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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2015 GeometryFactory (France).
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
// $URL$
// $Id$
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
// Author(s) : Sebastien Loriot
#include <CGAL/license/Polygon_mesh_processing/repair.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/minmax_element.hpp>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/Euler_operations.h>
#include <CGAL/Union_find.h>
#include <CGAL/algorithm.h>
#include <CGAL/array.h>
// headers for self-intersection removal
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/self_intersections.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/triangulate_hole.h>
#include <CGAL/boost/graph/selection.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/connected_components.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/border.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/internal/named_function_params.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/internal/named_params_helper.h>
#include <CGAL/Polygon_mesh_processing/polygon_soup_to_polygon_mesh.h>
#include <CGAL/IO/OFF_reader.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
namespace CGAL{
namespace Polygon_mesh_processing {
namespace debug{
template <class TriangleMesh, class VertexPointMap>
std::ostream& dump_edge_neighborhood(
typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::edge_descriptor ed,
TriangleMesh& tmesh,
const VertexPointMap& vpmap,
std::ostream& out)
typedef boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(ed, tmesh);
std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> vertices;
std::set<face_descriptor> faces;
int vindex=0;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_target(h, tmesh))
if ( vertices.insert(std::make_pair(source(hd, tmesh), vindex)).second )
if (!is_border(hd, tmesh))
faces.insert( face(hd, tmesh) );
h=opposite(h, tmesh);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_target(h, tmesh))
if ( vertices.insert(std::make_pair(source(hd, tmesh), vindex)).second )
if (!is_border(hd, tmesh))
faces.insert( face(hd, tmesh) );
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> ordered_vertices(vertices.size());
typedef std::pair<const vertex_descriptor, int> Pair_type;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair_type& p, vertices)
out << "OFF\n" << ordered_vertices.size() << " " << faces.size() << " 0\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd, ordered_vertices)
out << get(vpmap, vd) << "\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, faces)
out << "3";
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_face(h, tmesh))
out << " " << vertices[target(hd, tmesh)];
out << "\n";
return out;
template <class FaceRange, class TriangleMesh>
void dump_cc_faces(const FaceRange& cc_faces, const TriangleMesh& tm, std::ostream& output)
typedef typename boost::property_map<TriangleMesh, boost::vertex_point_t>::const_type Vpm;
typedef typename boost::property_traits<Vpm>::value_type Point_3;
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
Vpm vpm = get(boost::vertex_point, tm);
int id=0;
std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> vids;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(halfedge(f, tm), tm), id) ).second ) ++id;
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(next(halfedge(f, tm), tm), tm), id) ).second ) ++id;
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(next(next(halfedge(f, tm), tm), tm), tm), id) ).second ) ++id;
output << std::setprecision(17);
output << "OFF\n" << vids.size() << " " << cc_faces.size() << " 0\n";
std::vector<Point_3> points(vids.size());
typedef std::pair<const vertex_descriptor, int> Pair_type;
BOOST_FOREACH(Pair_type p, vids)
points[p.second]=get(vpm, p.first);
BOOST_FOREACH(Point_3 p, points)
output << p << "\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
output << "3 "
<< vids[ target(halfedge(f, tm), tm) ] << " "
<< vids[ target(next(halfedge(f, tm), tm), tm) ] << " "
<< vids[ target(next(next(halfedge(f, tm), tm), tm), tm) ] << "\n";
} //end of namespace debug
template <class HalfedgeGraph, class VertexPointMap, class Traits>
struct Less_vertex_point{
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<HalfedgeGraph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
const Traits& m_traits;
const VertexPointMap& m_vpmap;
Less_vertex_point(const Traits& traits, const VertexPointMap& vpmap)
: m_traits(traits)
, m_vpmap(vpmap) {}
bool operator()(vertex_descriptor v1, vertex_descriptor v2) const{
return m_traits.less_xyz_3_object()(get(m_vpmap, v1), get(m_vpmap, v2));
template <class Traits, class TriangleMesh, class VertexPointMap, class OutputIterator>
degenerate_faces(const TriangleMesh& tm,
const VertexPointMap& vpmap,
const Traits& traits,
OutputIterator out)
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, faces(tm))
if ( is_degenerate_triangle_face(fd, tm, vpmap, traits) )
return out;
template <class TriangleMesh, class OutputIterator>
degenerate_faces(const TriangleMesh& tm, OutputIterator out)
typedef typename boost::property_map<TriangleMesh, CGAL::vertex_point_t>::type Vpm;
typedef typename boost::property_traits<Vpm>::value_type Point;
typedef typename Kernel_traits<Point>::Kernel Kernel;
return degenerate_faces(tm, get(vertex_point, tm), Kernel(), out);
// this function remove a border edge even if it does not satisfy the link condition.
// The only limitation is that the length connected component of the boundary this edge
// is strictly greater than 3
template <class TriangleMesh>
typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::vertex_descriptor
remove_a_border_edge(typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::edge_descriptor ed,
TriangleMesh& tm)
typedef boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
halfedge_descriptor h=halfedge(ed,tm);
if ( is_border(h,tm) )
halfedge_descriptor opp_h = opposite(h,tm);
CGAL_assertion(next(next(opp_h, tm), tm) !=opp_h); // not working for a hole made of 2 edges
CGAL_assertion(next(next(next(opp_h, tm), tm), tm) !=opp_h); // not working for a hole make of 3 edges
if (CGAL::Euler::does_satisfy_link_condition(edge(h,tm),tm))
return CGAL::Euler::collapse_edge(ed, tm);
// collect edges that have one vertex in the link of
// the vertices of h and one of the vertex of h as other vertex
std::set<edge_descriptor> common_incident_edges;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hos, halfedges_around_source(h, tm))
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hot, halfedges_around_target(h, tm))
if( target(hos, tm) == source(hot, tm) )
common_incident_edges.insert( edge(hot, tm) );
common_incident_edges.insert( edge(hos, tm) );
// in the following loop, we visit define a connected component of
// faces bounded by edges in common_incident_edges and h. We look
// for the maximal one. This set of faces is the one that will
// disappear while collapsing ed
std::set<face_descriptor> marked_faces;
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> queue;
queue.push_back( opposite(next(h,tm), tm) );
queue.push_back( opposite(prev(h,tm), tm) );
marked_faces.insert( face(h, tm) );
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> boundary;
halfedge_descriptor back=queue.back();
face_descriptor fback=face(back,tm);
if (common_incident_edges.count(edge(back,tm)))
if ( !marked_faces.insert(fback).second )
queue.push_back( opposite(next(back,tm), tm) );
queue.push_back( opposite(prev(back,tm), tm) );
CGAL_assertion( boundary.size() == 2 );
common_incident_edges.erase( edge(boundary[0], tm) );
common_incident_edges.erase( edge(boundary[1], tm) );
// hk1 and hk2 are bounding the region that will be removed.
