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// Copyright (c) 2010-2011 CNRS and LIRIS' Establishments (France).
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
// $URL$
// $Id$
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0+
// Author(s) : Guillaume Damiand <guillaume.damiand@liris.cnrs.fr>
#include <CGAL/disable_warnings.h>
#include <CGAL/internal/Combinatorial_map_internal_functors.h>
#include <CGAL/internal/Combinatorial_map_utility.h>
#include <CGAL/internal/Combinatorial_map_group_functors.h>
#include <CGAL/internal/Combinatorial_map_copy_functors.h>
#include <CGAL/internal/Combinatorial_map_sewable.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_storages.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_functors.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_basic_operations.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_operations.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_save_load.h>
#include <CGAL/Combinatorial_map_min_items.h>
#include <CGAL/Generic_map_min_items.h>
#include <CGAL/Dart_const_iterators.h>
#include <CGAL/Cell_const_iterators.h>
#include <CGAL/Unique_hash_map.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <CGAL/config.h>
#if defined( __INTEL_COMPILER )
// Workarounf for warning in function basic_link_beta_0
#pragma warning disable 1017
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#if (BOOST_GCC >= 40900)
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Warray-bounds\"")
namespace CGAL {
/** @file Combinatorial_map.h
* Definition of generic dD Combinatorial map.
struct Combinatorial_map_tag {};
/** Generic definition of combinatorial map in dD.
* The Combinatorial_map class describes an dD combinatorial map. It allows
* mainly to create darts, to use marks onto these darts, to get and set
* the beta links, and to manage enabled attributes.
template < unsigned int d_, class Refs,
class Items_=Combinatorial_map_min_items<d_>,
class Items_=Generic_map_min_items,
class Alloc_=CGAL_ALLOCATOR(int),
class Storage_= Combinatorial_map_storage_1<d_, Items_, Alloc_> >
class Combinatorial_map_base: public Storage_
template<typename CMap,unsigned int i,typename Enabled>
friend struct CGAL::internal::Call_merge_functor;
template<typename CMap,unsigned int i,typename Enabled>
friend struct CGAL::internal::Call_split_functor;
template<class Map, unsigned int i, unsigned int nmi>
friend struct Remove_cell_functor;
template<class Map, unsigned int i>
friend struct Contract_cell_functor;
template <typename CMap, typename Attrib>
friend struct internal::Reverse_orientation_of_map_functor;
template <typename CMap, typename Attrib>
friend struct internal::Reverse_orientation_of_connected_component_functor;
template<typename CMap>
friend struct internal::Init_attribute_functor;
template<typename CMap>
friend struct Swap_attributes_functor;
template < unsigned int A, class B, class I, class D, class S >
friend class Combinatorial_map_base;
typedef Combinatorial_map_tag Combinatorial_data_structure;
/// Types definition
typedef Storage_ Storage;
typedef Storage Base;
typedef Combinatorial_map_base<d_, Refs, Items_, Alloc_, Storage_ > Self;
typedef typename Base::Dart Dart;
typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
typedef typename Base::Dart_const_handle Dart_const_handle;
typedef typename Base::Dart_container Dart_container;
typedef typename Base::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Base::Helper Helper;
typedef typename Base::Attributes Attributes;
typedef typename Base::Items Items;
typedef typename Base::Alloc Alloc;
typedef typename Base::Use_index Use_index;
static const size_type NB_MARKS = Base::NB_MARKS;
static const size_type INVALID_MARK = NB_MARKS;
static const unsigned int dimension = Base::dimension;
typedef typename Base::Null_handle_type Null_handle_type;
using Base::null_handle;
using Base::null_dart_handle;
using Base::mdarts;
using Base::get_beta;
using Base::is_free;
using Base::set_dart_mark;
using Base::get_dart_mark;
using Base::flip_dart_mark;
using Base::set_dart_marks;
using Base::get_dart_marks;
using Base::dart_link_beta;
using Base::dart_unlink_beta;
using Base::attribute;
using Base::mattribute_containers;
using Base::dart_of_attribute;
using Base::set_dart_of_attribute;
using Base::info_of_attribute;
using Base::info;
using Base::dart;
/// Typedef for Dart_range, a range through all the darts of the map.
typedef Dart_container Dart_range;
typedef const Dart_container Dart_const_range;
/// Typedef for attributes
template<int i>
struct Attribute_type: public Base::template Attribute_type<i>
template<int i>
struct Attribute_handle: public Base::template Attribute_handle<i>
template<int i>
struct Attribute_const_handle:
public Base::template Attribute_const_handle<i>
template<int i>
struct Attribute_range: public Base::template Attribute_range<i>
template<int i>
struct Attribute_const_range:
public Base::template Attribute_const_range<i>
class Exception_no_more_available_mark {};
/** Default Combinatorial_map constructor.
* The map is empty.
"Dimension of dart different from dimension of map");
"Too many attributes in the tuple Attributes_enabled");
this->mnb_used_marks = 0;
for ( size_type i = 0; i < NB_MARKS; ++i)
this->mfree_marks_stack[i] = i;
this->mindex_marks[i] = i;
this->mnb_marked_darts[i] = 0;
this->mnb_times_reserved_marks[i] = 0;
this->automatic_attributes_management = true;
/** Copy the given combinatorial map into *this.
* Note that both CMap can have different dimensions and/or non void attributes.
* @param amap the combinatorial map to copy.
* @post *this is valid.
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter,
typename PointConverter>
void copy(const CMap2& amap, const Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter,
const PointConverter& pointconverter,
boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle, Dart_handle>* dart_mapping=NULL)
this->mnb_used_marks = amap.mnb_used_marks;
this->mmask_marks = amap.mmask_marks;
this->automatic_attributes_management =
for (size_type i = 0; i < NB_MARKS; ++i)
this->mfree_marks_stack[i] = amap.mfree_marks_stack[i];
this->mused_marks_stack[i] = amap.mused_marks_stack[i];
this->mindex_marks[i] = amap.mindex_marks[i];
this->mnb_marked_darts[i] = amap.mnb_marked_darts[i];
this->mnb_times_reserved_marks[i] = amap.mnb_times_reserved_marks[i];
init_dart(null_dart_handle, amap.get_marks(amap.null_dart_handle));
// Create an mapping between darts of the two maps (originals->copies).
// (here we cannot use CGAL::Unique_hash_map because it does not provide
// iterators...
boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle, Dart_handle> local_dartmap;
if (dart_mapping==NULL)
{ dart_mapping=&local_dartmap; }
for (typename CMap2::Dart_const_range::const_iterator
it=amap.darts().begin(), itend=amap.darts().end();
it!=itend; ++it)
init_dart((*dart_mapping)[it], amap.get_marks(it));
internal::Copy_dart_info_functor<CMap2, Refs, DartInfoConverter>::run
(amap, static_cast<Refs&>(*this), it, (*dart_mapping)[it],
unsigned int min_dim=(dimension<amap.dimension?dimension:amap.dimension);
typename boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle,Dart_handle>
::iterator dartmap_iter, dartmap_iter_end=dart_mapping->end();
for (dartmap_iter=dart_mapping->begin(); dartmap_iter!=dartmap_iter_end;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<=min_dim; i++)
if (!amap.is_free(dartmap_iter->first,i) &&
(*dart_mapping)[amap.beta(dartmap_iter->first,i)], i);
/** Copy attributes */
for (dartmap_iter=dart_mapping->begin(); dartmap_iter!=dartmap_iter_end;
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
< internal::Copy_attributes_functor <CMap2, Refs, Converters,
PointConverter> >::
run(amap, static_cast<Refs&>(*this),
dartmap_iter->first, dartmap_iter->second,
converters, pointconverter);
CGAL_assertion (is_valid () == 1);
template <typename CMap2>
void copy(const CMap2& amap,
boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle, Dart_handle>* dart_mapping=NULL)
CGAL::cpp11::tuple<> converters;
Default_converter_dart_info<CMap2, Refs> dartinfoconverter;
Default_converter_cmap_0attributes_with_point<CMap2, Refs> pointconverter;
copy(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter, pointconverter, dart_mapping);
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters>
void copy(const CMap2& amap, const Converters& converters,
boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle, Dart_handle>* dart_mapping=NULL)
Default_converter_cmap_0attributes_with_point<CMap2, Refs> pointconverter;
Default_converter_dart_info<CMap2, Refs> dartinfoconverter;
copy(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter, pointconverter, dart_mapping);
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter>
void copy(const CMap2& amap, const Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter,
boost::unordered_map<typename CMap2::Dart_const_handle, Dart_handle>* dart_mapping=NULL)
Default_converter_cmap_0attributes_with_point<CMap2, Refs> pointconverter;
copy(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter, pointconverter, dart_mapping);
// Copy constructor from a map having exactly the same type.
Combinatorial_map_base (const Self & amap)
{ copy(amap); }
// "Copy constructor" from a map having different type.
template <typename CMap2>
Combinatorial_map_base(const CMap2& amap)
{ copy(amap); }
// "Copy constructor" from a map having different type.
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters>
Combinatorial_map_base(const CMap2& amap, Converters& converters)
{ copy(amap, converters); }
// "Copy constructor" from a map having different type.
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter>
Combinatorial_map_base(const CMap2& amap, Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter)
{ copy(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter); }
// "Copy constructor" from a map having different type.
template <typename CMap2, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter,
typename PointConverter>
Combinatorial_map_base(const CMap2& amap, Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter,
const PointConverter& pointconverter)
{ copy(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter, pointconverter); }
/** Affectation operation. Copies one map to the other.
* @param amap a combinatorial map.
* @return A copy of that combinatorial map.
Self & operator= (const Self & amap)
if (this!=&amap)
Self tmp(amap);
return *this;
/** Swap this combinatorial map with amap, a second combinatorial map.
* Note that the two maps have exactly the same type.
* @param amap a combinatorial map.
void swap(Self & amap)
if (this!=&amap)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
< internal::Swap_attributes_functor <Self> >::run(*this, amap);
std::swap(mnb_used_marks, amap.mnb_used_marks);
std::swap_ranges(mfree_marks_stack, mfree_marks_stack+NB_MARKS,
std::swap(null_dart_handle, amap.null_dart_handle);
/** Clear the combinatorial map. Remove all darts and all attributes.
* Note that reserved marks are not free.
void clear()
for ( size_type i = 0; i < NB_MARKS; ++i)
this->mnb_marked_darts[i] = 0;
/** Test if the map is empty.
* @return true iff the map is empty.
bool is_empty() const
{ return mdarts.empty(); }
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Self& amap)
save_combinatorial_map(amap, os);
return os;
friend std::ifstream& operator>> (std::ifstream& is, Self& amap)
load_combinatorial_map(is, amap);
return is;
/** Create a new dart and add it to the map.
* The marks of the darts are initialised with mmask_marks, i.e. the dart
* is unmarked for all the marks.
* @return a Dart_handle on the new dart.
template < typename... Args >
Dart_handle create_dart(const Args&... args)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(args...);
return res;
Dart_handle create_dart()
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace();
return res;
template < typename T1 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
typename T6 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
typename T6, typename T7 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6,
const T7 &t7)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
typename T6, typename T7, typename T8 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6,
const T7 &t7, const T8 &t8)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8);
return res;
template < typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5,
typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9 >
Dart_handle create_dart(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3,
const T4 &t4, const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6,
const T7 &t7, const T8 &t8, const T9 &t9)
Dart_handle res=mdarts.emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9);
return res;
/** Erase a dart from the list of darts.
* @param adart the dart to erase.
void erase_dart(Dart_handle adart)
// 1) We update the number of marked darts.
for ( size_type i = 0; i < mnb_used_marks; ++i)
if (is_marked(adart, mused_marks_stack[i]))
// 2) We update the attribute_ref_counting.
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Decrease_attribute_functor<Self> >::run(*this,adart);
// 3) We erase the dart.
/** Erase a dart from the list of darts. Restricted version
* which do not delete attribute having no more dart associated.
* @param adart the dart to erase.
void restricted_erase_dart(Dart_handle adart)
// 1) We update the number of marked darts.
for ( size_type i = 0; i < mnb_used_marks; ++i)
if (is_marked(adart, mused_marks_stack[i]))
// 2) We update the attribute_ref_counting.
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Restricted_decrease_attribute_functor<Self> >::run(*this,adart);
// 3) We erase the dart.
/// @return true if dh points to a used dart (i.e. valid).
bool is_dart_used(Dart_const_handle dh) const
{ return mdarts.is_used(dh); }
/// @return a Dart_range (range through all the darts of the map).
Dart_range& darts() { return mdarts;}
Dart_const_range& darts() const { return mdarts; }
/** Get the first dart of this map.
