diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 41fda4fbb..1e4f84249 100755 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +- Fixes overriden mxVertexHandler.getSelectionBounds [JavaScript] +- Adds layout options in grapheditor example [JavaScript] +- Fixes custom handles for compiled grapheditor example [JavaScript] +- Fixes minor issues for mxEdgeHandler.snapToTerminal [JavaScript] +- Adds mxEvent.START, RESET in mxConnectionHandler [JavaScript] + 31-AUG-2012: - Replaces body with div in foreignObjects for HTML labels [JavaScript] diff --git a/docs/js-api/files/handler/mxConnectionHandler-js.html b/docs/js-api/files/handler/mxConnectionHandler-js.html index 419b0fbc5..2c2e9f09a 100644 --- a/docs/js-api/files/handler/mxConnectionHandler-js.html +++ b/docs/js-api/files/handler/mxConnectionHandler-js.html @@ -11,36 +11,40 @@ if (browserType) {document.write("
Graph event handler that creates new connections. Uses <mxTerminalMarker> for finding and highlighting the source and target vertices and factoryMethod to create the edge instance. This handler is built-into <mxGraph.connectionHandler> and enabled using mxGraph.setConnectable.
new mxConnectionHandler(graph, function(source, target, style) ++};mxConnectionHandler
Graph event handler that creates new connections. Uses <mxTerminalMarker> for finding and highlighting the source and target vertices and factoryMethod to create the edge instance. This handler is built-into <mxGraph.connectionHandler> and enabled using mxGraph.setConnectable.
new mxConnectionHandler(graph, function(source, target, style) { edge = new mxCell('', new mxGeometry()); edge.setEdge(true); edge.setStyle(style); edge.geometry.relative = true; return edge; -});Here is an alternative solution that just sets a specific user object for new edges by overriding insertEdge.
mxConnectionHandlerInsertEdge = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge; +});Here is an alternative solution that just sets a specific user object for new edges by overriding insertEdge.
mxConnectionHandlerInsertEdge = mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge; mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function(parent, id, value, source, target, style) { value = 'Test'; return mxConnectionHandlerInsertEdge.apply(this, arguments); -};Using images to trigger connections
This handler uses mxTerminalMarker to find the source and target cell for the new connection and creates a new edge using connect. The new edge is created using createEdge which in turn uses factoryMethod or creates a new default edge.
The handler uses a “highlight-paradigm” for indicating if a cell is being used as a source or target terminal, as seen in MS Visio and other products. In order to allow both, moving and connecting cells at the same time, mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT is used in the handler to determine the hotspot of a cell, that is, the region of the cell which is used to trigger a new connection. The constant is a value between 0 and 1 that specifies the amount of the width and height around the center to be used for the hotspot of a cell and its default value is 0.5. In addition, mxConstants.MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZE defines the minimum number of pixels for the width and height of the hotspot.
This solution, while standards compliant, may be somewhat confusing because there is no visual indicator for the hotspot and the highlight is seen to switch on and off while the mouse is being moved in and out. Furthermore, this paradigm does not allow to create different connections depending on the highlighted hotspot as there is only one hotspot per cell and it normally does not allow cells to be moved and connected at the same time as there is no clear indication of the connectable area of the cell.
To come across these issues, the handle has an additional createIcons hook with a default implementation that allows to create one icon to be used to trigger new connections. If this icon is specified, then new connections can only be created if the image is clicked while the cell is being highlighted. The createIcons hook may be overridden to create more than one mxImageShape for creating new connections, but the default implementation supports one image and is used as follows:
In order to display the “connect image” whenever the mouse is over the cell, an DEFAULT_HOTSPOT of 1 should be used:
mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 1;In order to avoid confusion with the highlighting, the highlight color should not be used with a connect image:
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = null;To install the image, the connectImage field of the mxConnectionHandler must be assigned a new mxImage instance:
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage = new mxImage('images/green-dot.gif', 14, 14);This will use the green-dot.gif with a width and height of 14 pixels as the image to trigger new connections. In createIcons the icon field of the handler will be set in order to remember the icon that has been clicked for creating the new connection. This field will be available under selectedIcon in the connect method, which may be overridden to take the icon that triggered the new connection into account. This is useful if more than one icon may be used to create a connection.
mxConnectionHandler Graph event handler that creates new connections. Events mxEvent. CONNECT Fires between begin- and endUpdate in connect. mxConnectionHandler Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges. graph Reference to the enclosing mxGraph. factoryMethod Function that is used for creating new edges. moveIconFront Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane. moveIconBack Specifies if icons should be moved to the back of the overlay pane. connectImage mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection. targetConnectImage Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed. enabled Specifies if events are handled. select Specifies if new edges should be selected. createTarget Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection. marker Holds the <mxTerminalMarker> used for finding source and target cells. constraintHandler Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints. error Holds the current validation error while connections are being created. waypointsEnabled Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge. tapAndHoldEnabled Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices. tapAndHoldDelay Specifies the time for a tap and hold. tapAndHoldInProgress True if the timer for tap and hold events is running. tapAndHoldValid True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance. tapAndHoldTolerance Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold. initialTouchX Holds the x-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold. initialTouchY Holds the y-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold. ignoreMouseDown Specifies if the connection handler should ignore the state of the mouse button when highlighting the source. first Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active. connectIconOffset Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview. edgeState Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active. changeHandler Holds the change event listener for later removal. drillHandler Holds the drill event listener for later removal. mouseDownCounter Counts the number of mouseDown events since the start. movePreviewAway Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer. isEnabled Returns true if events are handled. setEnabled Enables or disables event handling. isCreateTarget Returns createTarget. setCreateTarget Sets createTarget. createShape Creates the preview shape for new connections. init Initializes the shapes required for this connection handler. isConnectableCell Returns true if the given cell is connectable. createMarker Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker. start Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates. isConnecting Returns true if the source terminal has been clicked and a new connection is currently being previewed. isValidSource Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal. isValidTarget Returns true. validateConnection Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid. getConnectImage Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState. isMoveIconToFrontForState Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront. createIcons Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState. redrawIcons Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes. redrawIcons Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes. destroyIcons Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes. isStartEvent Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler. mouseDown Handles the event by initiating a new connection. tapAndHold Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState. isImmediateConnectSource Returns true if a tap on the given source state should immediately start connecting. createEdgeState Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview. updateCurrentState Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker. convertWaypoint Converts the given point from screen coordinates to model coordinates. mouseMove Handles the event by updating the preview edge or by highlighting a possible source or target terminal. getTargetPerimeterPoint Returns the perimeter point for the given target state. getSourcePerimeterPoint Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. updateIcons Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. isStopEvent Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler. addWaypoint Adds the waypoint for the given event to <waypoints>. mouseUp Handles the event by inserting the new connection. reset Resets the state of this handler. drawPreview Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth. getEdgeColor Returns the color used to draw the preview edge. getEdgeWidth Returns the width used to draw the preview edge. connect Connects the given source and target using a new edge. selectCells Selects the given edge after adding a new connection. insertEdge Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters. createTargetVertex Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse. getAlignmentTolerance Returns the tolerance for aligning new targets to sources. createEdge Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists. destroy Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes. Using images to trigger connections
This handler uses mxTerminalMarker to find the source and target cell for the new connection and creates a new edge using connect. The new edge is created using createEdge which in turn uses factoryMethod or creates a new default edge.
The handler uses a “highlight-paradigm” for indicating if a cell is being used as a source or target terminal, as seen in MS Visio and other products. In order to allow both, moving and connecting cells at the same time, mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT is used in the handler to determine the hotspot of a cell, that is, the region of the cell which is used to trigger a new connection. The constant is a value between 0 and 1 that specifies the amount of the width and height around the center to be used for the hotspot of a cell and its default value is 0.5. In addition, mxConstants.MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZE defines the minimum number of pixels for the width and height of the hotspot.
This solution, while standards compliant, may be somewhat confusing because there is no visual indicator for the hotspot and the highlight is seen to switch on and off while the mouse is being moved in and out. Furthermore, this paradigm does not allow to create different connections depending on the highlighted hotspot as there is only one hotspot per cell and it normally does not allow cells to be moved and connected at the same time as there is no clear indication of the connectable area of the cell.
To come across these issues, the handle has an additional createIcons hook with a default implementation that allows to create one icon to be used to trigger new connections. If this icon is specified, then new connections can only be created if the image is clicked while the cell is being highlighted. The createIcons hook may be overridden to create more than one mxImageShape for creating new connections, but the default implementation supports one image and is used as follows:
In order to display the “connect image” whenever the mouse is over the cell, an DEFAULT_HOTSPOT of 1 should be used:
mxConstants.DEFAULT_HOTSPOT = 1;In order to avoid confusion with the highlighting, the highlight color should not be used with a connect image:
mxConstants.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR = null;To install the image, the connectImage field of the mxConnectionHandler must be assigned a new mxImage instance:
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connectImage = new mxImage('images/green-dot.gif', 14, 14);This will use the green-dot.gif with a width and height of 14 pixels as the image to trigger new connections. In createIcons the icon field of the handler will be set in order to remember the icon that has been clicked for creating the new connection. This field will be available under selectedIcon in the connect method, which may be overridden to take the icon that triggered the new connection into account. This is useful if more than one icon may be used to create a connection.