// The edge of hk2 will be removed and hk2 will be replaced
// by the opposite edge of hk1
halfedge_descriptor hk1=queue.front();
halfedge_descriptor hk2=queue.back();
if ( target(hk1,tm)!=source(hk2,tm) )
std::swap(hk1, hk2);
CGAL_assertion( target(hk1,tm)==source(hk2,tm) );
CGAL_assertion( source(hk1,tm)==source(h,tm) );
CGAL_assertion( target(hk2,tm)==target(h,tm) );
// collect vertices and edges to remove and do remove faces
std::set<edge_descriptor> edges_to_remove;
std::set<vertex_descriptor> vertices_to_remove;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, marked_faces)
halfedge_descriptor hd=halfedge(fd, tm);
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
edges_to_remove.insert( edge(hd, tm) );
vertices_to_remove.insert( target(hd,tm) );
hd=next(hd, tm);
vertex_descriptor vkept=source(hk1,tm);
//back-up next, prev halfedge to be restore pointers after removal
halfedge_descriptor hp=prev(opp_h, tm);
halfedge_descriptor hn=next(opp_h, tm);
halfedge_descriptor hk1_opp_next = next(hk2, tm);
halfedge_descriptor hk1_opp_prev = prev(hk2, tm);
face_descriptor hk1_opp_face = face(hk2,tm);
// we will remove the target of hk2, update vertex pointers
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hot,
halfedges_around_target(hk2, tm))
set_target(hot, vkept, tm);
// update halfedge pointers since hk2 will be removed
set_halfedge(vkept, opposite(hk1, tm), tm);
set_halfedge(target(hk1,tm), hk1, tm);
// do not remove hk1 and its vertices
vertices_to_remove.erase( vkept );
vertices_to_remove.erase( target(hk1, tm) );
edges_to_remove.erase( edge(hk1,tm) );
bool hk2_equals_hp = hk2==hp;
CGAL_assertion( is_border(hk2, tm) == hk2_equals_hp );
- case hk2!=hp
/\ /
hk1/ \hk2 /
/ \ /
hn h_opp hp
- case hk2==hp
hk1/ \hk2 == hp
/ \
hn h_opp
// remove vertices
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd, vertices_to_remove)
remove_vertex(vd, tm);
// remove edges
BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor ed, edges_to_remove)
remove_edge(ed, tm);
// remove faces
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, marked_faces)
remove_face(fd, tm);
// now update pointers
set_face(opposite(hk1, tm), hk1_opp_face, tm);
if (!hk2_equals_hp)
set_next(hp, hn, tm);
set_next(opposite(hk1, tm), hk1_opp_next, tm);
set_next(hk1_opp_prev, opposite(hk1, tm), tm);
set_halfedge(hk1_opp_face, opposite(hk1, tm), tm);
set_next(hk1_opp_prev, opposite(hk1, tm), tm);
set_next(opposite(hk1, tm), hn, tm);
return vkept;
template <class EdgeRange, class TriangleMesh, class NamedParameters>
std::size_t remove_null_edges(
const EdgeRange& edge_range,
TriangleMesh& tmesh,
const NamedParameters& np)
using boost::get_param;
using boost::choose_param;
typedef TriangleMesh TM;
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename GetVertexPointMap<TM, NamedParameters>::type VertexPointMap;
VertexPointMap vpmap = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::vertex_point),
get_property_map(vertex_point, tmesh));
typedef typename GetGeomTraits<TM, NamedParameters>::type Traits;
Traits traits = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::geom_traits), Traits());
std::size_t nb_deg_faces = 0;
// collect edges of length 0
std::set<edge_descriptor> null_edges_to_remove;
BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor ed, edge_range)
if ( traits.equal_3_object()(get(vpmap, target(ed, tmesh)), get(vpmap, source(ed, tmesh))) )
std::cout << "Found " << null_edges_to_remove.size() << " null edges.\n";
while (!null_edges_to_remove.empty())
edge_descriptor ed = *null_edges_to_remove.begin();
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(ed, tmesh);
if (CGAL::Euler::does_satisfy_link_condition(ed,tmesh))
// remove edges that could also be set for removal
if ( face(h, tmesh)!=GT::null_face() )
null_edges_to_remove.erase(edge(prev(h, tmesh), tmesh));
if (face(opposite(h, tmesh), tmesh)!=GT::null_face())
null_edges_to_remove.erase(edge(prev(opposite(h, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh));
//now remove the edge
CGAL::Euler::collapse_edge(ed, tmesh);
//handle the case when the edge is incident to a triangle hole
//we first fill the hole and try again
if ( is_border(ed, tmesh) )
halfedge_descriptor hd = halfedge(ed,tmesh);
if (!is_border(hd,tmesh)) hd=opposite(hd,tmesh);
if (is_triangle(hd, tmesh))
Euler::fill_hole(hd, tmesh);
// When the edge does not satisfy the link condition, it means that it cannot be
// collapsed as is. In the following we assume that there is no topological issue
// with contracting the edge (no volume will disappear).
// We start by marking the faces that are incident to an edge endpoint.
// If the set of marked faces is a topologically disk, then we simply remove all the simplicies
// inside the disk and star the hole with the edge vertex kept.
// If the set of marked faces is not a topological disk, it has some non-manifold vertices
// on its boundary. We need to mark additional faces to make it a topological disk.
// We can then apply the star hole procedure.
// Right now we additionally mark the smallest connected components of non-marked faces
// (using the numnber of faces)
//backup central point
typename Traits::Point_3 pt = get(vpmap, source(ed, tmesh));
// mark faces of the link of each endpoints of the edge which collapse is not topologically valid
std::set<face_descriptor> marked_faces;
// first endpoint
BOOST_FOREACH( halfedge_descriptor hd, CGAL::halfedges_around_target(halfedge(ed,tmesh), tmesh) )
if (!is_border(hd,tmesh)) marked_faces.insert( face(hd, tmesh) );
// second endpoint
BOOST_FOREACH( halfedge_descriptor hd, CGAL::halfedges_around_target(opposite(halfedge(ed, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) )
if (!is_border(hd,tmesh)) marked_faces.insert( face(hd, tmesh) );
// extract the halfedges on the boundary of the marked region
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> border;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, marked_faces)
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, CGAL::halfedges_around_face(halfedge(fd,tmesh), tmesh))
halfedge_descriptor hd_opp = opposite(hd, tmesh);
if ( is_border(hd_opp, tmesh) ||
marked_faces.count( face(hd, tmesh) )!=
marked_faces.count( face(hd_opp, tmesh) ) )
border.push_back( hd );
CGAL_assertion( !border.empty() ); // a whole connected component got selected and will disappear (not handled for now)
// define cc of border halfedges: two halfedges are in the same cc
// if they are on the border of the cc of non-marked faces.
typedef CGAL::Union_find<halfedge_descriptor> UF_ds;
UF_ds uf;
std::map<halfedge_descriptor, typename UF_ds::handle> handles;
// one cc per border halfedge
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, border)
handles.insert( std::make_pair(hd, uf.make_set(hd)) );
// join cc's
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, border)
CGAL_assertion( marked_faces.count( face( hd, tmesh) ) > 0);
CGAL_assertion( marked_faces.count( face( opposite(hd, tmesh), tmesh) ) == 0 );
halfedge_descriptor candidate = hd;
candidate = prev( opposite(candidate, tmesh), tmesh );
} while( !marked_faces.count( face( opposite(candidate, tmesh), tmesh) ) );
uf.unify_sets( handles[hd], handles[opposite(candidate, tmesh)] );
std::size_t nb_cc = uf.number_of_sets();
if ( nb_cc != 1 )
// if more than one connected component is found then the patch
// made of marked faces contains "non-manifold" vertices.
