extends Node2D const TimeUtils = preload("res://zfoo/scheduler/TimeUtils.gd") const FileUtils = preload("res://zfoo/util/FileUtils.gd") # Dictionary var content = "hello file!!!" # path string var filePath: String = "user://playerData.txt" func _ready() -> void: print("Original Data: ", content) self.loadData() print("Altered Data: ", content) func saveData() -> void: var saveFile = File.new() saveFile.open(filePath, File.WRITE) print(saveFile.get_path_absolute()) # bread and butter saveFile.store_line(content) saveFile.close() #FileUtils.writeStringToFile(filePath, content) func loadData() -> void: var dataFile = File.new() # make sure our file exists on users system if not dataFile.file_exists(filePath): return # File does not exist # allow reading only for file dataFile.open(filePath, File.READ) content = dataFile.get_as_text() dataFile.close() #content = FileUtils.readFileToString(filePath) # 退出的时候回调 func _notification(what): if what == MainLoop.NOTIFICATION_WM_QUIT_REQUEST: content = content + TimeUtils.currentTimeMillis() as String self.saveData() get_tree().quit() # quitting the game