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2012-05-21 20:32:26 +00:00
<title>mxGraph - Known Issues</title>
2012-09-28 07:03:08 +00:00
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<h1>mxGraph Known Issues</h1>
<h2>Table Of Contents</h2>
<div id="toc"></div>
<h2><a name="Doctypes"></a>Doctypes</h2>
VML in IE should only be used in quirks mode. You can use any DOCTYPE in the page
and force IE into quirks mode by using the following first two lines in HTML:
&lt;!--[if IE]&gt;&lt;meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=5" &gt;&lt;![endif]--&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
This will use the specified DOCTYPE in all browsers but IE.
In IE8 and IE9, which support the X-UA-Compatible directive, this will force quirks mode.
In IE 6 and 7, which do no support the X-UA-Compatible directive, the DOCTYPE will be ignored
because it is preceeded by non-space characters (in this case a comment which is interpreted
only by IE 8 and IE 9).
The conditional comment is required for all other browsers to pick up the DOCTYPE correctly.
To use IE7 standards mode in IE 7, 8 and 9, replace IE=5 with IE=7 in the content attribute.
See <a href="">this</a>
and <a href="">this</a>
for details.
<h2><a name="IE8"></a>Support for IE8 standards mode</h2>
Experimental support for IE8 standards mode is available. The use of quirks mode or
IE7 standards mode is recommended for performance reasons.
<h2><a name="IE9"></a>Support for SVG in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9</h2>
Please use the following meta tag to enable SVG in IE9:
&lt;meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=5,IE=9'/&gt;
Note that <code>IE=5</code> is required for IE versions prior to 9 to render VML. To use
IE7 standards mode <code>IE=5</code> can be replaced with <code>IE=7</code>.
2013-04-04 11:51:15 +00:00
<h2><a name="Focus"></a>Focus</h2>
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2013-04-04 11:51:15 +00:00
Firefox and Webkit do not allow to programmatically focus DIVs by default. Since
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this affects handling of key events, here is a workaround to allow the
focus to be transferred to a DIV that acts as a graph container even if
a shape is clicked (click on the background works normally). The workaround
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is based on the fact that programmatically setting the focus on a DIV
is possible if the tabindex attribute of the DIV is set as described
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<a href="">here</a>.
2013-04-04 11:51:15 +00:00
if (mxClient.IS_NS)
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mxEvent.addListener(graph.container, 'mousedown', function()
2012-09-28 07:03:08 +00:00
if (!graph.isEditing())
graph.container.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1');
2012-05-21 20:32:26 +00:00
2013-04-04 11:51:15 +00:00
Note that the DIV will have a focus border as a side-effect which can be disabled
using outline:none CSS property. Also note that the focus is transferred normally
if the DIV receives a double click, the above solution is just for single-clicks.
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<h2><a name="TransparentHtmlLabels"></a>Opacity style in HTML labels</h2>
There is a problem in Webkit (Chrome, Safari) where HTML labels with
opacities other than 1 don't scale correctly. Try using
<code>mxClient.NO_FO = true</code> before rendering the graph as a
workaround for this problem.
2012-09-28 07:03:08 +00:00
<h2><a name="Chrome5LocalFiles"></a>Local XHR in Chrome</h2>
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2012-09-28 07:03:08 +00:00
Chrome does not load files from the local filesystem via XHR by default.
This affects the loading of resources if examples are viewed via the file://
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protocol. To enable the loading of such files you should use the new flag
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2012-05-21 20:32:26 +00:00
See security section for 5.0.335.0 release
<a href="">here</a>.
<h2><a name="ClippedLabels"></a>Clipped labels</h2>
For clipped labels (overflow:hidden or mxGraph.isLabelClipped returns true)
it is possible that event handling remains as if the label was unclipped.
There are several browsers and versions that show this behaviour.
<h2><a name="LocalFiles"></a>Scrollable labels in Webkit</h2>
For labels that contain HTML markup with scrollbars in Webkit (Safari and
Chrome) you should disable the use of foreignObject to make sure the HTML
is not embedded in the SVG node hierarchy. This is because Webkit has a bug
where mouse events are ignored in any scrollbars in a foreignObject. To
disable foreignObjects, the following code can be used:
<pre>mxClient.NO_FO = mxClient.NO_FO || mxClient.IS_SF || mxClient.IS_GC;</pre>
<a href="">Bug Report</a>
<h2><a name="LocalFiles"></a>Local Files</h2>
For enabling the functionality in and for reading
and writing local files, the security settings for the page need to be
changed to enabled or prompt for <i>Initialize and script ActiveX controls
not marked as save for scripting</i> in IE 7.
