The neck direction match is introduced for matching the human pose to a animal pose, however, current implementation will cause the neck pose not work as edited in pose editor.
When there is tail bone, the spine bone start with "Spine01" and "Spine02", this is to make the spine bone name match with none-tail bones. Why "Spine01"? Because the bone chain is ordered by name, "Spine01" and "Spine02" come before "Spine1".
When one pose consists of multiple frames, each frame will be hardly see when the opacity is 0.25, this commit change the opacity to 0.5 in pose editor, however, leave it as 0.25 in main modeling interface.
Root bone will have heightAboveGroundLevel parameter to indicate the distance between ground and foot. It's a relative value, comparing with the distance of the first spine head position and foot.
It's very easy to place the wrong side limbs on the pose graphic editor, especially when the reference sheet is not clear. Switch chain side will switch the YZ for the paired chain which contains the selected node. For example, if you select one node from LeftLimb1, and choose the switch chain side from context menu, all the bones, has the name pattern LeftLimb1_Joint* and RightLimb1_Joint*, the YZ of origin will be swapped.
Usually one pose consists of one frame, however, sometimes multiple frames per one reference sheet for a serial of action could be very useful, such as a sprite sheet. Multiple frames per pose is different with one motion, one motion could contains multiple poses. Currently, the duration of one frame is fixed to 0.042s, it's based on the 24 frames per second calculation.
Each bone's head and tail positions are been kept in the pose parameters, that means there are repeated info and we can resolve the bone's head position from parent's tail position if there isn't any positions info been kept for one bone.
This commit include lots of changes for pose editor.
Before, we use buttons to represent the transform controller for bones;
Now, we use nodes and edges to represent the bones, just like the nodes and edges for representing the guide spheres for mesh generating. There are advantages by doing this. Firstly, The edit UI for both mesh and pose are unified, secondly, it is possible to set a reference sheet for pose editing now, this is very important.
This new pose editor is inspired by the Eadweard Muybridge's work.