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Executable File

// Copyright (c) 2006,2007,2009,2010,2011 Tel-Aviv University (Israel).
// All rights reserved.
// This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org).
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
// accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
// $URL$
// $Id$
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+
// Author(s) : Ron Wein <wein@post.tau.ac.il>
// Efi Fogel <efif@post.tau.ac.il>
// (based on old version by Eyal Flato)
#include <CGAL/license/Arrangement_on_surface_2.h>
#include <CGAL/disable_warnings.h>
/*! \file
* Defintion of the Arrangement_zone_2 class.
#include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp>
#include <CGAL/Arr_tags.h>
#include <CGAL/Arr_accessor.h>
#include <CGAL/Arrangement_2/Arr_traits_adaptor_2.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
namespace CGAL {
/*! \class
* A class for computing the zone of a given $x$-monotone curve in a given
* arrangement.
* The arrangement parameter corresponds to the underlying arrangement, and
* the zone-visitor parameter corresponds to a visitor class which is capable
* of receiving notifications on the arrangment features the query curve
* traverses. The visitor has to support the following functions:
* - init(), for initializing the visitor with a given arrangement.
* - found_subcurve(), called when a non-intersecting x-monotone curve is
* computed and located in the arrangement.
* - found_overlap(), called when an x-monotone curve overlaps an existing
* halfedge in the arrangement.
* Both the second and the third functions return pair<Halfedge_handle, bool>,
* where the halfedge handle corresponds to the halfedge created or modified
* by the visitor (if valid), and the Boolean value indicates whether we
* should halt the zone-computation process.
template <class Arrangement_, class ZoneVisitor_>
class Arrangement_zone_2
typedef Arrangement_ Arrangement_2;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Geometry_traits_2 Geometry_traits_2;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Topology_traits Topology_traits;
typedef Arr_traits_adaptor_2<Geometry_traits_2> Traits_adaptor_2;
typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Left_side_category Left_side_category;
typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Bottom_side_category Bottom_side_category;
typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Top_side_category Top_side_category;
typedef typename Traits_adaptor_2::Right_side_category Right_side_category;
Arr_sane_identified_tagging< Left_side_category, Bottom_side_category,
Top_side_category, Right_side_category >::result)
typedef ZoneVisitor_ Visitor;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_handle Face_handle;
typedef std::pair<Halfedge_handle, bool> Visitor_result;
typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Point_2 Point_2;
typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2;
typedef typename Geometry_traits_2::Multiplicity Multiplicity;
typedef typename Arr_are_all_sides_oblivious_tag<
Left_side_category, Bottom_side_category,
Top_side_category, Right_side_category >::result
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_const_handle Vertex_const_handle;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle Halfedge_const_handle;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle;
// Types used for caching intersection points:
typedef std::pair<Point_2,Multiplicity> Intersect_point_2;
typedef std::list<CGAL::Object> Intersect_list;
typedef std::map<const X_monotone_curve_2*,
Intersect_list> Intersect_map;
typedef typename Intersect_map::iterator Intersect_map_iterator;
typedef std::set<const X_monotone_curve_2*> Curves_set;
typedef typename Curves_set::iterator Curves_set_iterator;
// Data members:
Arrangement_2& arr; // The associated arrangement.
const Traits_adaptor_2 * m_geom_traits; // Its associated geometry traits.
Arr_accessor<Arrangement_2> arr_access; // An accessor for the arrangement.
Visitor *visitor; // The zone visitor.
Intersect_map inter_map; // Stores all computed intersections.
const Vertex_handle invalid_v; // An invalid vertex handle.
const Halfedge_handle invalid_he; // An invalid halfedge handle.
X_monotone_curve_2 cv; // The current portion of the
// inserted curve.
CGAL::Object obj; // The location of the left endpoint.
bool has_left_pt; // Is the left end of the curve
// bounded.
bool left_on_boundary; // Is the left point on the boundary.
Point_2 left_pt; // Its current left endpoint.
bool has_right_pt; // Is the right end of the curve
// bounded.
bool right_on_boundary;// Is the right point on the boundary.
Point_2 right_pt; // Its right endpoint (if bounded).
Vertex_handle left_v; // The arrangement vertex associated
// with the current left_pt (if any).
Halfedge_handle left_he; // If left_v is valid, left_he is the
// predecessor for cv around this
// vertex. Otherwise, if it is valid,
// it is the halfedge that contains
// the left endpoint it its interior.
Vertex_handle right_v; // The arrangement vertex associated
// with the current right_pt (if any).
Halfedge_handle right_he; // If right_v is valid, left_he is the
// predecessor for cv around this
// vertex. Otherwise, if it is valid,
// it is the halfedge that contains
// the right endpoint it its interior.
