# This module setups the compiler for the RS library. # It assumes that find_package(RS) was already called. if( RS_FOUND AND NOT RS_SETUP ) message( STATUS "UseRS" ) message( STATUS "RS include: ${RS_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) message( STATUS "RS definitions: ${RS_DEFINITIONS}" ) message( STATUS "RS libraries: ${RS_LIBRARIES}" ) if( APPLE AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) include( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CGAL_VersionUtils.cmake ) EXEC_PROGRAM( ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ARGS -dumpversion OUTPUT_VARIABLE RS_GXX_VERSION ) VERSION_DECOMPOSE( ${RS_GXX_VERSION} GXX_MAJ GXX_MIN GXX_PAT GXX_TWE ) IS_VERSION_LESS( "${GXX_MAJ}.${GXX_MIN}" "4.3" IS_OLD_GXX ) if( IS_OLD_GXX ) message( STATUS "TLS is not supported by g++<4.3 on Mac OS X" ) add_definitions( "-DCGAL_RS_NO_TLS" ) endif( IS_OLD_GXX ) endif( APPLE AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX ) include_directories ( SYSTEM ${RS_INCLUDE_DIR} ) add_definitions( ${RS_DEFINITIONS} "-DCGAL_USE_RS" ) link_libraries( ${RS_LIBRARIES} ) set (RS_SETUP TRUE) endif( RS_FOUND AND NOT RS_SETUP )