* @return the first dart.
Dart_handle first_dart()
if (darts().begin() == darts().end()) return null_handle;
return mdarts.begin();
Dart_const_handle first_dart() const
if (darts().begin() == darts().end()) return null_handle;
return mdarts.begin();
/// @return the Dart_handle corresponding to the given dart.
Dart_handle dart_handle(Dart& adart)
{ return mdarts.iterator_to(adart); }
Dart_const_handle dart_handle(const Dart& adart) const
{ return mdarts.iterator_to(adart); }
/** Return the highest dimension for which dh is not free.
* @param dh a dart handle
* @return the dimension d such that dh is not d-free but k-free for
* all k>d. -1 if the dart is free for all d in {0..n}
int highest_nonfree_dimension(Dart_const_handle dh) const
for (int i=(int)dimension; i>=0; --i)
{ if ( !is_free(dh, i) ) return i; }
return -1;
/** Return a dart belonging to the same edge and to the second vertex
* of the current edge (NULL if such a dart does not exist).
* @return An handle to the opposite dart.
Dart_handle opposite(Dart_handle dh)
for (unsigned int i = 2; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(dh, i)) return beta(dh, i);
return null_handle;
Dart_const_handle opposite(Dart_const_handle dh) const
for (unsigned int i = 2; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(dh, i)) return beta(dh, i);
return null_handle;
/** Return a dart incident to the other extremity of the current edge,
* but contrary to opposite, non necessary to the same edge
* (NULL if such a dart does not exist).
* @return An handle to the opposite dart.
Dart_handle other_extremity(Dart_handle dh)
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(dh, i)) return beta(dh, i);
return null_handle;
Dart_const_handle other_extremity(Dart_const_handle dh) const
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(dh, i)) return beta(dh, i);
return null_handle;
// Set the handle on the i th attribute
// Restricted version which do not use delete attributes when their ref
// counting become null, nor that update the dart of attribute.
template<unsigned int i>
void restricted_set_dart_attribute(Dart_handle dh,
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type ah)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"set_dart_attribute<i> called but i-attributes are disabled.");
if ( this->template attribute<i>(dh)==ah ) return;
if ( this->template attribute<i>(dh)!=null_handle )
this->template dec_attribute_ref_counting<i>(this->template attribute<i>(dh));
Base::template basic_set_dart_attribute<i>(dh, ah);
if ( ah!=null_handle )
this->template inc_attribute_ref_counting<i>(ah);
// Set the handle on the i th attribute
template<unsigned int i>
void set_dart_attribute(Dart_handle dh,
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type ah)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"set_dart_attribute<i> called but i-attributes are disabled.");
if ( this->template attribute<i>(dh)==ah ) return;
if ( this->template attribute<i>(dh)!=null_handle )
this->template dec_attribute_ref_counting<i>(this->template attribute<i>(dh));
if ( this->are_attributes_automatically_managed() &&
this->template get_attribute_ref_counting<i>
(this->template attribute<i>(dh))==0 )
this->template erase_attribute<i>(this->template attribute<i>(dh));
this->template basic_set_dart_attribute<i>(dh, ah);
if ( ah!=null_handle )
this->template set_dart_of_attribute<i>(ah, dh);
this->template inc_attribute_ref_counting<i>(ah);
/// Marks can be modified even for const handle; otherwise it is not
/// possible to iterate through const combinatorial maps.
// Initialize a given dart: all beta to null_dart_handle and all
// attributes to null, all marks unmarked.
void init_dart(Dart_handle adart)
set_dart_marks(adart, mmask_marks);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i)
dart_unlink_beta(adart, i);
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Init_attribute_functor<Self> >::run(*this, adart);
internal::Init_id<Dart_container>::run(mdarts, adart);
// Initialize a given dart: all beta to null_dart_handle and all
// attributes to null, marks are given.
void init_dart(Dart_handle adart,
const std::bitset<NB_MARKS>& amarks)
set_marks(adart, amarks);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i)
dart_unlink_beta(adart, i);
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Init_attribute_functor<Self> >::run(*this, adart);
internal::Init_id<Dart_container>::run(mdarts, adart);
/// @return the betas of ADart (beta are used in the same order than
/// they are given as parameters)
template<typename ...Betas>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, Betas... betas)
{ return CGAL::internal::Beta_functor<Self, Dart_handle, Betas...>::
run(*this, ADart, betas...); }
template<typename ...Betas>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, Betas... betas) const
{ return CGAL::internal::Beta_functor<const Self, Dart_const_handle, Betas...>::
run(*this, ADart, betas...); }
template<int... Betas>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return CGAL::internal::Beta_functor_static<Self, Dart_handle, Betas...>::
run(*this, ADart); }
template<int... Betas>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return CGAL::internal::Beta_functor_static<const Self, Dart_const_handle, Betas...>::
run(*this, ADart); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1)
{ return this->get_beta(ADart, B1); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7, int B8)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8); }
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7, int B8, int B9)
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9); }
template<int B1>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return this->template get_beta<B1>(ADart); }
template<int B1, int B2>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7, int B8>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7, int B8, int B9>
Dart_handle beta(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1) const
{ return this->get_beta(ADart, B1); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7, int B8) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8); }
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart, int B1, int B2, int B3,
int B4, int B5, int B6, int B7, int B8, int B9) const
{ return beta(beta(ADart, B1), B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9); }
template<int B1>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return this->template get_beta<B1>(ADart); }
template<int B1, int B2>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7, int B8>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
template<int B1, int B2, int B3, int B4, int B5, int B6,
int B7, int B8, int B9>
Dart_const_handle beta(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return beta<B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9>(beta<B1>(ADart)); }
// Generic function to iterate on CMap or GMap in a generic way
bool is_previous_exist(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return !this->template is_free<0>(ADart); }
bool is_next_exist(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return !this->template is_free<1>(ADart); }
template<unsigned int dim>
bool is_opposite_exist(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return !this->template is_free<dim>(ADart); }
Dart_handle previous(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return this->template beta<0>(ADart); }
Dart_const_handle previous(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return this->template beta<0>(ADart); }
Dart_handle next(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return this->template beta<1>(ADart); }
Dart_const_handle next(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return this->template beta<1>(ADart); }
template<unsigned int dim>
Dart_handle opposite(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return this->template beta<dim>(ADart); }
template<unsigned int dim>
Dart_const_handle opposite(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return this->template beta<dim>(ADart); }
void set_next(Dart_handle dh1, Dart_handle dh2)
{ this->link_beta<1>(dh1, dh2); }
template<unsigned int dim>
void set_opposite(Dart_handle dh1, Dart_handle dh2)
{ this->link_beta<dim>(dh1, dh2); }
Dart_handle other_orientation(Dart_handle ADart)
{ return ADart; }
Dart_const_handle other_orientation(Dart_const_handle ADart) const
{ return ADart; }
size_type number_of_halfedges() const
{ return number_of_darts(); }
bool are_all_faces_closed() const
for (typename Dart_const_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
if (this->template is_free<1>(it))
return false;
return true;
/** Count the number of used marks.
* @return the number of used marks.
size_type number_of_used_marks() const
{ return mnb_used_marks; }
/** Test if a given mark is reserved.
* @return true iff the mark is reserved (ie in used).
bool is_reserved(size_type amark) const
return (mnb_times_reserved_marks[amark]!=0);
/** Count the number of marked darts for a given mark.
* @param amark the mark index.
* @return the number of marked darts for amark.
size_type number_of_marked_darts(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
return mnb_marked_darts[amark];
/** Count the number of unmarked darts for a given mark.
* @param amark the mark index.
* @return the number of unmarked darts for amark.
size_type number_of_unmarked_darts(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
return number_of_darts() - number_of_marked_darts(amark);
/** Test if all the darts are unmarked for a given mark.
* @param amark the mark index.
* @return true iff all the darts are unmarked for amark.
bool is_whole_map_unmarked(size_type amark) const
{ return number_of_marked_darts(amark) == 0; }
/** Test if all the darts are marked for a given mark.
* @param amark the mark index.
* @return true iff all the darts are marked for amark.
bool is_whole_map_marked(size_type amark) const
{ return number_of_marked_darts(amark) == number_of_darts(); }
/** Reserve a new mark.
* Get a new free mark and return its index.
* All the darts are unmarked for this mark.
* @return the index of the new mark.
* @pre mnb_used_marks < NB_MARKS
size_type get_new_mark() const
if (mnb_used_marks == NB_MARKS)
std::cerr << "Not enough Boolean marks: "
"increase NB_MARKS in item class." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " (exception launched)" << std::endl;
throw Exception_no_more_available_mark();
size_type m = mfree_marks_stack[mnb_used_marks];
mused_marks_stack[mnb_used_marks] = m;
mindex_marks[m] = mnb_used_marks;
return m;
/** Increase the number of times a mark is reserved.
* @param amark the mark to share.
void share_a_mark(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
/** @return the number of times a mark is reserved.
* @param amark the mark to share.
size_type get_number_of_times_mark_reserved(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( amark<NB_MARKS );
return mnb_times_reserved_marks[amark];
/** Negate the mark of all the darts for a given mark.
* After this call, all the marked darts become unmarked and all the
* unmarked darts become marked (in constant time operation).
* @param amark the mark index
void negate_mark(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
mnb_marked_darts[amark] = number_of_darts() - mnb_marked_darts[amark];
/** Test if a given dart is marked for a given mark.
* @param adart the dart to test.
* @param amark the given mark.
* @return true iff adart is marked for the mark amark.
bool is_marked(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
return get_dart_mark(adart, amark)!=mmask_marks[amark];
/** Set the mark of a given dart to a state (on or off).
* @param adart the dart.
* @param amark the given mark.
* @param astate the state of the mark (on or off).
void set_mark_to(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark,
bool astate) const
CGAL_assertion( adart != null_dart_handle );
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
if (is_marked(adart, amark) != astate)
if (astate) ++mnb_marked_darts[amark];
else --mnb_marked_darts[amark];
flip_dart_mark(adart, amark);
/** Mark the given dart.
* @param adart the dart.
* @param amark the given mark.
void mark(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( adart != null_dart_handle );
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
if (is_marked(adart, amark)) return;
flip_dart_mark(adart, amark);
/** Unmark the given dart.
* @param adart the dart.
* @param amark the given mark.
void unmark(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( adart != null_dart_handle );
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
if (!is_marked(adart, amark)) return;
flip_dart_mark(adart, amark);
/** Mark null_dart (used as a sentinel in iterators).
* As null dart does not belong to the set of darts, it is not counted
* as number of marked darts.
* @param amark the given mark.
void mark_null_dart(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
set_dart_mark(null_dart_handle, amark, !mmask_marks[amark]);
/** Unmark null_dart.
* @param amark the given mark.
void unmark_null_dart(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
set_dart_mark(null_dart_handle, amark, mmask_marks[amark]);
/** Unmark all the darts of the map for a given mark.
* If all the darts are marked or unmarked, this operation takes O(1)
* operations, otherwise it traverses all the darts of the map.
* @param amark the given mark.
void unmark_all(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
if ( is_whole_map_marked(amark) )
else if ( !is_whole_map_unmarked(amark) )
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
unmark(it, amark);
/** Free a given mark, previously calling unmark_all_darts.
* @param amark the given mark.
void free_mark(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion( is_reserved(amark) );
if ( mnb_times_reserved_marks[amark]>1 )
// 1) We remove amark from the array mused_marks_stack by
// replacing it with the last mark in this array.
mused_marks_stack[mindex_marks[amark]] =
mindex_marks[mused_marks_stack[mnb_used_marks]] =
// 2) We add amark in the array mfree_marks_stack and update its index.
mfree_marks_stack[ mnb_used_marks ] = amark;
mindex_marks[amark] = mnb_used_marks;
/** Test if this map is without boundary for a given dimension.
* @param i the dimension.
* @return true iff all the darts are not i-free.
* @pre 1<=i<=n
bool is_without_boundary(unsigned int i) const
CGAL_assertion(1<=i && i<=dimension);
for ( typename Dart_const_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
if (is_free(it, i)) return false;
return true;
/** Test if this map is without boundary for all the dimensions.
* @return true iff all the darts are non free.
bool is_without_boundary() const
for ( typename Dart_const_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i<=dimension; ++i)
if (is_free(it, i)) return false;
return true;
/** Close the combinatorial map for a given dimension.
* @param i the dimension to close
* @return the number of new darts.