// The smallest components need to be marked so that the patch
// made of marked faces is a topological disk
// we will explore in parallel the connected components and will stop
// when all but one connected component have been entirely explored.
// We add one face at a time for each cc in order to not explore a
// potentially very large cc.
std::vector< std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> > stacks_per_cc(nb_cc);
std::vector< std::set<face_descriptor> > faces_per_cc(nb_cc);
std::vector< bool > exploration_finished(nb_cc, false);
// init the stacks of halfedges using the cc of the boundary
std::size_t index=0;
std::map< halfedge_descriptor, std::size_t > ccs;
typedef std::pair<const halfedge_descriptor, typename UF_ds::handle> Pair_type;
BOOST_FOREACH(Pair_type p, handles)
halfedge_descriptor opp_hedge = opposite(p.first, tmesh);
if (is_border(opp_hedge, tmesh)) continue; // nothing to do on the boundary
typedef typename std::map< halfedge_descriptor, std::size_t >::iterator Map_it;
std::pair<Map_it, bool> insert_res=
ccs.insert( std::make_pair(*uf.find( p.second ), index) );
if (insert_res.second) ++index;
stacks_per_cc[ insert_res.first->second ].push_back( prev(opp_hedge, tmesh) );
stacks_per_cc[ insert_res.first->second ].push_back( next(opp_hedge, tmesh) );
faces_per_cc[ insert_res.first->second ].insert( face(opp_hedge, tmesh) );
std::size_t nb_ccs_to_be_explored = nb_cc;
//explore the cc's
// try to extract one more face for a given cc
CGAL_assertion( !exploration_finished[index] );
halfedge_descriptor hd = stacks_per_cc[index].back();
hd = opposite(hd, tmesh);
if ( !is_border(hd,tmesh) && !marked_faces.count(face(hd, tmesh) ) )
if ( faces_per_cc[index].insert( face(hd, tmesh) ).second )
stacks_per_cc[index].push_back( next(hd, tmesh) );
stacks_per_cc[index].push_back( prev(hd, tmesh) );
if (stacks_per_cc[index].empty()) break;
// the exploration of a cc is finished when its stack is empty
if ( exploration_finished[index] ) --nb_ccs_to_be_explored;
if ( nb_ccs_to_be_explored==1 ) break;
while ( exploration_finished[(++index)%nb_cc] );
/// \todo use the area criteria? this means maybe continue exploration of larger cc
// mark faces of completetly explored cc
for (index=0; index< nb_cc; ++index)
if( exploration_finished[index] )
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, faces_per_cc[index])
// collect simplices to be removed
std::set<vertex_descriptor> vertices_to_keep;
std::set<halfedge_descriptor> halfedges_to_keep;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, border)
if ( !marked_faces.count(face(opposite(hd, tmesh), tmesh)) )
halfedges_to_keep.insert( hd );
vertices_to_keep.insert( target(hd, tmesh) );
// backup next,prev relationships to set after patch removal
std::vector< std::pair<halfedge_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor> > next_prev_halfedge_pairs;
halfedge_descriptor first_border_hd=*( halfedges_to_keep.begin() );
halfedge_descriptor current_border_hd=first_border_hd;
halfedge_descriptor prev_border_hd=current_border_hd;
current_border_hd=next(current_border_hd, tmesh);
while( marked_faces.count( face( opposite(current_border_hd, tmesh), tmesh) ) )
current_border_hd=next(opposite(current_border_hd, tmesh), tmesh);
next_prev_halfedge_pairs.push_back( std::make_pair(prev_border_hd, current_border_hd) );
// collect vertices and edges to remove and do remove faces
std::set<edge_descriptor> edges_to_remove;
std::set<vertex_descriptor> vertices_to_remove;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, marked_faces)
halfedge_descriptor hd=halfedge(fd, tmesh);
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i)
if ( !halfedges_to_keep.count(hd) )
edges_to_remove.insert( edge(hd, tmesh) );
if ( !vertices_to_keep.count(target(hd,tmesh)) )
vertices_to_remove.insert( target(hd,tmesh) );
hd=next(hd, tmesh);
remove_face(fd, tmesh);
// remove vertices
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd, vertices_to_remove)
remove_vertex(vd, tmesh);
// remove edges
BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor ed, edges_to_remove)
remove_edge(ed, tmesh);
// add a new face, set all border edges pointing to it
// and update halfedge vertex of patch boundary vertices
face_descriptor new_face = add_face(tmesh);
typedef std::pair<halfedge_descriptor, halfedge_descriptor> Pair_type;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair_type& p, next_prev_halfedge_pairs)
set_face(p.first, new_face, tmesh);
set_next(p.first, p.second, tmesh);
set_halfedge(target(p.first, tmesh), p.first, tmesh);
set_halfedge(new_face, first_border_hd, tmesh);
// triangulate the new face and update the coordinate of the central vertex
halfedge_descriptor new_hd=Euler::add_center_vertex(first_border_hd, tmesh);
put(vpmap, target(new_hd, tmesh), pt);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_target(new_hd, tmesh))
if ( traits.equal_3_object()(get(vpmap, target(hd, tmesh)), get(vpmap, source(hd, tmesh))) )
null_edges_to_remove.insert(edge(hd, tmesh));
CGAL_assertion( is_valid_polygon_mesh(tmesh) );
return nb_deg_faces;
template <class EdgeRange, class TriangleMesh>
std::size_t remove_null_edges(
const EdgeRange& edge_range,
TriangleMesh& tmesh)
return remove_null_edges(edge_range, tmesh,
/// \ingroup PMP_repairing_grp
/// removes the degenerate faces from a triangulated surface mesh.
/// A face is considered degenerate if two of its vertices share the same location,
/// or more generally if all its vertices are collinear.
/// @pre `CGAL::is_triangle_mesh(tmesh)`
/// @tparam TriangleMesh a model of `FaceListGraph` and `MutableFaceGraph`
/// @tparam NamedParameters a sequence of \ref pmp_namedparameters "Named Parameters"
/// @param tmesh the triangulated surface mesh to be repaired
/// @param np optional \ref pmp_namedparameters "Named Parameters" described below
/// \cgalNamedParamsBegin
/// \cgalParamBegin{vertex_point_map} the property map with the points associated to the vertices of `pmesh`. The type of this map is model of `ReadWritePropertyMap`.
/// If this parameter is omitted, an internal property map for
/// `CGAL::vertex_point_t` must be available in `TriangleMesh`
/// \cgalParamEnd
/// \cgalParamBegin{geom_traits} a geometric traits class instance.
/// The traits class must provide the nested type `Point_3`,
/// and the nested functors :
/// - `Compare_distance_3` to compute the distance between 2 points
/// - `Collinear_are_ordered_along_line_3` to check whether 3 collinear points are ordered
/// - `Collinear_3` to check whether 3 points are collinear
/// - `Less_xyz_3` to compare lexicographically two points
/// - `Equal_3` to check whether 2 points are identical
/// - for each functor Foo, a function `Foo foo_object()`
/// \cgalParamEnd
/// \cgalNamedParamsEnd
/// \todo the function might not be able to remove all degenerate faces.
/// We should probably do something with the return type.