mxConnectionHandler Graph event handler that creates new connections. Events mxEvent. START Fires when a new connection is being created by the user. mxEvent. CONNECT Fires between begin- and endUpdate in connect. mxEvent. RESET Fires when the reset method is invoked. mxConnectionHandler Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges. graph Reference to the enclosing mxGraph. factoryMethod Function that is used for creating new edges. moveIconFront Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane. moveIconBack Specifies if icons should be moved to the back of the overlay pane. connectImage mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection. targetConnectImage Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed. enabled Specifies if events are handled. select Specifies if new edges should be selected. createTarget Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection. marker Holds the <mxTerminalMarker> used for finding source and target cells. constraintHandler Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints. error Holds the current validation error while connections are being created. waypointsEnabled Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge. tapAndHoldEnabled Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices. tapAndHoldDelay Specifies the time for a tap and hold. tapAndHoldInProgress True if the timer for tap and hold events is running. tapAndHoldValid True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance. tapAndHoldTolerance Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold. initialTouchX Holds the x-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold. initialTouchY Holds the y-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold. ignoreMouseDown Specifies if the connection handler should ignore the state of the mouse button when highlighting the source. first Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active. connectIconOffset Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview. edgeState Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active. changeHandler Holds the change event listener for later removal. drillHandler Holds the drill event listener for later removal. mouseDownCounter Counts the number of mouseDown events since the start. movePreviewAway Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer. isEnabled Returns true if events are handled. setEnabled Enables or disables event handling. isCreateTarget Returns createTarget. setCreateTarget Sets createTarget. createShape Creates the preview shape for new connections. init Initializes the shapes required for this connection handler. isConnectableCell Returns true if the given cell is connectable. createMarker Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker. start Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates. isConnecting Returns true if the source terminal has been clicked and a new connection is currently being previewed. isValidSource Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal. isValidTarget Returns true. validateConnection Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid. getConnectImage Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState. isMoveIconToFrontForState Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront. createIcons Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState. redrawIcons Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes. redrawIcons Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes. destroyIcons Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes. isStartEvent Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler. mouseDown Handles the event by initiating a new connection. tapAndHold Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState. isImmediateConnectSource Returns true if a tap on the given source state should immediately start connecting. createEdgeState Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview. updateCurrentState Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker. convertWaypoint Converts the given point from screen coordinates to model coordinates. mouseMove Handles the event by updating the preview edge or by highlighting a possible source or target terminal. getTargetPerimeterPoint Returns the perimeter point for the given target state. getSourcePerimeterPoint Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. updateIcons Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. isStopEvent Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler. addWaypoint Adds the waypoint for the given event to <waypoints>. mouseUp Handles the event by inserting the new connection. reset Resets the state of this handler. drawPreview Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth. getEdgeColor Returns the color used to draw the preview edge. getEdgeWidth Returns the width used to draw the preview edge. connect Connects the given source and target using a new edge. selectCells Selects the given edge after adding a new connection. insertEdge Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters. createTargetVertex Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse. getAlignmentTolerance Returns the tolerance for aligning new targets to sources. createEdge Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists. destroy Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
function mxConnectionHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges. Modify <mxConstants.ACTIVE_REGION> to setup the region on a cell which triggers the creation of a new connection or use connect icons as explained above.
graph | Reference to the enclosing mxGraph. |
factoryMethod | Optional function to create the edge. The function takes the source and target mxCell as the first and second argument and an optional cell style from the preview as the third argument. It returns the mxCell that represents the new edge. |
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Fires when the reset method is invoked.
Function that is used for creating new edges. The function takes the source and target mxCell as the first and second argument and returns a new mxCell that represents the edge. This is used in createEdge.
function mxConnectionHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges. Modify <mxConstants.ACTIVE_REGION> to setup the region on a cell which triggers the creation of a new connection or use connect icons as explained above.
graph | Reference to the enclosing mxGraph. |
factoryMethod | Optional function to create the edge. The function takes the source and target mxCell as the first and second argument and an optional cell style from the preview as the third argument. It returns the mxCell that represents the new edge. |
Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane. This is used for HTML labels on vertices which hide the connect icon. This has precendence over moveIconBack when set to true. Default is false.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Function that is used for creating new edges. The function takes the source and target mxCell as the first and second argument and returns a new mxCell that represents the edge. This is used in createEdge.
Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane. This is used for HTML labels on vertices which hide the connect icon. This has precendence over moveIconBack when set to true. Default is false.
mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection. This is used in createIcons. Default is null.
mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection. This is used in createIcons. Default is null.
Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection. Setting this to true means the connection will be drawn as valid if no target is under the mouse, and createTargetVertex will be called before the connection is created between the source cell and the newly created vertex in createTargetVertex, which can be overridden to create a new target. Default is false.
Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection. Setting this to true means the connection will be drawn as valid if no target is under the mouse, and createTargetVertex will be called before the connection is created between the source cell and the newly created vertex in createTargetVertex, which can be overridden to create a new target. Default is false.
Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints.
Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active.
Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active.
Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview. Default is mxPoint(0, mxConstants.TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSET). Note that placing the icon under the mouse pointer with an offset of (0,0) will affect hit detection.
Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview. Default is mxPoint(0, mxConstants.TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSET). Note that placing the icon under the mouse pointer with an offset of (0,0) will affect hit detection.
Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active. This is created in createEdgeState.
Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active. This is created in createEdgeState.
Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer. This is required in browsers where the preview cannot be made transparent to events and if the built-in hit detection on the HTML elements in the page should be used. Default is the value of mxClient.IS_IE.
Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer. This is required in browsers where the preview cannot be made transparent to events and if the built-in hit detection on the HTML elements in the page should be used. Default is the value of mxClient.IS_IE.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled. This implementation returns enabled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled. This implementation returns enabled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling. This implementation updates enabled.
enabled | Boolean that specifies the new enabled state. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling. This implementation updates enabled.
enabled | Boolean that specifies the new enabled state. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function()
Returns createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function()
Returns createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal.
cell | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal.
cell | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns true. The call to mxGraph.isValidTarget is implicit by calling mxGraph.getEdgeValidationError in validateConnection. This is an additional hook for disabling certain targets in this specific handler.
cell | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns true. The call to mxGraph.isValidTarget is implicit by calling mxGraph.getEdgeValidationError in validateConnection. This is an additional hook for disabling certain targets in this specific handler.
cell | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid. Otherwise it returns null. This implementation uses mxGraph.getEdgeValidationError.
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid. Otherwise it returns null. This implementation uses mxGraph.getEdgeValidationError.
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getConnectImage = function( state )
Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState. This implementation returns connectImage.
state | mxCellState whose connect image should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getConnectImage = function( state )
Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState. This implementation returns connectImage.
state | mxCellState whose connect image should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function( state )
Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront.
state | mxCellState whose connect icons should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function( state )
Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront.
state | mxCellState whose connect icons should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createIcons = function( state )
Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState.
state | mxCellState whose connect icons should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createIcons = function( state )
Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState.
state | mxCellState whose connect icons should be returned. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be redrawn. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be redrawn. |
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be redrawn. |
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be redrawn. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be destroyed. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
icons | Optional array of mxImageShapes to be destroyed. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function( me )
Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler. The This implementation returns true if the event does not force marquee selection, and the currentConstraint and currentFocus of the constraintHandler are not null, or <previous> and error are not null and <icons> is null or <icons> and <icon> are not null.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function( me )
Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler. The This implementation returns true if the event does not force marquee selection, and the currentConstraint and currentFocus of the constraintHandler are not null, or <previous> and error are not null and <icons> is null or <icons> and <icon> are not null.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the touch event. |
state | Optional mxCellState that is associated with the event. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the touch event. |
state | Optional mxCellState that is associated with the event. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function( me )
Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview. This implementation returns null.
[code] graph.connectionHandler.createEdgeState = function(me) { var edge = graph.createEdge(null, null, null, null, null, ‘edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle’);
return new mxCellState(this.graph.view, edge, this.graph.getCellStyle(edge)); }; [/code]
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function( me )
Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview. This implementation returns null.
[code] graph.connectionHandler.createEdgeState = function(me) { var edge = graph.createEdge(null, null, null, null, null, ‘edgeStyle=elbowEdgeStyle’);
return new mxCellState(this.graph.view, edge, this.graph.getCellStyle(edge)); }; [/code]
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function( state, me )
Returns the perimeter point for the given target state.
state | mxCellState that represents the target cell state. |
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the mouse move. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function( state, me )
Returns the perimeter point for the given target state.
state | mxCellState that represents the target cell state. |
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the mouse move. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function( state, next, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. This is an empty implementation.
state | mxCellState that represents the target cell state. |
next | mxPoint that represents the next point along the previewed edge. |
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the mouse move. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function( state, next, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. This is an empty implementation.
state | mxCellState that represents the target cell state. |
next | mxPoint that represents the next point along the previewed edge. |
me | mxMouseEvent that represents the mouse move. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. This is an empty implementation.
state | mxCellState under the mouse. |
icons | Array of currently displayed icons. |
me | mxMouseEvent that contains the mouse event. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event. This is an empty implementation.
state | mxCellState under the mouse. |
icons | Array of currently displayed icons. |
me | mxMouseEvent that contains the mouse event. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function( me )
Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler. The connection will be created if error is null. Note that this is only called if waypointsEnabled is true. This implemtation returns true if there is a cell state in the given event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function( me )
Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler. The connection will be created if error is null. Note that this is only called if waypointsEnabled is true. This implemtation returns true if there is a cell state in the given event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connect = function( source, target, evt, dropTarget )
Connects the given source and target using a new edge. This implementation uses createEdge to create the edge.
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
evt | Mousedown event of the connect gesture. |
dropTarget | mxCell that represents the cell under the mouse when it was released. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connect = function( source, target, evt, dropTarget )
Connects the given source and target using a new edge. This implementation uses createEdge to create the edge.
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
evt | Mousedown event of the connect gesture. |
dropTarget | mxCell that represents the cell under the mouse when it was released. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters. This implementation does only use createEdge if factoryMethod is defined, otherwise mxGraph.insertEdge will be used.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters. This implementation does only use createEdge if factoryMethod is defined, otherwise mxGraph.insertEdge will be used.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex = function( evt, source )
Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse. This is only called if createTarget is true and returns null.
evt | Mousedown event of the connect gesture. |
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex = function( evt, source )
Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse. This is only called if createTarget is true and returns null.
evt | Mousedown event of the connect gesture. |
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdge = function( value, source, target, style )
Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists. If no factory method is defined, then a new default edge is returned. The source and target arguments are informal, the actual connection is setup later by the caller of this function.
value | Value to be used for creating the edge. |
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
style | Optional style from the preview edge. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdge = function( value, source, target, style )
Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists. If no factory method is defined, then a new default edge is returned. The source and target arguments are informal, the actual connection is setup later by the caller of this function.
value | Value to be used for creating the edge. |
source | mxCell that represents the source terminal. |
target | mxCell that represents the target terminal. |
style | Optional style from the preview edge. |
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes. This should be called on all instances. It is called automatically for the built-in instance created for each mxGraph.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes. This should be called on all instances. It is called automatically for the built-in instance created for each mxGraph.
