# - Try to find the LibSSH libraries # This module defines: # LIBSSH_FOUND - system has LibSSH lib # LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR - the LibSSH include directory # LIBSSH_LIBRARIES_DIR - directory where the LibSSH libraries are located # LIBSSH_LIBRARIES - Link these to use LibSSH include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CGAL_GeneratorSpecificSettings.cmake) if(LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR) set(LIBSSH_in_cache TRUE) else() set(LIBSSH_in_cache FALSE) endif() if(NOT LIBSSH_LIBRARIES) set(LIBSSH_in_cache FALSE) endif() # Is it already configured? if( NOT LIBSSH_in_cache ) find_path(LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES "libssh/libssh.h" ) find_library(LIBSSH_LIBRARIES NAMES ssh libssh HINTS "/usr/lib" "usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "Path to the LIBSSH library" ) endif() SET(LIBSSH_FOUND TRUE) if( NOT LIBSSH_LIBRARIES OR NOT LIBSSH_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(LIBSSH_FOUND FALSE) endif()