# RS needs GMP 4.2 or newer, this script will fail if an old version is # detected find_package( GMP ) find_package( MPFI ) find_package( RS ) if ( RS_FOUND ) if( MPFI_FOUND ) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CGAL_VersionUtils.cmake ) find_path(RS3_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES rs3_fncts.h HINTS ENV RS3_INC_DIR ENV RS3_DIR ENV RS_INC_DIR ENV RS_DIR PATHS ${RS_INCLUDE_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include DOC "The directory containing the RS3 include files" ) find_library(RS3_LIBRARIES NAMES rs3 HINTS ENV RS3_LIB_DIR ENV RS3_DIR ENV RS_LIB_DIR ENV RS_DIR PATHS ${RS_LIBRARIES_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Path to the RS3 library" ) get_dependency_version( GMP ) IS_VERSION_LESS("${GMP_VERSION}" "4.2.0" _IS_GMP_VERSION_TO_LOW) if(_IS_GMP_VERSION_TO_LOW) message( STATUS "RS3 needs GMP>=4.2. Your GMP version is ${GMP_VERSION}." ) else(_IS_GMP_VERSION_TO_LOW) if( RS3_INCLUDE_DIR AND RS3_LIBRARIES ) set(RS3_FOUND TRUE) endif( RS3_INCLUDE_DIR AND RS3_LIBRARIES ) if( RS3_LIBRARIES ) get_filename_component(RS3_LIBRARIES_DIR ${RS3_LIBRARIES} PATH CACHE ) endif( RS3_LIBRARIES ) if( NOT RS3_INCLUDE_DIR OR NOT RS3_LIBRARIES_DIR ) include( RS3Config OPTIONAL ) endif( NOT RS3_INCLUDE_DIR OR NOT RS3_LIBRARIES_DIR ) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args( RS3 "DEFAULT_MSG" RS3_LIBRARIES RS3_INCLUDE_DIR ) endif(_IS_GMP_VERSION_TO_LOW) else( MPFI_FOUND ) message( STATUS "RS3 requires MPFI" ) set( RS3_FOUND FALSE ) endif( MPFI_FOUND ) else( RS_FOUND ) message( STATUS "RS3 requires RS" ) set( RS3_FOUND FALSE ) endif( RS_FOUND ) if(RS3_FOUND) set(RS3_USE_FILE "CGAL_UseRS3") endif(RS3_FOUND)