/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2018 GeometryFactory Sarl (France). Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Gilles Debunne. All rights reserved. This file is part of a fork of the QGLViewer library version 2.7.0. http://www.libqglviewer.com - contact@libqglviewer.com This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the LICENSE file included in the packaging of this file. This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *****************************************************************************/ // $URL$ // $Id$ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 #ifdef CGAL_HEADER_ONLY #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION inline #include #else #define CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION #endif #include #include namespace CGAL{ namespace qglviewer{ /*! Creates a KeyFrameInterpolator, with \p frame as associated frame(). The frame() can be set or changed using setFrame(). interpolationTime(), interpolationSpeed() and interpolationPeriod() are set to their default values. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrameInterpolator(Frame *frame) : frame_(NULL), period_(40), interpolationTime_(0.0), interpolationSpeed_(1.0), interpolationStarted_(false), closedPath_(false), loopInterpolation_(false), pathIsValid_(false), valuesAreValid_(true), currentFrameValid_(false) // #CONNECTION# Values cut pasted initFromDOMElement() { setFrame(frame); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) currentFrame_[i] = new QMutableListIterator(keyFrame_); connect(&timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(update())); } /*! Virtual destructor. Clears the keyFrame path. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION KeyFrameInterpolator::~KeyFrameInterpolator() { deletePath(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) delete currentFrame_[i]; } /*! Sets the frame() associated to the KeyFrameInterpolator. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::setFrame(Frame *const frame) { if (this->frame()) disconnect(this, SIGNAL(interpolated()), this->frame(), SIGNAL(interpolated())); frame_ = frame; if (this->frame()) connect(this, SIGNAL(interpolated()), this->frame(), SIGNAL(interpolated())); } /*! Updates frame() state according to current interpolationTime(). Then adds interpolationPeriod()*interpolationSpeed() to interpolationTime(). This internal method is called by a timer when interpolationIsStarted(). It can be used for debugging purpose. stopInterpolation() is called when interpolationTime() reaches firstTime() or lastTime(), unless loopInterpolation() is \c true. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::update() { interpolateAtTime(interpolationTime()); interpolationTime_ += interpolationSpeed() * interpolationPeriod() / 1000.0; if (interpolationTime() > keyFrame_.last()->time()) { if (loopInterpolation()) setInterpolationTime(keyFrame_.first()->time() + interpolationTime_ - keyFrame_.last()->time()); else { // Make sure last KeyFrame is reached and displayed interpolateAtTime(keyFrame_.last()->time()); stopInterpolation(); } Q_EMIT endReached(); } else if (interpolationTime() < keyFrame_.first()->time()) { if (loopInterpolation()) setInterpolationTime(keyFrame_.last()->time() - keyFrame_.first()->time() + interpolationTime_); else { // Make sure first KeyFrame is reached and displayed interpolateAtTime(keyFrame_.first()->time()); stopInterpolation(); } Q_EMIT endReached(); } } /*! Starts the interpolation process. A timer is started with an interpolationPeriod() period that updates the frame()'s position and orientation. interpolationIsStarted() will return \c true until stopInterpolation() or toggleInterpolation() is called. If \p period is positive, it is set as the new interpolationPeriod(). The previous interpolationPeriod() is used otherwise (default). If interpolationTime() is larger than lastTime(), interpolationTime() is reset to firstTime() before interpolation starts (and inversely for negative interpolationSpeed()). Use setInterpolationTime() before calling this method to change the starting interpolationTime(). See the keyFrames example for an illustration. You may also be interested in CGAL::QGLViewer::animate() and CGAL::QGLViewer::startAnimation(). \attention The keyFrames must be defined (see addKeyFrame()) \e before you startInterpolation(), or else the interpolation will naturally immediately stop. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::startInterpolation(int period) { if (period >= 0) setInterpolationPeriod(period); if (!keyFrame_.isEmpty()) { if ((interpolationSpeed() > 0.0) && (interpolationTime() >= keyFrame_.last()->time())) setInterpolationTime(keyFrame_.first()->time()); if ((interpolationSpeed() < 0.0) && (interpolationTime() <= keyFrame_.first()->time())) setInterpolationTime(keyFrame_.last()->time()); timer_.start(interpolationPeriod()); interpolationStarted_ = true; update(); } } /*! Stops an interpolation started with startInterpolation(). See * interpolationIsStarted() and toggleInterpolation(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::stopInterpolation() { timer_.stop(); interpolationStarted_ = false; } /*! Stops the interpolation and resets interpolationTime() to the firstTime(). If desired, call interpolateAtTime() after this method to actually move the frame() to firstTime(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::resetInterpolation() { stopInterpolation(); setInterpolationTime(firstTime()); } /*! Appends a new keyFrame to the path, with its associated \p time (in seconds). The keyFrame is given as a pointer to a Frame, which will be connected to the KeyFrameInterpolator: when \p frame is modified, the KeyFrameInterpolator path is updated accordingly. This allows for dynamic paths, where keyFrame can be edited, even during the interpolation. See the keyFrames example for an illustration. \c NULL \p frame pointers are silently ignored. The keyFrameTime() has to be monotonously increasing over keyFrames. Use addKeyFrame(const Frame&, qreal) to add keyFrame by values. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame(const Frame *const frame, qreal time) { if (!frame) return; if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) interpolationTime_ = time; if ((!keyFrame_.isEmpty()) && (keyFrame_.last()->time() > time)) qWarning( "Error in KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame: time is not monotone"); else keyFrame_.append(new KeyFrame(frame, time)); connect(frame, SIGNAL(modified()), SLOT(invalidateValues())); valuesAreValid_ = false; pathIsValid_ = false; currentFrameValid_ = false; resetInterpolation(); } /*! Appends a new keyFrame to the path, with its associated \p time (in seconds). The path will use the current \p frame state. If you want the path to change when \p frame is modified, you need to pass a \e pointer to the Frame instead (see addKeyFrame(const Frame*, qreal)). The keyFrameTime() have to be monotonously increasing over keyFrames. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame(const Frame &frame, qreal time) { if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) interpolationTime_ = time; if ((!keyFrame_.isEmpty()) && (keyFrame_.last()->time() > time)) qWarning( "Error in KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame: time is not monotone"); else keyFrame_.append(new KeyFrame(frame, time)); valuesAreValid_ = false; pathIsValid_ = false; currentFrameValid_ = false; resetInterpolation(); } /*! Appends a new keyFrame to the path. Same as addKeyFrame(const Frame* frame, qreal), except that the keyFrameTime() is set to the previous keyFrameTime() plus one second (or 0.0 if there is no previous keyFrame). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame(const Frame *const frame) { qreal time; if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) time = 0.0; else time = lastTime() + 1.0; addKeyFrame(frame, time); } /*! Appends a new keyFrame to the path. Same as addKeyFrame(const Frame& frame, qreal), except that the keyFrameTime() is automatically set to previous keyFrameTime() plus one second (or 0.0 if there is no previous keyFrame). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::addKeyFrame(const Frame &frame) { qreal time; if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) time = 0.0; else time = keyFrame_.last()->time() + 1.0; addKeyFrame(frame, time); } /*! Removes all keyFrames from the path. The numberOfKeyFrames() is set to 0. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::deletePath() { stopInterpolation(); qDeleteAll(keyFrame_); keyFrame_.clear(); pathIsValid_ = false; valuesAreValid_ = false; currentFrameValid_ = false; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::updateModifiedFrameValues() { Quaternion prevQ = keyFrame_.first()->orientation(); KeyFrame *kf; for (int i = 0; i < keyFrame_.size(); ++i) { kf = keyFrame_.at(i); if (kf->frame()) kf->updateValuesFromPointer(); kf->flipOrientationIfNeeded(prevQ); prevQ = kf->orientation(); } KeyFrame *prev = keyFrame_.first(); kf = keyFrame_.first(); int index = 1; while (kf) { KeyFrame *next = (index < keyFrame_.size()) ? keyFrame_.at(index) : NULL; index++; if (next) kf->computeTangent(prev, next); else kf->computeTangent(prev, kf); prev = kf; kf = next; } valuesAreValid_ = true; } /*! Returns the Frame associated with the keyFrame at index \p index. See also keyFrameTime(). \p index has to be in the range 0..numberOfKeyFrames()-1. \note If this keyFrame was defined using a pointer to a Frame (see addKeyFrame(const Frame* const)), the \e current pointed Frame state is returned. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION Frame KeyFrameInterpolator::keyFrame(int index) const { const KeyFrame *const kf = keyFrame_.at(index); return Frame(kf->position(), kf->orientation()); } /*! Returns the time corresponding to the \p index keyFrame. See also keyFrame(). \p index has to be in the range 0..numberOfKeyFrames()-1. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION qreal KeyFrameInterpolator::keyFrameTime(int index) const { return keyFrame_.at(index)->time(); } /*! Returns the duration of the KeyFrameInterpolator path, expressed in seconds. Simply corresponds to lastTime() - firstTime(). Returns 0.0 if the path has less than 2 keyFrames. See also keyFrameTime(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION qreal KeyFrameInterpolator::duration() const { return lastTime() - firstTime(); } /*! Returns the time corresponding to the first keyFrame, expressed in seconds. Returns 0.0 if the path is empty. See also lastTime(), duration() and keyFrameTime(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION qreal KeyFrameInterpolator::firstTime() const { if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) return 0.0; else return keyFrame_.first()->time(); } /*! Returns the time corresponding to the last keyFrame, expressed in seconds. Returns 0.0 if the path is empty. See also firstTime(), duration() and keyFrameTime(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION qreal KeyFrameInterpolator::lastTime() const { if (keyFrame_.isEmpty()) return 0.0; else return keyFrame_.last()->time(); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::updateCurrentKeyFrameForTime(qreal time) { // Assertion: times are sorted in monotone order. // Assertion: keyFrame_ is not empty // TODO: Special case for loops when closed path is implemented !! if (!currentFrameValid_) // Recompute everything from scrach currentFrame_[1]->toFront(); while (currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->time() > time) { currentFrameValid_ = false; if (!currentFrame_[1]->hasPrevious()) break; currentFrame_[1]->previous(); } if (!currentFrameValid_) *currentFrame_[2] = *currentFrame_[1]; while (currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->time() < time) { currentFrameValid_ = false; if (!currentFrame_[2]->hasNext()) break; currentFrame_[2]->next(); } if (!currentFrameValid_) { *currentFrame_[1] = *currentFrame_[2]; if ((currentFrame_[1]->hasPrevious()) && (time < currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->time())) currentFrame_[1]->previous(); *currentFrame_[0] = *currentFrame_[1]; if (currentFrame_[0]->hasPrevious()) currentFrame_[0]->previous(); *currentFrame_[3] = *currentFrame_[2]; if (currentFrame_[3]->hasNext()) currentFrame_[3]->next(); currentFrameValid_ = true; splineCacheIsValid_ = false; } // cout << "Time = " << time << " : " << currentFrame_[0]->peekNext()->time() // << " , " << currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->time() << " , " << // currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->time() << " , " << // currentFrame_[3]->peekNext()->time() << endl; } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::updateSplineCache() { Vec delta = currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->position() - currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->position(); v1 = 3.0 * delta - 2.0 * currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->tgP() - currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->tgP(); v2 = -2.0 * delta + currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->tgP() + currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->tgP(); splineCacheIsValid_ = true; } /*! Interpolate frame() at time \p time (expressed in seconds). interpolationTime() is set to \p time and frame() is set accordingly. If you simply want to change interpolationTime() but not the frame() state, use setInterpolationTime() instead. Emits the interpolated() signal and makes the frame() emit the Frame::interpolated() signal. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::interpolateAtTime(qreal time) { setInterpolationTime(time); if ((keyFrame_.isEmpty()) || (!frame())) return; if (!valuesAreValid_) updateModifiedFrameValues(); updateCurrentKeyFrameForTime(time); if (!splineCacheIsValid_) updateSplineCache(); qreal alpha; qreal dt = currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->time() - currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->time(); if (dt == 0.0) alpha = 0.0; else alpha = (time - currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->time()) / dt; // Linear interpolation - debug // Vec pos = alpha*(currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->position()) + // (1.0-alpha)*(currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->position()); Vec pos = currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->position() + alpha * (currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->tgP() + alpha * (v1 + alpha * v2)); Quaternion q = Quaternion::squad( currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->orientation(), currentFrame_[1]->peekNext()->tgQ(), currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->tgQ(), currentFrame_[2]->peekNext()->orientation(), alpha); frame()->setPositionAndOrientationWithConstraint(pos, q); Q_EMIT interpolated(); } /*! Returns an XML \c QDomElement that represents the KeyFrameInterpolator. The resulting QDomElement holds the KeyFrameInterpolator parameters as well as the path keyFrames (if the keyFrame is defined by a pointer to a Frame, use its current value). \p name is the name of the QDomElement tag. \p doc is the \c QDomDocument factory used to create QDomElement. Use initFromDOMElement() to restore the ManipulatedFrame state from the resulting QDomElement. See Vec::domElement() for a complete example. See also Quaternion::domElement(), Camera::domElement()... Note that the Camera::keyFrameInterpolator() are automatically saved by CGAL::QGLViewer::saveStateToFile() when a CGAL::QGLViewer is closed. */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION QDomElement KeyFrameInterpolator::domElement(const QString &name, QDomDocument &document) const { QDomElement de = document.createElement(name); int count = 0; Q_FOREACH (KeyFrame *kf, keyFrame_) { Frame fr(kf->position(), kf->orientation()); QDomElement kfNode = fr.domElement("KeyFrame", document); kfNode.setAttribute("index", QString::number(count)); kfNode.setAttribute("time", QString::number(kf->time())); de.appendChild(kfNode); ++count; } de.setAttribute("nbKF", QString::number(keyFrame_.count())); de.setAttribute("time", QString::number(interpolationTime())); de.setAttribute("speed", QString::number(interpolationSpeed())); de.setAttribute("period", QString::number(interpolationPeriod())); DomUtils::setBoolAttribute(de, "closedPath", closedPath()); DomUtils::setBoolAttribute(de, "loop", loopInterpolation()); return de; } /*! Restores the KeyFrameInterpolator state from a \c QDomElement created by domElement(). Note that the frame() pointer is not included in the domElement(): you need to setFrame() after this method to attach a Frame to the KeyFrameInterpolator. See Vec::initFromDOMElement() for a complete code example. See also Camera::initFromDOMElement() and Frame::initFromDOMElement(). */ CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::initFromDOMElement(const QDomElement &element) { qDeleteAll(keyFrame_); keyFrame_.clear(); QDomElement child = element.firstChild().toElement(); while (!child.isNull()) { if (child.tagName() == "KeyFrame") { Frame fr; fr.initFromDOMElement(child); qreal time = DomUtils::qrealFromDom(child, "time", 0.0); addKeyFrame(fr, time); } child = child.nextSibling().toElement(); } // #CONNECTION# Values cut pasted from constructor setInterpolationTime(DomUtils::qrealFromDom(element, "time", 0.0)); setInterpolationSpeed(DomUtils::qrealFromDom(element, "speed", 1.0)); setInterpolationPeriod(DomUtils::intFromDom(element, "period", 40)); setClosedPath(DomUtils::boolFromDom(element, "closedPath", false)); setLoopInterpolation(DomUtils::boolFromDom(element, "loop", false)); // setFrame(NULL); pathIsValid_ = false; valuesAreValid_ = false; currentFrameValid_ = false; stopInterpolation(); } #ifndef DOXYGEN //////////// KeyFrame private class implementation ///////// CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrame::KeyFrame(const Frame &fr, qreal t) : time_(t), frame_(NULL) { p_ = fr.position(); q_ = fr.orientation(); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrame::KeyFrame(const Frame *fr, qreal t) : time_(t), frame_(fr) { updateValuesFromPointer(); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrame::updateValuesFromPointer() { p_ = frame()->position(); q_ = frame()->orientation(); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrame::computeTangent( const KeyFrame *const prev, const KeyFrame *const next) { tgP_ = 0.5 * (next->position() - prev->position()); tgQ_ = Quaternion::squadTangent(prev->orientation(), q_, next->orientation()); } CGAL_INLINE_FUNCTION void KeyFrameInterpolator::KeyFrame::flipOrientationIfNeeded( const Quaternion &prev) { if (Quaternion::dot(prev, q_) < 0.0) q_.negate(); } #endif // DOXYGEN }}