Connects the given source and target using a new edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connect = function( source, target, evt, dropTarget )
Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges.
function mxConnectionHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Function that is used for creating new edges.
Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane.
Specifies if icons should be moved to the back of the overlay pane.
mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection.
Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex = function( evt, source )
Holds the mxTerminalMarker used for finding source and target cells.
Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints.
Holds the current validation error while connections are being created.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
Holds the x-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold.
Holds the y-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold.
Specifies if the connection handler should ignore the state of the mouse button when highlighting the source.
Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active.
Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview.
Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active.
Holds the change event listener for later removal.
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Counts the number of mouseDown events since the start.
Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer.
Returns true if events are handled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Returns createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function()
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Creates the preview shape for new connections.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this connection handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function()
Returns true if the given cell is connectable.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function( cell )
Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function( state, x, y, edgeState )
Returns true if the source terminal has been clicked and a new connection is currently being previewed.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnecting = function()
Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns true if the given cell is a valid source for new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns true.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getConnectImage = function( state )
Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function( state )
Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createIcons = function( state )
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function( me )
Handles the event by initiating a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Returns true if a tap on the given source state should immediately start connecting.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isImmediateConnectSource = function( state )
Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function( me )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Converts the given point from screen coordinates to model coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.convertWaypoint = function( point )
Handles the event by updating the preview edge or by highlighting a possible source or target terminal.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Returns the perimeter point for the given target state.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function( state, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function( state, next, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function( me )
Adds the waypoint for the given event to waypoints.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.addWaypointForEvent = function( me )
Handles the event by inserting the new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Returns the color used to draw the preview edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeColor = function( valid )
Returns the width used to draw the preview edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function( valid )
Selects the given edge after adding a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function( edge, target )
Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Returns the tolerance for aligning new targets to sources.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getAlignmentTolerance = function()
Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdge = function( value, source, target, style )
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer.
IS_IE: navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE' ) >
Returns isValidSource for the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns the validation error message to be displayed when inserting or changing an edges’ connectivity.
mxGraph.prototype.getEdgeValidationError = function( edge, source, target )
Adds a new edge into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given source and target as the terminals of the new edge.
mxGraph.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Connects the given source and target using a new edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.connect = function( source, target, evt, dropTarget )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges.
function mxConnectionHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Function that is used for creating new edges.
Specifies if icons should be displayed inside the graph container instead of the overlay pane.
Specifies if icons should be moved to the back of the overlay pane.
mxImage that is used to trigger the creation of a new connection.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Specifies if createTargetVertex should be called if no target was under the mouse for the new connection.
Hook method for creating new vertices on the fly if no target was under the mouse.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createTargetVertex = function( evt, source )
Holds the mxTerminalMarker used for finding source and target cells.
Holds the mxConstraintHandler used for drawing and highlighting constraints.
Holds the current validation error while connections are being created.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
Holds the x-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold.
Holds the y-coordinate of the intial touch event for tap and hold.
Specifies if the connection handler should ignore the state of the mouse button when highlighting the source.
Holds the mxPoint where the mouseDown took place while the handler is active.
Holds the offset for connect icons during connection preview.
Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active.
Holds the change event listener for later removal.
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Counts the number of mouseDown events since the start.
Switch to enable moving the preview away from the mousepointer.
Returns true if events are handled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Returns createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function()
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Creates the preview shape for new connections.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createShape = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this connection handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function()
Returns true if the given cell is connectable.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function( cell )
Creates and returns the mxCellMarker used in marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createMarker = function()
Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function( state, x, y, edgeState )
Returns true if the source terminal has been clicked and a new connection is currently being previewed.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnecting = function()
Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns true if the given cell is a valid source for new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidSource = function( cell )
Returns true.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook to return the mxImage used for the connection icon of the given mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getConnectImage = function( state )
Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function( state )
Creates the array mxImageShapes that represent the connect icons for the given mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createIcons = function( state )
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function( me )
Handles the event by initiating a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Returns true if a tap on the given source state should immediately start connecting.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isImmediateConnectSource = function( state )
Hook to return an mxCellState which may be used during the preview.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdgeState = function( me )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Converts the given point from screen coordinates to model coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.convertWaypoint = function( point )
Handles the event by updating the preview edge or by highlighting a possible source or target terminal.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Returns the perimeter point for the given target state.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getTargetPerimeterPoint = function( state, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getSourcePerimeterPoint = function( state, next, me )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function( me )
Adds the waypoint for the given event to waypoints.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.addWaypointForEvent = function( me )
Handles the event by inserting the new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Returns the color used to draw the preview edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeColor = function( valid )
Returns the width used to draw the preview edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getEdgeWidth = function( valid )
Selects the given edge after adding a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function( edge, target )
Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Returns the tolerance for aligning new targets to sources.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.getAlignmentTolerance = function()
Creates and returns a new edge using factoryMethod if one exists.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.createEdge = function( value, source, target, style )
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
True if the current browser is Internet Explorer.
IS_IE: navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE' ) >
Returns isValidSource for the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidTarget = function( cell )
Returns the validation error message to be displayed when inserting or changing an edges’ connectivity.
mxGraph.prototype.getEdgeValidationError = function( edge, source, target )
Adds a new edge into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given source and target as the terminals of the new edge.
mxGraph.prototype.insertEdge = function( parent, id, value, source, target, style )
Cross-browser DOM event support. For internal event handling, mxEventSource and the graph event dispatch loop in mxGraph are used.
Use this class for adding and removing listeners to/from DOM nodes. The removeAllListeners function is provided to remove all listeners that have been added using addListener. The function should be invoked when the last reference is removed in the JavaScript code, typically when the referenced DOM node is removed from the DOM, and helps to reduce memory leaks in IE6.
mxEvent | Cross-browser DOM event support. |
Variables | |
objects | Contains all objects where any listener was added using addListener. |
Functions | |
addListener | Binds the function to the specified event on the given element. |
removeListener | Removes the specified listener from the given element. |
removeAllListeners | Removes all listeners from the given element. |
redirectMouseEvents | Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments. |
release | Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants. |
disableContextMenu | Disables the context menu for the given element. |
getSource | Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser. |
isConsumed | Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume. |
isLeftMouseButton | Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event. |
isRightMouseButton | Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed. |
isPopupTrigger | Returns true if the event is a popup trigger. |
isShiftDown | Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event. |
isAltDown | Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event. |
isControlDown | Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event. |
isMetaDown | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
getMainEvent | Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates. |
getClientX | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
getClientY | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
consume | Consumes the given event. |
Variables | |
LABEL_HANDLE | Index for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent. |
ROTATION_HANDLE | Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent. |
MOUSE_DOWN | Specifies the event name for mouseDown. |
MOUSE_MOVE | Specifies the event name for mouseMove. |
MOUSE_UP | Specifies the event name for mouseUp. |
ACTIVATE | Specifies the event name for activate. |
RESIZE_START | Specifies the event name for resizeStart. |
RESIZE | Specifies the event name for resize. |
RESIZE_END | Specifies the event name for resizeEnd. |
MOVE_START | Specifies the event name for moveStart. |
MOVE | Specifies the event name for move. |
MOVE_END | Specifies the event name for moveEnd. |
PAN_START | Specifies the event name for panStart. |
PAN | Specifies the event name for pan. |
PAN_END | Specifies the event name for panEnd. |
MINIMIZE | Specifies the event name for minimize. |
NORMALIZE | Specifies the event name for normalize. |
MAXIMIZE | Specifies the event name for maximize. |
HIDE | Specifies the event name for hide. |
SHOW | Specifies the event name for show. |
CLOSE | Specifies the event name for close. |
DESTROY | Specifies the event name for destroy. |
REFRESH | Specifies the event name for refresh. |
SIZE | Specifies the event name for size. |
SELECT | Specifies the event name for select. |
FIRED | Specifies the event name for fired. |
GET | Specifies the event name for get. |
RECEIVE | Specifies the event name for receive. |
CONNECT | Specifies the event name for connect. |
DISCONNECT | Specifies the event name for disconnect. |
SUSPEND | Specifies the event name for suspend. |
RESUME | Specifies the event name for suspend. |
MARK | Specifies the event name for mark. |
SESSION | Specifies the event name for session. |
ROOT | Specifies the event name for root. |
POST | Specifies the event name for post. |
OPEN | Specifies the event name for open. |
SAVE | Specifies the event name for open. |
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for beforeAddVertex. |
ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for addVertex. |
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for afterAddVertex. |
DONE | Specifies the event name for done. |
EXECUTE | Specifies the event name for execute. |
BEGIN_UPDATE | Specifies the event name for beginUpdate. |
END_UPDATE | Specifies the event name for endUpdate. |
BEFORE_UNDO | Specifies the event name for beforeUndo. |
UNDO | Specifies the event name for undo. |
REDO | Specifies the event name for redo. |
CHANGE | Specifies the event name for change. |
NOTIFY | Specifies the event name for notify. |
LAYOUT_CELLS | Specifies the event name for layoutCells. |
CLICK | Specifies the event name for click. |
SCALE | Specifies the event name for scale. |
TRANSLATE | Specifies the event name for translate. |
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE | Specifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate. |
UP | Specifies the event name for up. |
DOWN | Specifies the event name for down. |
ADD | Specifies the event name for add. |
REMOVE | Specifies the event name for remove. |
CLEAR | Specifies the event name for clear. |
ADD_CELLS | Specifies the event name for addCells. |
CELLS_ADDED | Specifies the event name for cellsAdded. |
MOVE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for moveCells. |
CELLS_MOVED | Specifies the event name for cellsMoved. |
RESIZE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for resizeCells. |
CELLS_RESIZED | Specifies the event name for cellsResized. |
TOGGLE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for toggleCells. |
CELLS_TOGGLED | Specifies the event name for cellsToggled. |
ORDER_CELLS | Specifies the event name for orderCells. |
CELLS_ORDERED | Specifies the event name for cellsOrdered. |
REMOVE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for removeCells. |
CELLS_REMOVED | Specifies the event name for cellsRemoved. |
GROUP_CELLS | Specifies the event name for groupCells. |
UNGROUP_CELLS | Specifies the event name for ungroupCells. |
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT | Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent. |
FOLD_CELLS | Specifies the event name for foldCells. |
CELLS_FOLDED | Specifies the event name for cellsFolded. |
ALIGN_CELLS | Specifies the event name for alignCells. |
LABEL_CHANGED | Specifies the event name for labelChanged. |
CONNECT_CELL | Specifies the event name for connectCell. |
CELL_CONNECTED | Specifies the event name for cellConnected. |
SPLIT_EDGE | Specifies the event name for splitEdge. |
FLIP_EDGE | Specifies the event name for flipEdge. |
START_EDITING | Specifies the event name for startEditing. |
ADD_OVERLAY | Specifies the event name for addOverlay. |
REMOVE_OVERLAY | Specifies the event name for removeOverlay. |
UPDATE_CELL_SIZE | Specifies the event name for updateCellSize. |
ESCAPE | Specifies the event name for escape. |
CLICK | Specifies the event name for click. |
DOUBLE_CLICK | Specifies the event name for doubleClick. |
Cross-browser DOM event support. For internal event handling, mxEventSource and the graph event dispatch loop in mxGraph are used.
