// Copyright (c) 2007-09 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ // // Author(s) : Pierre Alliez and Laurent Saboret #ifndef CGAL_AVERAGE_SPACING_3_H #define CGAL_AVERAGE_SPACING_3_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB #include #include #include #include #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB namespace CGAL { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL namespace internal { /// Computes average spacing of one query point from K nearest neighbors. /// /// \pre `k >= 2`. /// /// @tparam Kernel Geometric traits class. /// @tparam Tree KD-tree. /// /// @return average spacing (scalar). template < typename Kernel, typename Tree > typename Kernel::FT compute_average_spacing(const typename Kernel::Point_3& query, ///< 3D point whose spacing we want to compute const Tree& tree, ///< KD-tree unsigned int k) ///< number of neighbors { // basic geometric types typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point; // types for K nearest neighbors search typedef Search_traits_3 Tree_traits; typedef Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search Neighbor_search; typedef typename Neighbor_search::iterator Search_iterator; // performs k + 1 queries (if unique the query point is // output first). search may be aborted when k is greater // than number of input points Neighbor_search search(tree,query,k+1); Search_iterator search_iterator = search.begin(); FT sum_distances = (FT)0.0; unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<(k+1);i++) { if(search_iterator == search.end()) break; // premature ending Point p = search_iterator->first; sum_distances += std::sqrt(CGAL::squared_distance(query,p)); search_iterator++; } // output average spacing return sum_distances / (FT)i; } #ifdef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB template class Compute_average_spacings { typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point; typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; const Tree& tree; const unsigned int k; const std::vector& input; std::vector& output; cpp11::atomic& advancement; cpp11::atomic& interrupted; public: Compute_average_spacings(Tree& tree, unsigned int k, std::vector& points, std::vector& output, cpp11::atomic& advancement, cpp11::atomic& interrupted) : tree(tree), k (k), input (points), output (output) , advancement (advancement) , interrupted (interrupted) { } void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range& r) const { for( std::size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) { if (interrupted) break; output[i] = CGAL::internal::compute_average_spacing(input[i], tree, k); ++ advancement; } } }; #endif // CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB } /* namespace internal */ /// \endcond // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public section // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \ingroup PkgPointSetProcessingAlgorithms Computes average spacing from k nearest neighbors. \pre `k >= 2.` \tparam ConcurrencyTag enables sequential versus parallel algorithm. Possible values are `Sequential_tag` and `Parallel_tag`. \tparam PointRange is a model of `ConstRange`. The value type of its iterator is the key type of the named parameter `point_map`. \param points input point range. \param k number of neighbors. \param np optional sequence of \ref psp_namedparameters "Named Parameters" among the ones listed below. \cgalNamedParamsBegin \cgalParamBegin{point_map} a model of `ReadablePropertyMap` with value type `geom_traits::Point_3`. If this parameter is omitted, `CGAL::Identity_property_map` is used.\cgalParamEnd \cgalParamBegin{callback} an instance of `cpp11::function`. It is called regularly when the algorithm is running: the current advancement (between 0. and 1.) is passed as parameter. If it returns `true`, then the algorithm continues its execution normally; if it returns `false`, the algorithm is stopped and the average spacing value estimated on the processed subset is returned.