* @pre 2<=i<=n (TODO case i==1)
template<unsigned int i>
unsigned int close()
CGAL_assertion( 2<=i && i<=dimension );
unsigned int res = 0;
Dart_handle d, d2;
for ( typename Dart_range::iterator it(darts().begin());
it!=darts().end(); ++it)
if ( this->template is_free<i>(it) )
d = create_dart();
link_beta_for_involution<i>(it, d);
if (i>2)
// Special cases for 0 and 1
if ( !this->template is_free<1>(it) &&
!this->template is_free<i>(beta<1>(it)) )
if ( !this->template is_free<0>(it) &&
!this->template is_free<i>(beta<0>(it)) )
// General case for 2...dimension
for ( unsigned int j=2; j<=dimension; ++j)
if ( j+1!=i && j!=i && j!=i+1 &&
!is_free(it, j) && !this->template is_free<i>(beta(it, j)) )
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(it, j, i), d, j);
d2 = beta<i-1>(it);
while (d2!=null_dart_handle &&
!this->template is_free<i-1>(beta<i>(d2)))
{ d2 = beta<i, i-1>(d2); }
if (d2!=null_dart_handle && !this->template is_free<i>(d2))
if (i==2) basic_link_beta<1>(beta<2>(d2), d);
else basic_link_beta_for_involution<i-1>(beta<i>(d2), d);
if (i==2) // We perhaps need also to link beta0
d2 = beta<0>(it);
while (d2!=null_dart_handle &&
!this->template is_free<0>(beta<2>(d2)))
{ d2 = beta<2, 0>(d2); }
if (d2!=null_dart_handle && !this->template is_free<2>(d2))
basic_link_beta<0>(beta<2>(d2), d);
return res;
/** Test if the map is valid.
* @return true iff the map is valid.
bool is_valid(bool show_errors=true) const
bool valid = true;
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
std::vector<size_type> marks(dimension+1);
for ( i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
marks[i] = INVALID_MARK;
Foreach_enabled_attributes<Reserve_mark_functor<Self> >::
run(*this, marks);
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
if ( !valid )
{ // We continue the traversal to mark all the darts.
for ( i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
if (marks[i]!=INVALID_MARK) { mark(it,marks[i]); }
// beta0 must be the inverse of beta1
if ((!is_free(it, 0) && beta(it, 0, 1)!=it) ||
(!is_free(it, 1) && beta(it, 1, 0)!=it ))
if (show_errors)
{ std::cerr << "Map not valid: beta(0) "
"is not the inverse of beta(1) for dart "
<<darts().index(it) << std::endl;
valid = false;
// Each beta(i>=2) must be an involution
for ( i = 2; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(it, i) && beta(it, i, i)!=it)
if (show_errors)
{ std::cerr << "Map not valid: beta(" << i
<< ") is not an involution for dart "
<<darts().index(it)<< std::endl;
valid = false;
// beta1 o betai and beta0 o betai (i>=3) must be involutions
if (!is_free(it, 0))
for ( i = 3; i <= dimension; ++i)
if ((is_free(it, i) != is_free(beta(it, 0), i)) ||
(!is_free(it, i) && beta(it, 0, i)!=beta(it, i, 1)))
if (show_errors)
std::cerr << "Map not valid: beta(0) o beta(" << i
<< ") is not an involution for dart "
<<darts().index(it)<< std::endl;
valid = false;
if (!is_free(it, 1))
for ( i = 3; i <= dimension; ++i)
if ((is_free(it, i) != is_free(beta(it, 1), i)) ||
(!is_free(it, i) && beta(it, 1, i)!=beta(it, i, 0)))
if (show_errors)
std::cerr << "Map not valid: beta(1) o beta(" << i
<< ") is not an involution for dart "
<<darts().index(it)<< std::endl;
valid = false;
// beta(i>=2) o beta(j>=i+2) must be an involution
for ( i = 2; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(it, i))
for ( j = i + 2; j <= dimension; ++j)
if ((is_free(it, j)!=is_free(beta(it, i), j)) ||
(!is_free(it, j) && beta(it, i, j)!=beta(it, j, i)))
if (show_errors)
std::cerr << "Map not valid: beta(" << i
<< ") o beta(" << j
<< ") is not an involution for dart "
<< darts().index(it)<< std::endl;
valid = false;
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Test_is_valid_attribute_functor<Self> >::
run(*this, it, marks, valid);
for ( i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
if ( marks[i]!=INVALID_MARK )
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_marked(marks[i]) );
return valid;
/// correct invalid attributes in the map
void correct_invalid_attributes()
std::vector<size_type> marks(dimension+1);
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
marks[i] = INVALID_MARK;
Foreach_enabled_attributes<Reserve_mark_functor<Self> >::
run(*this, marks);
for ( typename Dart_range::iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<internal::Correct_invalid_attributes_functor<Self> >::
run(*this, it, marks);
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
if ( marks[i]!=INVALID_MARK )
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_marked(marks[i]) );
Foreach_enabled_attributes<internal::Cleanup_useless_attributes<Self> >::
/// @return the number of darts.
size_type number_of_darts() const
{ return mdarts.size(); }
/// @return an estimation of the bytes used by the combinatorial map.
size_type bytes() const
return mdarts.capacity() * sizeof(Dart) +
/** Write the content of the map: each dart and each beta links.
* @param os the ostream.
* @return the ostream.
std::ostream& display_darts(std::ostream & os, bool attribs=false) const
unsigned int nb = 0;
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it=darts().begin();
it!=darts().end(); ++it)
os << " dart " << darts().index(it)<<"; beta[i]=";
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
if (is_free(it, i)) os << " - \t";
else os << darts().index(beta(it, i)) << ",\t";
if ( attribs )
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
<Display_attribute_functor<Self> >::run(*this, it);
os << std::endl;
os << "Number of darts: " << nb <<"(sizeofdarts="
<<number_of_darts()<<")" << std::endl;
return os;
/** Write the content of each given orbit of the map.
* @param aos the ostream.
* @return the ostream.
template < class Ite >
std::ostream& display_orbits(std::ostream & aos) const
CGAL_static_assertion( (boost::is_same<typename Ite::Basic_iterator,
Tag_true>::value) );
unsigned int nb = 0;
size_type amark = get_new_mark();
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it1(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it1!=itend; ++it1)
if ( !is_marked(it1, amark) )
for ( Ite it2(*this, it1, amark); it2.cont(); ++it2 )
aos << darts().index(it2) << " - " << std::flush;
mark(it2, amark);
aos << std::endl;
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_marked(amark) );
aos << "Number of orbits: " << nb << std::endl;
return aos;
/** Write the content of each i-cell of the map.
* @param aos the ostream.
* @return the ostream.
template < unsigned int i >
std::ostream& display_cells(std::ostream & aos) const
return display_orbits<CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i> >
/** Write the number of darts and cells of the map into a given ostream.
* @param os the ostream.
* @return the ostream.
std::ostream& display_characteristics(std::ostream & os) const
std::vector<unsigned int> cells(dimension+2);
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=dimension+1; ++i)
{ cells[i]=i; }
std::vector<unsigned int> res = count_cells(cells);
os << "#Darts=" << number_of_darts();
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=dimension; ++i)
os<<", #"<<i<<"-cells="<<res[i];
os<<", #ccs="<<res[dimension+1];
return os;
/// Create a new attribute.
/// @return a handle on the new attribute.
template<unsigned int i, typename ...Args>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type create_attribute(const Args&... args)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Reinitialize the ref counting of the new attribute. This is normally
// not required except if create_attribute is used as "copy contructor".
this->template init_attribute_ref_counting<i>(res);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Reinitialize the ref counting of the new attribute. This is normally
// not required except if create_attribute is used as "copy contructor".
this->template init_attribute_ref_counting<i>(res);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
typename T5>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4,
const T5 &t5)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
typename T5, typename T6>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4,
const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
typename T5, typename T6, typename T7>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4,
const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4,
const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7, const T8 &t8)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
template<unsigned int i, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4,
typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type
create_attribute(const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, const T3 &t3, const T4 &t4,
const T5 &t5, const T6 &t6, const T7 &t7, const T8 &t8,
const T9 &t9)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"create_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type res=
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
(mattribute_containers).emplace(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9);
internal::Init_id<typename Attribute_range<i>::type>::run
(this->template attributes<i>(), res);
return res;
/// Erase an attribute.
/// @param h a handle to the attribute to erase.
template<unsigned int i>
void erase_attribute(typename Attribute_handle<i>::type h)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"erase_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
/// @return true if ah points to a used i-attribute (i.e. valid).
template<unsigned int i>
bool is_attribute_used(typename Attribute_const_handle< i >::type ah) const
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"is_attribute_used<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
/// @return the number of attributes.
template <unsigned int i>
size_type number_of_attributes() const
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"number_of_attributes<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
/** Set the i th attribute of all the darts of a given i-cell.
* @param adart a dart of the i-cell.
* @param ah the vertex to set.
template<unsigned int i>
void set_attribute(Dart_handle dh,
typename Attribute_handle<i>::type ah)
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"set_attribute<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
for ( typename Dart_of_cell_range<i>::iterator it(*this, dh);
it.cont(); ++it)
this->template set_dart_attribute<i>(it, ah);
/// @return a Attributes_range<i> (range through all the
/// attributes<i> of the map).
template<unsigned int i>
typename Attribute_range<i>::type & attributes()
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"attributes<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
template<unsigned int i>
typename Attribute_const_range<i>::type & attributes() const
CGAL_static_assertion_msg(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"attributes<i> but i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Get the ith dynamic onsplit functor (by reference so that we can
// modify it directly).
template<int i>
boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type<i>::type&,
typename Attribute_type<i>::type&)>&
(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"onsplit_functor<i> but "
"i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Get the ith dynamic onsplit functor (by reference so that we can
// modify it directly).
template<int i>
const boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type<i>::type&,
typename Attribute_type<i>::type&)>&
onsplit_functor() const
(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"onsplit_functor<i> but "
"i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Get the ith dynamic onmerge functor (by reference so that we can
// modify it directly).
template<int i>
boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type<i>::type&,
typename Attribute_type<i>::type&)>&
(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"onsplit_functor<i> but "
"i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
// Get the ith dynamic onmerge functor (by reference so that we can
// modify it directly).
template<int i>
const boost::function<void(typename Attribute_type<i>::type&,
typename Attribute_type<i>::type&)>&
onmerge_functor() const
(Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>=0,
"onsplit_functor<i> but "
"i-attributes are disabled");
return CGAL::cpp11::get<Helper::template Dimension_index<i>::value>
/** Double link a dart with beta 0 to a second dart.
* \em adart1 is 0-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is 1-linked
* with \em adart1. Attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain
* a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same orbit and having
* different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
void basic_link_beta_0(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
// Intel warning #1017: name following "template" must be a template
this->template dart_link_beta<0>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<1>(adart2, adart1);
/** Double link a dart with beta 0 to a second dart.
* \em adart1 is 0-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is 1-linked
* with \em adart1. Attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain
* a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same orbit and having
* different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
void basic_link_beta_1(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
this->template dart_link_beta<1>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<0>(adart2, adart1);
/** Double link a dart with beta i to a second dart, when i>=2.
* \em adart1 is i-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is i-linked
* with \em adart1. Attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain
* a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same orbit and having
* different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
* @param i the dimension of the beta.
template<unsigned int i>
void basic_link_beta_for_involution(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( i>=2 && i<=dimension );
this->template dart_link_beta<i>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<i>(adart2, adart1);
void basic_link_beta_for_involution(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2,
unsigned int i)
CGAL_assertion( i>=2 && i<=dimension );
CGAL_assertion( i>=2 && i<=dimension );
dart_link_beta(adart1, adart2, i);
dart_link_beta(adart2, adart1, i);
/** Double link a dart with betai to a second dart.
* \em adart1 is i-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is i^-1-linked
* with \em adart1. Attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain
* a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same orbit and having
* different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
template<unsigned int i>
void basic_link_beta(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
if ( i==0 ) basic_link_beta_0(adart1, adart2);
else if ( i==1 ) basic_link_beta_1(adart1, adart2);
else basic_link_beta_for_involution<i>(adart1, adart2);
void basic_link_beta(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2,
unsigned int i)
if ( i==0 ) basic_link_beta_0(adart1, adart2);
else if ( i==1 ) basic_link_beta_1(adart1, adart2);
else basic_link_beta_for_involution(adart1, adart2, i);
/** Double link two darts, and update the NULL attributes.
* \em adart1 is 0-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is 1-linked
* with \em adart1. The NULL attributes of \em adart1 are updated to
* non NULL attributes associated to \em adart2, and vice-versa.
* If both darts have an attribute, the attribute of adart1 is
* associated to adart2.
* We can obtain a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same cell
* and having different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
void link_beta_0(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 0>, 1>::
this->template dart_link_beta<0>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<1>(adart2, adart1);
/** Double link two darts, and update the NULL attributes.
