192 lines
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192 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2014
// INRIA Saclay-Ile de France (France)
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org)
// $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.1/NewKernel_d/include/CGAL/NewKernel_d/KernelD_converter.h $
// $Id: KernelD_converter.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial
// Author(s) : Marc Glisse
#include <CGAL/basic.h>
#include <CGAL/tuple.h>
#include <CGAL/typeset.h>
#include <CGAL/Object.h>
#include <CGAL/Origin.h>
#include <CGAL/NT_converter.h>
#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/functor_tags.h>
#include <CGAL/Kernel/mpl.h>
#include <CGAL/is_iterator.h>
#include <CGAL/transforming_iterator.h>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/store_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/NewKernel_d/Kernel_object_converter.h>
namespace CGAL {
namespace internal {
// Reverses order, but that shouldn't matter.
template<class K,class T> struct Map_taglist_to_typelist :
Map_taglist_to_typelist<K,typename T::tail>::type
::template add<typename Get_type<K, typename T::head>::type>
template<class K> struct Map_taglist_to_typelist<K,typeset<> > : typeset<> {};
template<class List = typeset<> >
struct Object_converter {
typedef Object result_type;
template<class F>
result_type operator()(Object const& o, F const& f) const {
typedef typename List::head H;
if (H const* ptr = object_cast<H>(&o))
return make_object(f(*ptr));
return Object_converter<typename List::tail>()(o,f);
struct Object_converter <typeset<> > {
typedef Object result_type;
template<class F>
result_type operator()(Object const&,F const&)const {
CGAL_error_msg("Cartesiand_converter is unable to determine what is wrapped in the Object");
return Object();
//TODO: special case when K1==K2 (or they are very close?)
template<class Final_, class K1, class K2, class List>
class KernelD_converter_
: public KernelD_converter_<Final_,K1,K2,typename List::tail>
typedef typename List::head Tag_;
typedef typename List::tail Rest;
typedef KernelD_converter_<Final_,K1,K2,Rest> Base;
typedef typename Get_type<K1,Tag_>::type K1_Obj;
typedef typename Get_type<K2,Tag_>::type K2_Obj;
typedef typename Get_functor<K1, Convert_ttag<Tag_> >::type K1_Conv;
typedef KO_converter<Tag_,K1,K2> KOC;
typedef std::is_same<K1_Conv, Null_functor> no_converter;
typedef typename internal::Map_taglist_to_typelist<K1,Rest>::type::template contains<K1_Obj> duplicate;
// Disable the conversion in some cases:
struct Do_not_use{};
// Explicit calls to boost::mpl functions to avoid parenthesis
// warning on some versions of GCC
typedef typename boost::mpl::if_ <
// If Point==Vector, keep only one conversion
// For iterator objects, the default is make_transforming_iterator
boost::mpl::bool_<(iterator_tag_traits<Tag_>::is_iterator && no_converter::value)> >,
Do_not_use,K1_Obj>::type argument_type;
//typedef typename KOC::argument_type K1_Obj;
//typedef typename KOC::result_type K2_Obj;
using Base::operator(); // don't use directly, just make it accessible to the next level
K2_Obj helper(K1_Obj const& o, std::true_type)const{
return KOC()(this->myself().kernel(),this->myself().kernel2(),this->myself(),o);
K2_Obj helper(K1_Obj const& o, std::false_type)const{
return K1_Conv(this->myself().kernel())(this->myself().kernel2(),this->myself(),o);
K2_Obj operator()(argument_type const& o)const{
return helper(o,no_converter());
template<class X,int=0> struct result:Base::template result<X>{};
template<int i> struct result<Final_(argument_type),i> {typedef K2_Obj type;};
template<class Final_, class K1, class K2>
class KernelD_converter_<Final_,K1,K2,typeset<> > {
struct Do_not_use2{};
void operator()(Do_not_use2)const{}
template<class T> struct result;
Final_& myself(){return *static_cast<Final_*>(this);}
Final_ const& myself()const{return *static_cast<Final_ const*>(this);}
// TODO: use the intersection of Kn::Object_list.
template<class K1, class K2, class List_=
typename typeset_intersection<typename K1::Object_list, typename K2::Object_list>::type
> class KernelD_converter
: public Store_kernel<K1>, public Store_kernel2<K2>,
public KernelD_converter_<KernelD_converter<K1,K2,List_>,K1,K2,List_>
typedef KernelD_converter Self;
typedef Self Final_;
typedef KernelD_converter_<Self,K1,K2,List_> Base;
typedef typename Get_type<K1, FT_tag>::type FT1;
typedef typename Get_type<K2, FT_tag>::type FT2;
typedef NT_converter<FT1, FT2> NTc;
NTc c; // TODO: compressed storage as this is likely empty and the converter gets passed around (and stored in iterators)
KernelD_converter(K1 const&a,K2 const&b):Store_kernel<K1>(a),Store_kernel2<K2>(b){}
// For boost::result_of, used in transforming_iterator
template<class T,int i=is_iterator<T>::value?42:0> struct result:Base::template result<T>{};
template<class T> struct result<Final_(T),42> {
typedef transforming_iterator<Final_,T> type;
template<int i> struct result<Final_(K1),i>{typedef K2 type;};
template<int i> struct result<Final_(int),i>{typedef int type;};
// Ideally the next 2 would come with Point_tag and Vector_tag, but that's hard...
template<int i> struct result<Final_(Origin),i>{typedef Origin type;};
template<int i> struct result<Final_(Null_vector),i>{typedef Null_vector type;};
template<int i> struct result<Final_(Object),i>{typedef Object type;};
template<int i> struct result<Final_(FT1),i>{typedef FT2 type;};
using Base::operator();
typename Store_kernel2<K2>::reference2_type operator()(K1 const&)const{return this->kernel2();}
int operator()(int i)const{return i;}
Origin operator()(Origin const&o)const{return o;}
Null_vector operator()(Null_vector const&v)const{return v;}
FT2 operator()(FT1 const&x)const{return c(x);}
//RT2 operator()(typename First_if_different<RT1,FT1>::Type const&x)const{return cr(x);}
typename Get_type<K2, Flat_orientation_tag>::type const&
operator()(typename Get_type<K1, Flat_orientation_tag>::type const&o)const
{ return o; } // Both kernels should have the same, returning a reference should warn if not.
template<class It>
transforming_iterator<Final_,typename boost::enable_if<is_iterator<It>,It>::type>
operator()(It const& it) const {
return make_transforming_iterator(it,*this);
template<class T>
//TODO: use decltype in C++11 instead of result
std::vector<typename result<Final_(T)>::type>
operator()(const std::vector<T>& v) const {
return std::vector<typename result<Final_(T)>::type>(operator()(v.begin()),operator()(v.begin()));
//TODO: convert std::list and other containers?
operator()(const Object &obj) const
typedef typename internal::Map_taglist_to_typelist<K1,List_>::type Possibilities;
//TODO: add Empty, vector<Point>, etc to the list.
return Object_converter<Possibilities>()(obj,*this);
//TODO: convert boost::variant
} //namespace CGAL