include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CGAL_Macros.cmake) message ( STATUS "External libraries supported: ${CGAL_SUPPORTING_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES}") foreach (lib ${CGAL_SUPPORTING_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES}) # Part 1: Try to find lib set (vlib "${CGAL_EXT_LIB_${lib}_PREFIX}") # Check whether lib is essential or WITH_ is given: list(FIND CGAL_ESSENTIAL_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARIES "${lib}" POSITION) if ("${POSITION}" STRGREATER "-1" OR WITH_${lib}) # In both cases CGAL_USE_ will be finally set. #message (STATUS "With ${lib} given or essential: pos=${POSITION}") if ( CGAL_ENABLE_PRECONFIG ) message (STATUS "Preconfiguring library: ${lib} ...") else() message (STATUS "Configuring library: ${lib} ...") endif() find_package( ${lib} ) if ( ${vlib}_FOUND ) if ( CGAL_ENABLE_PRECONFIG ) message( STATUS "${lib} has been preconfigured:") message( STATUS " Use${lib}-file: ${${vlib}_USE_FILE}") message( STATUS " ${lib} include: ${${vlib}_INCLUDE_DIR}" ) message( STATUS " ${lib} libraries: ${${vlib}_LIBRARIES}" ) message( STATUS " ${lib} definitions: ${${vlib}_DEFINITIONS}" ) else() message( STATUS "${lib} has been configured") use_lib( ${vlib} ${${vlib}_USE_FILE}) endif() # TODO EBEB what about Qt5, zlib etc? set ( CGAL_USE_${vlib} TRUE ) # Part 2: Add some lib-specific definitions or obtain version if (${lib} STREQUAL "GMP") get_dependency_version(GMP) endif() if (${lib} STREQUAL "MPFR") set( MPFR_DEPENDENCY_INCLUDE_DIR ${GMP_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( MPFR_DEPENDENCY_LIBRARIES ${GMP_LIBRARIES} ) get_dependency_version(MPFR) endif() if (${lib} STREQUAL "LEDA") # special case for LEDA - add a flag message( STATUS "LEDA cxx flags: ${LEDA_CXX_FLAGS}" ) uniquely_add_flags( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ${LEDA_CXX_FLAGS} ) endif() else() if ("${POSITION}" STRGREATER "-1") # if lib is essential message( FATAL_ERROR "CGAL requires ${lib} to be found" ) endif() endif() endif() endforeach() if( (GMP_FOUND AND NOT MPFR_FOUND) OR (NOT GMP_FOUND AND MPFR_FOUND) ) message( FATAL_ERROR "CGAL needs for its full functionality both GMP and MPFR.") endif() if( NOT GMP_FOUND ) set(CGAL_NO_CORE ON) message( STATUS "CGAL_Core needs GMP, cannot be configured.") endif( NOT GMP_FOUND ) # finally setup Boost include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CGAL_SetupBoost.cmake)