* \em adart1 is 1-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is 0-linked
* with \em adart1. The NULL attributes of \em adart1 are updated to
* non NULL attributes associated to \em adart2, and vice-versa.
* If both darts have an attribute, the attribute of adart1 is
* associated to adart2.
* We can obtain a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same cell
* and having different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
void link_beta_1(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 1>, 1>::
this->template dart_link_beta<1>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<0>(adart2, adart1);
/** Double link two darts, and update the NULL attributes.
* \em adart1 is i-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is i^-1-linked
* with \em adart1. The NULL attributes of \em adart1 are updated to
* non NULL attributes associated to \em adart2, and vice-versa.
* If both darts have an attribute, the attribute of adart1 is
* associated to adart2.
* We can obtain a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same cell
* and having different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
* @param i the dimension of the beta.
* @pre 2<=i<=dimension.
template<unsigned int i>
void link_beta_for_involution(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( 2<=i && i<=dimension );
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, i>, i>::
this->template dart_link_beta<i>(adart1, adart2);
this->template dart_link_beta<i>(adart2, adart1);
/** Double link two darts, and update the NULL attributes.
* \em adart1 is i-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is i^-1-linked
* with \em adart1. The NULL attributes of \em adart1 are updated to
* non NULL attributes associated to \em adart2, and vice-versa.
* If both darts have an attribute, the attribute of adart1 is
* associated to adart2.
* We can obtain a non-valid map with darts belonging to a same cell
* and having different attributes.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
template<unsigned int i>
void link_beta(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
if ( are_attributes_automatically_managed() )
if ( i==0 ) link_beta_0(adart1, adart2);
else if ( i==1 ) link_beta_1(adart1, adart2);
else link_beta_for_involution<i>(adart1, adart2);
else basic_link_beta<i>(adart1, adart2);
/** Double link a dart with betai to a second dart.
* \em adart1 is i-linked to \em adart2 and \em adart2 is i^-1-linked
* with \em adart1. The NULL attributes of \em adart1 are updated to
* non NULL attributes associated to \em adart2, and vice-versa,
* if both darts have an attribute, the attribute of adart1 is
* associated to adart2 (only if update_attributes==true).
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes.
* (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed())
template<unsigned int i>
void link_beta(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2,
bool update_attributes)
if ( update_attributes ) link_beta<i>(adart1, adart2);
else basic_link_beta<i>(adart1, adart2);
/** Double unlink a dart with beta 0.
* beta0(\em adart) is 1-unlinked and \em adart is 0-unlinked.
* The attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain a non-valid map
* with darts belonging to different orbits and having the same
* attributes.
* @param adart a dart.
void unlink_beta_0(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion(!this->template is_free<0>(adart));
this->template dart_unlink_beta<1>(beta<0>(adart));
this->template dart_unlink_beta<0>(adart);
/** Double unlink a dart with beta 1.
* beta1(\em adart) is 0-unlinked and \em adart is 1-unlinked.
* The attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain a non-valid map
* with darts belonging to different orbits and having the same
* attributes.
* @param adart a dart.
void unlink_beta_1(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion(!this->template is_free<1>(adart));
this->template dart_unlink_beta<0>(beta<1>(adart));
this->template dart_unlink_beta<1>(adart);
/** Double unlink a dart with beta i, for i>=2.
* betai(\em adart) is i-unlinked and \em adart is i-unlinked.
* The attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain a non-valid map
* with darts belonging to different orbits and having the same
* attributes.
* @param adart a dart.
* @param i the dimension of the beta.
template<unsigned int i>
void unlink_beta_for_involution(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion(!this->template is_free<i>(adart));
CGAL_assertion(2<=i && i<=dimension);
this->template dart_unlink_beta<i>(beta<i>(adart));
this->template dart_unlink_beta<i>(adart);
void unlink_beta_for_involution(Dart_handle adart, unsigned int i)
CGAL_assertion(2<=i && i<=dimension);
dart_unlink_beta(beta(adart, i), i);
dart_unlink_beta(adart, i);
/** Double unlink a dart with beta i.
* betai(\em adart) is i-1-unlinked and \em adart is i-unlinked.
* The attributes are not updated, thus we can obtain a non-valid map
* with darts belonging to different orbits and having the same
* attributes.
* @param adart a dart.
* @param i the dimension of the beta.
template<unsigned int i>
void unlink_beta(Dart_handle adart)
if ( i==0 ) unlink_beta_0(adart);
else if ( i==1 ) unlink_beta_1(adart);
else unlink_beta_for_involution<i>(adart);
void unlink_beta(Dart_handle adart, unsigned int i)
if ( i==0 ) unlink_beta_0(adart);
else if ( i==1 ) unlink_beta_1(adart);
else unlink_beta_for_involution(adart, i);
/** Test if it is possible to sew by betai the two given darts
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @return true iff \em adart1 can be i-sewn with \em adart2.
template<unsigned int i>
bool is_sewable(Dart_const_handle adart1, Dart_const_handle adart2) const
return CGAL::internal::
Is_sewable_functor<Self, i>::run(this, adart1, adart2);
/** Topological sew by beta1 the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<1>(adart1, adart2).
void topo_sew_1(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( (is_sewable<1>(adart1,adart2)) );
if ( adart1==adart2 )
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,1> it(*this, adart1);
it.cont(); ++it )
basic_link_beta_1(it, it);
size_type m = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0>
it(*this, adart1, m); it.cont(); ++it )
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,1> I1(*this, adart1);
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,1> I2(*this, adart2);
for ( ; I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
if ( is_marked(I1,m) ) basic_link_beta_1(I1, I2);
else basic_link_beta_0(I1, I2);
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=dartv.begin();
it!=dartv.end(); ++it)
{ unmark(*it,m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
/** Topological sew by beta0 two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<0>(adart1, adart2).
void topo_sew_0(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
{ topo_sew_1(adart2, adart1); }
/** Topological sew by betai two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre 2<=i<=dimension.
* @pre is_sewable<i>(adart1, adart2).
template<unsigned int i>
void topo_sew_for_involution(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( 2<=i && i<=Self::dimension );
CGAL_assertion( (is_sewable<i>(adart1,adart2)) );
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,i> I1(*this, adart1);
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i> I2(*this, adart2);
for ( ; I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
basic_link_beta_for_involution<i>(I1, I2);
/** Topological sew by betai two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<i>(adart1, adart2).
template<unsigned int i>
void topo_sew(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
if ( i==0 ) topo_sew_1(adart2, adart1);
else if ( i==1 ) topo_sew_1(adart1, adart2);
else topo_sew_for_involution<i>(adart1, adart2);
/** Sew by beta0 the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and updates enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<0>(adart1, adart2).
* @post is_valid()
void sew_0(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( (is_sewable<0>(adart1,adart2)) );
if ( adart1==adart2 )
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,1> it(*this, adart1);
it.cont(); ++it )
basic_link_beta_1(it, it);
size_type m = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self, 0>
it(*this, adart1, m); it.cont(); ++it )
size_type mark = get_new_mark();
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self, 1>
I1(*this, adart1, mark);
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self, 1>
I2(*this, adart2, mark);
// This first loop do not modify the map, but only the attributes
// (by calling when required the onmerge functors).
for ( ; I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
if ( is_marked(I1,m) )
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor<Self, 0>, 1>::
run(*this, I1, I2);
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor<Self, 1>, 1>::
run(*this, I1, I2);
// Now we update the beta links.
negate_mark( mark );
for ( I1.rewind(), I2.rewind(); I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
if ( is_marked(I1,m) ) basic_link_beta_0(I1, I2);
else basic_link_beta_1(I1, I2);
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=dartv.begin();
it!=dartv.end(); ++it )
{ unmark(*it,m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
negate_mark( mark );
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) );
/** Sew by beta1 the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and updates enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<1>(adart1, adart2).
* @post is_valid()
void sew_1(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( (is_sewable<1>(adart1,adart2)) );
if ( adart1==adart2 )
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self, 1>
it(*this, adart1); it.cont(); ++it )
basic_link_beta_1(it, it);
size_type m = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self, 0>
it(*this, adart1, m); it.cont(); ++it )
size_type mark = get_new_mark();
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self, 1>
I1(*this, adart1, mark);
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self, 1>
I2(*this, adart2, mark);
// This first loop do not modify the map, but only the attributes
// (by calling when required the onmerge functors).
for ( ; I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
CGAL_assertion( I2.cont() );
if ( is_marked(I1,m) )
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor<Self, 1>, 1>::
run(*this, I1, I2);
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor<Self, 0>, 1>::
run(*this, I1, I2);
// Now we update the beta links.
negate_mark( mark );
for ( I1.rewind(), I2.rewind(); I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
if ( is_marked(I1,m) ) basic_link_beta_1(I1, I2);
else basic_link_beta_0(I1, I2);
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=dartv.begin();
it!=dartv.end(); ++it )
{ unmark(*it,m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
negate_mark( mark );
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) );
/** Sew by betai the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and updates enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<i>(adart1, adart2).
* @pre 2<=i<=dimension.
* @post is_valid()
template<unsigned int i>
void sew_for_involution(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
CGAL_assertion( 2<=i && i<=dimension );
CGAL_assertion( (is_sewable<i>(adart1,adart2)) );
size_type mark=get_new_mark();
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self, i>
I1(*this, adart1, mark);
CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self, i>
I2(*this, adart2, mark);
// This first loop do not modify the map, but only the attributes
// (by calling when required the onmerge functors).
for ( ; I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Group_attribute_functor<Self, i>, i>::
run(*this, I1, I2);
// Now we update the beta links.
negate_mark( mark );
for ( I1.rewind(), I2.rewind(); I1.cont(); ++I1, ++I2 )
basic_link_beta_for_involution<i>(I1, I2);
negate_mark( mark );
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(mark) );
/** Sew by betai the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and updates enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @pre is_sewable<i>(adart1, adart2).
* @post is_valid()
template<unsigned int i>
void sew(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2)
if ( are_attributes_automatically_managed() )
if ( i==0 ) sew_0(adart1, adart2);
else if ( i==1 ) sew_1(adart1, adart2);
else sew_for_involution<i>(adart1, adart2);
else topo_sew<i>(adart1, adart2);
/** Sew by betai the two given darts plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity. Enabled attributes
* are updated only if update_attributes==true.
* @param adart1 the first dart.
* @param adart2 the second dart.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed())
* @pre is_sewable<i>(adart1, adart2).
template<unsigned int i>
void sew(Dart_handle adart1, Dart_handle adart2, bool update_attributes)
if ( update_attributes ) sew<i>(adart1, adart2);
else topo_sew<i>(adart1, adart2);
/** Topological unsew by beta1 the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(1).
void topo_unsew_1(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<1>(adart) );
size_type m = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0> it(*this, adart, m);
it.cont(); ++it )
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,1> it(*this, adart);
it.cont(); ++it )
if ( is_marked(it,m) ) unlink_beta_1(it);
else unlink_beta_0(it);
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=dartv.begin();
it!=dartv.end(); ++it )
{ unmark(*it,m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
/** Topological unsew by beta0 the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(0).
void topo_unsew_0(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<0>(adart) );
topo_unsew_1(this->template beta<0>(adart) );
/** Topological unsew by betai the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(i).
* @pre 2<=i<=dimension.
template<unsigned int i>
void topo_unsew_for_involution(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<i>(adart) );
CGAL_assertion( 2<=i && i<=Self::dimension );
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,i> it(*this, adart);
it.cont(); ++it )
{ unlink_beta<i>(it); }
/** Topological unsew by betai the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity: but do not update attributes
* thus the map can be non valid
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(i).
template<unsigned int i>
void topo_unsew(Dart_handle adart)
if ( i==0 ) topo_unsew_0(adart);
else if ( i==1 ) topo_unsew_1(adart);
else topo_unsew_for_involution<i>(adart);
/** Unsew by beta0 the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and update enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(0).
* @post is_valid()
void unsew_0(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<0>(adart) );
size_type m=get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
std::deque<Dart_handle> modified_darts;
std::deque<Dart_handle> modified_darts2;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0> it(*this, adart, m);
it.cont(); ++it )
mark(it, m);
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,1> it(*this, adart);
it.cont(); ++it )
if ( is_marked(it, m) )
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=dartv.begin();
it!=dartv.end(); ++it )
{ unmark(*it,m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
// We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non
// void attributes.
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Test_split_attribute_functor<Self,0>, 1>::
run(*this, modified_darts, modified_darts2);
/** Unsew by beta1 the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and update enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(1).