\cgalParamEnd \cgalParamBegin{geom_traits} an instance of a geometric traits class, model of `Kernel`\cgalParamEnd \cgalNamedParamsEnd \return average spacing (scalar). The return type `FT` is a number type. It is either deduced from the `geom_traits` \ref psp_namedparameters "Named Parameters" if provided, or the geometric traits class deduced from the point property map of `points`. */ template #ifdef DOXYGEN_RUNNING FT #else typename Point_set_processing_3::GetK::Kernel::FT #endif compute_average_spacing( const PointRange& points, unsigned int k, const NamedParameters& np) { using boost::choose_param; // basic geometric types typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetPointMap::const_type PointMap; typedef typename Point_set_processing_3::GetK::Kernel Kernel; typedef typename Kernel::Point_3 Point; PointMap point_map = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::point_map), PointMap()); const cpp11::function& callback = choose_param(get_param(np, internal_np::callback), cpp11::function()); // types for K nearest neighbors search structure typedef typename Kernel::FT FT; typedef Search_traits_3 Tree_traits; typedef Orthogonal_k_neighbor_search Neighbor_search; typedef typename Neighbor_search::Tree Tree; // precondition: at least one element in the container. // to fix: should have at least three distinct points // but this is costly to check CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(points.begin() != points.end()); // precondition: at least 2 nearest neighbors CGAL_point_set_processing_precondition(k >= 2); // Instanciate a KD-tree search. // Note: We have to convert each input iterator to Point_3. std::vector kd_tree_points; for(typename PointRange::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) kd_tree_points.push_back(get(point_map, *it)); Tree tree(kd_tree_points.begin(), kd_tree_points.end()); // iterate over input points, compute and output normal // vectors (already normalized) FT sum_spacings = (FT)0.0; std::size_t nb = 0; #ifndef CGAL_LINKED_WITH_TBB CGAL_static_assertion_msg (!(boost::is_convertible::value), "Parallel_tag is enabled but TBB is unavailable."); #else if (boost::is_convertible::value) { internal::Point_set_processing_3::Parallel_callback parallel_callback (callback, kd_tree_points.size()); std::vector spacings (kd_tree_points.size (), -1); CGAL::internal::Compute_average_spacings f (tree, k, kd_tree_points, spacings, parallel_callback.advancement(), parallel_callback.interrupted()); tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range(0, kd_tree_points.size ()), f); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spacings.size (); ++ i) if (spacings[i] >= 0.) { sum_spacings += spacings[i]; ++ nb; } parallel_callback.join(); } else #endif { for(typename PointRange::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++, nb++) { sum_spacings += internal::compute_average_spacing( get(point_map,*it), tree,k); if (callback && !callback ((nb+1) / double(kd_tree_points.size()))) { ++ nb; break; } } } // return average spacing return sum_spacings / (FT)(nb); } /// \cond SKIP_IN_MANUAL // variant with default NP template typename Point_set_processing_3::GetFT::type compute_average_spacing( const PointRange& points, unsigned int k) ///< number of neighbors. { return compute_average_spacing (points, k, CGAL::Point_set_processing_3::parameters::all_default(points)); } #ifndef CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE // deprecated API template CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::compute_average_spacing(), please update your code") typename Kernel::FT compute_average_spacing( InputIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. InputIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. PointMap point_map, ///< property map: value_type of InputIterator -> Point_3 unsigned int k, ///< number of neighbors. const Kernel& /*kernel*/) ///< geometric traits. { return compute_average_spacing( CGAL::make_range (first,beyond), k, CGAL::parameters::point_map (point_map).geom_traits (Kernel())); } // deprecated API template CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::compute_average_spacing(), please update your code") typename Kernel_traits::value_type>::Kernel::FT compute_average_spacing( InputIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. InputIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. PointMap point_map, ///< property map: value_type of InputIterator -> Point_3 unsigned int k) ///< number of neighbors { return compute_average_spacing( CGAL::make_range (first,beyond), k, CGAL::parameters::point_map (point_map)); } // deprecated API template < typename ConcurrencyTag, typename InputIterator > typename Kernel_traits::value_type>::Kernel::FT CGAL_DEPRECATED_MSG("you are using the deprecated V1 API of CGAL::compute_average_spacing(), please update your code") compute_average_spacing( InputIterator first, ///< iterator over the first input point. InputIterator beyond, ///< past-the-end iterator over the input points. unsigned int k) ///< number of neighbors. { return compute_average_spacing( CGAL::make_range (first,beyond), k); } #endif // CGAL_NO_DEPRECATED_CODE /// \endcond } //namespace CGAL #include #endif // CGAL_AVERAGE_SPACING_3_H