Use this class for adding and removing listeners to/from DOM nodes. The removeAllListeners function is provided to remove all listeners that have been added using addListener. The function should be invoked when the last reference is removed in the JavaScript code, typically when the referenced DOM node is removed from the DOM, and helps to reduce memory leaks in IE6.
mxEvent | Cross-browser DOM event support. |
Variables | |
objects | Contains all objects where any listener was added using addListener. |
Functions | |
addListener | Binds the function to the specified event on the given element. |
removeListener | Removes the specified listener from the given element. |
removeAllListeners | Removes all listeners from the given element. |
redirectMouseEvents | Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments. |
release | Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants. |
disableContextMenu | Disables the context menu for the given element. |
getSource | Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser. |
isConsumed | Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume. |
isLeftMouseButton | Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event. |
isRightMouseButton | Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed. |
isPopupTrigger | Returns true if the event is a popup trigger. |
isShiftDown | Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event. |
isAltDown | Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event. |
isControlDown | Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event. |
isMetaDown | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
getMainEvent | Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates. |
getClientX | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
getClientY | Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event. |
consume | Consumes the given event. |
Variables | |
LABEL_HANDLE | Index for the label handle in an mxMouseEvent. |
ROTATION_HANDLE | Index for the rotation handle in an mxMouseEvent. |
MOUSE_DOWN | Specifies the event name for mouseDown. |
MOUSE_MOVE | Specifies the event name for mouseMove. |
MOUSE_UP | Specifies the event name for mouseUp. |
ACTIVATE | Specifies the event name for activate. |
RESIZE_START | Specifies the event name for resizeStart. |
RESIZE | Specifies the event name for resize. |
RESIZE_END | Specifies the event name for resizeEnd. |
MOVE_START | Specifies the event name for moveStart. |
MOVE | Specifies the event name for move. |
MOVE_END | Specifies the event name for moveEnd. |
PAN_START | Specifies the event name for panStart. |
PAN | Specifies the event name for pan. |
PAN_END | Specifies the event name for panEnd. |
MINIMIZE | Specifies the event name for minimize. |
NORMALIZE | Specifies the event name for normalize. |
MAXIMIZE | Specifies the event name for maximize. |
HIDE | Specifies the event name for hide. |
SHOW | Specifies the event name for show. |
CLOSE | Specifies the event name for close. |
DESTROY | Specifies the event name for destroy. |
REFRESH | Specifies the event name for refresh. |
SIZE | Specifies the event name for size. |
SELECT | Specifies the event name for select. |
FIRED | Specifies the event name for fired. |
GET | Specifies the event name for get. |
RECEIVE | Specifies the event name for receive. |
CONNECT | Specifies the event name for connect. |
DISCONNECT | Specifies the event name for disconnect. |
SUSPEND | Specifies the event name for suspend. |
RESUME | Specifies the event name for suspend. |
MARK | Specifies the event name for mark. |
SESSION | Specifies the event name for session. |
ROOT | Specifies the event name for root. |
POST | Specifies the event name for post. |
OPEN | Specifies the event name for open. |
SAVE | Specifies the event name for open. |
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for beforeAddVertex. |
ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for addVertex. |
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX | Specifies the event name for afterAddVertex. |
DONE | Specifies the event name for done. |
EXECUTE | Specifies the event name for execute. |
BEGIN_UPDATE | Specifies the event name for beginUpdate. |
END_UPDATE | Specifies the event name for endUpdate. |
BEFORE_UNDO | Specifies the event name for beforeUndo. |
UNDO | Specifies the event name for undo. |
REDO | Specifies the event name for redo. |
CHANGE | Specifies the event name for change. |
NOTIFY | Specifies the event name for notify. |
LAYOUT_CELLS | Specifies the event name for layoutCells. |
CLICK | Specifies the event name for click. |
SCALE | Specifies the event name for scale. |
TRANSLATE | Specifies the event name for translate. |
SCALE_AND_TRANSLATE | Specifies the event name for scaleAndTranslate. |
UP | Specifies the event name for up. |
DOWN | Specifies the event name for down. |
ADD | Specifies the event name for add. |
REMOVE | Specifies the event name for remove. |
CLEAR | Specifies the event name for clear. |
ADD_CELLS | Specifies the event name for addCells. |
CELLS_ADDED | Specifies the event name for cellsAdded. |
MOVE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for moveCells. |
CELLS_MOVED | Specifies the event name for cellsMoved. |
RESIZE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for resizeCells. |
CELLS_RESIZED | Specifies the event name for cellsResized. |
TOGGLE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for toggleCells. |
CELLS_TOGGLED | Specifies the event name for cellsToggled. |
ORDER_CELLS | Specifies the event name for orderCells. |
CELLS_ORDERED | Specifies the event name for cellsOrdered. |
REMOVE_CELLS | Specifies the event name for removeCells. |
CELLS_REMOVED | Specifies the event name for cellsRemoved. |
GROUP_CELLS | Specifies the event name for groupCells. |
UNGROUP_CELLS | Specifies the event name for ungroupCells. |
REMOVE_CELLS_FROM_PARENT | Specifies the event name for removeCellsFromParent. |
FOLD_CELLS | Specifies the event name for foldCells. |
CELLS_FOLDED | Specifies the event name for cellsFolded. |
ALIGN_CELLS | Specifies the event name for alignCells. |
LABEL_CHANGED | Specifies the event name for labelChanged. |
CONNECT_CELL | Specifies the event name for connectCell. |
CELL_CONNECTED | Specifies the event name for cellConnected. |
SPLIT_EDGE | Specifies the event name for splitEdge. |
FLIP_EDGE | Specifies the event name for flipEdge. |
START_EDITING | Specifies the event name for startEditing. |
ADD_OVERLAY | Specifies the event name for addOverlay. |
REMOVE_OVERLAY | Specifies the event name for removeOverlay. |
UPDATE_CELL_SIZE | Specifies the event name for updateCellSize. |
ESCAPE | Specifies the event name for escape. |
CLICK | Specifies the event name for click. |
DOUBLE_CLICK | Specifies the event name for doubleClick. |
START | Specifies the event name for start. |
RESET | Specifies the event name for reset. |
Binds the function to the specified event on the given element.
addListener: function()
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function()
Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser.
getSource: function( evt )
Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume.
isConsumed: function( evt )
Consumes the given event.
consume: function( evt, preventDefault, stopPropagation )
Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isLeftMouseButton: function( evt )
Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed.
isRightMouseButton: function( evt )
Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.
isPopupTrigger: function( evt )
Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
isShiftDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
isAltDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
isControlDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
isMetaDown: function( evt )
Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.
getMainEvent: function( e )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientX: function( e )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientY: function( e )
Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick' }
Frees up memory in IE by resolving cyclic dependencies between the DOM and the JavaScript objects.
dispose: function()
Returns a wrapper function that locks the execution scope of the given function to the specified scope.
bind: function( scope, funct )
Holds the state of the mouse button.
Binds the function to the specified event on the given element.
addListener: function()
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function()
Returns the event’s target or srcElement depending on the browser.
getSource: function( evt )
Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume.
isConsumed: function( evt )
Consumes the given event.
consume: function( evt, preventDefault, stopPropagation )
Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
isLeftMouseButton: function( evt )
Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed.
isRightMouseButton: function( evt )
Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.
isPopupTrigger: function( evt )
Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
isShiftDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
isAltDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
isControlDown: function( evt )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
isMetaDown: function( evt )
Returns the touch or mouse event that contains the mouse coordinates.
getMainEvent: function( e )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientX: function( e )
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
getClientY: function( e )
Specifies the event name for reset.
RESET: 'reset' }
Frees up memory in IE by resolving cyclic dependencies between the DOM and the JavaScript objects.
dispose: function()
Returns a wrapper function that locks the execution scope of the given function to the specified scope.
bind: function( scope, funct )
Holds the state of the mouse button.