* @post is_valid()
void unsew_1(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<1>(adart) );
size_type m = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> dartv;
std::deque<Dart_handle> modified_darts;
std::deque<Dart_handle> modified_darts2;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0>
it(*this, adart, m); it.cont(); ++it)
mark(it, m);
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self, 1> it(*this, adart);
it.cont(); ++it )
if ( is_marked(it, m) )
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator
it=dartv.begin(); it!=dartv.end(); ++it)
{ unmark(*it, m); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m) );
// We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non
// void attributes.
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Test_split_attribute_functor<Self,1>, 1>::
run(*this, modified_darts, modified_darts2);
/** Unsew by betai the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and update enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(i).
* @post is_valid()
* @pre 2<=i<=dimension
template<unsigned int i>
void unsew_for_involution(Dart_handle adart)
CGAL_assertion(2<=i && i<=Self::dimension);
CGAL_assertion( !this->template is_free<i>(adart) );
std::deque<Dart_handle> modified_darts;
for ( CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self, i> it(*this, adart);
it.cont(); ++it )
// We test the split of all the incident cells for all the non
// void attributes.
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<CGAL::internal::Test_split_attribute_functor<Self, i>, i>::
run(*this, modified_darts);
/** Unsew by betai the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity, and update enabled
* attributes when necessary so that the final map is valid.
* @param adart first dart.
* @pre !adart->is_free(i).
* @post is_valid()
template<unsigned int i>
void unsew(Dart_handle adart)
if ( are_attributes_automatically_managed() )
if ( i==0 ) unsew_0(adart);
else if ( i==1 ) unsew_1(adart);
else unsew_for_involution<i>(adart);
else topo_unsew<i>(adart);
/** Unsew by betai the given dart plus all the required darts
* to satisfy the combinatorial map validity. Enabled attributes
* are updated only if update_attributes==true.
* @param adart first dart.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed())
* @pre !adart->is_free(i).
template<unsigned int i>
void unsew(Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes)
if ( update_attributes ) unsew<i>(adart);
else topo_unsew<i>(adart);
/** Reverse the orientation (swap beta 0 & 1 links) of the entire map.
* A valid map after this operation remains valid.
* @param none
* @return none
void reverse_orientation()
/** Reverse the orientation (swap beta 0 & 1 links) of the connected
* component containing the given dart.
* A valid map after this operation remains valid.
* @param adart handle to a dart
* @return none
void reverse_orientation_connected_component (Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
run(*this, adart, amark);
/** Count the marked cells (at least one marked dart).
* @param amark the mark to consider.
* @param avector containing the dimensions of the cells to count.
* @return a vector containing the number of cells.
std::vector<unsigned int>
count_marked_cells(size_type amark, const std::vector<unsigned int>& acells) const
std::vector<unsigned int> res(dimension+2);
std::vector<size_type> marks(dimension+2);
// Initialization of the result
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<dimension+2; ++i)
// Mark reservation
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<acells.size(); ++i)
if ( marks[acells[i]]==INVALID_MARK )
marks[acells[i]] = get_new_mark();
// Counting and marking cells
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
if ( is_marked(it, amark) )
run(*this, it, marks, res);
// Unmarking darts
std::vector<size_type> tounmark;
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<acells.size(); ++i)
if ( is_whole_map_marked(marks[acells[i]]) ||
if ( tounmark.size() > 0 )
for ( typename Dart_range::const_iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<tounmark.size(); ++i)
unmark(it, tounmark[i]);
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<tounmark.size(); ++i)
return res;
/** Count the number of given cells
* @param avector containing the dimensions of the cells to count.
* @return a vector containing the number of cells.
std::vector<unsigned int>
count_cells(const std::vector<unsigned int>& acells) const
std::vector<unsigned int> res;
size_type m = get_new_mark();
negate_mark(m); // We mark all the cells.
res = count_marked_cells(m, acells);
negate_mark(m); // We unmark the cells
return res;
/** Count the number of cells in each dimension.
* @return a vector containing the number of cells.
std::vector<unsigned int> count_all_cells() const
std::vector<unsigned int> dim(dimension+2);
for ( unsigned int i=0; i<dimension+2; ++i)
return count_cells(dim);
/** Set simultaneously all the marks of a given dart.
* @param adart the dart.
* @param amarks the marks to set.
void set_marks(Dart_const_handle adart,
const std::bitset<NB_MARKS> & amarks) const
{ set_dart_marks(adart, amarks ^ mmask_marks); }
/** Get simultaneously all the marks of a given dart.
* @param adart the dart.
* @return allt the marks of adart.
std::bitset<NB_MARKS> get_marks(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return get_dart_marks(adart) ^ mmask_marks; }
/** Get the mask associated to a given mark.
* @param amark the mark.
* @return the mask associated to mark amark.
bool get_mask_mark(size_type amark) const
CGAL_assertion(amark>=0 && amark<NB_MARKS);
return mmask_marks[amark];
/** Erase marked darts from the map.
* Marked darts are unlinked before to be removed, thus surviving darts
* are correctly linked, but the map is not necessarily valid depending
* on the configuration of removed darts. User must check carefully marked
* darts before calling this method.
* @param amark the mark of darts to erase.
* @return the number of removed darts.
unsigned int erase_marked_darts(size_type amark)
unsigned int res = 0, i = 0;
Dart_handle d;
for ( typename Dart_range::iterator it(darts().begin()),
itend(darts().end()); it!=itend; )
d = it++;
if (is_marked(d, amark))
for ( i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i)
{ if (!is_free(d, i)) unlink_beta(d, i); }
erase_dart(d); ++res;
return res;
// Dart_of_orbit_basic_range
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
struct Dart_of_orbit_basic_range : public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
struct Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range : public CGAL::CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> >
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range(const Self &amap, Dart_const_handle
adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_orbit_range
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
struct Dart_of_orbit_range : public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart) : Base(amap,adart)
// Dart_of_orbit_const_range
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
struct Dart_of_orbit_const_range : public CGAL::CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,Beta...> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_const_range(const Self &amap, Dart_const_handle adart):
/// @return a range on all the darts of the given orbit
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
Dart_of_orbit_range<Beta...> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<Beta...>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<Beta...>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<Beta...> darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<Beta...>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int ... Beta>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<Beta...>(*this,adart,amark); }
// Dart_of_orbit_basic_range
template<int B1=-1,int B2=-1,int B3=-1,int B4=-1,int B5=-1,
int B6=-1,int B7=-1,int B8=-1,int B9=-1>
struct Dart_of_orbit_basic_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,
B8,B9> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,
B6,B7,B8,B9> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart,
size_type /*amark*/=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart)
// Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range
template<int B1=-1,int B2=-1,int B3=-1,int B4=-1,int B5=-1,
int B6=-1,int B7=-1,int B8=-1,int B9=-1>
struct Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range: public CMap_const_range
B8,B9> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_orbit
<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_orbit_range
template<int B1=-1,int B2=-1,int B3=-1,int B4=-1,int B5=-1,
int B6=-1,int B7=-1,int B8=-1,int B9=-1>
struct Dart_of_orbit_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,
B8,B9> >
Dart_of_orbit_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart):
Base(amap, adart)
// Dart_of_orbit_const_range
template<int B1=-1,int B2=-1,int B3=-1,int B4=-1,int B5=-1,
int B6=-1,int B7=-1,int B8=-1,int B9=-1>
struct Dart_of_orbit_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,
B8,B9> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit
<Self,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9> > Base;
Dart_of_orbit_const_range(const Self &amap, Dart_const_handle adart):
Base(amap, adart)
/// @return a range on all the darts of the given orbit
Dart_of_orbit_range<> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7> darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8>
Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8> darts_of_orbit
(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8,
unsigned int B9>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9>(*this,adart); }
// Const versions.
Dart_of_orbit_const_range<> darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1>
Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1> darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle
adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2>
Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2> darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle
adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3>
Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3> darts_of_orbit
(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8>(*this,adart); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8,
unsigned int B9>
darts_of_orbit(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9>
(*this,adart); }
// Basic versions
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<> darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<>(*this,adart,amark); }
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_const_handle adart,size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1> darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2> darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3> darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6>(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7> darts_of_orbit_basic
(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8>
Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8> darts_of_orbit
(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8,
unsigned int B9>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template <unsigned int B1,unsigned int B2,unsigned int B3,unsigned int B4,
unsigned int B5,unsigned int B6,unsigned int B7,unsigned int B8,
unsigned int B9>
darts_of_orbit_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_orbit_basic_const_range<B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9>
(*this,adart,amark); }
// Dart_of_cell_basic_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_cell_basic_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_cell_basic_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) :
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_cell_basic_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_cell_basic_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_cell_basic_const_range(const Self &amap, Dart_const_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) :
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_cell_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_cell_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_cell_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart) :
Base(amap, adart)
// Dart_of_cell_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_cell_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_cell<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_cell_const_range(const Self &amap, Dart_const_handle adart) :
Base(amap, adart)
/// @return a range on all the darts of the given i-cell
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
Dart_of_cell_basic_range<i,dim> darts_of_cell_basic(Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_cell_basic_range<i,dim>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
Dart_of_cell_basic_const_range<i,dim> darts_of_cell_basic
(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_cell_basic_const_range<i,dim>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_cell_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return darts_of_cell_basic<i,Self::dimension>(adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_cell_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return darts_of_cell_basic<i,Self::dimension>(adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
Dart_of_cell_range<i,dim> darts_of_cell(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_cell_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
Dart_of_cell_const_range<i,dim> darts_of_cell(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_cell_const_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
Dart_of_cell_range<i,Self::dimension> darts_of_cell(Dart_handle adart)
{ return darts_of_cell<i,Self::dimension>(adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_cell(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return darts_of_cell<i,Self::dimension>(adart); }
// Dart_of_involution_basic_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_basic_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_involution_basic_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_involution_basic_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_basic_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,i,dim> >
Dart_of_involution_basic_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) :
Base(amap, adart, amark)
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_involution_basic_range<i,dim>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_basic_const_range<i,dim>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_involution_basic_range<i,Self::dimension>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_basic_const_range<i,Self::dimension>
(*this,adart,amark); }
// Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK):
Base(amap, adart, amark)
// Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_involution_inv
<Self,i,dim> >
Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart,
size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) :
Base(amap, adart, amark)
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_inv_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_range<i,dim>(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_inv_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_const_range<i,dim>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_inv_basic(Dart_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK)
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_range<i,Self::dimension>
(*this,adart,amark); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_inv_basic(Dart_const_handle adart, size_type amark=INVALID_MARK) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_basic_const_range<i,Self::dimension>
(*this,adart,amark); }
// Dart_of_involution_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_involution_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart) :
Base(amap, adart)
// Dart_of_involution_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_involution_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart):
Base(amap, adart)
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_involution_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_const_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_involution_range<i,Self::dimension>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_const_range<i,Self::dimension>(*this,adart); }
// Dart_of_involution_inv_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_inv_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> > Base;
Dart_of_involution_inv_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart) :
Base(amap, adart)
// Dart_of_involution_inv_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct Dart_of_involution_inv_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_involution_inv<Self,i,dim> >
Dart_of_involution_inv_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart):
Base(amap, adart)
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_inv(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i,int dim>
darts_of_involution_inv(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_const_range<i,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_inv(Dart_handle adart)
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_range<i,Self::dimension>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i>
darts_of_involution_inv(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return Dart_of_involution_inv_const_range<i,Self::dimension>
(*this,adart); }
// Dart_basic_range
struct Dart_basic_range {
typedef CGAL::CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_all<Self> iterator;
typedef CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_all<Self> const_iterator;
Dart_basic_range(Self &amap) : mmap(amap)
iterator begin() { return iterator(mmap); }
iterator end() { return iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
size_type size() const
{ return mmap.number_of_darts(); }
bool empty() const
{ return mmap.is_empty(); }
Self & mmap;
// Dart_basic_const_range
struct Dart_basic_const_range {
typedef CGAL::CMap_dart_const_iterator_basic_of_all<Self> const_iterator;
Dart_basic_const_range(Self &amap) : mmap(amap)
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
size_type size() const
{ return mmap.number_of_darts(); }
bool empty() const
{ return mmap.is_empty(); }
const Self & mmap;
Dart_basic_range darts_basic()
{ return Dart_basic_range(*this); }
Dart_basic_const_range darts_basic() const
{ return Dart_basic_const_range(*this); }
// One_dart_per_incident_cell_range
template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct One_dart_per_incident_cell_range: public CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_iterator<Self,i,j,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_const_iterator<Self,i,j,dim> >
typedef CGAL::CMap_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_iterator<Self,i,j,dim>,
CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_const_iterator<Self,i,j,dim> >
One_dart_per_incident_cell_range(Self &amap, Dart_handle adart):
Base(amap, adart)
// One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range
template<unsigned int i,unsigned int j,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range: public CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_const_iterator<Self,i,j,dim> >
typedef CMap_const_range
<Self, CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_incident_cell_const_iterator
<Self,i,j,dim> > Base;
One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range(const Self &amap,
Dart_const_handle adart) :
Base(amap, adart)
// One_dart_per_cell_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct One_dart_per_cell_range {
typedef CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_cell_iterator<Self,i,dim> iterator;
typedef CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_cell_const_iterator<Self,i,dim>
One_dart_per_cell_range(Self &amap) : mmap(amap), msize(0)
iterator begin() { return iterator(mmap); }
iterator end() { return iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
size_type size() const
if (msize==0)
for ( const_iterator it=begin(), itend=end(); it!=itend; ++it)
return msize;
bool empty() const
{ return mmap.is_empty(); }
Self & mmap;
mutable size_type msize;
// One_dart_per_cell_const_range
template<unsigned int i,int dim=Self::dimension>
struct One_dart_per_cell_const_range {
typedef CGAL::CMap_one_dart_per_cell_const_iterator<Self,i,dim>
One_dart_per_cell_const_range(const Self &amap) : mmap(amap), msize(0)
const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(mmap); }
const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(mmap,mmap.null_handle); }
size_type size() const
if (msize==0)
for ( const_iterator it=begin(), itend=end(); it!=itend; ++it)
return msize;
bool empty() const
{ return mmap.is_empty(); }
const Self & mmap;
mutable size_type msize;
/// @return a range on the i-cells incindent to the given j-cell.