/// \return number of removed degenerate faces
template <class TriangleMesh, class NamedParameters>
std::size_t remove_degenerate_faces(TriangleMesh& tmesh,
const NamedParameters& np)
using boost::get_param;
using boost::choose_param;
typedef TriangleMesh TM;
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename GetVertexPointMap<TM, NamedParameters>::type VertexPointMap;
VertexPointMap vpmap = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::vertex_point),
get_property_map(vertex_point, tmesh));
typedef typename GetGeomTraits<TM, NamedParameters>::type Traits;
Traits traits = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::geom_traits), Traits());
typedef typename boost::property_traits<VertexPointMap>::value_type Point_3;
typedef typename boost::property_traits<VertexPointMap>::reference Point_ref;
// First remove edges of length 0
std::size_t nb_deg_faces = remove_null_edges(edges(tmesh), tmesh, np);
std::cout <<"Done with null edges.\n";
std::ofstream output("/tmp/no_null_edges.off");
output << std::setprecision(17) << tmesh << "\n";
// Then, remove triangles made of 3 collinear points
std::set<face_descriptor> degenerate_face_set;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, faces(tmesh))
if ( is_degenerate_triangle_face(fd, tmesh, vpmap, traits) )
// first remove degree 3 vertices that are part of a cap
// (only the vertex in the middle of the opposite edge)
// This removal does not change the shape of the mesh.
while (!degenerate_face_set.empty())
std::set<vertex_descriptor> vertices_to_remove;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, degenerate_face_set)
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_face(halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh))
vertex_descriptor vd = target(hd, tmesh);
if (degree(vd, tmesh) == 3)
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vd, vertices_to_remove)
halfedge_descriptor hd=halfedge(vd, tmesh);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd2, halfedges_around_target(hd, tmesh))
if (!is_border(hd2, tmesh))
degenerate_face_set.erase( face(hd2, tmesh) );
// remove the central vertex and check if the new face is degenerated
hd=CGAL::Euler::remove_center_vertex(hd, tmesh);
if (is_degenerate_triangle_face(face(hd, tmesh), tmesh, vpmap, traits))
degenerate_face_set.insert( face(hd, tmesh) );
if (vertices_to_remove.empty()) break;
while (!degenerate_face_set.empty())
std::cout << "Loop on removing deg faces\n";
// ensure the mesh is not broken
std::ofstream out("/tmp/out.off");
out << tmesh;
std::vector<typename Traits::Point_3> points;
std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > triangles;
std::ifstream in("/tmp/out.off");
CGAL::read_OFF(in, points, triangles);
if (!CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::is_polygon_soup_a_polygon_mesh(triangles))
std::cerr << "ERROR: got a polygon soup!\n";
face_descriptor fd = *degenerate_face_set.begin();
// look whether an incident triangle is also degenerated
bool detect_cc_of_degenerate_triangles = false;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd,
halfedges_around_face(halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh) )
face_descriptor adjacent_face = face( opposite(hd, tmesh), tmesh );
if ( adjacent_face!=GT::null_face() &&
degenerate_face_set.count(adjacent_face) )
detect_cc_of_degenerate_triangles = true;
if (!detect_cc_of_degenerate_triangles)
std::cout << " no degenerate neighbors, using a flip.\n";
// flip the longest edge of the triangle
Point_ref p1 = get(vpmap, target( halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh) );
Point_ref p2 = get(vpmap, target(next(halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) );
Point_ref p3 = get(vpmap, source( halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh) );
CGAL_assertion(p1!=p2 && p1!=p3 && p2!=p3);
typename Traits::Compare_distance_3 compare_distance = traits.compare_distance_3_object();
halfedge_descriptor edge_to_flip;
if (compare_distance(p1,p2, p1,p3) != CGAL::SMALLER) // p1p2 > p1p3
if (compare_distance(p1,p2, p2,p3) != CGAL::SMALLER) // p1p2 > p2p3
// flip p1p2
edge_to_flip = next( halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh );
// flip p2p3
edge_to_flip = prev( halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh );
if (compare_distance(p1,p3, p2,p3) != CGAL::SMALLER) // p1p3>p2p3
//flip p3p1
edge_to_flip = halfedge(fd, tmesh);
//flip p2p3
edge_to_flip = prev( halfedge(fd, tmesh), tmesh );
face_descriptor opposite_face=face( opposite(edge_to_flip, tmesh), tmesh);
if ( opposite_face == GT::null_face() )
// simply remove the face
Euler::remove_face(edge_to_flip, tmesh);
// condition for the flip to be valid (the edge to be created do not already exists)
if ( !halfedge(target(next(edge_to_flip, tmesh), tmesh),
target(next(opposite(edge_to_flip, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh),
tmesh).second )
Euler::flip_edge(edge_to_flip, tmesh);
std::cout << " WARNING: flip is not possible\n";
// \todo Let p and q be the vertices opposite to `edge_to_flip`, and let
// r be the vertex of `edge_to_flip` that is the furthest away from
// the edge `pq`. In that case I think we should remove all the triangles
// so that the triangle pqr is in the mesh.