To enable local file access in Firefox, the page must be loaded using the
file:// protocol.
<a href="">This</a>
article also states the the access works for signed scripts, however, this
has not been tested.
For mxUtils.saveAs in Firefox, the same restrictions apply. However, the
function may be used in IE7 without any client-side settings.
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For local file access in Firefox, you may have to go to about:config and
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change security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false. (If some language
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properties are missing in Firefox, this is most likely the cause for the
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problem.) This is only required for local file access and not for
production software deployed on a webserver.
<h2><a name="Rotation"></a>Rotation</h2>
Support for rotation is limited to the shape display. Text labels, handles,
selection bounds and perimeter points are currently not rotated. Support
for rotation is limited to SVG/VML dialects in the client, as well as the
mxGraphics2DCanvas in Java and the mxGdiCanvas in C#. PHP does not
currently support rotation in GD.
<h2><a name="EventOrder"></a>Order of Events in IE</h2>
When adding listeners for DOM events using mxEvent in IE, which in turn
uses attachEvent, then the order in which listeners are invoked for a
specific event is not as listeners have been added. This is a known bug.
There is no workaround for this problem.
<h2><a name="Printing"></a>Printing</h2>
Printing does not work in Firefox 1.5 (bug 314707). However, it works in
Firefox 2.0 and later. In Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP (no
service pack) and Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Server 2003 SP1
enterprise, SP2 beta build 2825 enterprise and SP2 beta build 2805
data center there is a
<a href="">known issue</a>
with printing VML content created by script.
In Firefox and Internet Explorer, all content that is wider than one page
is cropped when printed. Please use mxPrintPreview for printing across
multiple pages.
<h2><a name="Statusbar"></a>Statusbar</h2>
The status bar is used to display information while the DOM is being
updated. Therefore, it is not possible to display this information in the
DOM (as it is being updated). Unfortunately, Firefox and IE do not allow
scripts to change the status bar. (IE 6 allows it.)
To enable updates of the status bar in IE 7, you can change the security
setting of the respective zone in Internet Options, Security, Custom Level,
Scripting, Allow status bar updates via script.
To enable updates of the status bar in Firefox, you can set the
configuration setting via about:config, dom.disable_window_status_change to
<h2><a name="AccessDenied"></a>Access Denied in IE</h2>
The latest version of IE does no longer allow to read files from the local
filesystem. This means that all files must be loaded from a webserver, or
the native XMLHTTP support must be disabled.
To allow loading files from the local filesystem in IE, you must disable
native XMLHTTP support in Internet Options, Advanced, Security. Keep in
mind that loading the client from the local filesystem should only be
used for development. In production, the page containing the client and
all files should be loaded from a webserver via HTTP.
<h2><a name="FontRendering"></a>Font Rendering</h2>
In Firefox (including 2.0), the fonts are sometimes cropped at the end of a
line (some pixels missing). On the Mac, the text sometimes completely
disappears. The problem seems to be fixed in Firefox 3.0 for Windows. A
possible workaround is to change the width of the window by at least 1
<a href="">Bug Report</a>
<h3><a name="LabelBoundingBox"></a>Label Bounding Box</h3>
In Firefox, the SVG-function getBBox for vertex- and edgelabels is one step
behind zoom. This means, the bounding box for overlapping labels and the
label background and border might appear smaller or larger than the text
after zooming. The display can be updated by panning the graph at least 1
<h2><a name="Linefeeds"></a>Linefeeds</h2>
Linefeeds are converted into &amp;#xa; at encoding time. However, in shared
diagram sessions the linefeeds (\n) are kept. When sending such XML back to
the client all linefeeds must be replaced with &amp;#xa;. If you need a
different encoding you can change the mxEditor.prototype.linefeed and
mxSession.prototype.linefeed variables. In general, the encoding of
linefeeds is specified when a DOM node is serialized using the
mxUtils.getXml(node, linefeed) method. The optional linefeed argument is
the string to be used for encoding linefeeds and defaults to &amp;#xa;.
<h2><a name="RunSlowly"></a>Scripts Run Slowly Error in IE</h2>
This error (<i>A script on this page is causing internet explorer to run
slowly</i>) in IE (all supported versions including IE 7) is triggered by
the script engine executing more than 5 million operations (see
<a href=""></a>).