A | |
ADD | |
ADD_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
ADD_OVERLAY, mxGraph. | |
ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
ALIGN_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
B | |
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
BEFORE_UNDO, mxGraphModel. | |
BEGIN_UPDATE, mxGraphModel. | |
C | |
CELL_CONNECTED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_ADDED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_FOLDED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_MOVED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_ORDERED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_REMOVED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_RESIZED, mxGraph. | |
CLEAR, mxUndoManager. | |
CONNECT_CELL, mxGraph. | |
D | |
DISCONNECT, mxSession. | |
DOUBLE_CLICK, mxGraph. | |
E | |
END_UPDATE, mxGraphModel. | |
ESCAPE, mxEditor. | |
EXECUTE, mxGraphModel. | |
F | |
FIRED, mxSession. | |
FLIP_EDGE, mxGraph. | |
FOLD_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
G | |
GET, mxSession. | |
GROUP_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
L | |
LABEL_CHANGED, mxGraph. | |
LAYOUT_CELLS, mxLayoutManager. | |
M | |
MARK, mxCellMarker. | |
MOVE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
N | |
O | |
OPEN, mxEditor. | |
ORDER_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
P | |
PAN, mxPanningHandler. | |
PAN_END, mxPanningHandler. | |
PAN_START, mxPanningHandler. | |
POST, mxEditor. | |
R | |
RECEIVE, mxSession. | |
REDO, mxUndoManager. | |
REFRESH, mxGraph. | |
REMOVE, mxSelectionCellsHandler. | |
REMOVE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
REMOVE_OVERLAY, mxGraph. | |
RESIZE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
RESUME, mxSession. | |
ROOT | |
S | |
SAVE, mxEditor. | |
SCALE, mxGraphView. | |
SELECT, mxToolbar. | |
SESSION, mxEditor. | |
SHOW, mxPopupMenu. | |
SIZE, mxGraph. | |
SPLIT_EDGE, mxGraph. | |
START_EDITING, mxGraph. | |
SUSPEND, mxSession. | |
T | |
TOGGLE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
TRANSLATE, mxGraphView. | |
U | |
UNDO | |
UNGROUP_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
UP, mxGraphView. | |
A | |
ADD | |
ADD_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
ADD_OVERLAY, mxGraph. | |
ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
AFTER_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
ALIGN_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
B | |
BEFORE_ADD_VERTEX, mxEditor. | |
BEFORE_UNDO, mxGraphModel. | |
BEGIN_UPDATE, mxGraphModel. | |
C | |
CELL_CONNECTED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_ADDED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_FOLDED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_MOVED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_ORDERED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_REMOVED, mxGraph. | |
CELLS_RESIZED, mxGraph. | |
CLEAR, mxUndoManager. | |
CONNECT_CELL, mxGraph. | |
D | |
DISCONNECT, mxSession. | |
DOUBLE_CLICK, mxGraph. | |
E | |
END_UPDATE, mxGraphModel. | |
ESCAPE, mxEditor. | |
EXECUTE, mxGraphModel. | |
F | |
FIRED, mxSession. | |
FLIP_EDGE, mxGraph. | |
FOLD_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
G | |
GET, mxSession. | |
GROUP_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
L | |
LABEL_CHANGED, mxGraph. | |
LAYOUT_CELLS, mxLayoutManager. | |
M | |
MARK, mxCellMarker. | |
MOVE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
N | |
O | |
OPEN, mxEditor. | |
ORDER_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
P | |
PAN, mxPanningHandler. | |
PAN_END, mxPanningHandler. | |
PAN_START, mxPanningHandler. | |
POST, mxEditor. | |
R | |
RECEIVE, mxSession. | |
REDO, mxUndoManager. | |
REFRESH, mxGraph. | |
REMOVE, mxSelectionCellsHandler. | |
REMOVE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
REMOVE_OVERLAY, mxGraph. | |
RESET, mxConnectionHandler. | |
RESIZE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
RESUME, mxSession. | |
ROOT | |
S | |
SAVE, mxEditor. | |
SCALE, mxGraphView. | |
SELECT, mxToolbar. | |
SESSION, mxEditor. | |
SHOW, mxPopupMenu. | |
SIZE, mxGraph. | |
SPLIT_EDGE, mxGraph. | |
START, mxConnectionHandler. | |
START_EDITING, mxGraph. | |
SUSPEND, mxSession. | |
T | |
TOGGLE_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
TRANSLATE, mxGraphView. | |
U | |
UNDO | |
UNGROUP_CELLS, mxGraph. | |
UP, mxGraphView. | |
R | |
radius | |
radiusSquared, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
rankBottomY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankCoordinates, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankIndex, WeightedCellSorter | |
rankMedianPosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
ranks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
rankTopY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankWidths, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
readGraphModel, mxEditor | |
receive, mxSession | |
received, mxSession | |
reconfigure | |
rect | |
rectangleIntersectsSegment, mxUtils | |
RectanglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
redirectMouseEvents, mxEvent | |
redo | |
REDO | |
redone, mxUndoableEdit | |
redraw | |
redrawBackgroundImage, mxGraphView | |
redrawCellOverlays, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawControl, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawForeignObject, mxText | |
redrawHtml | |
redrawHtmlTable, mxText | |
redrawIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
redrawInnerBends | |
redrawLabel, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawMarker, mxConnector | |
redrawPageBreaks, mxGraph | |
redrawPath | |
redrawShape, mxStencilShape | |
redrawSvg | |
redrawSvgTextNodes, mxText | |
redrawTextbox, mxText | |
redrawVml | |
reduceTemperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
reference, mxCodec | |
refresh | |
refreshHandler, mxSelectionCellsHandler | |
refreshTasks, mxEditor | |
register, mxCodecRegistry | |
registerShape, mxCellRenderer | |
relative, mxGeometry | |
relativeCcw, mxUtils | |
release, mxEvent | |
releaseSvgClip, mxText | |
remove | |
removeAllListeners, mxEvent | |
removeAllStylenames, mxUtils | |
removeCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
removeCellOverlay, mxGraph | |
removeCellOverlays, mxGraph | |
removeCells | |
removeCellsFromParent | |
removeCursors, mxUtils | |
removeEdge, mxCell | |
removeEnabled, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeFromParent, mxCell | |
removeFromTerminal, mxCell | |
removeImageBundle, mxGraph | |
removeListener | |
removeMouseListener, mxGraph | |
removePoint, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
removeSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
removeState, mxGraphView | |
removeStateForCell, mxGraph | |
removeStylename, mxUtils | |
removeWhitespace, mxUtils | |
renderDom, mxStencil | |
renderHint, mxGraph | |
rendering, mxGraphView | |
renderPage, mxPrintPreview | |
repaint | |
repaintGraph, mxUtils | |
reparseVml, mxShape | |
replaceLinefeeds, mxText | |
repositionValid, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
request, mxXmlRequest | |
reset | |
resetEdge, mxGraph | |
resetEdges | |
resetEdgesOnConnect, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnMove, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnResize, mxGraph | |
resetFirstTime, mxEditor | |
resetHandler | |
resetHistory, mxEditor | |
resetMode, mxToolbar | |
resetTimer, mxTooltipHandler | |
resetViewOnRootChange, mxGraph | |
resize, mxDivResizer | |
RESIZE, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_END, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_START, mxEvent | |
resizeCell | |
resizeCells, mxGraph | |
resizeContainer, mxGraph | |
resizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeHandler, mxSpaceManager | |
resizeHeight, mxDivResizer | |
resizeLast, mxStackLayout | |
resizeParent | |
resizeSwimlane, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeVertices, mxPartitionLayout | |
resizeWidth, mxDivResizer | |
resolve, mxCellPath | |
resolveColor, mxCellRenderer | |
resources, mxResources | |
restore | |
restoreClone, mxGraphModel | |
resume, mxSession | |
revalidate, mxGraphView | |
revalidateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
reverse, mxObjectCodec | |
reversePortConstraints, mxUtils | |
RhombusPerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
root, mxGraphModel | |
ROOT | |
rootChanged, mxGraphModel | |
roots | |
rotate | |
roundedCrispSvg, mxShape | |
roundrect | |
route, mxParallelEdgeLayout | |
rtrim, mxUtils | |
run, mxHierarchicalLayout |
R | |
radius | |
radiusSquared, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
rankBottomY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankCoordinates, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankIndex, WeightedCellSorter | |
rankMedianPosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
ranks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
rankTopY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankWidths, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
readGraphModel, mxEditor | |
receive, mxSession | |
received, mxSession | |
reconfigure | |
rect | |
rectangleIntersectsSegment, mxUtils | |
RectanglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
redirectMouseEvents, mxEvent | |
redo | |
REDO | |
redone, mxUndoableEdit | |
redraw | |
redrawBackgroundImage, mxGraphView | |
redrawCellOverlays, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawControl, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawForeignObject, mxText | |
redrawHtml | |
redrawHtmlTable, mxText | |
redrawIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
redrawInnerBends | |
redrawLabel, mxCellRenderer | |
redrawMarker, mxConnector | |
redrawPageBreaks, mxGraph | |
redrawPath | |
redrawShape, mxStencilShape | |
redrawSvg | |
redrawSvgTextNodes, mxText | |
redrawTextbox, mxText | |
redrawVml | |
reduceTemperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
reference, mxCodec | |
refresh | |
refreshHandler, mxSelectionCellsHandler | |
refreshTasks, mxEditor | |
register, mxCodecRegistry | |
registerShape, mxCellRenderer | |
relative, mxGeometry | |
relativeCcw, mxUtils | |
release, mxEvent | |
releaseSvgClip, mxText | |
remove | |
removeAllListeners, mxEvent | |
removeAllStylenames, mxUtils | |
removeCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
removeCellOverlay, mxGraph | |
removeCellOverlays, mxGraph | |
removeCells | |
removeCellsFromParent | |
removeCursors, mxUtils | |
removeEdge, mxCell | |
removeEnabled, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeFromParent, mxCell | |
removeFromTerminal, mxCell | |
removeImageBundle, mxGraph | |
removeListener | |
removeMouseListener, mxGraph | |
removePoint, mxEdgeHandler | |
removeSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
removeSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
removeState, mxGraphView | |
removeStateForCell, mxGraph | |
removeStylename, mxUtils | |
removeWhitespace, mxUtils | |
renderDom, mxStencil | |
renderHint, mxGraph | |
rendering, mxGraphView | |
renderPage, mxPrintPreview | |
repaint | |
repaintGraph, mxUtils | |
reparseVml, mxShape | |
replaceLinefeeds, mxText | |
repositionValid, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
request, mxXmlRequest | |
reset | |
resetEdge, mxGraph | |
resetEdges | |
resetEdgesOnConnect, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnMove, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnResize, mxGraph | |
resetFirstTime, mxEditor | |
resetHandler | |
resetHistory, mxEditor | |
resetMode, mxToolbar | |
resetTimer, mxTooltipHandler | |
resetViewOnRootChange, mxGraph | |
resize, mxDivResizer | |
RESIZE, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_END, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_START, mxEvent | |
resizeCell | |
resizeCells, mxGraph | |
resizeContainer, mxGraph | |
resizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeHandler, mxSpaceManager | |
resizeHeight, mxDivResizer | |
resizeLast, mxStackLayout | |
resizeParent | |
resizeSwimlane, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeVertices, mxPartitionLayout | |
resizeWidth, mxDivResizer | |
resolve, mxCellPath | |
resolveColor, mxCellRenderer | |
resources, mxResources | |
restore | |
restoreClone, mxGraphModel | |
resume, mxSession | |
revalidate, mxGraphView | |
revalidateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
reverse, mxObjectCodec | |
reversePortConstraints, mxUtils | |
RhombusPerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
root, mxGraphModel | |
ROOT | |
rootChanged, mxGraphModel | |
roots | |
rotate | |
roundedCrispSvg, mxShape | |
roundrect | |
route, mxParallelEdgeLayout | |
rtrim, mxUtils | |
run, mxHierarchicalLayout |
Integer specifying the size of the radius.