Point_2 intersect_p; // The next intersection point.
unsigned int ip_mult; // Its multiplicity
// (0 in case of an overlap).
bool found_intersect; // Have we found an intersection
// (or an overlap).
X_monotone_curve_2 overlap_cv; // The currently discovered overlap.
bool found_overlap; // Have we found an overlap.
bool found_iso_vert; // Check if an isolated vertex induces
// the next intersection.
Vertex_handle intersect_v; // The vertex that intersects cv.
Halfedge_handle intersect_he; // The halfedge that intersects cv
// (or overlaps it).
X_monotone_curve_2 sub_cv1; // Auxiliary variable (for curve split).
X_monotone_curve_2 sub_cv2; // Auxiliary variable (for curve split).
* Constructor.
* \param _arr The arrangement for which we compute the zone.
* \param _visitor A pointer to a zone-visitor object.
Arrangement_zone_2 (Arrangement_2& _arr, Visitor *_visitor) :
arr (_arr),
arr_access (_arr),
visitor (_visitor),
invalid_v (),
invalid_he ()
m_geom_traits = static_cast<const Traits_adaptor_2*> (arr.geometry_traits());
CGAL_assertion (visitor != NULL);
// Initialize the visitor.
visitor->init (&arr);
* Initialize the zone-computation process with a given curve.
* \param _cv The query curve.
* \param pl A point-location object associated with the arrangement.
template <class PointLocation>
void init (const X_monotone_curve_2& _cv, const PointLocation& pl)
// Set the curve and check whether its left end has boundary conditions.
cv = _cv;
const Arr_parameter_space bx1 =
m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_x_2_object()(cv, ARR_MIN_END);
const Arr_parameter_space by1 =
m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_y_2_object()(cv, ARR_MIN_END);
if (bx1 == ARR_INTERIOR && by1 == ARR_INTERIOR) {
// The curve has a finite left endpoint with no boundary conditions:
// locate it in the arrangement.
has_left_pt = true;
left_on_boundary = (bx1 != ARR_INTERIOR || by1 != ARR_INTERIOR);
left_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_min_vertex_2_object() (cv);
obj = pl.locate (left_pt);
else {
// The left end of the curve has boundary conditions: use the topology
// traits use the arrangement accessor to locate it.
// Note that if the curve-end is unbounded, left_pt does not exist.
// Note that if the curve-end is unbounded, left_pt does not exist.
has_left_pt = m_geom_traits->is_closed_2_object()(cv, ARR_MIN_END);
left_on_boundary = true;
if (has_left_pt)
left_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_min_vertex_2_object() (cv);
obj = arr_access.locate_curve_end (cv, ARR_MIN_END, bx1, by1);
// Check the boundary conditions of th right curve end.
if (m_geom_traits->is_closed_2_object()(cv, ARR_MAX_END)) {
const Arr_parameter_space bx2 =
m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_x_2_object()(cv, ARR_MAX_END);
const Arr_parameter_space by2 =
m_geom_traits->parameter_space_in_y_2_object()(cv, ARR_MAX_END);
// The right endpoint is valid.
has_right_pt = true;
right_pt = m_geom_traits->construct_max_vertex_2_object() (cv);
right_on_boundary = (bx2 != ARR_INTERIOR) || (by2 != ARR_INTERIOR);
else {
// The right end of the curve lies at infinity.
has_right_pt = false;
right_on_boundary = true;
* Initialize the zone-computation process with a given curve and an object
* that wraps the location of the curve's left end.
* \param _cv The query curve.
* \param _obj An object that represents the location of the left end
* of the curve.
void init_with_hint (const X_monotone_curve_2& _cv, const Object& _obj);
* Compute the zone of the given curve and issue the apporpriate
* notifications for the visitor.
void compute_zone ();
* Find a face containing the query curve cv around the given vertex.
* In case an overlap occurs, sets intersect_he to be the overlapping edge.
* \param v The query vertex.
* \param he Output: The predecessor of cv around the vertex.
* \return (true) if cv overlaps with the curve associated with he;
* (false) if there is no overlap.
bool _find_prev_around_vertex (Vertex_handle v, Halfedge_handle& he);
* Direct the halfedge for the location of the given subcurve around a split
* point that occurs in the interior of a given edge, when the subcurve lies
* to the right of the split point.
* In case of overlaps, it sets also found_overlap and intersect_he.
* \param cv_ins The curve to be inserted, whose left endpoint coincides
* with the edge to be split.
* \param cv_left_pt The left endpoint of cv_ins.
* \param query_he The edge that intersects cv_ins.