A workaround for this problem is using the threads provided with
<a href="" target="_blank">Google Gears</a>
or using worker threads in HTML 5.
Another workaround is to set the
<code>HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Styles</code>
DWORD value of <code>MaxScriptStatements</code> to hex <code>7fffffff</code>
and reboot. Warning: According to the Knowledge Base article, "serious
problems might occur if you modify the registry".
<h2><a name="BodyBorder"></a>Body, HTML Borders</h2>
When using a style definition for the body or HTML element that makes the
border invisible, such as none or 0px for the border-width, then there is a
strange behaviour in IE after dragging cells into the graph. Another click
is required to stop the respective tool from being inserted again into the
graph. Currently, the only known workaround is not to use the style
definition for invisible borders. Invisible borders for body and HTML
elements are the default setting and the bug does not occur if the border
is set to something visible, such as 1px solid black.
<h2><a name="HtmlLabels"></a>HTML Labels</h2>
HTML labels are supported in SVG browsers via the mxGraph.htmlLabels
switch. mxGraph.isHtmlLabel(mxCell) may be overridden to return individual
values for cells. The following are known limitations for HTML labels:
<li>Oversize labels consume events on transparent regions. This limitation
exists in all browsers.</li>
<li>Zoom does only work for text content. This limitation exists in all non-IE
browsers, eg. Firefox.</li>
<li>Drag and drop (eg. connections) starting at inner img has same cell in
dispatch loop.</li>
<li>Vertical/rotated HTML labels are not supported in Opera.</li>
<li>In SVG-based browsers, the labels appear on top of all SVG in a separate
<h2><a name="SvgContainer"></a>SVG Container</h2>
In Firefox, the size of the SVG element is updated to be the size of the
graph whenever the graph changes. However, since there is no resize event
fired by the parent container of the SVG element, the SVG element may have
to be manually resized if the parent element is larger than the graph. The
effect of this is that if the container of the SVG element is made larger
without updating the SVG element's size, then the SVG element (and hence
the drawing area) will appear smaller than the container of the graph.
<h2><a name="Opera"></a>Opera</h2>
Support for Opera 9 is currently experimental. There are several known
issues, such as no context menu, cropping in SVG canvas, ignored
beforeunload handler and drag and drop from toolbar not working. For
displaying the context menu in Opera (and on Mac), hold down the shift key
while clicking the (left) mouse button.
<h2><a name="Safari"></a>Safari</h2>
For the context menu to appear in Safari on the Mac, hold down the shift
key while clicking the (left) mouse button. Safari does not provide the
beforeunload event. Also, vertical labels are not working in Safari on the
<h2><a name="Webkit"></a>Webkit (Safari and Google Chrome)</h2>
For some container positions there are artifacts in Safari and Google
Chrome when repainting dynamic SVG elements (eg. highlights and previews).
This is due to a bug in the Webkit repaint code. Also, the value for text
opacity is currently ignored in Webkit.
<h2><a name="PHPStroke"></a>PHP and strokewidths</h2>
The strokewidth is currently ignored in some GD implementations, as the
imagesetthickness function is not working properly.
<h2><a name="XDomXHR"></a>Cross-domain AJAX</h2>
Cross-domain AJAX requests are generally not allowed, so make sure all
requests are kept within the same domain of the page that contains the
client. By default, XHR is used for loading the JS files (development
only), the properties files (i18n) and the XML files (config). In
production, there is only a single JS file which is not loaded using XHR,
however, the files for i18n and configuration are still loaded using XHR
and should therefore be placed in the same domain.
For example, if the translations are missing in the UI you should make sure
the respective properties files are stored in the same domain as the page
that contains the client. In this specific case, if you are using IIS, you
should also check if the MIME type for properties files has been registered
correctly. If no MIME type has been registered for the .properties
extension then please do so in the IIS console under IIS, MIME types.
Note that the evaluation distribution uses a hosted version of mxClient. If
you are experiencing cross-domain security problems using the evaluation
version then you should upgrade to the commercial version as it includes
all required files.
There is a known issue where Firefox does not load properties files from
the local filesystem (file:// protocol) if the mxClient.js files is loaded
from a different domain (evaluation). This problem goes away when using
<hr size="1">
2012-09-28 07:03:08 +00:00
&copy; 2006-2012 by JGraph Ltd.
2012-05-21 20:32:26 +00:00