// Process a connected component of degenerate faces
// get all the faces from the connected component
// and the boundary edges
std::set<face_descriptor> cc_faces;
std::vector<face_descriptor> queue;
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> boundary_hedges;
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> inside_hedges;
face_descriptor top=queue.back();
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd,
halfedges_around_face(halfedge(top, tmesh), tmesh) )
face_descriptor adjacent_face = face( opposite(hd, tmesh), tmesh );
if ( adjacent_face==GT::null_face() ||
degenerate_face_set.count(adjacent_face)==0 )
if (cc_faces.insert(adjacent_face).second)
if ( hd < opposite(hd, tmesh) )
std::cout << " Deal with a cc of " << cc_faces.size() << " degenerate faces.\n";
/// dump cc_faces
int id=0;
std::map<vertex_descriptor, int> vids;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh), id) ).second ) ++id;
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(next(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh), id) ).second ) ++id;
if ( vids.insert( std::make_pair( target(next(next(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh), tmesh), id) ).second ) ++id;
std::ofstream output("/tmp/cc_faces.off");
output << std::setprecision(17);
output << "OFF\n" << vids.size() << " " << cc_faces.size() << " 0\n";
std::vector<typename Traits::Point_3> points(vids.size());
typedef std::pair<const vertex_descriptor, int> Pair_type;
BOOST_FOREACH(Pair_type p, vids)
points[p.second]=get(vpmap, p.first);
BOOST_FOREACH(typename Traits::Point_3 p, points)
output << p << "\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
output << "3 "
<< vids[ target(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh) ] << " "
<< vids[ target(next(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) ] << " "
<< vids[ target(next(next(halfedge(f, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) ] << "\n";
for (std::size_t pid=2; pid!=points.size(); ++pid)
CGAL_assertion(collinear(points[0], points[1], points[pid]));
// find vertices strictly inside the cc
std::set<vertex_descriptor> boundary_vertices;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, boundary_hedges)
boundary_vertices.insert( target(hd, tmesh) );
std::set<vertex_descriptor> inside_vertices;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, inside_hedges)
if (!boundary_vertices.count( target(hd, tmesh) ))
inside_vertices.insert( target(hd, tmesh) );
if (!boundary_vertices.count( source(hd, tmesh) ))
inside_vertices.insert( source(hd, tmesh) );
// v-e+f = 1 for a topological disk and e = (3f+#boundary_edges)/2
if (boundary_vertices.size()+inside_vertices.size() -
(cc_faces.size()+boundary_hedges.size())/2 != 1)
//cc_faces does not define a topological disk
/// \todo Find to way to handle that case
std::cout << " WARNING: Cannot remove the component of degenerate faces: not a topological disk.\n";
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
// preliminary step to check if the operation is possible
// sort the boundary points along the common supporting line
// we first need a reference point
typedef Less_vertex_point<TriangleMesh, VertexPointMap, Traits> Less_vertex;
typename std::set<vertex_descriptor>::iterator,
typename std::set<vertex_descriptor>::iterator > ref_vertices =
boost::minmax_element( boundary_vertices.begin(),
Less_vertex(traits, vpmap) );
// and then we sort the vertices using this reference point
typedef std::set<typename Traits::Point_3> Sorted_point_set;
Sorted_point_set sorted_points;
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor v, boundary_vertices)
sorted_points.insert( get(vpmap,v) );
std::set<typename Traits::Point_3>(sorted_points.begin(),
CGAL_assertion( get( vpmap, *ref_vertices.first)==*sorted_points.begin() );
CGAL_assertion( get( vpmap, *ref_vertices.second)==*cpp11::prev(sorted_points.end()) );
const typename Traits::Point_3& xtrm1 = *sorted_points.begin();
const typename Traits::Point_3& xtrm2 = *cpp11::prev(sorted_points.end());
// recover halfedges on the hole, bounded by the reference vertices
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> side_one, side_two;
// look for the outgoing border halfedge of the first extreme point
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, boundary_hedges)
if ( get(vpmap, source(hd, tmesh)) == xtrm1 )
while( get(vpmap, target(side_one.back(), tmesh)) != xtrm2 )
vertex_descriptor prev_vertex = target(side_one.back(), tmesh);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, boundary_hedges)
if ( source(hd, tmesh) == prev_vertex )
// look for the outgoing border halfedge of second extreme vertex
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, boundary_hedges)
if ( source(hd, tmesh) == target(side_one.back(), tmesh) )
while( target(side_two.back(), tmesh) != source(side_one.front(), tmesh) )
vertex_descriptor prev_vertex = target(side_two.back(), tmesh);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, boundary_hedges)
if ( source(hd, tmesh) == prev_vertex )
CGAL_assertion( side_one.size()+side_two.size()==boundary_hedges.size() );
// reverse the order of the second side so as to follow
// the same order than side one
std::reverse(side_two.begin(), side_two.end());
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor& h, side_two)
h=opposite(h, tmesh);
//make sure the points of the vertices along side_one are correctly sorted
std::vector<Point_3> side_points;
side_points.push_back(get(vpmap,source(side_one.front(), tmesh)));
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, side_one)
side_points.push_back(get(vpmap,target(h, tmesh)));
CGAL_assertion(get(vpmap,source(side_one.front(), tmesh))==side_points.front());
CGAL_assertion(get(vpmap,target(side_one.back(), tmesh))==side_points.back());
std::sort(side_points.begin(), side_points.end());
//\todo the reordering could lead to the apparition of null edges.
CGAL_assertion(std::unique(side_points.begin(), side_points.end())==side_points.end());
for(std::size_t i=0;i<side_one.size()-1;++i)
put(vpmap,target(side_one[i], tmesh), side_points[i+1]);
//same thing for side_two
side_points.push_back(get(vpmap,source(side_two.front(), tmesh)));
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, side_two)
side_points.push_back(get(vpmap,target(h, tmesh)));
CGAL_assertion(get(vpmap,source(side_two.front(), tmesh))==side_points.front());
CGAL_assertion(get(vpmap,target(side_two.back(), tmesh))==side_points.back());
std::sort(side_points.begin(), side_points.end());
//\todo the reordering could lead to the apparition of null edges.
CGAL_assertion(std::unique(side_points.begin(), side_points.end())==side_points.end());
for(std::size_t i=0;i<side_two.size()-1;++i)
put(vpmap,target(side_two[i], tmesh), side_points[i+1]);
CGAL_assertion( source(side_one.front(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first );
CGAL_assertion( source(side_two.front(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first );
CGAL_assertion( target(side_one.back(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.second );
CGAL_assertion( target(side_two.back(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.second );
typename Sorted_point_set::iterator it_pt = cpp11::next(sorted_points.begin()),
it_pt_end = cpp11::prev(sorted_points.end());
bool non_collapsable = false;
typename std::vector<halfedge_descriptor>::iterator side_one_it = side_one.begin();
typename std::vector<halfedge_descriptor>::iterator side_two_it = side_two.begin();
// check if it_pt is the point of the target of one or two halfedges
bool target_of_side_one = get(vpmap, target(*side_one_it, tmesh))==*it_pt;
bool target_of_side_two = get(vpmap, target(*side_two_it, tmesh))==*it_pt;
if (target_of_side_one && target_of_side_two)
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, halfedges_around_target(*side_one_it, tmesh))
if (source(h, tmesh)==target(*side_two_it, tmesh))
CGAL_assertion(target_of_side_one || target_of_side_two);
vertex_descriptor v1 = target_of_side_one ? target(*side_one_it, tmesh)
: target(*side_two_it, tmesh);
vertex_descriptor v2 = target_of_side_two ? target(next(opposite(*side_one_it, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh)
: target(next(*side_two_it, tmesh), tmesh);
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, halfedges_around_target(v1, tmesh))
if (source(h, tmesh)==v2)
if(non_collapsable) break;
if (target_of_side_one) ++side_one_it;
if (target_of_side_two) ++side_two_it;
if (non_collapsable){
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
std::cout << " WARNING: cannot remove a connected components of degenerate faces.\n";
// now proceed to the fix
// update the face and halfedge vertex pointers on the boundary
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, boundary_hedges)
set_face(h, GT::null_face(), tmesh);
set_halfedge(target(h,tmesh), h, tmesh);
// update next/prev pointers of boundary_hedges
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, boundary_hedges)
halfedge_descriptor next_candidate = next( h, tmesh);
while (face(next_candidate, tmesh)!=GT::null_face())
next_candidate = next( opposite( next_candidate, tmesh), tmesh);
set_next(h, next_candidate, tmesh);
// remove degenerate faces
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
remove_face(f, tmesh);
// remove interior edges
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, inside_hedges)
remove_edge(edge(h, tmesh), tmesh);
// remove interior vertices
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor v, inside_vertices)
remove_vertex(v, tmesh);
std::cout << " side_one.size() " << side_one.size() << "\n";
std::cout << " side_two.size() " << side_two.size() << "\n";
CGAL_assertion( source(side_one.front(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first );
CGAL_assertion( source(side_two.front(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first );
CGAL_assertion( target(side_one.back(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.second );
CGAL_assertion( target(side_two.back(), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.second );
// now split each side to contains the same sequence of points
// first side
int hi=0;
for (typename Sorted_point_set::iterator it=cpp11::next(sorted_points.begin()),
it_end=sorted_points.end(); it!=it_end; ++it)
CGAL_assertion( *cpp11::prev(it) == get(vpmap, source(side_one[hi], tmesh) ) );
if( *it != get(vpmap, target(side_one[hi], tmesh) ) ){
// split the edge and update the point
halfedge_descriptor h1 = next(opposite(side_one[hi], tmesh), tmesh);
target(Euler::split_edge(side_one[hi], tmesh), tmesh),
// split_edge updates the halfedge of the source vertex of h,
// since we reuse later the halfedge of the first refernce vertex
// we must set it as we need.