The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function( rankValue, graph, model )
The index this cell is in the model rank.
Performs median minimisation over one rank.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function( rankValue, model, nextRankValue )
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
The width of all the ranks
The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
Reads the specified XML node into the existing graph model and resets the command history and modified state.
mxEditor.prototype.readGraphModel = function ( node )
Processes the given node by applying the changes to the model.
mxSession.prototype.receive = function( node )
Total number of received bytes.
Extends mxActor.reconfigure to ignore fill if enableFill is false.
mxArrow.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Overrides the method to make sure the stroke is applied to the foreground.
mxCylinder.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxLabel.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Overrides to avoid filled content area in HTML and updates the shadow in SVG.
mxSwimlane.prototype.reconfigure = function( node )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
rect: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
rect: function( x, y, w, h )
Returns true if the given rectangle intersects the given segment.
rectangleIntersectsSegment: function( bounds, p1, p2 )
Describes a rectangular perimeter for the given bounds.
RectanglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Redo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.redo = function ()
Redoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function()
Redoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.redo = function()
Specifies if this edit has been redone.
Updates the bounds or points and scale of the shapes for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redraw = function( state, force, rendering )
Redraws the preview, and the bends- and label control points.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides mxShape.redraw to preserve the aspect ratio of images.
mxImageShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides redraw to define a unified implementation for redrawing all supported dialects.
mxLabel.prototype.redraw = function()
Invokes redrawSvg, redrawVml or redrawHtml depending on the dialect of the shape.
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Creates and returns the SVG node(s) to represent this shape.
mxStencilShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Redraws the handles and the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds and redraws the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.redrawBackgroundImage = function( backgroundImage, bg )
Redraws the overlays for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawCellOverlays = function( state )
Redraws the control for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawControl = function( state )
Redraws the foreign object for this text.
mxText.prototype.redrawForeignObject = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Redraws this HTML shape by invoking updateHtmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Redraws the HTML table.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlTable = function()
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Updates the position of the custom bends.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxElbowEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Redraws the label for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabel = function( state )
Updates the given SVG or VML marker.
mxConnector.prototype.redrawMarker = function( node, type, p0, pe, color, size )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxActor.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxArrow.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCloud.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h, isForeground )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxHexagon.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxShape.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxTriangle.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxStencilShape.prototype.redrawShape = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxActor.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Extends mxActor.redrawSvg to update the event handling shape if one exists.
mxArrow.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxConnector.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxEllipse.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxImageShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxLine.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxPolyline.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Redraws this SVG shape by invoking updateSvgShape on this.node, this.innerNode and this.shadowNode.
mxShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Hook to update the position of the SVG text nodes.
mxText.prototype.redrawSvgTextNodes = function( x, y, dy )
Redraws the textbox for this text.
mxText.prototype.redrawTextbox = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxActor.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Overrides the method to update the bounds if they have not been assigned.
mxPolyline.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Redraws this VML shape by invoking updateVmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Reduces the temperature of the layout from an initial setting in a linear fashion to zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom method for retrieving IDs from objects.
mxCodec.prototype.reference = function( obj )
Refreshes the bends of this handler.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Clears all cell states or the states for the hierarchy starting at the given cell and validates the graph.
mxGraph.prototype.refresh = function( cell )
Clears the view if currentRoot is not null and revalidates.
mxGraphView.prototype.refresh = function()
Invokes update and revalidate the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.refresh = function()
Reloads or updates all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Keeps a reference to an event listener for later removal.
Updates the contents of the tasks window using createTasks.
mxEditor.prototype.refreshTasks = function ( div )
Registers a new codec and associates the name of the template constructor in the codec with the codec object.
register: function( codec )
Registers the given constructor under the specified key in this instance of the renderer.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.registerShape = function( key, shape )
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates.
Returns 1 if the given point on the right side of the segment, 0 if its on the segment, and -1 if the point is on the left side of the segment.
relativeCcw: function( x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Releases the given SVG clip removing it from the DOM if required.
mxText.prototype.releaseSvgClip = function()
Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed.
mxCell.prototype.remove = function( index )
Removes the value for the given key and returns the value that has been removed.
mxDictionary.prototype.remove = function( key )
Removes the specified cell from the model using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.remove = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the given object in the given array or object.
remove: function( obj, array )
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Removes all stylenames from the given style and returns the updated style.
removeAllStylenames: function( style )
Removes the specified mxCell from the selection and fires a select event for the remaining cells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCell = function( cell )
Removes and returns the given mxCellOverlay from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlay = function( cell, overlay )
Removes all mxCellOverlays from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlays = function( cell )
Hook to remove the given cells from the given graph after a cut operation.
removeCells: function( graph, cells )
Removes the given cells from the graph including all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCells = function( cells, includeEdges )
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCells = function( cells )
Removes the specified cells from their parents and adds them to the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = function( cells )
Specifies if cells may be moved out of their parents.
Removes the cursors from the style of the given DOM node and its descendants.
removeCursors: function( element )
Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge.
mxCell.prototype.removeEdge = function( edge, isOutgoing )
Specifies if removing bends by shift-click is enabled.
Removes the cell from its parent.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromParent = function()
Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromTerminal = function( isSource )
Removes the specified mxImageBundle.
mxGraph.prototype.removeImageBundle = function( bundle )
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from eventListeners.
mxEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function( funct )
Removes the specified graph listener.
mxGraph.prototype.removeMouseListener = function( listener )
Removes the control point at the given index from the given state.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removePoint = function( state, index )
Removes the given cell from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCell = function( cell )
Removes the given cells from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCells = function( cells )
Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.removeState = function( cell )
Removes all cached information for the given cell and its descendants.
mxGraph.prototype.removeStateForCell = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the specified stylename in the given style and returns the updated style.
removeStylename: function( style, stylename )
Removes the sibling text nodes for the given node that only consists of tabs, newlines and spaces.
removeWhitespace: function( node, before )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxStencil.prototype.renderDom = function( shape, bounds, parentNode, state )
RenderHint as it was passed to the constructor.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph.
Creates a DIV that prints a single page of the given graph using the given scale and returns the DIV that represents the page.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.renderPage = function( w, h, dx, dy, scale, pageNumber )
Updates the highlight after a change of the model or view.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.repaint = function()
Computes the bounding box and updates the style of the div.
mxRubberband.prototype.repaint = function()
Normally not required, this contains the code to workaround a repaint issue and force a repaint of the graph container in AppleWebKit.
repaintGraph: function( graph, pt )
Forces a parsing of the outerHTML of this node and restores all references specified in vmlNodes.
mxShape.prototype.reparseVml = function()
Specifies if linefeeds in HTML labels should be replaced with BR tags.
Determines whether or not a node may be moved to the specified x position on the specified rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function( model, cell, rank, position )
Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.
Resets all counters.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the cell marker.
mxCellMarker.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets and/or restarts the timer to trigger the display of the tooltip.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.reset = function( me, restart )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the control points of the given edge.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdge = function( edge )
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Resets the control points of the edges that are connected to the given cells if not both ends of the edge are in the given cells array.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdges = function( cells )
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the move of a connected cell.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the resize of a connected cell.
Resets the cookie that is used to remember if the editor has already been used.
mxEditor.prototype.resetFirstTime = function ()
Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight should be hidden.
Reference to the function used to reset the toolbar.
Resets the command history, modified state and counters.
mxEditor.prototype.resetHistory = function ()
Selects the default mode and resets the state of the previously selected mode.
mxToolbar.prototype.resetMode = function( forced )
Resets the timer.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.resetTimer = function()
Specifies if the scale and translate should be reset if the root changes in the model.
Updates the style of the DIV after the window has been resized.
mxDivResizer.prototype.resize = function()
Sets the bounds of the given cell using resizeCells.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, bounds )
Uses the given vector to change the bounds of the given cell in the graph using mxGraph.resizeCell.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled )
Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS event while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCells = function( cells, bounds )
Specifies if the container should be resized to the graph size when the graph size has changed.
Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.
Holds the function that handles the move event.
If the last element should be resized to fill out the parent.
If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the children.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the stack.
Called from cellsResized for all swimlanes that are not ignored to update the size of the siblings and the size of the parent swimlanes, recursively, if bubbling is true.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.resizeSwimlane = function( swimlane, w, h )
Boolean that specifies if vertices should be resized.
Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the root of the path.
resolve: function( root, path )
Resolves special keywords ‘inherit’, ‘indicated’ and ‘swimlane’ and sets the respective color on the shape.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.resolveColor = function( state, field, key )
Restores the state of the graphics object.
restore: function()
Restores the state of the graphics object.
restore: function()
Inner helper method for restoring the connections in a network of cloned cells.
mxGraphModel.prototype.restoreClone = function( clone, cell, mapping )
Resumes the session if it has been suspended.
mxSession.prototype.resume = function( type, attr, value )
Revalidates the complete view with all cell states.
mxGraphView.prototype.revalidate = function()
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.revalidateState = function( parentState, state, dx, dy, visitor )
Maps from from XML attribute names to fieldnames.
Reverse the port constraint bitmask.
reversePortConstraints: function( constraint )
Describes a rhombus (aka diamond) perimeter.
RhombusPerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Holds the root cell, which in turn contains the cells that represent the layers of the diagram as child cells.
Inner callback to change the root of the model and update the internal datastructures, such as cells and nextId.
mxGraphModel.prototype.rootChanged = function( root )
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
Holds the array of mxGraphLayouts that this layout contains.
Rotates and/or flips the current graphics object.
rotate: function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates and/or flips the current graphics object.
rotate: function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
roundrect: function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
roundrect: function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Routes the given edge via the given point.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.route = function( edge, x, y )
Strips all whitespaces from the end of the string.
rtrim: function( str, chars )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )
Integer specifying the size of the radius.
The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankCoordinates = function( rankValue, graph, model )
The index this cell is in the model rank.
Performs median minimisation over one rank.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.rankMedianPosition = function( rankValue, model, nextRankValue )
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
The width of all the ranks
The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
Reads the specified XML node into the existing graph model and resets the command history and modified state.
mxEditor.prototype.readGraphModel = function ( node )
Processes the given node by applying the changes to the model.
mxSession.prototype.receive = function( node )
Total number of received bytes.
Extends mxActor.reconfigure to ignore fill if enableFill is false.
mxArrow.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Overrides the method to make sure the stroke is applied to the foreground.
mxCylinder.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxLabel.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Reconfigures this shape.
mxShape.prototype.reconfigure = function()
Overrides to avoid filled content area in HTML and updates the shadow in SVG.
mxSwimlane.prototype.reconfigure = function( node )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
rect: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the current path to a rectangle.
rect: function( x, y, w, h )
Returns true if the given rectangle intersects the given segment.
rectangleIntersectsSegment: function( bounds, p1, p2 )
Describes a rectangular perimeter for the given bounds.
RectanglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Redirects the mouse events from the given DOM node to the graph dispatch loop using the event and given state as event arguments.
redirectMouseEvents: function( node, graph, state, down, move, up, dblClick )
Redo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.redo = function ()
Redoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.redo = function()
Redoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.redo = function()
Specifies if this edit has been redone.
Updates the bounds or points and scale of the shapes for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redraw = function( state, force, rendering )
Redraws the preview, and the bends- and label control points.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides mxShape.redraw to preserve the aspect ratio of images.
mxImageShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Overrides redraw to define a unified implementation for redrawing all supported dialects.
mxLabel.prototype.redraw = function()
Invokes redrawSvg, redrawVml or redrawHtml depending on the dialect of the shape.
mxShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Creates and returns the SVG node(s) to represent this shape.
mxStencilShape.prototype.redraw = function()
Redraws the handles and the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.redraw = function()
Updates the bounds and redraws the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.redrawBackgroundImage = function( backgroundImage, bg )
Redraws the overlays for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawCellOverlays = function( state )
Redraws the control for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawControl = function( state )
Redraws the foreign object for this text.
mxText.prototype.redrawForeignObject = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Redraws this HTML shape by invoking updateHtmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Updates the HTML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtml = function()
Redraws the HTML table.
mxText.prototype.redrawHtmlTable = function()
Redraws the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.redrawIcons = function( icons, state )
Updates the position of the custom bends.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Updates and redraws the inner bends.
mxElbowEdgeHandler.prototype.redrawInnerBends = function( p0, pe )
Redraws the label for the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.redrawLabel = function( state )
Updates the given SVG or VML marker.
mxConnector.prototype.redrawMarker = function( node, type, p0, pe, color, size )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxActor.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxArrow.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCloud.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h, isForeground )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxHexagon.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxShape.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Draws the path for this shape.
mxTriangle.prototype.redrawPath = function( path, x, y, w, h )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxStencilShape.prototype.redrawShape = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxActor.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Extends mxActor.redrawSvg to update the event handling shape if one exists.
mxArrow.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxConnector.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxEllipse.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxImageShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxLine.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxPolyline.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Redraws this SVG shape by invoking updateSvgShape on this.node, this.innerNode and this.shadowNode.
mxShape.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Updates the SVG node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawSvg = function()
Hook to update the position of the SVG text nodes.
mxText.prototype.redrawSvgTextNodes = function( x, y, dy )
Redraws the textbox for this text.
mxText.prototype.redrawTextbox = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxActor.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxCylinder.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Overrides the method to update the bounds if they have not been assigned.
mxPolyline.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxRhombus.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Redraws this VML shape by invoking updateVmlShape on this.node.
mxShape.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxSwimlane.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Updates the VML node(s) to reflect the latest bounds and scale.
mxText.prototype.redrawVml = function()
Reduces the temperature of the layout from an initial setting in a linear fashion to zero.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.reduceTemperature = function()
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom method for retrieving IDs from objects.
mxCodec.prototype.reference = function( obj )
Refreshes the bends of this handler.
mxEdgeSegmentHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Clears all cell states or the states for the hierarchy starting at the given cell and validates the graph.
mxGraph.prototype.refresh = function( cell )
Clears the view if currentRoot is not null and revalidates.
mxGraphView.prototype.refresh = function()
Invokes update and revalidate the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.refresh = function()
Reloads or updates all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.refresh = function()
Keeps a reference to an event listener for later removal.
Updates the contents of the tasks window using createTasks.
mxEditor.prototype.refreshTasks = function ( div )
Registers a new codec and associates the name of the template constructor in the codec with the codec object.
register: function( codec )
Registers the given constructor under the specified key in this instance of the renderer.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.registerShape = function( key, shape )
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates.
Returns 1 if the given point on the right side of the segment, 0 if its on the segment, and -1 if the point is on the left side of the segment.
relativeCcw: function( x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py )
Removes the known listeners from the given DOM node and its descendants.
release: function( element )
Releases the given SVG clip removing it from the DOM if required.
mxText.prototype.releaseSvgClip = function()
Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed.
mxCell.prototype.remove = function( index )
Removes the value for the given key and returns the value that has been removed.
mxDictionary.prototype.remove = function( key )
Removes the specified cell from the model using mxChildChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.remove = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the given object in the given array or object.
remove: function( obj, array )
Removes all listeners from the given element.
removeAllListeners: function( element )
Removes all stylenames from the given style and returns the updated style.
removeAllStylenames: function( style )
Removes the specified mxCell from the selection and fires a select event for the remaining cells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCell = function( cell )
Removes and returns the given mxCellOverlay from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlay = function( cell, overlay )
Removes all mxCellOverlays from the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellOverlays = function( cell )
Hook to remove the given cells from the given graph after a cut operation.
removeCells: function( graph, cells )
Removes the given cells from the graph including all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCells = function( cells, includeEdges )
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.removeCells = function( cells )
Removes the specified cells from their parents and adds them to the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.removeCellsFromParent = function( cells )
Specifies if cells may be moved out of their parents.
Removes the cursors from the style of the given DOM node and its descendants.
removeCursors: function( element )
Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge.
mxCell.prototype.removeEdge = function( edge, isOutgoing )
Specifies if removing bends by shift-click is enabled.
Removes the cell from its parent.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromParent = function()
Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.
mxCell.prototype.removeFromTerminal = function( isSource )
Removes the specified mxImageBundle.
mxGraph.prototype.removeImageBundle = function( bundle )
Removes the specified listener from the given element.
removeListener: function()
Removes all occurrences of the given listener from eventListeners.
mxEventSource.prototype.removeListener = function( funct )
Removes the specified graph listener.
mxGraph.prototype.removeMouseListener = function( listener )
Removes the control point at the given index from the given state.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.removePoint = function( state, index )
Removes the given cell from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCell = function( cell )
Removes the given cells from the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.removeSelectionCells = function( cells )
Removes and returns the mxCellState for the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.removeState = function( cell )
Removes all cached information for the given cell and its descendants.
mxGraph.prototype.removeStateForCell = function( cell )
Removes all occurrences of the specified stylename in the given style and returns the updated style.
removeStylename: function( style, stylename )
Removes the sibling text nodes for the given node that only consists of tabs, newlines and spaces.
removeWhitespace: function( node, before )
Updates the SVG or VML shape.
mxStencil.prototype.renderDom = function( shape, bounds, parentNode, state )
RenderHint as it was passed to the constructor.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph.
Creates a DIV that prints a single page of the given graph using the given scale and returns the DIV that represents the page.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.renderPage = function( w, h, dx, dy, scale, pageNumber )
Updates the highlight after a change of the model or view.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.repaint = function()
Computes the bounding box and updates the style of the div.
mxRubberband.prototype.repaint = function()
Normally not required, this contains the code to workaround a repaint issue and force a repaint of the graph container in AppleWebKit.
repaintGraph: function( graph, pt )
Forces a parsing of the outerHTML of this node and restores all references specified in vmlNodes.
mxShape.prototype.reparseVml = function()
Specifies if linefeeds in HTML labels should be replaced with BR tags.
Determines whether or not a node may be moved to the specified x position on the specified rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.repositionValid = function( model, cell, rank, position )
Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.
