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Parts List Panel
.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huxingyi/dust3d/master/docs/interface/parts-list-panel.png
In Dust3D, model consists of parts, part consists of nodes. User manipulats nodes's position and radius, toggle part's settings, then the mesh autogenerated by Dust3D.
Top Mini Buttons
(From left to right)
* Visible/(H)idden
Toggle the part's visibility on canvas, the mesh generation would not be affected. You can use it to hide some parts, then make edit other parts not been covered.
* (J)oin/Not Join(to Final Mesh)
Toggle the part's enablility, affects the final mesh generation. Unjoined parts would not appear in the result.
* (L)ock/Unlock
Toggle the part's edit lock. Locked part would still be visible on canvas, but can not been checked or edited.
* Color Picker
Choose the part's color. If there isn't color choosen, the Rendered Model will be show as the default color.
The color choosen here will exported as a material color in the result output.
Rendered Part Preview
Shows the rendered image of the whole part's generated mesh.
Bottom Mini Buttons
* (B)ox/Subdivisioned Box
Toggle the basic unit type of mesh generation. Box means quad face, subdivisioned box means octagon face. If you want more sharp edges, choose box, otherwise choose subdivisioned box to make edges smooth.
* Thickness Modifier
This is used when you want make fish body like mesh, or a thin or thick plane.
The are two parameters for this modifier, one controls the thickness along the base plane normal, the other controls the thickness along the perpendicular of base plane normal.
* (M)irror Modifier
If there are two parts have the same shape but one sit left, the other sit right. It's like the human body, you no need to make the arm part two times, just once, and mirror it.
* End Ro(U)ndable Modifier
Toggle the begin/end roundable (Flat / Rounded). If you want the cut effect, choose not rounded, otherwise, the edge end will be rounded (Automatically added one more small face).