if ( source(h1,tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first)
set_halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, prev( prev(side_one[hi], tmesh), tmesh), tmesh );
// retriangulate the opposite face
if ( face(h1, tmesh) != GT::null_face())
Euler::split_face(h1, opposite(side_one[hi], tmesh), tmesh);
// second side
for (typename Sorted_point_set::iterator it=cpp11::next(sorted_points.begin()),
it_end=sorted_points.end(); it!=it_end; ++it)
CGAL_assertion( *cpp11::prev(it) == get(vpmap, source(side_two[hi], tmesh) ) );
if( *it != get(vpmap, target(side_two[hi], tmesh) ) ){
// split the edge and update the point
halfedge_descriptor h2 = Euler::split_edge(side_two[hi], tmesh);
put(vpmap, target(h2, tmesh), *it);
// split_edge updates the halfedge of the source vertex of h,
// since we reuse later the halfedge of the first refernce vertex
// we must set it as we need.
if ( source(h2,tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first)
set_halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, opposite( h2, tmesh), tmesh );
// retriangulate the face
if ( face(h2, tmesh) != GT::null_face())
Euler::split_face(h2, next(side_two[hi], tmesh), tmesh);
CGAL_assertion( target(halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, tmesh), tmesh) == *ref_vertices.first );
CGAL_assertion( face(halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, tmesh), tmesh) == GT::null_face() );
halfedge_descriptor h_side2 = halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, tmesh);
halfedge_descriptor h_side1 = next(h_side2, tmesh);
CGAL_assertion( get(vpmap, source(h_side1, tmesh)) == get(vpmap, target(h_side2, tmesh)) );
CGAL_assertion( get(vpmap, target(h_side1, tmesh)) == get(vpmap, source(h_side2, tmesh)) );
if ( target(next(opposite(h_side1, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) ==
target(next(opposite(h_side2, tmesh), tmesh), tmesh) )
CGAL_assertion(!"Forbidden simplification");
h_side2 = prev(h_side2, tmesh);
h_side1 = next(h_side1, tmesh);
while( target(h_side1, tmesh) != *ref_vertices.second );
// remove side1 and replace its opposite hedges by those of side2
halfedge_descriptor h_side2 = halfedge(*ref_vertices.first, tmesh);
halfedge_descriptor h_side1 = next(h_side2, tmesh);
CGAL_assertion( get(vpmap, source(h_side1, tmesh)) == get(vpmap, target(h_side2, tmesh)) );
CGAL_assertion( get(vpmap, target(h_side1, tmesh)) == get(vpmap, source(h_side2, tmesh)) );
// backup target vertex
vertex_descriptor vertex_to_remove = target(h_side1, tmesh);
if (vertex_to_remove!=*ref_vertices.second){
vertex_descriptor replacement_vertex = source(h_side2, tmesh);
// replace the incident vertex
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hd, halfedges_around_target(h_side1, tmesh))
set_target(hd, replacement_vertex, tmesh);
// prev side2 hedge for next loop
halfedge_descriptor h_side2_for_next_turn = prev(h_side2, tmesh);
// replace the opposite of h_side1 by h_side2
halfedge_descriptor opposite_h_side1 = opposite( h_side1, tmesh);
face_descriptor the_face = face(opposite_h_side1, tmesh);
set_face(h_side2, the_face, tmesh);
if (the_face!=GT::null_face()) set_halfedge(the_face, h_side2, tmesh);
set_next(h_side2, next(opposite_h_side1, tmesh), tmesh);
set_next(prev(opposite_h_side1, tmesh), h_side2, tmesh);
// take the next hedges
edge_descriptor edge_to_remove = edge(h_side1, tmesh);
h_side1 = next(h_side1, tmesh);
// now remove the extra edge
remove_edge(edge_to_remove, tmesh);
// ... and the extra vertex if it's not the second reference
if (vertex_to_remove==*ref_vertices.second)
// update the halfedge pointer of the last vertex (others were already from side 2)
CGAL_assertion( target(opposite(h_side2, tmesh), tmesh) == vertex_to_remove );
set_halfedge(vertex_to_remove, opposite(h_side2, tmesh), tmesh);
remove_vertex(vertex_to_remove , tmesh);
h_side2 = h_side2_for_next_turn;
return nb_deg_faces;
template<class TriangleMesh>
std::size_t remove_degenerate_faces(TriangleMesh& tmesh)
return remove_degenerate_faces(tmesh,
template <class TriangleMesh, class Vpm>
std::size_t duplicate_non_manifold_vertices(TriangleMesh& tm, Vpm vpm)
typedef boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> GT;
typedef typename GT::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename GT::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
boost::unordered_set<vertex_descriptor> vertices_handled;
boost::unordered_set<halfedge_descriptor> halfedges_handled;
std::size_t nb_new_vertices=0;
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> non_manifold_cones;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, halfedges(tm))
if (halfedges_handled.insert(h).second)
vertex_descriptor vd = target(h, tm);
if ( !vertices_handled.insert(vd).second )
set_halfedge(vd, h, tm);
halfedge_descriptor start=opposite(next(h, tm), tm);
h=opposite(next(h, tm), tm);
if (!non_manifold_cones.empty()) {
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, non_manifold_cones)
halfedge_descriptor start = h;
vertex_descriptor new_vd = add_vertex(tm);
put(vpm, new_vd, get(vpm, target(h, tm)));
set_halfedge(new_vd, h, tm);
set_target(h, new_vd, tm);
h=opposite(next(h, tm), tm);
} while(h!=start);
return nb_new_vertices;
template <class TriangleMesh>
std::size_t duplicate_non_manifold_vertices(TriangleMesh& tm)
return duplicate_non_manifold_vertices(tm, get(vertex_point, tm));
/// \endcond
/// \ingroup PMP_repairing_grp
/// removes the isolated vertices from any polygon mesh.
/// A vertex is considered isolated if it is not incident to any simplex
/// of higher dimension.