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int dim>
one_dart_per_incident_cell(Dart_handle adart)
{ return One_dart_per_incident_cell_range<i,j,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int dim>
one_dart_per_incident_cell(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return One_dart_per_incident_cell_const_range<i,j,dim>(*this,adart); }
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j>
one_dart_per_incident_cell(Dart_handle adart)
{ return one_dart_per_incident_cell<i,j,Self::dimension>(adart); }
template<unsigned int i, unsigned int j>
one_dart_per_incident_cell(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return one_dart_per_incident_cell<i,j,Self::dimension>(adart); }
/// @return a range on all the i-cells
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
One_dart_per_cell_range<i,dim> one_dart_per_cell()
{ return One_dart_per_cell_range<i,dim>(*this); }
template<unsigned int i, int dim>
One_dart_per_cell_const_range<i,dim> one_dart_per_cell() const
{ return One_dart_per_cell_const_range<i,dim>(*this); }
template<unsigned int i>
One_dart_per_cell_range<i,Self::dimension> one_dart_per_cell()
{ return one_dart_per_cell<i,Self::dimension>(); }
template<unsigned int i>
One_dart_per_cell_const_range<i,Self::dimension> one_dart_per_cell() const
{ return one_dart_per_cell<i,Self::dimension>(); }
/** Compute the dual of a Combinatorial_map.
* @param amap the cmap in which we build the dual of this map.
* @param adart a dart of the initial map, NULL by default.
* @return adart of the dual map, the dual of adart if adart!=NULL,
* any dart otherwise.
* As soon as we don't modify this map and amap map, we can iterate
* simultaneously through all the darts of the two maps and we have
* each time of the iteration two "dual" darts.
Dart_handle dual(Self& amap, Dart_handle adart=null_handle)
CGAL_assertion( is_without_boundary(dimension) );
CGAL::Unique_hash_map< Dart_handle, Dart_handle,
typename Self::Hash_function > dual;
Dart_handle d, d2, res = amap.null_handle;
// We clear amap. TODO return a new amap ?
// We create a copy of all the dart of the map.
for ( typename Dart_range::iterator it=darts().begin();
it!=darts().end(); ++it)
dual[it] = amap.create_dart();
internal::Copy_dart_info_functor<Refs, Refs>::
run(static_cast<Refs&>(amap), static_cast<Refs&>(*this),
it, dual[it]);
if ( it==adart && res==amap.null_handle ) res = dual[it];
// Then we link the darts by using the dual formula :
// G(B,b1,b2,...,bn-1,bn) =>
// dual(G)=(B, b(n-1)obn, b(n-2)obn,...,b1obn, bn)
// We suppose darts are run in the same order for both maps.
typename Dart_range::iterator it2=amap.darts().begin();
for ( typename Dart_range::iterator it=darts().begin();
it!=darts().end(); ++it, ++it2)
d = it2; // The supposition on the order allows to avoid d=dual[it];
CGAL_assertion( it2==dual[it] );
// First case outside the loop since we need to use link_beta1
if ( amap.template is_free<1>(d) &&
beta<dimension, dimension-1>(it)!=null_dart_handle )
amap.basic_link_beta_1(d, dual[beta<dimension, dimension-1>(it)]);
// and during the loop we use link_beta(d1,d2,i)
for ( unsigned int i=dimension-2; i>=1; --i)
if ( amap.is_free(d,dimension-i) &&
beta(it, dimension, i)!=null_dart_handle )
amap.basic_link_beta(d, dual[beta(it, dimension, i)], dimension-i);
if ( amap.template is_free<dimension>(d) )
CGAL_assertion ( !this->template is_free<dimension>(it) );
amap.basic_link_beta(d, dual[beta<dimension>(it)], dimension);
// CGAL_postcondition(amap2.is_valid());
if ( res==amap.null_handle ) res = amap.darts().begin();
return res;
/** Test if the connected component of cmap containing dart dh1 is
* isomorphic to the connected component of map2 containing dart dh2,
* starting from dh1 and dh2.
* @param dh1 initial dart for this map
* @param map2 the second combinatorial map
* @param dh2 initial dart for map2
* @param testDartInfo Boolean to test the equality of dart info (true)
* or not (false)
* @param testAttributes Boolean to test the equality of attributes (true)
* or not (false)
* @param testPoint Boolean to test the equality of points (true)
* or not (false) (used for LCC)
* @return true iff the cc of map is isomorphic to the cc of map2 starting
* from dh1 and dh2; by testing the equality of dartinfo and/or
* attributes and/or points.
template <unsigned int d2, typename Refs2, typename Items2, class Alloc2,
class Storage2>
bool are_cc_isomorphic(Dart_const_handle dh1,
const Combinatorial_map_base
<d2,Refs2,Items2,Alloc2, Storage2>& map2,
typename Combinatorial_map_base
<d2,Refs2,Items2,Alloc2, Storage2>::Dart_const_handle dh2,
bool testDartInfo=true,
bool testAttributes=true,
bool testPoint=true) const
typedef Combinatorial_map_base<d2,Refs2,Items2,Alloc2, Storage2> Map2;
bool match = true;
// Two stacks used to run through the two maps.
std::deque< Dart_const_handle > toTreat1;
std::deque< typename Map2::Dart_const_handle > toTreat2;
// A dart of this map is marked with m1 if its bijection was set
// (and similarly for mark m2 and darts of map2)
size_type m1 = get_new_mark();
size_type m2 = map2.get_new_mark();
// A dart of this map is marked with markpush if it was already pushed
// in the queue toTreat1.
size_type markpush = get_new_mark();
Dart_const_handle current;
typename Map2::Dart_const_handle other;
unsigned int i = 0;
typename Map2::Dart_const_handle,
typename Self::Hash_function> bijection;
while (match && !toTreat1.empty())
// Next dart
current = toTreat1.front();
other = toTreat2.front();
if (!is_marked(current, m1))
if (map2.is_marked(other, m2))
{ match=false; }
bijection[current] = other;
mark(current, m1);
map2.mark(other, m2);
// We first test info of darts
if (match && testDartInfo)
match=internal::Test_is_same_dart_info_functor<Self, Map2>::
run(*this, map2, current, other);
// We need to test in both direction because
// Foreach_enabled_attributes only test non void attributes
// of Self. Functor Test_is_same_attribute_functor will modify
// the value of match to false if attributes do not match
if (testAttributes)
if (match)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
< internal::Test_is_same_attribute_functor<Self, Map2> >::
run(*this, map2, current, other, match);
if (match)
Map2::Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes
< internal::Test_is_same_attribute_functor<Map2, Self> >::
run(map2, *this, other, current, match);
if (match && testPoint)
// Only point of 0-attributes are tested. TODO test point of all
// attributes ?
<Self, Map2, 0>::run(*this, map2, current, other);
// We test if the injection is valid with its neighboors.
// We go out as soon as it is not satisfied.
for (i = 0; match && i <= dimension; ++i)
if ( i>map2.dimension )
if (!is_free(current,i))
{ match=false; }
if (is_free(current,i))
if (!map2.is_free(other,i))
{ match=false; }
if (map2.is_free(other,i))
{ match=false; }
if (is_marked(beta(current,i), m1) !=
map2.is_marked(map2.beta(other,i), m2))
{ match=false; }
if (!is_marked(beta(current,i), m1))
if (!is_marked(beta(current,i), markpush))
mark(beta(current,i), markpush);
if (bijection[beta(current,i)]!=map2.beta(other,i))
{ match=false; }
// Now we test if the second map has more beta links than the first
for ( i=dimension+1; match && i<=map2.dimension; ++i )
if (!map2.is_free(other,i))
{ match=false; }
if (!map2.is_marked(other, m2))
{ match=false; }
// Here we test if both queue are empty
if ( !toTreat1.empty() || !toTreat2.empty() )
{ match=false; }
// Here we unmark all the marked darts.
unmark(dh1, m1);
unmark(dh1, markpush);
map2.unmark(dh2, m2);
while (!toTreat1.empty())
current = toTreat1.front();
other = toTreat2.front();
for (i = 0; i <= dimension; ++i)
if (!is_free(current,i) && is_marked(beta(current,i), markpush))
unmark(beta(current,i), m1);
unmark(beta(current,i), markpush);
map2.unmark(map2.beta(other,i), m2);
return match;
/** Test if this cmap is isomorphic to map2.
* @pre cmap is connected.
* @param map2 the second combinatorial map
* @param testDartInfo Boolean to test the equality of dart info (true)
* or not (false)
* @param testAttributes Boolean to test the equality of attributes (true)
* or not (false)
* @param testPoint Boolean to test the equality of points (true)
* or not (false) (used for LCC)
* @return true iff this map is isomorphic to map2, testing the equality
* of attributes if testAttributes is true
template <unsigned int d2, typename Refs2, typename Items2, class Alloc2,
class Storage2>
bool is_isomorphic_to(const Combinatorial_map_base
<d2,Refs2,Items2,Alloc2, Storage2>& map2,
bool testDartInfo=true,
bool testAttributes=true,
bool testPoint=true) const
if (is_empty() && map2.is_empty()) return true;
if (is_empty() || map2.is_empty()) return false;
Dart_const_handle d1=darts().begin();
for (typename Combinatorial_map_base<d2,Refs2,Items2,Alloc2, Storage2>::
Dart_range::const_iterator it(map2.darts().begin()),
itend(map2.darts().end()); it!=itend; ++it)
if (are_cc_isomorphic(d1, map2, it, testDartInfo, testAttributes,
return true;
return false;
/** Test if the attributes of this map are automatically updated.
* @return true iff the boolean automatic_attributes_management is set to true.
bool are_attributes_automatically_managed() const
return automatic_attributes_management;
/** Sets the automatic_attributes_management boolean.
void set_automatic_attributes_management(bool newval)
if (this->automatic_attributes_management == false && newval == true)
this->automatic_attributes_management = newval;
/** Create an half-edge.
* @return a dart of the new half-edge.
Dart_handle make_half_edge()
{ return create_dart(); }
/** Create an edge.
* if closed==true, the edge has no 2-free dart.
* (note that for CMap there is no differente between true and false, but
* this is not the case for GMap)
* @return a dart of the new edge.
Dart_handle make_edge(bool /*closed*/=false)
Dart_handle d1 = create_dart();
Dart_handle d2 = create_dart();
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(d1, d2);
return d1;
/** Create an edge given 2 Attribute_handle<0>.
* Note that this function can be used only if 0-attributes are non void
* @param h0 the first vertex handle.
* @param h1 the second vertex handle.
* if closed==true, the edge has no 2-free dart.
* (note that for CMap there is no differente between true and false, but
* this is not the case for GMap)
* @return the dart of the new edge incident to h0.
Dart_handle make_segment(typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h0,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h1,
bool /*closed*/=false)
Dart_handle d1 = this->make_edge();
return d1;
/** Create a combinatorial polygon of length alg
* (a cycle of alg darts beta1 links together).
* @return a new dart.
Dart_handle make_combinatorial_polygon(unsigned int alg)
Dart_handle start = create_dart();
Dart_handle prev = start;
for ( unsigned int nb=1; nb<alg; ++nb )
Dart_handle cur = create_dart();
basic_link_beta_1(prev, cur);
basic_link_beta_1(prev, start);
return start;
/** Test if a face is a combinatorial polygon of length alg
* (a cycle of alg darts beta1 links together).