* \pre The left endpoint of cv_ins lies in the interior of the curve
* associated with query_he.
* \return The halfedge whose incident face contains cv_ins
* (either query_he or its twin).
_direct_intersecting_edge_to_right(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv_ins,
const Point_2& cv_left_pt,
Halfedge_handle query_he);
* Direct the halfedge for the location of the given subcurve around a split
* point that occurs in the interior of a given edge, when the subcurve lies
* to the left of the split point.
* \param cv_ins The curve to be inserted, whose right endpoint coincides
* with the edge to be split.
* \param query_he The edge that intersects cv_ins.
* \pre The right endpoint of cv_ins lies in the interior of the curve
* associated with query_he.
* \return The halfedge whose incident face contains cv_ins
* (either query_he or its twin).
_direct_intersecting_edge_to_left(const X_monotone_curve_2& cv_ins,
Halfedge_handle query_he);
* Get the next intersection of cv with the given halfedge.
* \param he A handle to the halfedge.
* \param skip_first_point Should we skip the first intersection point.
* \param intersect_on_right_boundary Output: If an intersetion point is
* computed, marks whether this
* point coincides with the right
* curve-end, which lies on the
* surface boundary.
* \return An object representing the next intersection: Intersect_point_2
* in case of a simple intersection point, X_monotone_curve_2 in
* case of an overlap, and an empty object if there is no
* intersection.
CGAL::Object _compute_next_intersection (Halfedge_handle he,
bool skip_first_point,
bool& intersect_on_right_boundary);
* Remove the next intersection of cv with the given halfedge from the map.
* \param he A handle to the halfedge.
* \pre The list of intersections with the curve of he has already been
* computed, and it is not empty.
void _remove_next_intersection (Halfedge_handle he);
* Check if the given point lies completely to the left of the given egde.
* \param p The point.
* \param he The halfedge.
* \pre he is not a fictitious edge.
* \return Whether p lies entirely to the left of the edge.
bool _is_to_left(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he) const
return (_is_to_left_impl(p, he, Are_all_sides_oblivious_category()));
bool _is_to_left_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
return ((he->direction() == ARR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT &&
(p, he->source()->point()) == SMALLER) ||
(he->direction() == ARR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT &&
(p, he->target()->point()) == SMALLER));
bool _is_to_left_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
* Check if the given point lies completely to the right of the given egde.
* \param p The point.
* \param he The halfedge.
* \pre he is not a fictitious edge.
* \return Whether p lies entirely to the right of the edge.
bool _is_to_right(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he) const
return (_is_to_right_impl(p, he, Are_all_sides_oblivious_category()));
bool _is_to_right_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
Arr_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const
return ((he->direction() == ARR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT &&
(p, he->target()->point()) == LARGER) ||
(he->direction() == ARR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT &&
(p, he->source()->point()) == LARGER));
bool _is_to_right_impl(const Point_2& p, Halfedge_handle he,
Arr_not_all_sides_oblivious_tag) const;
* Compute the (lexicographically) leftmost intersection of the query
* curve with the boundary of a given face in the arrangement.
* The function computes sets intersect_p, intersect_he (or alternatively
* overlap_cv and intersect_he) and set the flags found_intersect and
* found_overlap accordingly.
* \param face A handle to the face.
* \param on_boundary Specifies whether the left endpoint of the curve lies
* on the face boundary.
void _leftmost_intersection_with_face_boundary (Face_handle face,
bool on_boundary);
* Compute the zone of an x-monotone curve in a given arrangement face.
* The left endpoint of the curve either lies in the face interior or on
* the boundary of the face.
* This function updates cv and its left endpoint and also sets left_v
* and left_he for the remaining portion of the curve.
* In case of overlaps, it sets also overlap_cv and intersect_he.
* \param face The given face.
* \param on_boundary Specifies whether the left endpoint of the curve lies
* on the face boundary.
* \pre If on_boundary is (true) then left_he must be valid; if it is (false)
* then both left_v anf left_he must be invalid.
* \return (true) if we are done with the zone-computation process;
* (false) if we still have a remaining portion of cv to continue
* with.
bool _zone_in_face (Face_handle face,
bool on_boundary);
* Compute the zone of an overlapping subcurve overlap_cv of cv and the
* curve currently associated with intersect_he.
* This function updates cv and its left endpoint and also sets left_v
* and left_he for the remaining portion of the curve.
* \return (true) if we are done with the zone-computation process;
* (false) if we still have a remaining portion of cv to continue
* with.
bool _zone_in_overlap ();
} //namespace CGAL
// The function definitions can be found under:
#include <CGAL/Arrangement_2/Arrangement_zone_2_impl.h>
#include <CGAL/enable_warnings.h>