
494 lines
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nanogui/common.h -- common definitions used by NanoGUI
NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>.
The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
by Mikko Mononen.
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
/** \file */
#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
/* Set to 1 to draw boxes around widgets */
* \brief Convenience macro for namespace declarations
* The macro ``NAMESPACE_BEGIN(nanogui)`` will expand to ``namespace
* nanogui {``. This is done to hide the namespace scope from editors and
* C++ code formatting tools that may otherwise indent the entire file.
* The corresponding ``NAMESPACE_END`` macro also lists the namespace
* name for improved readability.
* \param name
* The name of the namespace scope to open
#define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(name) namespace name {
* \brief Convenience macro for namespace declarations
* Closes a namespace (counterpart to ``NAMESPACE_BEGIN``)
* ``NAMESPACE_END(nanogui)`` will expand to only ``}``.
* \param name
* The name of the namespace scope to close
#define NAMESPACE_END(name) }
#if defined(NANOGUI_SHARED)
# if defined(_WIN32)
# if defined(NANOGUI_BUILD)
# define NANOGUI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define NANOGUI_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# elif defined(NANOGUI_BUILD)
# define NANOGUI_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
# else
# endif
* If the build flag ``NANOGUI_SHARED`` is defined, this directive will expand
* to be the platform specific shared library import / export command depending
* on the compilation stage. If undefined, it expands to nothing. **Do not**
* define this directive on your own.
/* Force usage of discrete GPU on laptops (macro must be invoked in main application) */
#if defined(_WIN32)
extern "C" { \
__declspec(dllexport) int AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance = 1; \
__declspec(dllexport) int NvOptimusEnablement = 1; \
* On Windows, exports ``AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance`` and
* ``NvOptimusEnablement`` as ``1``.
#if defined(_WIN32)
#if defined(NANOGUI_BUILD)
/* Quench a few warnings on when compiling NanoGUI on Windows */
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // warning C4244: conversion from X to Y, possible loss of data
#pragma warning(disable : 4251) // warning C4251: class X needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class Y
#pragma warning(disable : 4714) // warning C4714: function X marked as __forceinline not inlined
// These will produce broken links in the docs build
struct NVGcontext { /* Opaque handle type, never de-referenced within NanoGUI */ };
struct GLFWwindow { /* Opaque handle type, never de-referenced within NanoGUI */ };
struct NVGcolor;
struct NVGglyphPosition;
struct GLFWcursor;
// Define command key for windows/mac/linux
#ifdef __APPLE__
/// If on OSX, maps to ``GLFW_MOD_SUPER``. Otherwise, maps to ``GLFW_MOD_CONTROL``.
/// If on OSX, maps to ``GLFW_MOD_SUPER``. Otherwise, maps to ``GLFW_MOD_CONTROL``.
/// Cursor shapes available to use in GLFW.
enum class Cursor {
Arrow = 0,
/// Not a cursor --- should always be last: enables a loop over the cursor types.
/* Import some common Eigen types */
using Eigen::Vector2f;
using Eigen::Vector3f;
using Eigen::Vector4f;
using Eigen::Vector2i;
using Eigen::Vector3i;
using Eigen::Vector4i;
using Eigen::Matrix3f;
using Eigen::Matrix4f;
using Eigen::VectorXf;
using Eigen::MatrixXf;
* Convenience typedef for things like index buffers. You would use it the same
* as ``Eigen::MatrixXf``, only it is storing ``uint32_t`` instead of ``float``.
typedef Eigen::Matrix<uint32_t, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> MatrixXu;
* \class Color common.h nanogui/common.h
* \brief Stores an RGBA floating point color value.
* This class simply wraps around an ``Eigen::Vector4f``, providing some convenient
* methods and terminology for thinking of it as a color. The data operates in the
* same way as ``Eigen::Vector4f``, and the following values are identical:
* \rst
* +---------+-------------+-----------------------+-------------+
* | Channel | Array Index | Eigen::Vector4f Value | Color Value |
* +=========+=============+=======================+=============+
* | Red | ``0`` | x() | r() |
* +---------+-------------+-----------------------+-------------+
* | Green | ``1`` | y() | g() |
* +---------+-------------+-----------------------+-------------+
* | Blue | ``2`` | z() | b() |
* +---------+-------------+-----------------------+-------------+
* | Alpha | ``3`` | w() | w() |
* +---------+-------------+-----------------------+-------------+
* .. note::
* The method for the alpha component is **always** ``w()``.