* @param adart an intial dart
* @return true iff the face containing adart is a polygon of length alg.
bool is_face_combinatorial_polygon(Dart_const_handle adart,
unsigned int alg) const
unsigned int nb = 0;
Dart_const_handle cur = adart;
if ( cur==null_dart_handle ) return false; // Open face
cur = beta(cur,1);
while( cur!=adart );
return (nb==alg);
/** Create a triangle given 3 Attribute_handle<0>.
* @param h0 the first handle.
* @param h1 the second handle.
* @param h2 the third handle.
* Note that this function can be used only if 0-attributes are non void
* @return the dart of the new triangle incident to h0 and to edge h0h1.
Dart_handle make_triangle(typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h0,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h1,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h2)
Dart_handle d1 = this->make_combinatorial_polygon(3);
return d1;
/** Create a quadrangle given 4 Vertex_attribute_handle.
* @param h0 the first vertex handle.
* @param h1 the second vertex handle.
* @param h2 the third vertex handle.
* @param h3 the fourth vertex handle.
* Note that this function can be used only if 0-attributes are non void
* @return the dart of the new quadrilateral incident to h0 and to edge h0h1.
Dart_handle make_quadrangle(typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h0,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h1,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h2,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type h3)
Dart_handle d1 = this->make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
set_dart_attribute<0>(this->beta<1,1>(d1), h2);
return d1;
/** Create a combinatorial tetrahedron from 4 triangles.
* @param d1 a dart onto a first triangle.
* @param d2 a dart onto a second triangle.
* @param d3 a dart onto a third triangle.
* @param d4 a dart onto a fourth triangle.
* @return d1.
Dart_handle make_combinatorial_tetrahedron(Dart_handle d1,
Dart_handle d2,
Dart_handle d3,
Dart_handle d4)
basic_link_beta_for_involution(d1, d2, 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(d3, beta(d2, 0), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d1, 1), beta(d3, 0), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(d4, beta(d2, 1), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d4, 0), beta(d3, 1), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d4, 1), beta(d1, 0), 2);
return d1;
/** Test if a volume is a combinatorial tetrahedron.
* @param adart an intial dart
* @return true iff the volume containing adart is a combinatorial tetrahedron.
bool is_volume_combinatorial_tetrahedron(Dart_const_handle d1) const
Dart_const_handle d2 = beta(d1, 2);
Dart_const_handle d3 = beta(d2, 0, 2);
Dart_const_handle d4 = beta(d2, 1, 2);
if ( d1==null_dart_handle || d2==null_dart_handle ||
d3==null_dart_handle || d4==null_dart_handle ) return false;
if ( !is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d1, 3) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d2, 3) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d3, 3) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d4, 3) ) return false;
// TODO do better with marks (?).
if ( belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d2) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d3) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d4) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d3) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d4) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d3, d4) ) return false;
if ( beta(d1,1,2)!=beta(d3,0) ||
beta(d4,0,2)!=beta(d3,1) ||
beta(d4,1,2)!=beta(d1,0) ) return false;
return true;
/** Create a new combinatorial tetrahedron.
* @return a new dart.
Dart_handle make_combinatorial_tetrahedron()
Dart_handle d1 = make_combinatorial_polygon(3);
Dart_handle d2 = make_combinatorial_polygon(3);
Dart_handle d3 = make_combinatorial_polygon(3);
Dart_handle d4 = make_combinatorial_polygon(3);
return make_combinatorial_tetrahedron(d1, d2, d3, d4);
/** Create a combinatorial hexahedron from 6 quadrilaterals.
* @param d1 a dart onto a first quadrilateral.
* @param d2 a dart onto a second quadrilateral.
* @param d3 a dart onto a third quadrilateral.
* @param d4 a dart onto a fourth quadrilateral.
* @param d5 a dart onto a fifth quadrilateral.
* @param d6 a dart onto a sixth quadrilateral.
* @return d1.
Dart_handle make_combinatorial_hexahedron(Dart_handle d1,
Dart_handle d2,
Dart_handle d3,
Dart_handle d4,
Dart_handle d5,
Dart_handle d6)
beta(d4, 1, 1), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d1, 1),
beta(d6, 0) , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d1, 1, 1),
d2 , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d1, 0),
d5 , 2);
beta(d2, 1, 1), 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d3, 1),
beta(d6, 1) , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d3, 1, 1),
d4 , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d3, 0),
beta(d5, 1, 1), 2);
beta(d4, 1) , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d6, 1, 1),
beta(d2, 1) , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d5, 0),
beta(d4, 0) , 2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(d5, 1),
beta(d2, 0) , 2);
return d1;
/** Test if a volume is a combinatorial hexahedron.
* @param adart an intial dart
* @return true iff the volume containing adart is a combinatorial hexahedron.
bool is_volume_combinatorial_hexahedron(Dart_const_handle d1) const
Dart_const_handle d2 = beta(d1, 1, 1, 2);
Dart_const_handle d3 = beta(d2, 1, 1, 2);
Dart_const_handle d4 = beta(d3, 1, 1, 2);
Dart_const_handle d5 = beta(d1, 0, 2);
Dart_const_handle d6 = beta(d4, 1, 2);
if ( d1==null_dart_handle || d2==null_dart_handle ||
d3==null_dart_handle || d4==null_dart_handle ||
d5==null_dart_handle || d6==null_dart_handle ) return false;
if (!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d1, 4) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d2, 4) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d3, 4) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d4, 4) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d5, 4) ||
!is_face_combinatorial_polygon(d6, 4) ) return false;
// TODO do better with marks.
if ( belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d2) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d3) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d4) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d5) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d1, d6) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d3) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d4) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d5) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d2, d6) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d3, d4) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d3, d5) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d3, d6) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d4, d5) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d4, d6) ||
belong_to_same_cell<Self,2,1>(*this, d5, d6) )
return false;
if ( beta(d1,2) !=beta(d4,1,1) ||
beta(d1,1,2) !=beta(d6,0) ||
beta(d3,1,2) !=beta(d6,1) ||
beta(d3,0,2) !=beta(d5,1,1) ||
beta(d6,1,1,2)!=beta(d2,1) ||
beta(d5,0,2) !=beta(d4,0) ||
beta(d5,1,2) !=beta(d2,0) ) return false;
return true;
/** Create a new combinatorial hexahedron.
* @return a new dart.
Dart_handle make_combinatorial_hexahedron()
Dart_handle d1 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
Dart_handle d2 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
Dart_handle d3 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
Dart_handle d4 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
Dart_handle d5 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
Dart_handle d6 = make_combinatorial_polygon(4);
return make_combinatorial_hexahedron(d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6);
/** Test if an i-cell can be removed.
* An i-cell can be removed if i==dimension or i==dimension-1,
* or if there are at most two (i+1)-cell incident to it.
* @param adart a dart of the i-cell.
* @return true iff the i-cell can be removed.
template < unsigned int i >
bool is_removable(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return CGAL::Is_removable_functor<Self, i>::run(*this, adart); }
/** Remove an i-cell, 0<=i<=dimension.
* @param adart a dart of the i-cell to remove.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* @return the number of deleted darts.
template < unsigned int i >
size_t remove_cell(Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes = true)
return CGAL::Remove_cell_functor<Self,i,Self::dimension-i>::
/** Test if an i-cell can be contracted.
* An i-cell can be contracted if i==1
* or if there are at most two (i-1)-cell incident to it.
* @param adart a dart of the i-cell.
* @return true iff the i-cell can be contracted.
template < unsigned int i >
bool is_contractible(Dart_const_handle adart) const
{ return CGAL::Is_contractible_functor<Self, i>::run(*this,adart); }
/** Contract an i-cell, 1<=i<=dimension.
* @param adart a dart of the i-cell to remove.
* @return the number of deleted darts.
template < unsigned int i >
size_t contract_cell(Dart_handle adart, bool update_attributes = true)
return CGAL::Contract_cell_functor<Self,i>::
run(*this,adart, update_attributes);
/** Insert a vertex in a given edge.
* @param adart a dart of the edge (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle).
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* @return a dart of the new vertex.
Dart_handle insert_cell_0_in_cell_1( Dart_handle adart,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type
bool update_attributes=true )
Dart_handle d1, d2;
size_type amark=get_new_mark();
// 1) We store all the darts of the edge.
std::deque<Dart_handle> vect;
size_type m=get_new_mark();
for ( typename Dart_of_cell_basic_range<1>::iterator
it=darts_of_cell_basic<1>(adart, m).begin();
it != darts_of_cell_basic<1>(adart, m).end(); ++it )
// 2) For each dart of the cell, we modify link of neighbors.
typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it = vect.begin();
for (; it != vect.end(); ++it)
d1 = create_dart();
if (!this->template is_free<1>(*it))
{ basic_link_beta_1(d1, this->template beta<1>(*it)); }
for ( unsigned int dim=2; dim<=dimension; ++dim )
if (!is_free(*it, dim) && is_marked(beta(*it, dim), amark))
basic_link_beta_for_involution(beta(*it, dim), d1, dim);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(*it, beta(*it, dim, 1), dim);
basic_link_beta_1(*it, d1);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
// We copy all the attributes except for dim=0
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self>, 0>::
if (ah != null_handle)
// We initialise the 0-atttrib to ah
internal::Set_i_attribute_of_dart_functor<Self, 0>::
run(*this, d1, ah);
mark(*it, amark);
for (it = vect.begin(); it != vect.end(); ++it)
unmark(*it, m);
unmark(*it, amark);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
internal::Degroup_attribute_functor_run<Self, 1>::
run(*this, adart, this->template beta<1>(adart));
CGAL_assertion( is_valid() );
return this->template beta<1>(adart);
/** Insert a vertex in the given 2-cell which is splitted in triangles,
* once for each inital edge of the facet.
* @param adart a dart of the facet to triangulate.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* (deprecated, now we use are_attributes_automatically_managed())
* @return A dart incident to the new vertex.
Dart_handle insert_cell_0_in_cell_2( Dart_handle adart,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::type
bool update_attributes=true )
Dart_handle first=adart, prev=null_handle,
cur=null_handle, next=null_handle,
n1=null_handle, n2=null_handle,
nn1=null_handle, nn2=null_handle;
// If the facet is open, we search the dart 0-free
while ( !this->template is_free<0>(first) &&
this->template beta<0>(first)!=adart )
first = this->template beta<0>(first);
// Mark used to mark darts already treated.
size_type treated = get_new_mark();
// Stack of marked darts
std::deque<Dart_handle> tounmark;
// Now we run through the facet
cur = first;
next = this->template beta<1>(cur);
mark(cur, treated);
if (!this->template is_free<0>(cur))
link_beta_0(cur, n1);
else n1 = null_handle;
if (!this->template is_free<1>(cur))
n2 = create_dart();
link_beta_1(cur, n2);
else n2 = null_handle;
if ( n1!=null_handle )
if ( n2!=null_handle )
basic_link_beta_0(n1, n2);
if ( prev!=null_handle )
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(prev, n1);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
internal::Set_i_attribute_of_dart_functor<Self, 0>::
run(*this, n1, ah);
for (unsigned int dim=3; dim<=dimension; ++dim)
if ( !is_free(adart, dim) )
if ( !is_marked(beta(cur, dim), treated) )
if (n1!=null_handle)
link_beta_1(beta(cur, dim), nn1);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(n1, nn1, dim);
else nn1=null_handle;
if (n2!=null_handle)
link_beta_0(beta(cur, dim), nn2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution(n2, nn2, dim);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
internal::Set_i_attribute_of_dart_functor<Self, 0>::
run(*this, nn2, ah);
else nn2=null_handle;
if (nn1 != null_handle && nn2 != null_handle)
basic_link_beta_1(nn1, nn2);
if (nn1 != null_handle && prev != null_handle)
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(nn1, beta(prev, dim));
mark(beta(cur, dim), treated);
if ( n1!=null_handle )
beta(cur, dim, 1), dim);
if ( n2!=null_handle )
beta(cur, dim, 0), dim);
prev = n2;
cur = next;
while(cur!=first && cur!=null_dart_handle);
if (n2 != null_handle)
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>
(this->template beta<0>(first), n2);
for (unsigned int dim=3; dim<=dimension; ++dim)
if ( !is_free(adart, dim) )
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(beta(first, 0, dim),
beta(n2, dim));
// Now we unmark all marked darts, and we degroup the new faces with the
// initial one (if 2-attributes are non void).
