes. YES!!')
['yes', 'Yes', 'YES']
<code>re.findall(r'(?i)th\w+', 'The quickest way is through thistunnel.')
['The', 'through', 'thistunnel']
<code>re.findall(r'(?im)(th[\w ]+)',"""
This line is the first,
another line,
that line, it's the best
# 这里貌似书籍翻译错了
['This line is the first', 'ther line', 'that line', 'the best']
<code>re.findall(r'th.+', '''
The first line
the second line
the third line
['the second line', 'the third line']
\((\d{3})\) # 区号
[ ] # 空白符
(\d{3}) # 前缀
- # 横线
(\d{4}) # 终点数字
''', '(800) 555-1212').groups()
('800', '555', '1212')
'http://google.com http://www.google.com http://code.google.com')
['google.com', 'google.com', 'google.com']
## 正则表达式示例
### 复习jupyter魔法
1. 这个是Jupyter的魔法使用将字符串写入文件回顾一下算了,具体见笔记:<br/> [Ipython解释器](/notebooks/python-tools/02-ipython-interpreter.ipynb)
<code>%%writefile whodata.txt
wesley console Jun 20 20:33
wesley pts/9 Jun 22 01:38 (
wesley pts/1 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/2 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/4 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/3 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/5 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/6 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/7 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/8 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
Overwriting whodata.txt
1. 加载文件
<code># %load whodata.txt
wesley console Jun 20 20:33
wesley pts/9 Jun 22 01:38 (
wesley pts/1 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/2 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/4 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/3 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/5 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/6 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/7 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
wesley pts/8 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)
File "&lt;ipython-input-69-851b49c8cf42&gt;", line 2
wesley console Jun 20 20:33
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
<code>%%writefile test.py
print 'Hello world'
Writing test.py
1. 运行文件
<code>%run test.py
Hello world
<code>!python test.py
Hello world
1. 删除文件
<code>import os
驱动器 E 中的卷是 File Sharing
卷的序列号是 8EC1-8F11
E:\01-note\02-python27\python-essentials 的目录
2018/07/27 16:39 &lt;DIR&gt; .
2018/07/27 16:39 &lt;DIR&gt; ..
2018/07/27 16:37 &lt;DIR&gt; .ipynb_checkpoints
2018/07/04 13:52 43,159 01-introduction-python.ipynb
2018/07/04 14:00 2,128 02-date-types.ipynb
2018/07/04 16:38 16,521 03-numbers.ipynb
2018/07/04 17:12 20,246 04-strings.ipynb
2018/07/04 17:24 6,082 05-indexing-slicing.ipynb
2018/07/17 10:46 17,320 06-lists.ipynb
2018/07/27 16:39 88,439 07-python-regular-expression.ipynb
2018/07/17 08:57 6,674 08-mutable-and-immutable-data-types.ipynb
2018/07/17 09:19 5,501 09-tuples.ipynb
2018/07/18 06:48 4,489 10-speed-comparison-between-list-&amp;-tuple.ipynb
2018/07/17 10:27 18,421 11-dictionary.ipynb
2018/07/17 10:56 14,120 12-set.ipynb
2018/07/17 11:09 3,317 13-frozen-sets.ipynb
2018/07/17 11:50 12,767 14-how-python-assignment-works.ipynb
2018/07/17 12:48 5,272 15-if-statement.ipynb
2018/07/17 13:19 7,893 16-loops.ipynb
2018/07/17 14:40 4,596 17-list-comprehension.ipynb
2018/07/17 15:04 11,776 18-functions.ipynb
2018/07/17 15:33 10,113 19-modules-and-packages.ipynb
2018/07/17 16:24 16,718 20-exceptions.ipynb
2018/07/17 16:30 2,893 21-warnings.ipynb
2018/07/17 16:57 177,920 22-file-IO.ipynb
2018/07/17 15:08 359 ex1.pyc
2018/07/17 15:19 739 ex2.pyc
2018/07/27 16:38 673 gendata.py
2018/07/27 16:38 255 retasklist.py
2018/07/27 16:38 152 whodata.py
2018/07/27 16:38 341 whodata.txt
28 个文件 498,884 字节
3 个目录 47,198,081,024 可用字节
### 正则表达式示例
<code>%%writefile whodata.py
import re
f = open('whodata.txt', 'r')
for eachLine in f:
print re.split(r'\s\s+', eachLine)
Overwriting whodata.py
<code>%run whodata.py
['wesley console Jun 20 20:33\n']
['wesley pts/9 Jun 22 01:38 (\n']
['wesley pts/1 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/2 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/4 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/3 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/5 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/6 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/7 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0)\n']