/// @tparam PolygonMesh a model of `FaceListGraph` and `MutableFaceGraph`
/// @param pmesh the polygon mesh to be repaired
/// @return number of removed isolated vertices
template <class PolygonMesh>
std::size_t remove_isolated_vertices(PolygonMesh& pmesh)
typedef typename boost::graph_traits<PolygonMesh>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> to_be_removed;
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor v, vertices(pmesh))
if (CGAL::halfedges_around_target(v, pmesh).first
== CGAL::halfedges_around_target(v, pmesh).second)
std::size_t nb_removed = to_be_removed.size();
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor v, to_be_removed)
remove_vertex(v, pmesh);
return nb_removed;
/// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL
template <class TriangleMesh, class face_descriptor, class VertexPointMap>
std::pair< bool, bool >
remove_self_intersections_one_step(TriangleMesh& tm,
std::set<face_descriptor>& faces_to_remove,
VertexPointMap& vpmap,
int step,
bool preserve_genus,
bool verbose)
std::set<face_descriptor> faces_to_remove_copy = faces_to_remove;
if (verbose)
std::cout << "DEBUG: running remove_self_intersections_one_step, step " << step
<< " with " << faces_to_remove.size() << " intersecting faces\n";
typedef boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> graph_traits;
typedef typename graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef typename graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor;
typedef typename graph_traits::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor;
bool something_was_done = false; // indicates if a region was successfully remeshed
bool all_fixed = true; // indicates if all removal went well
// indicates if a removal was not possible because the region handle has
// some boundary cycle of halfedges
bool topology_issue = false;
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: is_valid in one_step(tm)? ";
std::cout << is_valid_polygon_mesh(tm) << "\n";
// Process a connected component of faces to remove.
// collect all the faces from the connected component
std::set<face_descriptor> cc_faces;
std::vector<face_descriptor> queue(1, *faces_to_remove.begin()); // temporary queue
face_descriptor top=queue.back();
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(top,tm);
for (int i=0;i<3; ++i)
face_descriptor adjacent_face = face( opposite(h, tm), tm );
if ( adjacent_face!=boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_face())
if (faces_to_remove.count(adjacent_face) != 0 &&
h = next(h, tm);
// expand the region to be filled
if (step > 0)
expand_face_selection(cc_faces, tm, step,
// try to compactify the selection region by also selecting all the faces included
// in the bounding box of the initial selection
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> stack_for_expension;
Bbox_3 bb;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, cc_faces)
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, halfedges_around_face(halfedge(fd, tm), tm))
bb += get(vpmap, target(h, tm)).bbox();
face_descriptor nf = face(opposite(h, tm), tm);
if (nf != boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_face() &&
stack_for_expension.push_back(opposite(h, tm));
halfedge_descriptor h=stack_for_expension.back();
if ( cc_faces.count(face(h,tm))==1) continue;
if ( do_overlap(bb, get(vpmap, target(next(h, tm), tm)).bbox()) )
halfedge_descriptor candidate = opposite(next(h, tm), tm);
if ( face(candidate, tm) != boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_face() )
stack_for_expension.push_back( candidate );
candidate = opposite(prev(h, tm), tm);
if ( face(candidate, tm) != boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_face() )
stack_for_expension.push_back( candidate );
// remove faces from the set to process
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, cc_faces)
if (cc_faces.size()==1) continue; // it is a triangle nothing better can be done
//Check for non-manifold vertices in the selection and remove them by selecting all incident faces:
// extract the set of halfedges that is on the boundary of the holes to be
// made. In addition, we make sure no hole to be created contains a vertex
// visited more than once along a hole border (pinched surface)
// We save the size of boundary_hedges to make sur halfedges added
// from non_filled_hole are not removed.
bool non_manifold_vertex_removed = false; //here non-manifold is for the 1D polyline
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> boundary_hedges;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fh, cc_faces)
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(fh,tm);
for (int i=0;i<3; ++i)
if ( is_border( opposite(h, tm), tm) ||
cc_faces.count( face( opposite(h, tm), tm) ) == 0)
h=next(h, tm);
// detect vertices visited more than once along
// a hole border. We then remove all faces incident
// to such a vertex to force the removal of the vertex.
// Actually even if two holes are sharing a vertex, this
// vertex will be removed. It is not needed but since
// we do not yet have one halfedge per hole it is simpler
// and does not harm
std::set<vertex_descriptor> border_vertices;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, boundary_hedges)
if (!border_vertices.insert(target(h,tm)).second){
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor hh, halfedges_around_target(h,tm)){
if (!is_border(hh, tm))
cc_faces.insert(face(hh, tm)); // add the face to the current selection
faces_to_remove.erase(face(hh, tm));
if (!non_manifold_vertex_removed)
// Collect halfedges on the boundary of the region to be selected
// (pointing inside the domain to be remeshed)
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> cc_border_hedges;
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fd, cc_faces)
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(fd, tm);
for (int i=0; i<3;++i)
if ( is_border(opposite(h, tm), tm) ||
cc_faces.count( face(opposite(h, tm), tm) )== 0)
h=next(h, tm);
if(!is_selection_a_topological_disk(cc_faces, tm))
// check if the selection contains cycles of border halfedges
bool only_border_edges = true;
std::set<halfedge_descriptor> mesh_border_hedge;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, cc_border_hedges)
if ( !is_border(opposite(h, tm), tm) )
only_border_edges = false;
mesh_border_hedge.insert( opposite(h, tm) );
int nb_cycles=0;
// we must count the number of cycle of boundary edges
halfedge_descriptor h_b = *mesh_border_hedge.begin(), h=h_b;
mesh_border_hedge.erase( mesh_border_hedge.begin() );
h=next(h, tm);
if (h==h_b)
// found a cycle
typename std::set<halfedge_descriptor>::iterator it =
if ( it == mesh_border_hedge.end() )
break; // not a cycle
if(nb_cycles > (only_border_edges ? 1 : 0) )
std::cout << " DEBUG: CC not handled due to the presence of "
<< nb_cycles << " of boundary edges\n";
topology_issue = true;
if (preserve_genus)
std::cout << " DEBUG: CC not handled because it is not a topological disk (preserve_genus=true)\n";
all_fixed = false;
// count the number of cycles of halfedges of the boundary
std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor> bhs;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, cc_border_hedges)
bhs[source(h, tm)]=target(h, tm);
int nbc=0;
std::pair<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor > top=*bhs.begin();
typename std::map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor>::iterator
it_find = bhs.find(top.second);
if (it_find == bhs.end()) break;
top = *it_find;
if (nbc!=1){
std::cout << " DEBUG: CC not handled because it is not a topological disk("
<< nbc << " boundary cycles)<<\n";
all_fixed = false;
std::cout << " DEBUG: CC that is not a topological disk but has only one boundary cycle(preserve_genus=false)\n";
// sort halfedges so that they describe the sequence
// of halfedges of the hole to be made
CGAL_assertion( cc_border_hedges.size() > 2 );
for(std::size_t i=0; i < cc_border_hedges.size()-2; ++i)
vertex_descriptor tgt = target(cc_border_hedges[i], tm);
for(std::size_t j=i+1; j<cc_border_hedges.size(); ++j)
if(tgt == source(cc_border_hedges[j], tm))
std::swap(cc_border_hedges[i+1], cc_border_hedges[j]);
CGAL_assertion( source(cc_border_hedges.front(), tm) ==
target(cc_border_hedges.back(), tm) );
// collect vertices and edges inside the current selection cc
std::set<vertex_descriptor> cc_interior_vertices;
std::set<edge_descriptor> cc_interior_edges;
// first collect all vertices and edges incident to the faces to remove
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor fh, cc_faces)
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, halfedges_around_face(halfedge(fh,tm),tm))
if (halfedge(target(h, tm), tm)==h) // limit the number of insertions
cc_interior_vertices.insert(target(h, tm));
// and then remove those on the boundary
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, cc_border_hedges)
cc_interior_vertices.erase(target(h, tm));
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: is_valid(tm) in one_step, before mesh changes? ";
std::cout << is_valid_polygon_mesh(tm) << std::endl;
//try hole_filling.