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator
itd=tounmark.begin(); itd!=tounmark.end(); ++itd )
unmark(*itd, treated);
for (unsigned int dim=3; dim<=dimension; ++dim)
if ( !is_free(*itd, dim) )
unmark(beta(*itd, dim), treated);
if ( *itd!=adart )
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
internal::Degroup_attribute_functor_run<Self, 2>::
run(*this, adart, *itd);
CGAL_assertion( is_valid() );
return n1;
/** Insert a dangling edge in a 2-cell between given by a dart.
* @param adart1 a first dart of the facet (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle).
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* @return a dart of the new edge, not incident to the vertex of adart1.
Dart_handle insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2( Dart_handle adart1,
typename Attribute_handle<0>::
type ah=null_handle,
bool update_attributes=true )
size_type mark1 = get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> to_unmark;
for ( CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0> it(*this,adart1,mark1);
it.cont(); ++it )
Dart_handle d1 = null_handle;
Dart_handle d2 = null_handle;
unsigned int s1 = 0;
size_type treated=get_new_mark();
it1(*this, adart1, treated);
for ( ; it1.cont(); ++it1)
d1 = create_dart();
d2 = create_dart();
if ( is_marked(it1, mark1) ) s1 = 0;
else s1 = 1;
if ( !is_free(it1, s1) )
if ( s1==0 )
link_beta_1(beta<0>(it1), d2);
link_beta_0(beta<1>(it1), d2);
if (s1==0)
link_beta_0(it1, d1);
link_beta_0(d1, d2);
link_beta_1(it1, d1);
link_beta_1(d1, d2);
basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(d1, d2);
for ( unsigned int dim=3; dim<=dimension; ++dim)
if ( !is_free(it1, dim) &&
is_marked(beta(it1, dim), treated) )
(beta(it1, dim, CGAL_BETAINV(s1)), d1, dim);
(beta(it1, dim, CGAL_BETAINV(s1), 2), d2, dim);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() &&
update_attributes && ah!=NULL)
internal::Set_i_attribute_of_dart_functor<Self, 0>::run(*this, d1, ah);
mark(it1, treated);
for ( it1.rewind(); it1.cont(); ++it1 )
{ mark(it1, treated); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_marked(treated) );
for ( typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it=to_unmark.begin();
it!=to_unmark.end(); ++it)
{ unmark(*it, mark1); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(mark1) );
CGAL_assertion( is_valid() );
return this->template beta<0>(adart1);
/** Test if an edge can be inserted onto a 2-cell between two given darts.
* @param adart1 a first dart.
* @param adart2 a second dart.
* @return true iff an edge can be inserted between adart1 and adart2.
bool is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2(Dart_const_handle adart1,
Dart_const_handle adart2) const
if ( adart1==adart2 ) return false;
for ( CMap_dart_const_iterator_of_orbit<Self,1> it(*this,adart1);
it.cont(); ++it )
if ( it==adart2 ) return true;
return false;
/** Insert an edge in a 2-cell between two given darts.
* @param adart1 a first dart of the facet (!=NULL && !=null_dart_handle).
* @param adart2 a second dart of the facet. If NULL insert a dangling edge.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* @return a dart of the new edge, and not incident to the
* same vertex than adart1.
Dart_handle insert_cell_1_in_cell_2(Dart_handle adart1,
Dart_handle adart2,
bool update_attributes=true)
if ( adart2==null_handle )
return insert_dangling_cell_1_in_cell_2(adart1, null_handle,
CGAL_assertion(is_insertable_cell_1_in_cell_2(adart1, adart2));
size_type m1=get_new_mark();
CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,1> it1(*this, adart1, m1);
size_type m2=get_new_mark();
CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_involution<Self,1> it2(*this, adart2, m2);
size_type mark1=get_new_mark();
std::deque<Dart_handle> to_unmark;
for ( CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_cell<Self,0> it(*this,adart1,mark1);
it.cont(); ++it )
mark(it, mark1);
Dart_handle d1=null_handle;
Dart_handle d2=null_handle;
unsigned int s1=0;
size_type treated=get_new_mark();
for ( ; it1.cont(); ++it1, ++it2)
CGAL_assertion ( it2.cont() );
d1 = create_dart();
d2 = create_dart();
if ( is_marked(it1, mark1) ) s1 = 0;
else s1 = 1;
if ( !is_free(it1, s1) )
if ( s1==0 ) link_beta_1(this->template beta<0>(it1), d2);
else link_beta_0(this->template beta<1>(it1), d2);
if ( !is_free(it2, s1) )
if ( s1==0 ) link_beta_1(this->template beta<0>(it2), d1);
else link_beta_0(this->template beta<1>(it2), d1);
if ( s1==0 )
link_beta_0(it1, d1);
link_beta_0(it2, d2);
link_beta_1(it1, d1);
link_beta_1(it2, d2);
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(d2, d1);
for ( unsigned int dim=3; dim<=dimension; ++dim)
if ( !is_free(it1, dim) &&
is_marked(beta(it1, dim), treated) )
(beta(it1, dim, CGAL_BETAINV(s1)), d1, dim);
(beta(it1, dim, CGAL_BETAINV(s1), 2), d2, dim);
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
internal::Degroup_attribute_functor_run<Self, 2>::run(*this, d1, d2);
it1.rewind(); it2.rewind();
for ( ; it1.cont(); ++it1, ++it2)
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m1) );
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(m2) );
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(treated) );
typename std::deque<Dart_handle>::iterator it = to_unmark.begin();
for (; it != to_unmark.end(); ++it)
{ unmark(*it, mark1); }
CGAL_assertion( is_whole_map_unmarked(mark1) );
CGAL_assertion( is_valid() );
return this->template beta<0>(adart1);
/** Test if a 2-cell can be inserted onto a given 3-cell along
* a path of edges.
* @param afirst iterator on the begining of the path.
* @param alast iterator on the end of the path.
* @return true iff a 2-cell can be inserted along the path.
template <class InputIterator>
bool is_insertable_cell_2_in_cell_3(InputIterator afirst,
InputIterator alast) const
CGAL_assertion( dimension>= 3 );
// The path must have at least one dart.
if (afirst==alast) return false;
Dart_const_handle prec = null_handle;
Dart_const_handle od = null_handle;
for (InputIterator it(afirst); it!=alast; ++it)
// The path must contain only non empty darts.
if (*it == null_handle || *it==null_dart_handle) return false;
// Two consecutive darts of the path must belong to two edges
// incident to the same vertex of the same volume.
if (prec != null_handle)
od = other_extremity(prec);
if ( od==null_handle ) return false;
// of and *it must belong to the same vertex of the same volume
if ( !belong_to_same_cell<Self, 0, 2>(*this, od, *it) )
return false;
prec = *it;
// The path must be closed.
od = other_extremity(prec);
if ( od==null_handle ) return false;
if (!belong_to_same_cell<Self, 0, 2>(*this, od, *afirst))
return false;
return true;
/** Insert a 2-cell in a given 3-cell along a path of darts.
* @param afirst iterator on the begining of the path.
* @param alast iterator on the end of the path.
* @param update_attributes a boolean to update the enabled attributes
* @return a dart of the new 2-cell.
template<class InputIterator>
Dart_handle insert_cell_2_in_cell_3(InputIterator afirst,
InputIterator alast,
bool update_attributes=true)
Dart_handle prec = null_handle, d = null_handle,
dd = null_handle, first = null_handle, it0=null_handle;
bool withBeta3 = false;
for (InputIterator it(afirst); !withBeta3 && it!=alast; ++it)
if (!this->template is_free<2>(*it)) withBeta3 = true;
for (InputIterator it(afirst); it!=alast; ++it)
d = create_dart();
if (withBeta3)
dd = create_dart();
if ( !this->template is_free<2>((*it)) )
basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(this->template beta<2>(*it), dd);
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<3>(d, dd);
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(*it, d);
if (prec != null_handle)
basic_link_beta_0(prec, d);
if (withBeta3)
basic_link_beta_1(this->template beta<3>(prec), dd);
else first = d;
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 2>, 2>::
if (withBeta3)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 2>, 2>::
prec = d;
basic_link_beta_0(prec, first);
if ( withBeta3 )
basic_link_beta_1(this->template beta<3>(prec),
this->template beta<3>(first));
// Make copies of the new facet for dimension >=4
assert(!is_free(first, 2));
for ( unsigned int dim=4; dim<=dimension; ++dim )
if ( !is_free(beta(first, 2), dim) )
Dart_handle first2 = null_handle;
prec = null_handle;
for ( CMap_dart_iterator_basic_of_orbit<Self, 1> it(*this, first);
it.cont(); ++it )
d = create_dart();
basic_link_beta_for_involution(it, d, dim);
if (withBeta3)
dd = create_dart();
basic_link_beta_for_involution(this->template beta<3>(it), dd, dim);
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<3>(d, dd);
if (!this->template is_free<2>(this->template beta<3>(it)))
basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(beta(it, 3, 2, dim), dd);
assert(!is_free(it, 2));
this->template basic_link_beta_for_involution<2>(beta(it, 2, dim), d);
if ( prec!=null_handle )
basic_link_beta_0(prec, d);
if (withBeta3)
basic_link_beta_1(this->template beta<3>(prec), dd);
else first2 = d;
it0=beta(it, 2, dim); // Required because
// Group_attribute_functor_of_dart takes references in parameter
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 2>, 2>::
if (withBeta3)
Helper::template Foreach_enabled_attributes_except
<internal::Group_attribute_functor_of_dart<Self, 2>, 2>::
prec = d;
basic_link_beta_0( prec, first2 );
if ( withBeta3 )
basic_link_beta_1( this->template beta<3>(prec), this->template beta<3>(first2) );
// Degroup the attributes
if ( withBeta3 )
{ // Here we cannot use Degroup_attribute_functor_run as new darts do not
// have their 3-attribute
if (are_attributes_automatically_managed() && update_attributes)
CGAL::internal::Degroup_attribute_functor_run<Self, 3>::
run(*this, first, this->template beta<3>(first));
CGAL_assertion( is_valid() );
return first;
/// Number of times each mark is reserved. 0 if the mark is free.
mutable size_type mnb_times_reserved_marks[NB_MARKS];
/// Mask marks to know the value of unmark dart, for each index i.
mutable std::bitset<NB_MARKS> mmask_marks;
/// Number of used marks.
mutable size_type mnb_used_marks;
/// Index of each mark, in mfree_marks_stack or in mfree_marks_stack.
mutable size_type mindex_marks[NB_MARKS];
/// "Stack" of free marks.
mutable size_type mfree_marks_stack[NB_MARKS];
/// "Stack" of used marks.
mutable size_type mused_marks_stack[NB_MARKS];
/// Number of marked darts for each used marks.
mutable size_type mnb_marked_darts[NB_MARKS];
/// Automatic management of the attributes:
/// true means attributes are always maintained updated during operations.
bool automatic_attributes_management;
/// Tuple of unary and binary functors (for all non void attributes).
typename Helper::Split_functors m_onsplit_functors;
typename Helper::Merge_functors m_onmerge_functors;
template < unsigned int d_,
class Items_=Combinatorial_map_min_items<d_>,
class Items_=Generic_map_min_items,
class Alloc_=CGAL_ALLOCATOR(int),
class Storage_= Combinatorial_map_storage_1<d_, Items_, Alloc_> >
class Combinatorial_map :
public Combinatorial_map_base<d_,
Combinatorial_map<d_,Items_,Alloc_, Storage_>,
Items_, Alloc_, Storage_ >
typedef Combinatorial_map<d_, Items_,Alloc_, Storage_> Self;
typedef Combinatorial_map_base<d_, Self, Items_, Alloc_, Storage_> Base;
typedef typename Base::Dart_handle Dart_handle;
typedef typename Base::Dart_const_handle Dart_const_handle;
typedef typename Base::Alloc Alloc;
typedef typename Base::Exception_no_more_available_mark
Combinatorial_map() : Base()
Combinatorial_map(const Self & amap) : Base(amap)
template < class CMap >
Combinatorial_map(const CMap & amap) : Base(amap)
template < class CMap, typename Converters >
Combinatorial_map(const CMap & amap, const Converters& converters) :
Base(amap, converters)
template < class CMap, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter >
Combinatorial_map(const CMap & amap, const Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter) :
Base(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter)
template < class CMap, typename Converters, typename DartInfoConverter,
typename PointConverter >
Combinatorial_map(const CMap & amap, const Converters& converters,
const DartInfoConverter& dartinfoconverter,
const PointConverter& pointconverter) :
Base(amap, converters, dartinfoconverter, pointconverter)
} // namespace CGAL
#if (BOOST_GCC >= 40900)
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
#include <CGAL/enable_warnings.h>
// EOF //