['wesley pts/8 Jun 20 20:33 (:0.0) ']
#### 分割 POSIX 的 who 命令输出([whodate.py](http://whodate.py))
<code>%%writefile whodata.py
import re
import os
with os.popen('whodata.txt', 'r') as f:
for eachLine in f:
print re.split(r'\s\s+|\t', eachLine.rstrip())
Overwriting whodata.py
<code>%run whodata.py
映像名称 PID 会话名 会话# 内存使用
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
System Idle Process 0 Services 0 8 K
System 4 Services 0 140 K
Registry 96 Services 0 46,220 K
smss.exe 348 Services 0 924 K
csrss.exe 528 Services 0 3,920 K
wininit.exe 632 Services 0 4,656 K
csrss.exe 644 Console 1 4,692 K
winlogon.exe 736 Console 1 7,132 K
services.exe 856 Services 0 7,540 K
lsass.exe 868 Services 0 14,756 K
svchost.exe 984 Services 0 3,236 K
fontdrvhost.exe 996 Console 1 15,312 K
fontdrvhost.exe 992 Services 0 2,564 K
svchost.exe 464 Services 0 26,972 K
WUDFHost.exe 488 Services 0 5,124 K
svchost.exe 844 Services 0 13,908 K
svchost.exe 800 Services 0 7,796 K
dwm.exe 1108 Console 1 54,276 K
svchost.exe 1188 Services 0 9,084 K
svchost.exe 1244 Services 0 13,952 K
svchost.exe 1364 Services 0 8,052 K
svchost.exe 1444 Services 0 10,832 K
svchost.exe 1492 Services 0 12,476 K
svchost.exe 1500 Services 0 13,180 K
svchost.exe 1564 Services 0 9,208 K
svchost.exe 1640 Services 0 5,972 K
svchost.exe 1648 Services 0 8,164 K
svchost.exe 1724 Services 0 7,712 K
nvvsvc.exe 1756 Services 0 7,916 K
svchost.exe 1808 Services 0 6,832 K
nvxdsync.exe 1936 Console 1 18,564 K
svchost.exe 1964 Services 0 10,720 K
svchost.exe 1340 Services 0 7,996 K
svchost.exe 1612 Services 0 8,768 K
suservice.exe 2152 Services 0 7,204 K
svchost.exe 2188 Services 0 6,672 K
svchost.exe 2284 Services 0 6,204 K
svchost.exe 2292 Services 0 6,048 K
svchost.exe 2300 Services 0 73,516 K
svchost.exe 2316 Services 0 4,888 K
svchost.exe 2452 Services 0 6,844 K
Memory Compression 2468 Services 0 160,312 K
igfxCUIService.exe 2576 Services 0 7,392 K
svchost.exe 2648 Services 0 6,096 K
svchost.exe 2656 Services 0 7,896 K
svchost.exe 2680 Services 0 6,988 K
svchost.exe 2768 Services 0 6,952 K
svchost.exe 2776 Services 0 13,684 K
winwfpmonitor.exe 2848 Services 0 1,056 K
svchost.exe 2880 Services 0 10,888 K
RtkAudioService64.exe 2976 Services 0 5,356 K
svchost.exe 2984 Services 0 14,408 K
svchost.exe 2440 Services 0 16,244 K
HaozipSvc.exe 3076 Services 0 13,784 K
svchost.exe 3088 Services 0 5,608 K
svchost.exe 3104 Services 0 9,408 K
RAVBg64.exe 3444 Console 1 8,172 K
RAVBg64.exe 3464 Console 1 7,988 K
svchost.exe 3520 Services 0 11,716 K
svchost.exe 3616 Services 0 9,416 K
svchost.exe 3612 Services 0 9,876 K
svchost.exe 3664 Services 0 5,572 K
svchost.exe 3680 Services 0 5,724 K
spoolsv.exe 3832 Services 0 8,436 K
CAJSHost.exe 4016 Services 0 4,828 K
svchost.exe 4024 Services 0 7,152 K
FlashHelperService.exe 4032 Services 0 9,336 K
svchost.exe 4040 Services 0 24,172 K
svchost.exe 4048 Services 0 11,468 K
svchost.exe 4068 Services 0 24,496 K
OfficeClickToRun.exe 4080 Services 0 22,356 K
QQProtect.exe 4092 Services 0 16,256 K
svchost.exe 3304 Services 0 5,224 K
svchost.exe 2716 Services 0 7,344 K
IpOverUsbSvc.exe 3396 Services 0 7,328 K
sqlwriter.exe 2932 Services 0 5,556 K
svchost.exe 2400 Services 0 6,564 K
SynTPEnhService.exe 3944 Services 0 3,612 K
SecurityHealthService.exe 4108 Services 0 10,524 K
svchost.exe 4164 Services 0 4,768 K
MsMpEng.exe 4240 Services 0 156,676 K
svchost.exe 4284 Services 0 19,444 K
svchost.exe 4444 Services 0 5,400 K
svchost.exe 4500 Services 0 5,064 K
svchost.exe 4628 Services 0 5,480 K
svchost.exe 4764 Services 0 9,376 K
sihost.exe 5948 Console 1 19,596 K
svchost.exe 6092 Console 1 25,056 K
svchost.exe 6100 Services 0 5,180 K
SynTPEnh.exe 6132 Console 1 11,888 K
svchost.exe 5592 Console 1 25,740 K
explorer.exe 5608 Console 1 233,416 K
taskhostw.exe 3172 Console 1 16,976 K
svchost.exe 6256 Services 0 13,336 K
svchost.exe 6708 Services 0 5,964 K
svchost.exe 6748 Services 0 6,664 K
SearchIndexer.exe 6780 Services 0 60,696 K
NisSrv.exe 6788 Services 0 9,220 K
svchost.exe 6864 Services 0 10,500 K
svchost.exe 7012 Services 0 10,748 K
SynTPHelper.exe 7104 Console 1 3,472 K
svchost.exe 5892 Services 0 6,332 K
ctfmon.exe 7048 Console 1 49,308 K
ChsIME.exe 5644 Console 1 61,892 K
svchost.exe 7116 Services 0 14,660 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 7692 Console 1 29,816 K
