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Raw Normal View History

2020-10-13 12:44:25 +00:00
// Copyright (c) 2015 Geometry Factory
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
// $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.1/Point_set_processing_3/include/CGAL/IO/write_ply_points.h $
// $Id: write_ply_points.h c253679 2020-04-18T16:27:58+02:00 Sébastien Loriot
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
// Author(s) : Simon Giraudot
#include <CGAL/license/Point_set_processing_3.h>
#include <CGAL/config.h>
#include <tuple>
#include <CGAL/IO/PLY.h>
#include <CGAL/property_map.h>
#include <CGAL/point_set_processing_assertions.h>
#include <CGAL/Iterator_range.h>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/Named_function_parameters.h>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/named_params_helper.h>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
namespace CGAL {
#ifdef DOXYGEN_RUNNING // Document some parts from Stream_support here for convenience
\ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOPly
Generates a %PLY property handler to write 3D points. Points are
written as 3 %PLY properties of type `FT` and named `x`, `y` and
`z`. `FT` is `float` if the points use
`CGAL::Simple_cartesian<float>` and `double` otherwise.
\sa `write_ply_points_with_properties()`
\tparam PointMap the property map used to store points.
template <typename PointMap>
std::tuple<PointMap, PLY_property<FT>, PLY_property<FT>, PLY_property<FT> >
make_ply_point_writer(PointMap point_map);
\ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOPly
Generates a %PLY property handler to write 3D normal
vectors. Vectors are written as 3 %PLY properties of type `FT`
and named `nx`, `ny` and `nz`. `FT` is `float` if the vectors use
`CGAL::Simple_cartesian<float>` and `double` otherwise.
\sa `write_ply_points_with_properties()`
\tparam VectorMap the property map used to store vectors.
template <typename VectorMap>
std::tuple<VectorMap, PLY_property<FT>, PLY_property<FT>, PLY_property<FT> >
make_ply_normal_writer(VectorMap normal_map);
/// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL
namespace internal {
namespace PLY {
} // namespace PLY
} // namespace internal
/// \endcond
\ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOPly
Saves the range of `points` with properties to a
.ply stream. %PLY is either ASCII or binary depending on the value
of `CGAL::get_mode(stream)`.
Properties are handled through a variadic list of property
handlers. A `PropertyHandler` can either be:
- A `std::pair<PropertyMap, PLY_property<T> >` if the user wants
to write a scalar value T as a %PLY property (for example, writing
an `int` variable as an `int` %PLY property).
- A `std::tuple<PropertyMap, PLY_property<T>...>` if the
user wants to write a complex object as several %PLY
properties. In that case, a specialization of `Output_rep` must
be provided for `PropertyMap::value_type` that handles both ASCII
and binary output (see `CGAL::get_mode()`).
\sa `make_ply_point_writer()`
\sa `make_ply_normal_writer()`
\tparam PointRange is a model of `ConstRange`. The value type of
its iterator is the key type of the `PropertyMap` objects provided
within the `PropertyHandler` parameter.
\tparam PropertyHandler handlers to recover properties.
\return `true` on success.
template < typename PointRange,
typename ... PropertyHandler>
std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream.
const PointRange& points, ///< input point range.
PropertyHandler&& ... properties) ///< parameter pack of property handlers
CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(points.begin() != points.end());
std::cerr << "Error: cannot open file" << std::endl;
return false;
// Write header
stream << "ply" << std::endl
<< ((get_mode(stream) == IO::BINARY) ? "format binary_little_endian 1.0" : "format ascii 1.0") << std::endl
<< "comment Generated by the CGAL library" << std::endl
<< "element vertex " << points.size() << std::endl;
internal::PLY::output_property_header (stream, std::forward<PropertyHandler>(properties)...);
stream << "end_header" << std::endl;
// Write positions + normals
for(typename PointRange::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++)
internal::PLY::output_properties (stream, it, std::forward<PropertyHandler>(properties)...);
return ! stream.fail();
\ingroup PkgPointSetProcessing3IOPly
Saves the range of `points` (positions + normals, if available) to
a .ply stream. %PLY is either ASCII or binary depending on the
value of `CGAL::get_mode(stream)`.
\tparam PointRange is a model of `ConstRange`. The value type of
its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`.
\param stream output stream.
\param points input point range.
\param np an optional sequence of \ref bgl_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below
\cgalParamDescription{a property map associating points to the elements of the point range}
\cgalParamType{a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with value type `geom_traits::Point_3`}
\cgalParamDescription{a property map associating normals to the elements of the poing range}
\cgalParamType{a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with value type `geom_traits::Vector_3`}
\cgalParamDefault{If this parameter is omitted, normals are not written in the output stream.}
\cgalParamDescription{an instance of a geometric traits class}
\cgalParamType{a model of `Kernel`}
\cgalParamDefault{a \cgal Kernel deduced from the point type, using `CGAL::Kernel_traits`}
\return true on success.
template <typename PointRange,
typename NamedParameters>
std::ostream& stream,
const PointRange& points,
const NamedParameters& np)
using parameters::choose_parameter;
using parameters::get_parameter;
// basic geometric types
typedef typename CGAL::GetPointMap<PointRange, NamedParameters>::type PointMap;
typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetNormalMap<PointRange, NamedParameters>::type NormalMap;
bool has_normals = !(boost::is_same<NormalMap,
typename Point_set_processing_3::GetNormalMap<PointRange, NamedParameters>::NoMap>::value);
PointMap point_map = choose_parameter<PointMap>(get_parameter(np, internal_np::point_map));
NormalMap normal_map = choose_parameter<NormalMap>(get_parameter(np, internal_np::normal_map));
if (has_normals)
return write_ply_points_with_properties(
stream, points,
// else
return write_ply_points_with_properties(
stream, points,
/// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL
// variant with default NP
template <typename PointRange>
std::ostream& stream,
const PointRange& points)
return write_ply_points
(stream, points, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points));
// deprecated API
template < typename ForwardIterator,
typename PointMap,
typename VectorMap >
CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_ply_points_and_normals(), please update your code")
std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream.
ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point.
ForwardIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end input point.
PointMap point_map, ///< property map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
VectorMap normal_map) ///< property map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Vector_3.
CGAL::Iterator_range<ForwardIterator> points (first, beyond);
return write_ply_points
(stream, points,
CGAL::parameters::point_map (point_map).
normal_map (normal_map));
// deprecated API
template <typename ForwardIterator,
typename VectorMap
CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_ply_points_and_normals(), please update your code")
std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream.
ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point.
ForwardIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end input point.
VectorMap normal_map) ///< property map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Vector_3.
CGAL::Iterator_range<ForwardIterator> points (first, beyond);
return write_ply_points
(stream, points,
CGAL::parameters::normal_map (normal_map));
// deprecated API
template < typename ForwardIterator,
typename PointMap >
CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_ply_points(), please update your code")
std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream.
ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point.
ForwardIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end input point.
PointMap point_map) ///< property map: value_type of OutputIterator -> Point_3.
CGAL::Iterator_range<ForwardIterator> points (first, beyond);
return write_ply_points
(stream, points,
// deprecated API
template < typename ForwardIterator >
CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::write_ply_points(), please update your code")
std::ostream& stream, ///< output stream.
ForwardIterator first, ///< first input point.
ForwardIterator beyond) ///< past-the-end input point.
CGAL::Iterator_range<ForwardIterator> points (first, beyond);
return write_ply_points
(stream, points);
/// \endcond
} //namespace CGAL