* \endrst
* You can and should still use the various convenience methods such as ``any()``,
* ``all()``, ``head<index>()``, etc provided by Eigen.
class Color : public Eigen::Vector4f {
typedef Eigen::Vector4f Base;
/// Default constructor: represents black (``r, g, b, a = 0``)
Color() : Color(0, 0, 0, 0) {}
* Makes an exact copy of the data represented by the input parameter.
* \param color
* The four dimensional float vector being copied.
Color(const Eigen::Vector4f &color) : Eigen::Vector4f(color) { }
* Copies (x, y, z) from the input vector, and uses the value specified by
* the ``alpha`` parameter for this Color object's alpha component.
* \param color
* The three dimensional float vector being copied.
* \param alpha
* The value to set this object's alpha component to.
Color(const Eigen::Vector3f &color, float alpha)
: Color(color(0), color(1), color(2), alpha) { }
* Copies (x, y, z) from the input vector, casted as floats first and then
* divided by ``255.0``, and uses the value specified by the ``alpha``
* parameter, casted to a float and divided by ``255.0`` as well, for this
* Color object's alpha component.
* \param color
* The three dimensional integer vector being copied, will be divided by ``255.0``.
* \param alpha
* The value to set this object's alpha component to, will be divided by ``255.0``.
Color(const Eigen::Vector3i &color, int alpha)
: Color(color.cast<float>() / 255.f, alpha / 255.f) { }
* Copies (x, y, z) from the input vector, and sets the alpha of this color
* to be ``1.0``.
* \param color
* The three dimensional float vector being copied.
Color(const Eigen::Vector3f &color) : Color(color, 1.0f) {}
* Copies (x, y, z) from the input vector, casting to floats and dividing by
* ``255.0``. The alpha of this color will be set to ``1.0``.
* \param color
* The three dimensional integer vector being copied, will be divided by ``255.0``.
Color(const Eigen::Vector3i &color)
: Color((Vector3f)(color.cast<float>() / 255.f)) { }
* Copies (x, y, z, w) from the input vector, casting to floats and dividing
* by ``255.0``.
* \param color
* The three dimensional integer vector being copied, will be divided by ``255.0``.
Color(const Eigen::Vector4i &color)
: Color((Vector4f)(color.cast<float>() / 255.f)) { }
* Creates the Color ``(intensity, intensity, intensity, alpha)``.
* \param intensity
* The value to be used for red, green, and blue.
* \param alpha
* The alpha component of the color.
Color(float intensity, float alpha)
: Color(Vector3f::Constant(intensity), alpha) { }
* Creates the Color ``(intensity, intensity, intensity, alpha) / 255.0``.
* Values are casted to floats before division.
* \param intensity
* The value to be used for red, green, and blue, will be divided by ``255.0``.
* \param alpha
* The alpha component of the color, will be divided by ``255.0``.
Color(int intensity, int alpha)
: Color(Vector3i::Constant(intensity), alpha) { }
* Explicit constructor: creates the Color ``(r, g, b, a)``.
* \param r
* The red component of the color.
* \param g
* The green component of the color.
* \param b
* The blue component of the color.
* \param a
* The alpha component of the color.
Color(float r, float g, float b, float a) : Color(Vector4f(r, g, b, a)) { }
* Explicit constructor: creates the Color ``(r, g, b, a) / 255.0``.
* Values are casted to floats before division.
* \param r
* The red component of the color, will be divided by ``255.0``.
* \param g
* The green component of the color, will be divided by ``255.0``.
* \param b
* The blue component of the color, will be divided by ``255.0``.
* \param a
* The alpha component of the color, will be divided by ``255.0``.
Color(int r, int g, int b, int a) : Color(Vector4i(r, g, b, a)) { }
/// Construct a color vector from MatrixBase (needed to play nice with Eigen)
template <typename Derived> Color(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& p)
: Base(p) { }
/// Assign a color vector from MatrixBase (needed to play nice with Eigen)
template <typename Derived> Color &operator=(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& p) {
return *this;
/// Return a reference to the red channel
float &r() { return x(); }
/// Return a reference to the red channel (const version)
const float &r() const { return x(); }
/// Return a reference to the green channel
float &g() { return y(); }
/// Return a reference to the green channel (const version)
const float &g() const { return y(); }
/// Return a reference to the blue channel
float &b() { return z(); }
/// Return a reference to the blue channel (const version)
const float &b() const { return z(); }
* Computes the luminance as ``l = 0.299r + 0.587g + 0.144b + 0.0a``. If
* the luminance is less than 0.5, white is returned. If the luminance is
* greater than or equal to 0.5, black is returned. Both returns will have
* an alpha component of 1.0.