svchost.exe 8188 Services 0 17,808 K
PresentationFontCache.exe 7504 Services 0 15,220 K
RAVBg64.exe 7232 Console 1 412 K
SettingSyncHost.exe 8276 Console 1 3,648 K
igfxEM.exe 8896 Console 1 10,216 K
igfxHK.exe 8920 Console 1 7,376 K
Video.UI.exe 8988 Console 1 14,604 K
PicGo.exe 6796 Console 1 30,136 K
InputPersonalization.exe 1308 Console 1 14,644 K
WindowsInternal.Composabl 3488 Console 1 12,732 K
nvtray.exe 4116 Console 1 10,076 K
svchost.exe 4656 Services 0 13,196 K
dllhost.exe 792 Console 1 9,708 K
svchost.exe 3048 Services 0 6,844 K
NvBackend.exe 3328 Console 1 7,188 K
PicGo.exe 1156 Console 1 6,324 K
PicGo.exe 8244 Console 1 4,704 K
svchost.exe 7084 Console 1 22,936 K
GoogleCrashHandler.exe 788 Services 0 172 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 9184 Console 1 7,284 K
GoogleCrashHandler64.exe 3756 Services 0 168 K
svchost.exe 10064 Services 0 16,176 K
svchost.exe 10684 Services 0 7,520 K
SgrmBroker.exe 10776 Services 0 6,020 K
svchost.exe 9684 Services 0 8,256 K
svchost.exe 10604 Services 0 10,720 K
svchost.exe 10396 Services 0 6,992 K
explorer.exe 10848 Console 1 142,144 K
Microsoft.Photos.exe 5584 Console 1 49,760 K
svchost.exe 10836 Services 0 8,348 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 2788 Console 1 25,848 K
ApplicationFrameHost.exe 4496 Console 1 25,076 K
WinStore.App.exe 9860 Console 1 60,768 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 7160 Console 1 12,256 K
Calculator.exe 2708 Console 1 34,936 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 6884 Console 1 5,744 K
SystemSettings.exe 5376 Console 1 44,312 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 10620 Console 1 11,640 K
svchost.exe 12620 Services 0 4,924 K
8021x.exe 13008 Console 1 3,228 K
SearchUI.exe 11728 Console 1 55,272 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 12796 Console 1 7,052 K
taskhostw.exe 12672 Console 1 12,572 K
WeChatStore.exe 3740 Console 1 57,068 K
svchost.exe 11684 Services 0 13,028 K
svchost.exe 1220 Services 0 5,440 K
ShellExperienceHost.exe 6624 Console 1 59,436 K
MicrosoftEdge.exe 15268 Console 1 52,788 K
browser_broker.exe 14776 Console 1 22,576 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 12564 Console 1 10,632 K
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe 14612 Console 1 19,720 K
MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe 1460 Console 1 21,660 K
RuntimeBroker.exe 3424 Console 1 20,820 K
ClvAssist.exe 10988 Services 0 11,344 K
Clover.exe 21724 Console 1 31,592 K
git-bash.exe 18248 Console 1 5,088 K
mintty.exe 20748 Console 1 26,736 K
conhost.exe 20688 Console 1 11,044 K
bash.exe 20476 Console 1 8,732 K
bash.exe 21896 Console 1 5,800 K
jupyter.exe 5732 Console 1 4,836 K
python.exe 17704 Console 1 10,552 K
jupyter-notebook.exe 21892 Console 1 4,832 K
python.exe 18980 Console 1 52,948 K
chrome.exe 17384 Console 1 136,912 K
chrome.exe 18088 Console 1 8,448 K
chrome.exe 22040 Console 1 9,120 K
chrome.exe 20764 Console 1 128,852 K
chrome.exe 20228 Console 1 22,096 K
chrome.exe 9104 Console 1 302,556 K
chrome.exe 19644 Console 1 89,260 K
chrome.exe 5852 Console 1 39,672 K
chrome.exe 12604 Console 1 33,224 K
chrome.exe 22100 Console 1 33,048 K
chrome.exe 1480 Console 1 32,092 K
chrome.exe 14536 Console 1 47,936 K
svchost.exe 12356 Services 0 11,112 K
python.exe 22440 Console 1 31,472 K
SearchProtocolHost.exe 12252 Services 0 10,796 K
SearchFilterHost.exe 20472 Services 0 6,216 K
WmiPrvSE.exe 20252 Services 0 9,656 K
cmd.exe 22188 Console 1 3,588 K
tasklist.exe 10920 Console 1 8,004 K
<code>%%writefile retasklist.py
import re
import os
with os.popen('tasklist /nh', 'r') as f: # '/nh去掉进程池PID的表格头'
for eachLine in f:
print re.split(r'\s\s+|\t', eachLine.rstrip())
Overwriting retasklist.py
<code>%run retasklist.py
['System Idle Process', '0 Services', '0', '8 K']
['System', '4 Services', '0', '140 K']
['Registry', '96 Services', '0', '46,004 K']
['smss.exe', '348 Services', '0', '924 K']
['csrss.exe', '528 Services', '0', '3,920 K']
['wininit.exe', '632 Services', '0', '4,656 K']
['csrss.exe', '644 Console', '1', '4,692 K']
['winlogon.exe', '736 Console', '1', '7,120 K']
['services.exe', '856 Services', '0', '7,544 K']
['lsass.exe', '868 Services', '0', '14,756 K']
['svchost.exe', '984 Services', '0', '3,236 K']
['fontdrvhost.exe', '996 Console', '1', '15,312 K']
