
389 lines
54 KiB

Dust3D Remote IO Protocol Specification
| Dust3D Remote IO is an API based on a TCP/IP connection. It hosts on local TCP port 53309, and enables other software control the modeling progress of Dust3D by sending commands through the TCP connection.
| Other software connect to tcp host, send command, get reply and receive event from Dust3D. One command, or one response, consists of one packet, each packet encoded as hex string, and choose '\\0' as packet splitter.
| Each response start with a '+' or '-' when there is an error, the error message comes after the minus sign.
| Event start with a '#'.
Python Example
.. code-block:: python
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Run Dust3D with option: -remoteio to enable it
# e.g.
# $ open ./dust3d.app --args -remoteio
# $ ./dust3d -remoteio
# $ ./dust3d.AppImage -remoteio
import socket
import binascii
TCP_IP = ''
TCP_PORT = 53309
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TCP_IP, TCP_PORT))
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addnodewithid {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addnodewithid {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39969} 0.51 0.51 1.51 0.08") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("addedge {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39969}") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("savesnapshot") + "\0")
s.send(binascii.hexlify("exportAsObj") + "\0")
#s.send(binascii.hexlify("getNodePartId {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968}") + "\0")
response = bytes()
while True:
oneEnd = response.find(chr(0))
if (-1 == oneEnd):
response += s.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
reply = response[:oneEnd]
response = response[oneEnd + 1:]
print binascii.unhexlify(reply)
| Command | Examples |
| listWindow | | send> listwindow |
| | | +OK |
| | | {658cac48-4cc4-42bf-a561-dbd28330777e} Dust3D%201.0.0-beta.17%20* |
| selectWindow <windowId> | | send> selectwindow {658cac48-4cc4-42bf-a561-dbd28330777e} |
| | | +OK |
| undo | | send> undo |
| | | +OK |
| redo | | send> redo |
| | | +OK |
| paste | | send> paste |
| | | +OK |
| removeNode <nodeId> | | send> removeNode {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| removeEdge <edgeId> | | send> removeEdge {a75f39ac-3c78-4754-b34a-dce70779832b} |
| | | +OK |
| removePart <partId> | | send> removePart {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} |
| | | +OK |
| addNode <x> <y> <z> <radius> <fromNodeId> | | send> addNode 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> addNode 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| addNodeWithId <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> <radius> <fromNodeId> | | send> addNodeWithId {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> addNodeWithId {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 0.08 {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| scaleNodeByAddRadius <nodeId> <amount> | | send> scaleNodeByAddRadius {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.05 |
| | | +OK |
| moveNodeBy <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> | | send> moveNodeBy {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.05 0.05 0.05 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeOrigin <nodeId> <x> <y> <z> | | send> setNodeOrigin {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.51 0.51 1.01 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeRadius <nodeId> <radius> | | send> setNodeRadius {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} 0.08 |
| | | +OK |
| setNodeBoneMark <nodeId> <boneMark> | | Available bone marks: Neck/Limb/Tail/Joint/None |
| | | |
| | | send> setNodeBoneMark {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} Neck |
| | | +OK |
| switchNodeXZ <nodeId> | | send> switchNodeXZ {8d443cbf-fc73-4281-b3a1-268dd38b1c73} |
| | | +OK |
| moveOriginBy <x> <y> <z> | | send> moveOriginBy 0.01, 0.02, 0.013 |
| | | +OK |
| addEdge <fromNodeId> <toNodeId> | | send> addEdge {a75f39ac-3c78-4754-b34a-dce70779832b} {507328fd-9baf-41d1-9e05-850fb41fcbfa} |
| | | +OK |
| setPartLockState <partId> <lockState> | | send> setPartLockState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} locked |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartLockState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unlocked |
| | | +OK |
| setPartVisibleState <partId> <visibleState> | | send> setPartVisibleState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} visible |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartVisibleState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} invisible |
| | | +OK |
| setPartSubdivState <partId> <subdivState> | | send> setPartSubdivState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} subdived |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartSubdivState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unsubdived |
| | | +OK |
