// Copyright (c) 2018 GeometryFactory Sarl (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ // // Author(s) : Maxime Gimeno #ifndef BUFFER_OBJECTS_H #define BUFFER_OBJECTS_H #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Three { struct Vbo; //! //! \brief The Vao struct is a wrapper for the `QOpenGLVertexArrayObject`. //! They are context dependent, most of the time it means `Viewer` dependent. //! struct Vao{ QOpenGLVertexArrayObject* vao; QOpenGLShaderProgram* program; std::vector vbos; //! //! \brief Creates a `Vao`. //! \param program the `QOpenGLShaderProgram` associated with this `Vao`. //! \attention This must be called within a valid OpenGLContext. //! Most of the time, initGL() functions are safe places to do so. //! Vao( QOpenGLShaderProgram* program) :vao(new QOpenGLVertexArrayObject()), program(program) { vao->create(); } ~Vao() { delete vao; } //!Adds a `Vbo` to the list of Vbos. void addVbo(Vbo* vbo) { vbos.push_back(vbo); } //!Makes the `Vao` and its program active until `release()` is called. void bind() { program->bind(); vao->bind(); } //!Makes the `Vao` and its program not active. void release() { vao->release(); program->release(); } }; //! //! \brief The Vbo struct is a wrapper for the `QOpenGLBufferObject` item. //! It contains the data necessary for the rendering of any displayed entity. //! A Vbo can be shared between Vaos of the same context. struct Vbo { enum Flag{ GEOMETRY=0, COLORS, NORMALS }; QOpenGLBuffer vbo; const char* attribute; Flag flag; void* data; int dataSize; QOpenGLBuffer::Type vbo_type; GLenum data_type; int offset; int tupleSize; int stride; bool allocated; //! //! \brief Creates a `Vbo`. //! \param attribute the name of the corresponding data in the shader. //! \param flag the flag that specifies which type of data this corresponds to. //! \param vbo_type is almost always `QOpenGLBuffer::VertexBuffer` but can be `QOpenGLBuffer::IndexBuffer` //! if it contains the indices for an indexed rendering. //! \param data_type the GL data type. Mostly GL_FLOAT. //! \param offset the offset in the buffer. See OpenGL documentation. //! \param tupleSize the size of the tuple. If it contains vector_3s, then tuple_size is 3. //! \param stride the stride for the buffer. See OpenGL documentation. //! \attention This must be called within a valid OpenGLContext. //! Most of the time, initGL() functions are safe places to do so. //! Vbo( const char* attribute, Flag flag, QOpenGLBuffer::Type vbo_type = QOpenGLBuffer::VertexBuffer, GLenum data_type=GL_FLOAT, int offset = 0, int tupleSize = 3, int stride = 0): attribute(attribute), flag(flag), data(0), dataSize(0), vbo_type(vbo_type), data_type(data_type), offset(offset), tupleSize(tupleSize), stride(stride), allocated(false) { vbo = QOpenGLBuffer(vbo_type); vbo.create(); } ~Vbo() { vbo.destroy(); } //! Makes the `Vbo` active until `release()` is called. bool bind() { return vbo.bind(); } //!Makes the `Vbo` and its program not active. void release() { vbo.release(); } //! //! \brief allocate gives CPU data to the GPU. //! \param data the content of the buffer. //! \param datasize the number of bytes in `data`. //! void allocate(void* data, int datasize) { this->data = data; this->dataSize = datasize; } }; } } #endif // BUFFER_OBJECTS_H