['fontdrvhost.exe', '992 Services', '0', '2,564 K']
['svchost.exe', '464 Services', '0', '26,984 K']
['WUDFHost.exe', '488 Services', '0', '5,124 K']
['svchost.exe', '844 Services', '0', '13,956 K']
['svchost.exe', '800 Services', '0', '7,800 K']
['dwm.exe', '1108 Console', '1', '54,276 K']
['svchost.exe', '1188 Services', '0', '9,084 K']
['svchost.exe', '1244 Services', '0', '13,956 K']
['svchost.exe', '1364 Services', '0', '8,052 K']
['svchost.exe', '1444 Services', '0', '10,816 K']
['svchost.exe', '1492 Services', '0', '12,476 K']
['svchost.exe', '1500 Services', '0', '13,136 K']
['svchost.exe', '1564 Services', '0', '9,208 K']
['svchost.exe', '1640 Services', '0', '6,000 K']
['svchost.exe', '1648 Services', '0', '8,172 K']
['svchost.exe', '1724 Services', '0', '7,712 K']
['nvvsvc.exe', '1756 Services', '0', '7,916 K']
['svchost.exe', '1808 Services', '0', '6,832 K']
['nvxdsync.exe', '1936 Console', '1', '18,564 K']
['svchost.exe', '1964 Services', '0', '10,720 K']
['svchost.exe', '1340 Services', '0', '8,016 K']
['svchost.exe', '1612 Services', '0', '8,804 K']
['suservice.exe', '2152 Services', '0', '7,204 K']
['svchost.exe', '2188 Services', '0', '6,688 K']
['svchost.exe', '2284 Services', '0', '6,204 K']
['svchost.exe', '2292 Services', '0', '6,048 K']
['svchost.exe', '2300 Services', '0', '73,564 K']
['svchost.exe', '2316 Services', '0', '4,888 K']
['svchost.exe', '2452 Services', '0', '6,844 K']
['Memory Compression', '2468 Services', '0', '159,992 K']
['igfxCUIService.exe', '2576 Services', '0', '7,384 K']
['svchost.exe', '2648 Services', '0', '6,096 K']
['svchost.exe', '2656 Services', '0', '7,896 K']
['svchost.exe', '2680 Services', '0', '6,968 K']
['svchost.exe', '2768 Services', '0', '6,952 K']
['svchost.exe', '2776 Services', '0', '13,684 K']
['winwfpmonitor.exe', '2848 Services', '0', '1,056 K']
['svchost.exe', '2880 Services', '0', '10,888 K']
['RtkAudioService64.exe', '2976 Services', '0', '5,356 K']
['svchost.exe', '2984 Services', '0', '14,408 K']
['svchost.exe', '2440 Services', '0', '16,244 K']
['HaozipSvc.exe', '3076 Services', '0', '13,748 K']
['svchost.exe', '3088 Services', '0', '5,608 K']
['svchost.exe', '3104 Services', '0', '9,408 K']
['RAVBg64.exe', '3444 Console', '1', '8,172 K']
['RAVBg64.exe', '3464 Console', '1', '7,988 K']
['svchost.exe', '3520 Services', '0', '11,716 K']
['svchost.exe', '3616 Services', '0', '9,416 K']
['svchost.exe', '3612 Services', '0', '9,876 K']
['svchost.exe', '3664 Services', '0', '5,572 K']
['svchost.exe', '3680 Services', '0', '5,724 K']
['spoolsv.exe', '3832 Services', '0', '8,436 K']
['CAJSHost.exe', '4016 Services', '0', '4,828 K']
['svchost.exe', '4024 Services', '0', '7,148 K']
['FlashHelperService.exe', '4032 Services', '0', '9,336 K']
['svchost.exe', '4040 Services', '0', '24,200 K']
['svchost.exe', '4048 Services', '0', '12,260 K']
['svchost.exe', '4068 Services', '0', '24,496 K']
['OfficeClickToRun.exe', '4080 Services', '0', '22,356 K']
['QQProtect.exe', '4092 Services', '0', '16,256 K']
['svchost.exe', '3304 Services', '0', '5,224 K']
['svchost.exe', '2716 Services', '0', '7,344 K']
['IpOverUsbSvc.exe', '3396 Services', '0', '7,328 K']
['sqlwriter.exe', '2932 Services', '0', '5,556 K']
['svchost.exe', '2400 Services', '0', '6,564 K']
['SynTPEnhService.exe', '3944 Services', '0', '3,612 K']
['SecurityHealthService.exe', '4108 Services', '0', '10,524 K']
['svchost.exe', '4164 Services', '0', '4,764 K']
['MsMpEng.exe', '4240 Services', '0', '159,124 K']
['svchost.exe', '4284 Services', '0', '19,444 K']
['svchost.exe', '4444 Services', '0', '5,400 K']
['svchost.exe', '4500 Services', '0', '5,064 K']
['svchost.exe', '4628 Services', '0', '5,480 K']
['svchost.exe', '4764 Services', '0', '9,376 K']
['sihost.exe', '5948 Console', '1', '19,596 K']
['svchost.exe', '6092 Console', '1', '25,100 K']
['svchost.exe', '6100 Services', '0', '5,180 K']
['SynTPEnh.exe', '6132 Console', '1', '11,888 K']
['svchost.exe', '5592 Console', '1', '25,740 K']
['explorer.exe', '5608 Console', '1', '233,416 K']
['taskhostw.exe', '3172 Console', '1', '16,976 K']
['svchost.exe', '6256 Services', '0', '13,396 K']
['svchost.exe', '6708 Services', '0', '5,956 K']
['svchost.exe', '6748 Services', '0', '6,664 K']
['SearchIndexer.exe', '6780 Services', '0', '60,696 K']
['NisSrv.exe', '6788 Services', '0', '9,220 K']
