Refactor outcome. Move processes of outcome to separated files, and leave the outcome class as clean as possible.
Normal export in glb format is been fixed.
Ambient occlusion baker is been temporarily removed.
Many source file name and data type are prefixed by "skeleton" before, now all are refactored.
The class MeshResultContext represents the outcome of mesh generation before, now we have material, pose and animation, so we just rename it as Outcome.
Besides adding the PBR material manager, this commit hide some unnecessary features such as toggle wireframes and toggle normal smooth.
Add a regenerate button to indicate mesh is generating by showing a spiner, user can click this button to regenerate if the final result is not good.
Please note that, we generate the texture map by default compared to before we only generate texture map when user export glTF result. Current uvunwrap library cann't handle bad mesh very well, so it will crash on the wires model.
Before, app crash on some machines as been reported in #15 and #16, and cannot easily be reproduced on other machines, such as a virtual box guest system, which make it very hard to trace the root cause.
Now, the offline render is totally removed from the code base, instead of offline-render to image then show the image, we can directly show the parts model in the parts tree using normal opengl widget, and the result looks better than before.
This is the second version of auto-rig, differing from the first version, the user should pick up a rig type, unless no rig will be generated. Currently, only supports Tetrapod without tail. Export as glTF format to test this feature.
This commit also achive better quality quads than before.
This feature could be useful for smooth one component and soften the seam of combination,
This commit also include a crash fix about incorrect use of CGAL.
- Add End-Round Type Toggle to Parts List Panel (Thanks @Alistair401 for proposing this feature).
- Add Parts Color Picker to Parts List Panel.
- Add Parts List Panel Context Menu to facilitate multiple parts visible toggle.
- Add Material Export to Export Menu.
- Prepare the source code for the auto skeleton exporter and uv unwrapper.