# This file sets up GLPK for CMake. Once done this will define # GLPK_FOUND - system has GLPK lib # GLPK_INCLUDE_DIR - the GLPK include directory # GLPK_LIBRARIES - Link these to use GLPK # Is it already configured? if (NOT GLPK_FOUND) # first look in user defined locations find_path(GLPK_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES glpk.h PATHS /usr/local/include/LASlib/ ENV GLPK_INC_DIR ) find_library(GLPK_LIBRARIES NAMES libglpk glpk PATHS ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH ENV LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib ${GLPK_INCLUDE_DIR}/../lib ENV GLPK_LIB_DIR ) if(GLPK_LIBRARIES AND GLPK_INCLUDE_DIR) set(GLPK_FOUND TRUE) endif() endif()