['svchost.exe', '6864 Services', '0', '10,500 K']
['svchost.exe', '7012 Services', '0', '10,748 K']
['SynTPHelper.exe', '7104 Console', '1', '3,472 K']
['svchost.exe', '5892 Services', '0', '6,332 K']
['ctfmon.exe', '7048 Console', '1', '49,308 K']
['ChsIME.exe', '5644 Console', '1', '61,892 K']
['svchost.exe', '7116 Services', '0', '14,660 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '7692 Console', '1', '29,816 K']
['svchost.exe', '8188 Services', '0', '17,808 K']
['PresentationFontCache.exe', '7504 Services', '0', '15,220 K']
['RAVBg64.exe', '7232 Console', '1', '412 K']
['SettingSyncHost.exe', '8276 Console', '1', '3,648 K']
['igfxEM.exe', '8896 Console', '1', '10,216 K']
['igfxHK.exe', '8920 Console', '1', '7,380 K']
['Video.UI.exe', '8988 Console', '1', '14,604 K']
['PicGo.exe', '6796 Console', '1', '30,136 K']
['InputPersonalization.exe', '1308 Console', '1', '14,644 K']
['WindowsInternal.Composabl', '3488 Console', '1', '12,732 K']
['nvtray.exe', '4116 Console', '1', '10,076 K']
['svchost.exe', '4656 Services', '0', '13,196 K']
['dllhost.exe', '792 Console', '1', '9,708 K']
['svchost.exe', '3048 Services', '0', '6,844 K']
['NvBackend.exe', '3328 Console', '1', '7,188 K']
['PicGo.exe', '1156 Console', '1', '6,324 K']
['PicGo.exe', '8244 Console', '1', '4,704 K']
['svchost.exe', '7084 Console', '1', '22,936 K']
['GoogleCrashHandler.exe', '788 Services', '0', '172 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '9184 Console', '1', '7,284 K']
['GoogleCrashHandler64.exe', '3756 Services', '0', '168 K']
['svchost.exe', '10064 Services', '0', '16,176 K']
['svchost.exe', '10684 Services', '0', '7,520 K']
['SgrmBroker.exe', '10776 Services', '0', '6,020 K']
['svchost.exe', '9684 Services', '0', '8,256 K']
['svchost.exe', '10604 Services', '0', '10,720 K']
['svchost.exe', '10396 Services', '0', '6,992 K']
['explorer.exe', '10848 Console', '1', '142,144 K']
['Microsoft.Photos.exe', '5584 Console', '1', '49,760 K']
['svchost.exe', '10836 Services', '0', '8,348 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '2788 Console', '1', '25,848 K']
['ApplicationFrameHost.exe', '4496 Console', '1', '25,076 K']
['WinStore.App.exe', '9860 Console', '1', '60,768 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '7160 Console', '1', '12,256 K']
['Calculator.exe', '2708 Console', '1', '34,936 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '6884 Console', '1', '5,744 K']
['SystemSettings.exe', '5376 Console', '1', '44,312 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '10620 Console', '1', '11,640 K']
['svchost.exe', '12620 Services', '0', '4,924 K']
['8021x.exe', '13008 Console', '1', '3,920 K']
['SearchUI.exe', '11728 Console', '1', '55,272 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '12796 Console', '1', '7,052 K']
['taskhostw.exe', '12672 Console', '1', '12,572 K']
['WeChatStore.exe', '3740 Console', '1', '57,068 K']
['svchost.exe', '11684 Services', '0', '13,028 K']
['svchost.exe', '1220 Services', '0', '5,400 K']
['ShellExperienceHost.exe', '6624 Console', '1', '59,376 K']
['MicrosoftEdge.exe', '15268 Console', '1', '52,788 K']
['browser_broker.exe', '14776 Console', '1', '22,576 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '12564 Console', '1', '10,632 K']
['MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe', '14612 Console', '1', '19,720 K']
['MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe', '1460 Console', '1', '21,660 K']
['RuntimeBroker.exe', '3424 Console', '1', '20,820 K']
['ClvAssist.exe', '10988 Services', '0', '11,344 K']
['Clover.exe', '21724 Console', '1', '31,592 K']
['git-bash.exe', '18248 Console', '1', '5,088 K']
['mintty.exe', '20748 Console', '1', '26,736 K']
['conhost.exe', '20688 Console', '1', '11,044 K']
['bash.exe', '20476 Console', '1', '8,732 K']
['bash.exe', '21896 Console', '1', '5,800 K']
['jupyter.exe', '5732 Console', '1', '4,836 K']
['python.exe', '17704 Console', '1', '10,552 K']
['jupyter-notebook.exe', '21892 Console', '1', '4,832 K']
['python.exe', '18980 Console', '1', '52,952 K']
['chrome.exe', '17384 Console', '1', '136,880 K']
['chrome.exe', '18088 Console', '1', '8,448 K']
['chrome.exe', '22040 Console', '1', '9,120 K']
['chrome.exe', '20764 Console', '1', '125,724 K']
['chrome.exe', '20228 Console', '1', '22,096 K']
['chrome.exe', '9104 Console', '1', '303,500 K']
