And added a CONTRIBUTORS file to list the users who have done great work to help Dust3D become better, thank you!
PS. please feel free to make a pull request or email me to change the ID or contact info listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file, and if you are mistakenly been missed in the file, please MUST edit this file and make a PR or email me.
- Add End-Round Type Toggle to Parts List Panel (Thanks @Alistair401 for proposing this feature).
- Add Parts Color Picker to Parts List Panel.
- Add Parts List Panel Context Menu to facilitate multiple parts visible toggle.
- Add Material Export to Export Menu.
- Prepare the source code for the auto skeleton exporter and uv unwrapper.
> Another problem is your model seems to have an inverted Z export.
> by
Node coord system: Screen
Mesh generation coord system:
x-axis: --- Main Profile (Red) --->
z-axis: --- Side Profile (Green) --->
y-axis: UP
Thanks the follow reddit users: