Add Remote IO protocol specification

To enable Remote IO, run Dust3D with command line options: -remoteio
See details:
Jeremy Hu 2019-03-23 00:03:17 +09:30
parent b8c3557d9c
commit 278ac68ea6
4 changed files with 400 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ For Developers
:glob: :glob:
builds builds
origin_and_future origin_and_future

docs/remote_io_protocol.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
Dust3D Remote IO Protocol Specification
| Dust3D Remote IO is an API based on a TCP/IP connection. It hosts on local TCP port 53309, and enables other software control the modeling progress of Dust3D by sending commands through the TCP connection.
| Other software connect to tcp host, send command, get reply and receive event from Dust3D. One command, or one response, consists of one packet, each packet encoded as hex string, and choose '\\0' as packet splitter.
| Each response start with a '+' or '-' when there is an error, the error message comes after the minus sign.
Python Example
.. code-block:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Run Dust3D with option: -remoteio to enable it
# e.g.
# $ open ./ --args -remoteio
# $ ./dust3d -remoteio
import socket
import binascii
TCP_IP = ''
TCP_PORT = 53309
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addnodewithid {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addnodewithid {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39969} 0.51 0.51 1.51 0.08") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addedge {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39969}") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("savesnapshot") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("exportAsObj") + "\0")
#s.send(binascii.hexlify("getNodePartId {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968}") + "\0")
response = bytes()
while True:
oneEnd = response.find(chr(0))
if (-1 == oneEnd):
response += s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
reply = response[:oneEnd]
response = response[oneEnd + 1:]
print binascii.unhexlify(reply)
| Command | Examples |
| listWindow | | send> listwindow |
| | | +OK |
| | | {658cac48-4cc4-42bf-a561-dbd28330777e} Dust3D%201.0.0-beta.17%20* |
| selectWindow <windowId> | | send> selectwindow {658cac48-4cc4-42bf-a561-dbd28330777e} |
| | | +OK |
| undo | | send> undo |
| | | +OK |
| redo | | send> redo |
| | | +OK |
| paste | | send> paste |
| | | +OK |
| removeNode <nodeId> | | send> removeNode {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| removeEdge <edgeId> | | send> removeEdge {a75f39ac-3c78-4754-b34a-dce70779832b} |
| | | +OK |
| removePart <partId> | | send> removePart {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} |
| | | +OK |
| addNode <x> <y> <z> <radius> <fromNodeId> | | send> addNode 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> addNode 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| addNodeWithId <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> <radius> <fromNodeId> | | send> addNodeWithId {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> addNodeWithId {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| scaleNodeByAddRadius <nodeId> <amount> | | send> scaleNodeByAddRadius {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.05 |
| | | +OK |
| moveNodeBy <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> | | send> moveNodeBy {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.05 0.05 0.05 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeOrigin <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> | | send> setNodeOrigin {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeRadius <nodeId> <radius> | | send> setNodeRadius {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeBoneMark <nodeId> <boneMark> | | Available bone marks: Neck/Limb/Tail/Joint/None |
| | | |
| | | send> setNodeBoneMark {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} Neck |
| | | +OK |
| switchNodeXZ <nodeId> | | send> switchNodeXZ {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} |
| | | +OK |
| moveOriginBy <x> <y> <z> | | send> moveOriginBy 0.01, 0.02, 0.013 |
| | | +OK |
| addEdge <fromNodeId> <toNodeId> | | send> addEdge {a75f39ac-3c78-4754-b34a-dce70779832b} {507328fd-9baf-41d1-9e05-850fb41fcbfa} |
| | | +OK |
| setPartLockState <partId> <lockState> | | send> setPartLockState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} locked |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartLockState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unlocked |
| | | +OK |
| setPartVisibleState <partId> <visibleState> | | send> setPartVisibleState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} visible |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartVisibleState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} invisible |
| | | +OK |
| setPartSubdivState <partId> <subdivState> | | send> setPartSubdivState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} subdived |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartSubdivState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unsubdived |
| | | +OK |
| setPartChamferState <partId> <chamferState> | | send> setPartChamferState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} chamfered |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartChamferState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unchamfered |
| | | +OK |
| setPartRoundState <partId> <roundState> | | send> setPartRoundState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} rounded |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartRoundState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unrounded |
| | | +OK |
| setPartDisableState <partId> <disableState> | | send> setPartDisableState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} disabled |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartDisableState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} undisabled |
| | | +OK |
| setPartXmirrorState <partId> <xMirrorState> | | send> setPartXmirrorState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} mirrored |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartXmirrorState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unmirrored |
| | | +OK |
| setPartColor <partId> <colorName> | | send> setPartColor {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} red |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartColor {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} |
| | | +OK |
| getNodePartId <nodeId> | | send> getNodePartId {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| | | {b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c} |
| saveSnapshot | | send> saveSnapshot |
| | | +OK |
| getSnapshot | | send> getSnapshot |
| | | +OK
| | | <?xml version="1.0"?>
| | | <canvas>
| | | <nodes>
| | | <node id="{3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968}" partId="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" radius="0.08" x="0.51" y="0.51" z="1.01"/>
| | | </nodes>
| | | <edges/>
| | | <parts>
| | | <part chamfered="false" disabled="false" id="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" locked="false" rounded="false" subdived="false" visible="true" xMirrored="false" zMirrored="false"/>
| | | </parts>
| | | <components>
| | | <component combineMode="Normal" expanded="false" id="{946dad8f-28d5-40c8-8c70-709ecc1ca048}" linkData="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" linkDataType="partId"/>
| | | </components>
| | | <materials/>
| | | <poses/>
| | | <motions/>
| | | </canvas> |
| exportAsObj | | send> exportAsObj |
| | | +OK
| | | # DUST3D
| | | v -0.08 0.08 0.08
| | | v -0.08 -0.08 0.08
| | | v 0.08 -0.08 0.08
| | | v 0.08 -0.08 -0.08
| | | v -0.08 -0.08 -0.08
| | | v -0.08 0.08 -0.08
| | | v 0.08 0.08 -0.08
| | | v 0.08 0.08 0.08
| | | f 2 1 6 5
| | | f 3 2 5 4
| | | f 2 3 8 1
| | | f 8 3 4 7
| | | f 5 6 7 4
| | | f 1 8 7 6 |
| new | | send> new |
| | | +OK |
| Event |
| nodeadded <nodeId> |
| partadded <partId> |
| edgeadded <edgeId> |
| partremoved |
| componentnamechanged <componentId> |
| componentchildrenchanged <componentId> |
| componentremoved <componentId> |
| componentadded <componentId> |
| componentexpandstatechanged <componentId> |
| noderemoved <nodeId> |
| edgeremoved <edgeId> |
| noderadiuschanged <nodeId> |
| nodebonemarkchanged <nodeId> |
| nodeoriginchanged <nodeId> |
| edgechanged <edgeId> |
| partpreviewchanged <partId> |
| resultmeshchanged |
| turnaroundchanged |
| editmodechanged |
| skeletonchanged |
| resulttexturechanged |
| postprocessedresultchanged |
| resultrigchanged |
| rigchanged |
| partlockstatechanged <partId> |
| partvisiblestatechanged <partId> |
| partsubdivstatechanged <partId> |
| partdisablestatechanged <partId> |
| partxmirrorstatechanged <partId> |
| partdeformthicknesschanged <partId> |
| partdeformwidthchanged <partId> |
| partroundstatechanged <partId> |
| partcolorstatechanged <partId> |
| partcutrotationchanged <partId> |
| partcuttemplatechanged <partId> |
| partmaterialidchanged <partId> |
| partchamferstatechanged <partId> |
| componentcombinemodechanged <componentId> |
| cleanup |
| originchanged |
| xlockstatechanged |
| ylockstatechanged |
| zlockstatechanged |
| radiuslockstatechanged |
| checkpart <partId |
| partchecked <partId |
| partunchecked |
| enablebackgroundblur |
| disablebackgroundblur |
| exportready |
| uncheckall |
| checknode <nodeId> |
| checkedge <edgeId> |
| optionschanged |
| rigtypechanged |
| poseschanged |
| motionschanged |
| poseadded <poseId> |
| poseremoved <poseId> |
| poselistchanged |
| posenamechanged <poseId> |
| poseframeschanged <poseId> |
| poseturnaroundimageidchanged <poseId> |
| posepreviewchanged <poseId> |
| motionadded <motionId> |
| motionremoved <motionId> |
| motionlistchanged |
| motionnamechanged <motionId> |
| motionclipschanged <motionId> |
| motionpreviewchanged <motionId> |
| motionresultchanged <motionId> |
| materialadded <materialId> |
| materialremoved <materialId> |
| materiallistchanged |
| materialnamechanged <materialId> |
| materiallayerschanged <materialId> |
| materialpreviewchanged <materialId> |
| meshgenerating |
| postprocessing |
| texturegenerating |
| texturechanged |