['chrome.exe', '19644 Console', '1', '89,260 K']
['chrome.exe', '5852 Console', '1', '39,672 K']
['chrome.exe', '12604 Console', '1', '33,224 K']
['chrome.exe', '22100 Console', '1', '33,048 K']
['chrome.exe', '1480 Console', '1', '32,092 K']
['chrome.exe', '14536 Console', '1', '47,936 K']
['svchost.exe', '12356 Services', '0', '11,112 K']
['python.exe', '22440 Console', '1', '31,564 K']
['SearchProtocolHost.exe', '12252 Services', '0', '10,732 K']
['SearchFilterHost.exe', '20472 Services', '0', '6,216 K']
['WmiPrvSE.exe', '20252 Services', '0', '9,832 K']
['cmd.exe', '20616 Console', '1', '3,544 K']
['tasklist.exe', '16932 Console', '1', '8,016 K']
<code>%%writefile retasklist.py
import re
import os
pat = r'([\w.]+(?: [\w.]+)*)\s\s+(\d+) \w+\s\s+\d+\s\s+([\d,]+ K)'
with os.popen('tasklist /nh', 'r') as f: # '/nh去掉进程池PID的表格头'
for eachLine in f:
print re.findall(pat, eachLine.rstrip())
Overwriting retasklist.py
<code>%run retasklist.py
[('System Idle Process', '0', '8 K')]
[('System', '4', '140 K')]
[('Registry', '96', '44,840 K')]
[('smss.exe', '348', '924 K')]
[('csrss.exe', '528', '3,920 K')]
[('wininit.exe', '632', '4,656 K')]
[('csrss.exe', '644', '4,692 K')]
[('winlogon.exe', '736', '7,116 K')]
[('services.exe', '856', '7,544 K')]
[('lsass.exe', '868', '14,756 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '984', '3,236 K')]
[('fontdrvhost.exe', '996', '15,312 K')]
[('fontdrvhost.exe', '992', '2,564 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '464', '26,984 K')]
[('WUDFHost.exe', '488', '5,124 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '844', '13,920 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '800', '7,804 K')]
[('dwm.exe', '1108', '51,672 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1188', '9,084 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1244', '14,080 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1364', '8,052 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1444', '10,816 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1492', '12,476 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1500', '13,136 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1564', '9,208 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1640', '6,000 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1648', '8,172 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1724', '7,712 K')]
[('nvvsvc.exe', '1756', '7,916 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1808', '6,832 K')]
[('nvxdsync.exe', '1936', '18,564 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1964', '10,720 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1340', '8,000 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1612', '8,764 K')]
[('suservice.exe', '2152', '7,204 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2188', '6,688 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2284', '6,204 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2292', '6,048 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2300', '73,572 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2316', '4,888 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2452', '6,844 K')]
[('Memory Compression', '2468', '159,452 K')]
[('igfxCUIService.exe', '2576', '7,384 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2648', '6,096 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2656', '7,896 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2680', '6,968 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2768', '6,952 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2776', '13,700 K')]
[('winwfpmonitor.exe', '2848', '1,056 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2880', '10,888 K')]
[('RtkAudioService64.exe', '2976', '5,356 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2984', '14,408 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2440', '16,244 K')]
[('HaozipSvc.exe', '3076', '13,748 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3088', '5,608 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3104', '9,408 K')]
[('RAVBg64.exe', '3444', '8,172 K')]
[('RAVBg64.exe', '3464', '7,988 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3520', '11,716 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3616', '9,416 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3612', '9,876 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3664', '5,572 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3680', '5,724 K')]
[('spoolsv.exe', '3832', '8,436 K')]
[('CAJSHost.exe', '4016', '4,828 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4024', '7,148 K')]
[('FlashHelperService.exe', '4032', '9,336 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4040', '24,212 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4048', '12,228 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4068', '24,496 K')]
[('OfficeClickToRun.exe', '4080', '22,356 K')]
[('QQProtect.exe', '4092', '16,188 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3304', '5,224 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2716', '7,344 K')]
[('IpOverUsbSvc.exe', '3396', '7,328 K')]
[('sqlwriter.exe', '2932', '5,556 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '2400', '6,564 K')]
[('SynTPEnhService.exe', '3944', '3,608 K')]
[('SecurityHealthService.exe', '4108', '10,524 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4164', '4,764 K')]
[('MsMpEng.exe', '4240', '159,172 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4284', '19,424 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4444', '5,400 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4500', '5,064 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4628', '5,480 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4764', '9,376 K')]
[('sihost.exe', '5948', '19,596 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6092', '25,084 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6100', '5,180 K')]
[('SynTPEnh.exe', '6132', '11,888 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '5592', '25,740 K')]
[('explorer.exe', '5608', '233,444 K')]
[('taskhostw.exe', '3172', '16,976 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6256', '13,396 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6708', '5,956 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6748', '6,664 K')]
[('SearchIndexer.exe', '6780', '60,696 K')]
[('NisSrv.exe', '6788', '9,220 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '6864', '10,500 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '7012', '10,748 K')]
[('SynTPHelper.exe', '7104', '3,472 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '5892', '6,332 K')]
[('ctfmon.exe', '7048', '49,308 K')]
[('ChsIME.exe', '5644', '61,892 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '7116', '14,660 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '7692', '29,816 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '8188', '17,808 K')]
[('PresentationFontCache.exe', '7504', '15,220 K')]
[('RAVBg64.exe', '7232', '412 K')]
[('SettingSyncHost.exe', '8276', '3,648 K')]
[('igfxEM.exe', '8896', '10,216 K')]
[('igfxHK.exe', '8920', '7,380 K')]
[('Video.UI.exe', '8988', '14,604 K')]
[('PicGo.exe', '6796', '30,136 K')]
[('InputPersonalization.exe', '1308', '14,644 K')]
[('WindowsInternal.Composabl', '3488', '12,732 K')]
[('nvtray.exe', '4116', '10,076 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '4656', '13,196 K')]
[('dllhost.exe', '792', '9,708 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '3048', '6,844 K')]
[('NvBackend.exe', '3328', '7,188 K')]
[('PicGo.exe', '1156', '6,324 K')]
[('PicGo.exe', '8244', '4,704 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '7084', '22,936 K')]
[('GoogleCrashHandler.exe', '788', '172 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '9184', '7,284 K')]
[('GoogleCrashHandler64.exe', '3756', '168 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '10064', '16,176 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '10684', '7,520 K')]
[('SgrmBroker.exe', '10776', '6,020 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '9684', '8,256 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '10604', '10,720 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '10396', '6,992 K')]
[('explorer.exe', '10848', '142,144 K')]
[('Microsoft.Photos.exe', '5584', '49,760 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '10836', '8,348 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '2788', '25,848 K')]
[('ApplicationFrameHost.exe', '4496', '24,968 K')]
[('WinStore.App.exe', '9860', '60,768 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '7160', '12,256 K')]