Color contrastingColor() const {
float luminance = cwiseProduct(Color(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.144f, 0.f)).sum();
return Color(luminance < 0.5f ? 1.f : 0.f, 1.f);
/// Allows for conversion between this Color and NanoVG's representation.
inline operator const NVGcolor &() const;
// skip the forward declarations for the docs
/* Forward declarations */
template <typename T> class ref;
class AdvancedGridLayout;
class BoxLayout;
class Button;
class CheckBox;
class ColorWheel;
class ColorPicker;
class ComboBox;
class GLFramebuffer;
class GLShader;
class GridLayout;
class GroupLayout;
class ImagePanel;
class ImageView;
class Label;
class Layout;
class MessageDialog;
class Object;
class Popup;
class PopupButton;
class ProgressBar;
class Screen;
class Serializer;
class Slider;
class StackedWidget;
class TabHeader;
class TabWidget;
class TextBox;
class Theme;
class ToolButton;
class VScrollPanel;
class Widget;
class Window;
* Static initialization; should be called once before invoking **any** NanoGUI
* functions **if** you are having NanoGUI manage OpenGL / GLFW. This method
* is effectively a wrapper call to ``glfwInit()``, so if you are managing
* OpenGL / GLFW on your own *do not call this method*.
* \rst
* Refer to :ref:`nanogui_example_3` for how you might go about managing OpenGL
* and GLFW on your own, while still using NanoGUI's classes.
* \endrst
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT void init();
/// Static shutdown; should be called before the application terminates.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT void shutdown();
* \brief Enter the application main loop
* \param refresh
* NanoGUI issues a redraw call whenever an keyboard/mouse/.. event is
* received. In the absence of any external events, it enforces a redraw
* once every ``refresh`` milliseconds. To disable the refresh timer,
* specify a negative value here.
* \param detach
* This pararameter only exists in the Python bindings. When the active
* \c Screen instance is provided via the \c detach parameter, the
* ``mainloop()`` function becomes non-blocking and returns
* immediately (in this case, the main loop runs in parallel on a newly
* created thread). This feature is convenient for prototyping user
* interfaces on an interactive Python command prompt. When
* ``detach != None``, the function returns an opaque handle that
* will release any resources allocated by the created thread when the
* handle's ``join()`` method is invoked (or when it is garbage
* collected).
* \remark
* Unfortunately, Mac OS X strictly requires all event processing to take
* place on the application's main thread, which is fundamentally
* incompatible with this type of approach. Thus, NanoGUI relies on a
* rather crazy workaround on Mac OS (kudos to Dmitriy Morozov):
* ``mainloop()`` launches a new thread as before but then uses
* libcoro to swap the thread execution environment (stack, registers, ..)
* with the main thread. This means that the main application thread is
* hijacked and processes events in the main loop to satisfy the
* requirements on Mac OS, while the thread that actually returns from this
* function is the newly created one (paradoxical, as that may seem).
* Deleting or ``join()``ing the returned handle causes application to
* wait for the termination of the main loop and then swap the two thread
* environments back into their initial configuration.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT void mainloop(int refresh = 50);
/// Request the application main loop to terminate (e.g. if you detached mainloop).
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT void leave();
* \brief Open a native file open/save dialog.
* \param filetypes
* Pairs of permissible formats with descriptions like
* ``("png", "Portable Network Graphics")``.
* \param save
* Set to ``true`` if you would like subsequent file dialogs to open
* at whatever folder they were in when they close this one.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT std::string
file_dialog(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &filetypes,
bool save);
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(DOXYGEN_DOCUMENTATION_BUILD)
* \brief Move to the application bundle's parent directory
* This is function is convenient when deploying .app bundles on OSX. It
* adjusts the file path to the parent directory containing the bundle.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT void chdir_to_bundle_parent();
* \brief Convert a single UTF32 character code to UTF8.
* \rst
* NanoGUI uses this to convert the icon character codes
* defined in :ref:`file_include_nanogui_entypo.h`.
* \endrst
* \param c
* The UTF32 character to be converted.
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT std::array<char, 8> utf8(int c);
/// Load a directory of PNG images and upload them to the GPU (suitable for use with ImagePanel)
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>>
loadImageDirectory(NVGcontext *ctx, const std::string &path);
/// Convenience function for instanting a PNG icon from the application's data segment (via bin2c)
#define nvgImageIcon(ctx, name) nanogui::__nanogui_get_image(ctx, #name, name##_png, name##_png_size)
/// Helper function used by nvgImageIcon
extern NANOGUI_EXPORT int __nanogui_get_image(NVGcontext *ctx, const std::string &name, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size);