| setPartChamferState <partId> <chamferState> | | send> setPartChamferState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} chamfered |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartChamferState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unchamfered |
| | | +OK |
| setPartRoundState <partId> <roundState> | | send> setPartRoundState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} rounded |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartRoundState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unrounded |
| | | +OK |
| setPartDisableState <partId> <disableState> | | send> setPartDisableState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} disabled |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartDisableState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} undisabled |
| | | +OK |
| setPartXmirrorState <partId> <xMirrorState> | | send> setPartXmirrorState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} mirrored |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartXmirrorState {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} unmirrored |
| | | +OK |
| setPartColor <partId> <colorName> | | send> setPartColor {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} red |
| | | +OK |
| | | |
| | | send> setPartColor {79a15562-908c-4b74-a489-af604796b1a0} |
| | | +OK |
| getNodePartId <nodeId> | | send> getNodePartId {3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968} |
| | | +OK |
| | | {b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c} |
| saveSnapshot | | send> saveSnapshot |
| | | +OK |
| getSnapshot | | send> getSnapshot |
| | | +OK |
| | | <?xml version="1.0"?> |
| | | <canvas> |
| | | <nodes> |
| | | <node id="{3dc475f6-dcda-45b8-bb76-59948db39968}" partId="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" radius="0.08" x="0.51" y="0.51" z="1.01"/> |
| | | </nodes> |
| | | <edges/> |
| | | <parts> |
| | | <part chamfered="false" disabled="false" id="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" locked="false" rounded="false" subdived="false" visible="true" xMirrored="false" zMirrored="false"/> |
| | | </parts> |
| | | <components> |
| | | <component combineMode="Normal" expanded="false" id="{946dad8f-28d5-40c8-8c70-709ecc1ca048}" linkData="{b8f9ae53-999c-4851-9c2b-69a427fca10c}" linkDataType="partId"/> |
| | | </components> |
| | | <materials/> |
| | | <poses/> |
| | | <motions/> |
| | | </canvas> |
| exportAsObj | | send> exportAsObj |
| | | +OK |
| | | # DUST3D |
| | | v -0.08 0.08 0.08 |
| | | v -0.08 -0.08 0.08 |
| | | v 0.08 -0.08 0.08 |
| | | v 0.08 -0.08 -0.08 |
| | | v -0.08 -0.08 -0.08 |
| | | v -0.08 0.08 -0.08 |
| | | v 0.08 0.08 -0.08 |
| | | v 0.08 0.08 0.08 |
| | | f 2 1 6 5 |
| | | f 3 2 5 4 |
| | | f 2 3 8 1 |
| | | f 8 3 4 7 |
| | | f 5 6 7 4 |
| | | f 1 8 7 6 |
| new | | send> new |
| | | +OK |
| Event |
| nodeadded <nodeId> |
| partadded <partId> |
| edgeadded <edgeId> |
| partremoved |
| componentnamechanged <componentId> |
| componentchildrenchanged <componentId> |
| componentremoved <componentId> |
| componentadded <componentId> |
| componentexpandstatechanged <componentId> |
| noderemoved <nodeId> |
| edgeremoved <edgeId> |
| noderadiuschanged <nodeId> |
| nodebonemarkchanged <nodeId> |
| nodeoriginchanged <nodeId> |
| edgechanged <edgeId> |
| partpreviewchanged <partId> |
| resultmeshchanged |
| turnaroundchanged |
| editmodechanged |
| skeletonchanged |
| resulttexturechanged |
| postprocessedresultchanged |
| resultrigchanged |
| rigchanged |
| partlockstatechanged <partId> |
| partvisiblestatechanged <partId> |
| partsubdivstatechanged <partId> |
| partdisablestatechanged <partId> |
| partxmirrorstatechanged <partId> |
| partdeformthicknesschanged <partId> |
| partdeformwidthchanged <partId> |
| partroundstatechanged <partId> |
| partcolorstatechanged <partId> |
| partcutrotationchanged <partId> |
| partcuttemplatechanged <partId> |
| partmaterialidchanged <partId> |
| partchamferstatechanged <partId> |
| componentcombinemodechanged <componentId> |
| cleanup |
| originchanged |
| xlockstatechanged |
| ylockstatechanged |
| zlockstatechanged |
| radiuslockstatechanged |
| checkpart <partId> |
| partchecked <partId> |
| partunchecked |
| enablebackgroundblur |
| disablebackgroundblur |
| exportready |
| uncheckall |
| checknode <nodeId> |
| checkedge <edgeId> |
| optionschanged |
| rigtypechanged |
| poseschanged |
| motionschanged |
| poseadded <poseId> |
| poseremoved <poseId> |
| poselistchanged |
| posenamechanged <poseId> |
| poseframeschanged <poseId> |
| poseturnaroundimageidchanged <poseId> |
| posepreviewchanged <poseId> |
| motionadded <motionId> |
| motionremoved <motionId> |
| motionlistchanged |
| motionnamechanged <motionId> |
| motionclipschanged <motionId> |
| motionpreviewchanged <motionId> |
| motionresultchanged <motionId> |
| materialadded <materialId> |
| materialremoved <materialId> |
| materiallistchanged |
| materialnamechanged <materialId> |
| materiallayerschanged <materialId> |
| materialpreviewchanged <materialId> |
| meshgenerating |
| postprocessing |
| texturegenerating |
| texturechanged |