[('Calculator.exe', '2708', '34,936 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '6884', '5,744 K')]
[('SystemSettings.exe', '5376', '44,312 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '10620', '11,640 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '12620', '4,924 K')]
[('8021x.exe', '13008', '4,016 K')]
[('SearchUI.exe', '11728', '55,272 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '12796', '7,052 K')]
[('taskhostw.exe', '12672', '12,572 K')]
[('WeChatStore.exe', '3740', '57,068 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '11684', '13,028 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '1220', '5,388 K')]
[('ShellExperienceHost.exe', '6624', '59,376 K')]
[('MicrosoftEdge.exe', '15268', '52,788 K')]
[('browser_broker.exe', '14776', '22,576 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '12564', '10,632 K')]
[('MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe', '14612', '19,720 K')]
[('MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe', '1460', '21,660 K')]
[('RuntimeBroker.exe', '3424', '20,820 K')]
[('ClvAssist.exe', '10988', '11,344 K')]
[('Clover.exe', '21724', '31,592 K')]
[('bash.exe', '18248', '5,088 K')]
[('mintty.exe', '20748', '26,736 K')]
[('conhost.exe', '20688', '11,044 K')]
[('bash.exe', '20476', '8,732 K')]
[('bash.exe', '21896', '5,800 K')]
[('jupyter.exe', '5732', '4,836 K')]
[('python.exe', '17704', '10,552 K')]
[('notebook.exe', '21892', '4,832 K')]
[('python.exe', '18980', '52,952 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '17384', '136,880 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '18088', '8,448 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '22040', '9,120 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '20764', '125,712 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '20228', '22,096 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '9104', '310,240 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '19644', '89,260 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '5852', '39,672 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '12604', '33,224 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '22100', '33,048 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '1480', '32,092 K')]
[('chrome.exe', '14536', '47,936 K')]
[('svchost.exe', '12356', '11,112 K')]
[('python.exe', '22440', '31,564 K')]
[('SearchProtocolHost.exe', '12252', '10,636 K')]
[('SearchFilterHost.exe', '20472', '6,216 K')]
[('WmiPrvSE.exe', '20252', '9,876 K')]
[('cmd.exe', '18660', '3,564 K')]
[('tasklist.exe', '11796', '8,020 K')]
#### 实战示例
<code>%%writefile gendata.py
# coding=utf-8
# 创建随机数据,然后将生成的数据输出到屏幕
from random import randrange, choice
from string import ascii_lowercase as lc
from sys import maxint
from time import ctime
tlds = ( 'com', 'edu', 'net', 'org', 'gov' )
for i in xrange(randrange(5, 11)):
dtint = randrange(maxint) # pick date
dtstr = ctime(dtint) # date string
llen = randrange(4, 7) # login is shorter
login = ''.join(choice(lc) for j in range(llen))
dlen = randrange(llen, 13) # domain is longer
dom = ''.join(choice(lc) for j in xrange(dlen))
print '%s::%s@%s.%s::%d-%d-%d' % (dtstr, login,
dom, choice(tlds), dtint, llen, dlen)
Overwriting gendata.py
<code>%run gendata.py
Thu Dec 27 01:10:08 2035::dqtypg@iavqvgjwnvn.edu::2082301808-6-11
Fri May 13 20:51:55 2033::osxul@elfzkq.gov::1999601515-5-6
Mon Apr 06 22:52:20 2020::rehbg@yfdoy.edu::1586184740-5-5
Wed Dec 31 23:22:03 2008::legdw@tonqsajuiuch.edu::1230736923-5-12
Sat Sep 05 12:49:23 2015::tkyyb@oygzos.edu::1441428563-5-6
Mon May 27 08:00:35 2013::ztkuz@usczxpegy.gov::1369612835-5-9
Mon Jul 06 14:17:37 2015::urpy@eblts.org::1436163457-4-5
<code>import re
data = 'Thu Feb 15 17:46:04 2007::uzifzf@dpyivihw.gov::1171590364-6-8'
patt = '^(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)'
m = re.match(patt, data)
<code>patt = '^(\w{3})'
m = re.match(patt, data)
if m is not None: print m.group()
<code>patt = '^(\w){3}' # 注意区别
m = re.match(patt, data)
if m is not None: print m.group()
### 搜索、匹配和贪婪
<code>patt = '\d+-\d+-\d+'
re.search(patt, data).group()
<code>patt = '.+(\d+-\d+-\d+)'
re.search(patt, data).group(1)
<code>patt = '.+?(\d+-\d+-\d+)' # ?是非贪婪操作符
re.search(patt, data).group(1)
<code># 只要中间那个数字
patt = '-(\d+)-'
m = re.search(patt, data)
参考文献: 《Python核心编程第三版》 人民邮电出版社