typedef CGAL::Triple<int, int, int> Face_indices;
typedef typename boost::property_traits<VertexPointMap>::value_type Point;
std::vector<Point> hole_points, third_points;
std::vector<vertex_descriptor> border_vertices;
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, cc_border_hedges)
vertex_descriptor v = source(h, tm);
hole_points.push_back( get(vpmap, v) );
third_points.push_back(get(vpmap, target(next(opposite(h, tm), tm), tm))); // TODO fix me for mesh border edges
CGAL_assertion(hole_points.size() >= 3);
// try to triangulate the hole using default parameters
//(using Delaunay search space if CGAL_HOLE_FILLING_DO_NOT_USE_DT3 is not defined)
std::vector<Face_indices> patch;
if (hole_points.size()>3)
patch.push_back(Face_indices(0,1,2)); // trivial hole filling
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: Failed to fill a hole using Delaunay search space.\n";
if (patch.empty())
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: Failed to fill a hole using the whole search space.\n";
all_fixed = false;
// make sure that the hole filling is valid, we check that no
// edge already in the mesh is present in patch.
bool non_manifold_edge_found = false;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Face_indices& triangle, patch)
cpp11::array<int, 6> edges =
make_array(triangle.first, triangle.second,
triangle.second, triangle.third,
triangle.third, triangle.first);
for (int k=0; k<3; ++k)
int vi=edges[2*k], vj=edges[2*k+1];
// ignore boundary edges
if (vi+1==vj || (vj==0 && static_cast<std::size_t>(vi)==border_vertices.size()-1) )
halfedge_descriptor h = halfedge(border_vertices[vi], border_vertices[vj], tm).first;
if (h!=boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_halfedge() &&
cc_interior_edges.count(edge(h, tm))==0)
if (non_manifold_edge_found) break;
if (non_manifold_edge_found)
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: Triangulation produced is non-manifold when plugged into the mesh.\n";
all_fixed = false;
// plug the new triangles in the mesh, reusing previous edges and faces
std::vector<edge_descriptor> edge_stack(cc_interior_edges.begin(), cc_interior_edges.end());
std::vector<face_descriptor> face_stack(cc_faces.begin(), cc_faces.end());
std::map< std::pair<int, int>, halfedge_descriptor > halfedge_map;
int i=0;
// register border halfedges
BOOST_FOREACH(halfedge_descriptor h, cc_border_hedges)
int j = static_cast<int>( std::size_t(i+1)%cc_border_hedges.size() );
halfedge_map.insert(std::make_pair( std::make_pair(i, j), h) );
set_halfedge(target(h, tm), h, tm); // update vertex halfedge pointer
CGAL_assertion( border_vertices[i] == source(h, tm) &&
border_vertices[j] == target(h, tm) );
std::vector<halfedge_descriptor> hedges;
face_descriptor f = boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_face();
BOOST_FOREACH(const Face_indices& triangle, patch)
// get the new face
if (face_stack.empty())
cpp11::array<int, 4> indices =
make_array( triangle.first,
triangle.first );
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
// get the corresponding halfedge (either a new one or an already created)
typename std::map< std::pair<int, int> , halfedge_descriptor >::iterator insert_res =
std::make_pair( std::make_pair(indices[i], indices[i+1]),
boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_halfedge() ) ).first;
if (insert_res->second == boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh>::null_halfedge())
if (edge_stack.empty())
insert_res->second = halfedge(add_edge(tm), tm);
insert_res->second = halfedge(edge_stack.back(), tm);
halfedge_map[std::make_pair(indices[i+1], indices[i])] =
opposite(insert_res->second, tm);
// update halfedge connections + face pointers
for(int i=0; i<3;++i)
set_next(hedges[i], hedges[i+1], tm);
set_face(hedges[i], f, tm);
set_target(hedges[i], border_vertices[indices[i+1]], tm);
set_halfedge(f, hedges[0], tm);
// now remove remaining edges,
BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor e, edge_stack)
remove_edge(e, tm);
// vertices,
BOOST_FOREACH(vertex_descriptor vh, cc_interior_vertices)
remove_vertex(vh, tm);
// and remaning faces
BOOST_FOREACH(face_descriptor f, face_stack)
remove_face(f, tm);
if (verbose)
std::cout << " DEBUG: " << cc_faces.size() << " triangles removed, "
<< patch.size() << " created\n";
something_was_done = true;
if (!something_was_done)
if (verbose)
std::cout<<" DEBUG: Nothing was changed during this step, self-intersections won't be recomputed."<<std::endl;
return std::make_pair(all_fixed, topology_issue);
template <class TriangleMesh, class NamedParameters>
bool remove_self_intersections(TriangleMesh& tm, const NamedParameters& np)
typedef boost::graph_traits<TriangleMesh> graph_traits;
typedef typename graph_traits::face_descriptor face_descriptor;
// named parameter extraction
typedef typename GetVertexPointMap<TriangleMesh, NamedParameters>::type VertexPointMap;
VertexPointMap vpm = boost::choose_param(boost::get_param(np, internal_np::vertex_point),
get_property_map(vertex_point, tm));
const int max_steps = boost::choose_param(boost::get_param(np, internal_np::number_of_iterations), 7);
bool verbose = boost::choose_param(boost::get_param(np, internal_np::verbosity_level), 0) > 0;
bool preserve_genus = boost::choose_param(boost::get_param(np, internal_np::preserve_genus), true);
if (verbose)
std::cout << "DEBUG: Starting remove_self_intersections, is_valid(tm)? " << is_valid_polygon_mesh(tm) << "\n";
// first handle the removal of degenerate faces
remove_degenerate_faces(tm, np);
if (verbose)
std::cout << "DEBUG: After degenerate faces removal, is_valid(tm)? " << is_valid_polygon_mesh(tm) << "\n";
// Look for self-intersections in the polyhedron and remove them
int step=-1;
bool all_fixed = true; // indicates if the filling of all created holes went fine
bool topology_issue = false; // indicates if some boundary cycles of edges are blocking the fixing
std::set<face_descriptor> faces_to_remove;
while( ++step<max_steps )
if (faces_to_remove.empty()) // the previous round might have been blocked due to topological constraints
typedef std::pair<face_descriptor, face_descriptor> Face_pair;
std::vector<Face_pair> self_inter;
// TODO : possible optimization to reduce the range to check with the bbox
// of the previous patches or something.
self_intersections(tm, std::back_inserter(self_inter));
BOOST_FOREACH(Face_pair fp, self_inter)
if ( faces_to_remove.empty() && all_fixed){
if (verbose)
std::cout<<"DEBUG: There is no more face to remove."<<std::endl;
cpp11::tie(all_fixed, topology_issue) =
remove_self_intersections_one_step(tm, faces_to_remove, vpm, step, preserve_genus, verbose);
if (all_fixed && topology_issue)
if (verbose)
std::cout<< "DEBUG: Process stopped because of boundary cycles"
" of boundary edges involved in self-intersections.\n";
return false;
return step<max_steps;
template <class TriangleMesh>
bool remove_self_intersections(TriangleMesh& tm)
return remove_self_intersections(tm, parameters::all_default());
/// \endcond
} } // end of CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing