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180 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2000,2001
// Utrecht University (The Netherlands),
// ETH Zurich (Switzerland),
// INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France),
// Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany),
// and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org)
// $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.1/Kernel_d/include/CGAL/Kernel_d/PointCd.h $
// $Id: PointCd.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
// Author(s) : Michael Seel
#include <CGAL/basic.h>
#include <CGAL/Origin.h>
#include <CGAL/Kernel_d/Tuple_d.h>
namespace CGAL {
#define PointCd PointCd2
template <class FT, class LA> class PointCd;
template <class FT, class LA>
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, PointCd<FT,LA>&);
template <class FT, class LA>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const PointCd<FT,LA>&);
template <class _FT, class _LA >
class PointCd : public Handle_for< Tuple_d<_FT,_LA> > {
typedef Tuple_d<_FT,_LA> Tuple;
typedef Handle_for<Tuple> Base;
typedef PointCd<_FT,_LA> Self;
using Base::ptr;
typename _LA::Vector& vector_rep() { return ptr()->v; }
const typename _LA::Vector& vector_rep() const { return ptr()->v; }
_FT& entry(int i) { return ptr()->v[i]; }
const _FT& entry(int i) const { return ptr()->v[i]; }
PointCd(const Base& b) : Base(b) {}
/*{\Mtypes 4}*/
typedef _FT RT;
typedef _FT FT;
typedef _LA LA;
typedef typename Tuple::const_iterator Cartesian_const_iterator;
typedef typename Tuple::Homogeneous_const_iterator Homogeneous_const_iterator;
friend class VectorCd<FT,LA>;
friend class HyperplaneCd<FT,LA>;
/*{\Mcreation 4}*/
PointCd(int d = 0) : Base( Tuple(d) ) {}
PointCd(int d, const Origin&) : Base( Tuple(d) ) {}
template <class InputIterator>
PointCd(int d, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
: Base( Tuple(d,first,last) )
{ if ( first == last ) return;
// else first specifies common denominator:
"PointCd::constructor: denominator must be nonzero.");
for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) entry(i)=entry(i)/FT(*first);
template <class InputIterator>
PointCd (int d, InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
const FT& D) : Base( Tuple(d,first,last) )
{ CGAL_assertion_msg(D!=FT(0),"PointCd::constructor: D must be nonzero.");
for (int i=0; i<d; ++i) entry(i)=entry(i)/D;
PointCd(int x, int y, int w = 1) : Base( Tuple((FT)x,(FT)y) )
{ CGAL_assertion_msg(w!=0,"PointCd::construction: w == 0.");
vector_rep()/=w; }
PointCd(const FT& x, const FT& y, const FT& w = 1)
: Base( Tuple(x,y) )
{ CGAL_assertion_msg(w!=FT(0),"PointCd::construction: w == 0.");
vector_rep()/=w; }
PointCd(int x, int y, int z, int w) :
Base( Tuple(FT(x),FT(y),FT(z), MatchHelper()) )
{ CGAL_assertion_msg(w!=0,"PointCd::construction: w == 0.");
vector_rep()/=w; }
PointCd(const FT& x, const FT& y, const FT& z, const FT& w)
: Base( Tuple(x,y,z,MatchHelper()) )
{ CGAL_assertion_msg(w!=FT(0),"PointCd::construction: w == 0.");
vector_rep()/=w; }
~PointCd() {}
int dimension() const { return ptr()->size(); }
FT cartesian(int i) const
{ CGAL_assertion_msg((0<=i && i<dimension()),
"PointCd::cartesian(): index out of range.");
return entry(i);
FT operator[](int i) const { return cartesian(i); }
FT homogeneous(int i) const
{ CGAL_assertion_msg((0<=i && i<=(dimension())),
"PointCd::homogeneous(): index out of range.");
if (i!=dimension()) return entry(i); else return FT(1);
Cartesian_const_iterator cartesian_begin() const
{ return ptr()->begin(); }
Cartesian_const_iterator cartesian_end() const
{ return ptr()->end(); }
Homogeneous_const_iterator homogeneous_begin() const
{ return Homogeneous_const_iterator(ptr()->begin(),ptr()->end()); }
Homogeneous_const_iterator homogeneous_end() const
{ return Homogeneous_const_iterator(ptr()->beyondend()); }
PointCd<FT,LA> transform(const Aff_transformationCd<FT,LA>& t) const;
inline VectorCd<FT,LA> operator-(const Origin& o) const;
VectorCd<FT,LA> operator-(const PointCd<FT,LA>& q) const
{ VectorCd<FT,LA> res(dimension());
return res;
PointCd<FT,LA> operator+(const VectorCd<FT,LA>& v) const;
PointCd<FT,LA> operator-(const VectorCd<FT,LA>& v) const;
PointCd<FT,LA>& operator+=(const VectorCd<FT,LA>& v);
PointCd<FT,LA>& operator-=(const VectorCd<FT,LA>& v);
static Comparison_result cmp(
const PointCd<FT,LA>& p1, const PointCd<FT,LA>& p2)
{ Compare_componentwise<FT,LA> cmpobj;
return cmpobj(p1.vector_rep(),p2.vector_rep());
bool operator==(const PointCd<FT,LA>& q) const
{ if (this->identical(q)) return true;
if (dimension()!=q.dimension()) return false;
return vector_rep()==q.vector_rep();
bool operator!=(const PointCd<FT,LA>& q) const
{ return !(*this==q); }
bool operator==(const Origin&) const
{ for (int i = 0; i < dimension(); i++)
if (cartesian(i) != FT(0)) return false;
return true;
friend std::istream& operator>> <>
(std::istream&, PointCd<FT,LA>&);
friend std::ostream& operator<< <>
(std::ostream&, const PointCd<FT,LA>&);
FT hx() const { return cartesian(0); }
FT hy() const { return cartesian(1); }
FT hz() const { return cartesian(2); }
FT hw() const { return FT(1); }
FT x() const { return cartesian(0); }
FT y() const { return cartesian(1); }
FT z() const { return cartesian(2); }
}; // PointCd
#undef PointCd
} //namespace CGAL
//----------------------- end of file ----------------------------------