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@ -54,13 +54,16 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
DocumentWindow::createDocumentWindow(); DocumentWindow::createDocumentWindow();
QSettings settings; bool remoteIoEnabled = false;
QVariant remoteIoListenPort = settings.value("RemoteIo/ListenPort"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
//if (remoteIoListenPort.isNull()) { if ('-' == argv[i][0] && 0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-remoteio")) {
// settings.setValue("RemoteIo/ListenPort", "53309"); remoteIoEnabled = true;
//} break;
if (!remoteIoListenPort.isNull()) { }
new RemoteIoServer(remoteIoListenPort.toInt()); }
if (remoteIoEnabled) {
qDebug() << "Remote IO enabled";
new RemoteIoServer(53309);
} }
return app.exec(); return app.exec();

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@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ QString RemoteIoConnection::nextParameter(const QByteArray &parameters, int *off
for (int i = *offset; i < parameters.size(); ++i) { for (int i = *offset; i < parameters.size(); ++i) {
if (isWhitespace(parameters[i])) { if (isWhitespace(parameters[i])) {
int parameterEnd = i; int parameterEnd = i;
auto parameter = parameters.mid(*offset, parameterEnd); auto parameter = parameters.mid(*offset, (parameterEnd - *offset) + 1);
while (i < parameters.size() && isWhitespace(parameters[i])) while (i < parameters.size() && isWhitespace(parameters[i]))
++i; ++i;
*offset = i; *offset = i;
@ -549,6 +549,8 @@ QByteArray RemoteIoConnection::commandRemovePart(const QByteArray &parameters, Q
{ {
// QUuid partId
if (parameters.isEmpty()) { if (parameters.isEmpty()) {
*errorMessage = "Must specify part id"; *errorMessage = "Must specify part id";
return QByteArray(); return QByteArray();
@ -1056,7 +1058,8 @@ QByteArray RemoteIoConnection::commandSetPartXmirrorState(const QByteArray &para
*errorMessage = "Must specify xMirrorState parameter"; *errorMessage = "Must specify xMirrorState parameter";
return QByteArray(); return QByteArray();
} }
bool xMirrored = xMirrorString.toLower() == "xmirrored"; xMirrorString = xMirrorString.toLower();
bool xMirrored = xMirrorString == "mirrored" || xMirrorString == "xmirrored";
m_currentDocumentWindow->document()->setPartXmirrorState(partId, xMirrored); m_currentDocumentWindow->document()->setPartXmirrorState(partId, xMirrored);
return QByteArray(); return QByteArray();