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Dust3D is aim to be a quick modeling tool for game development. Currently the development is in the very early stage.


I was inspired by Jimmy Gunawan's blogs of monster generation, here is the first one INSPIRATION / Pixar Monster Factory Part One, and by search the Skin Modifier of Blender, I found the theory of Skin Modifier:
B-Mesh: A Fast Modeling System for Base Meshes of 3D Articulated Shapes(Authors: Zhongping Ji, Ligang Liu, Yigang Wang). I started to think of monster model generation for game development from years ago, thanks for this paper, Dust3D is achievable now.
From my initial thought, Dust3D should be a tool like Makehuman, with more versatile features, not only can make human, but also be able to generate monsters automatically.

TODO & Progress

  • Drawing Primitives (Dec 15, 2016 ~ Dec 17, 2016)
    I don't want the whole project have any unnecessary dependent, like glu library. Let's start with drawing a sphere without gluSphere, because I want implement the same spheres which presented in the B-Mesh paper.
    Two caps and many strips composites a cylinder.
    Infinite Grid
    Almost all 3D editor have a infinite grid ground, I just made a finite one, in the future, I should expand the grid outside of the screen to make it infinite.
    Now, for just beginning, I think it's a not bad start.
  • Implement B-Mesh algorithm (Dec 18, 2016 ~ Dec 20, 2016)
    Drawing Skeletal Shape Balls
    Draw shape ball is easy, no need to rotate, I just need scale it along the ball's radius. Draw the cylinder which connects two shape balls is more difficult, I need do some math to rotate it. Here described it.
    Camera Control
    Camera rotate/zoom implemented, here is a good article which explained the theory of OpenGL Transformation. Most important is that the demo app is very beautiful.
    Added x,z axis, looks better than last screenshot.
    I have to use the GLU library, the previous implementation of drawSphere and drawCylinder looks not good, and take too much time to debug.

    B-Mesh data struct
    I created the test nodes's geometry information from Blender. Here is the render result of data/bmesh_test_1.h

    Generate Inbetween Nodes
  • Export Wavefront .obj
  • Render B-Mesh result
  • Design UI for monster parts configuration
  • Test B-Mesh realtime generation with UI
  • Render rigid animation
  • png exporter for isometric 2.5D game
  • Version 0.01 release
  • Materials merge of different parts