Dust3D ========= Dust3D is aim to be a quick modeling tool for game development. Currently the development is in the very early stage. Idea =========== I was inspired by Jimmy Gunawan's blogs of monster generation, here is the first one [INSPIRATION / Pixar Monster Factory Part One](http://blendersushi.blogspot.com.au/2013/06/inspiration-pixar-monster-factory-part.html), and by search the Skin Modifier of Blender, I found the theory of Skin Modifier: [B-Mesh: A Fast Modeling System for Base Meshes of 3D Articulated Shapes](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu2, Yigang Wang1). I started to think of monster model generation for game development from years ago, thanks for this paper, Dust3D is achievable now. From my initial thought, Dust3D should be a tool like [Makehuman](http://www.makehuman.org), with more versatile features, not only can make human, but also be able to **generate monsters automatically**. Progress ============== Drawing Sphere ----------- I don't want the whole project have any unnecessary dependent, like glu library. Let's start with [drawing a sphere without gluSphere]( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7687148/drawing-sphere-in-opengl-without-using-glusphere), because I want implement the same balls which presented in the [B-Mesh paper](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=