Resets all counters.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the cell marker.
mxCellMarker.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of this handler.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets the state of the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.reset = function()
Resets all handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Resets and/or restarts the timer to trigger the display of the tooltip.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.reset = function( me, restart )
Resets the state of this handler.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.reset = function()
Specifies the event name for reset.
RESET: 'reset' }
Resets the control points of the given edge.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdge = function( edge )
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Resets the control points of the edges that are connected to the given cells if not both ends of the edge are in the given cells array.
mxGraph.prototype.resetEdges = function( cells )
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the move of a connected cell.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the resize of a connected cell.
Resets the cookie that is used to remember if the editor has already been used.
mxEditor.prototype.resetFirstTime = function ()
Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight should be hidden.
Reference to the function used to reset the toolbar.
Resets the command history, modified state and counters.
mxEditor.prototype.resetHistory = function ()
Selects the default mode and resets the state of the previously selected mode.
mxToolbar.prototype.resetMode = function( forced )
Resets the timer.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.resetTimer = function()
Specifies if the scale and translate should be reset if the root changes in the model.
Updates the style of the DIV after the window has been resized.
mxDivResizer.prototype.resize = function()
Sets the bounds of the given cell using resizeCells.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, bounds )
Uses the given vector to change the bounds of the given cell in the graph using mxGraph.resizeCell.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.resizeCell = function( cell, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled )
Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS event while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.resizeCells = function( cells, bounds )
Specifies if the container should be resized to the graph size when the graph size has changed.
Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.
Holds the function that handles the move event.
If the last element should be resized to fill out the parent.
If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the children.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the stack.
Called from cellsResized for all swimlanes that are not ignored to update the size of the siblings and the size of the parent swimlanes, recursively, if bubbling is true.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.resizeSwimlane = function( swimlane, w, h )
Boolean that specifies if vertices should be resized.
Returns the cell for the specified cell path using the given root as the root of the path.
resolve: function( root, path )
Resolves special keywords ‘inherit’, ‘indicated’ and ‘swimlane’ and sets the respective color on the shape.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.resolveColor = function( state, field, key )
Restores the state of the graphics object.
restore: function()
Restores the state of the graphics object.
restore: function()
Inner helper method for restoring the connections in a network of cloned cells.
mxGraphModel.prototype.restoreClone = function( clone, cell, mapping )
Resumes the session if it has been suspended.
mxSession.prototype.resume = function( type, attr, value )
Revalidates the complete view with all cell states.
mxGraphView.prototype.revalidate = function()
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.revalidateState = function( parentState, state, dx, dy, visitor )
Maps from from XML attribute names to fieldnames.
Reverse the port constraint bitmask.
reversePortConstraints: function( constraint )
Describes a rhombus (aka diamond) perimeter.
RhombusPerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Holds the root cell, which in turn contains the cells that represent the layers of the diagram as child cells.
Inner callback to change the root of the model and update the internal datastructures, such as cells and nextId.
mxGraphModel.prototype.rootChanged = function( root )
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
Holds the array of mxGraphLayouts that this layout contains.
Rotates and/or flips the current graphics object.
rotate: function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Rotates and/or flips the current graphics object.
rotate: function( theta, flipH, flipV, cx, cy )
Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
roundrect: function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Sets the current path to a rounded rectangle.
roundrect: function( x, y, w, h, dx, dy )
Routes the given edge via the given point.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.route = function( edge, x, y )
Strips all whitespaces from the end of the string.
rtrim: function( str, chars )
The API method used to exercise the layout upon the graph description and produce a separate description of the vertex position and edge routing changes made.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.run = function( parent )
S | |
save | |
SAVE | |
saveAs, mxUtils | |
scale | |
scaleAndTranslate, mxGraphView | |
scaleGrid, mxGraphHandler | |
scanRanksFromSinks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
scheduleUpdateAspect, mxImageShape | |
scrollCellToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollOnMove, mxGraphHandler | |
scrollPointToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollRectToVisible, mxGraph | |
SegmentConnector, mxEdgeStyle | |
segments, mxCellState | |
select, mxConnectionHandler | |
selectAll, mxGraph | |
selectCell, mxGraph | |
selectCellForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectCells | |
selectCellsForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectChildCell, mxGraph | |
selectDelayed, mxGraphHandler | |
selectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
Selection, mxGraph | |
Selection state, mxGraph | |
SELECTION_DASHED, mxConstants | |
selectionModel, mxGraph | |
selectMode, mxToolbar | |
selectNextCell, mxGraph | |
selectOnPopup, mxPanningHandler | |
selectParentCell, mxGraph | |
selectPreviousCell, mxGraph | |
selectRegion, mxGraph | |
selectVertices, mxGraph | |
send | |
sent, mxSession | |
session, mxEditor | |
setAbsoluteTerminalPoint, mxCellState | |
setAddEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setAllowDanglingEdges, mxGraph | |
setAllowEval, mxGraphView | |
setAllowLoops, mxGraph | |
setAlpha | |
setAttribute | |
setAutoAntiAlias, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setAutoSizeCells, mxGraph | |
setBackgroundImage, mxGraph | |
setBaseDomain, mxUrlConverter | |
setBaseUrl, mxUrlConverter | |
setBinary, mxXmlRequest | |
setBorder, mxGraph | |
setBubbling, mxLayoutManager | |
setCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellLocations, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setCells, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellsBendable, mxGraph | |
setCellsCloneable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDeletable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDisconnectable, mxGraph | |
setCellsEditable, mxGraph | |
setCellsMovable, mxGraph | |
setCellsResizable, mxGraph | |
setCellsSelectable, mxGraph | |
setCellStyle, mxGraph | |
setCellStyleFlags | |
setCellStyles | |
setCellWarning, mxGraph | |
setCloneEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setCloneInvalidEdges, mxGraph | |
setClosable, mxWindow | |
setCollapsed | |
setCompressed, mxXmlCanvas2D | |
setConnectable | |
setConnectableEdges, mxGraph | |
setConnectionConstraint, mxGraph | |
setConstrainChildren, mxGraph | |
setCreateIds, mxGraphModel | |
setCreateTarget, mxConnectionHandler | |
setCurrentRoot, mxGraphView | |
setCursor | |
setDashed | |
setDashPattern | |
setDefaultParent, mxGraph | |
setDisconnectOnMove, mxGraph | |
setDropEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEdge, mxCell | |
setEdgePoints, mxGraphLayout | |
setEdgePosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setEdgeStyleEnabled, mxGraphLayout | |
setEnabled | |
setEnterStopsCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setEscapeEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEventsEnabled, mxEventSource | |
setEventSource, mxEventSource | |
setExtendParents, mxGraph | |
setExtendParentsOnAdd, mxGraph | |
setFillColor | |
setFoEnabled, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setFontColor | |
setFontFamily | |
setFontSize | |
setFontStyle | |
setGeneralPurposeVariable | |
setGeometry | |
setGlassGradient | |
setGradient | |
setGraph | |
setGraphBounds, mxGraphView | |
setGraphContainer, mxEditor | |
setGridEnabled | |
setGridSize, mxGraph | |
setGuidesEnabled, mxDragSource | |
setHideOnHover, mxTooltipHandler | |
setHighlightColor | |
setHorizontal, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setHotspot, mxCellMarker | |
setHotspotEnabled, mxCellMarker | |
setHtmlLabels, mxGraph | |
setId, mxCell | |
setImage, mxWindow | |
setInvokesStopCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setLineCap | |
setLineJoin | |
setLocation, mxWindow | |
setLocked, mxGraph | |
setMaximizable, mxWindow | |
setMinimizable, mxWindow | |
setMiterLimit | |
setMode, mxEditor | |
setModified | |
setMoveEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setMultigraph, mxGraph | |
setOpacity, mxUtils | |
setOrthogonalEdge, mxGraphLayout | |
setPanning, mxGraph | |
setPanningEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
setParent, mxCell | |
setPortsEnabled, mxGraph | |
setPreviewColor, mxEdgeHandler | |
setRect, mxRectangle | |
setRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
setRendering, mxGraphView | |
setRequestHeaders, mxXmlRequest | |
setResizable, mxWindow | |
setResizeContainer, mxGraph | |
setResizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setRoot, mxGraphModel | |
setScale, mxGraphView | |
setScrollable, mxWindow | |
setSelectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
setSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
setSelectionModel, mxGraph | |
setShiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setShiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setSingleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setSize, mxWindow | |
setSplitEnabled, mxGraph | |
setStates | |
setStatus, mxEditor | |
setStatusContainer, mxEditor | |
setStrokeColor | |
setStrokeWidth | |
setStyle | |
setStyleFlag, mxUtils | |
setStylesheet, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
setTerminal | |
setTerminalPoint, mxGeometry | |
setTerminals, mxGraphModel | |
setTextEnabled | |
setTitle, mxWindow | |
setTitleContainer, mxEditor | |
setTolerance, mxGraph | |
setToolbarContainer, mxEditor | |
setTooltips, mxGraph | |
setTranslate | |
setValue | |
setVertex, mxCell | |
setVertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph | |
setVertexLocation | |
setVisible | |
setVisibleTerminalState, mxCellState | |
setX, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setY, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setZoomEnabled, mxOutline | |
shadow | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_X, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_Y, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
SHADOWCOLOR, mxConstants | |
shape | |
SHAPE_ACTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ARROW, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CLOUD, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CONNECTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CYLINDER, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ELLIPSE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_HEXAGON, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LABEL, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LINE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RECTANGLE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RHOMBUS, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_SWIMLANE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_TRIANGLE, mxConstants | |
shapes | |
sharedDiv, mxRubberband | |
shiftCell, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftKeys, mxKeyHandler | |
shiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shouldRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
show | |
SHOW | |
showHelp, mxEditor | |
showMenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showOutline, mxEditor | |
showProperties, mxEditor | |
showSubmenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showTasks, mxEditor | |
showViewport, mxOutline | |
SideToSide, mxEdgeStyle | |
significant, mxUndoableEdit | |
significantRemoteChanges, mxSession | |
simulate, mxXmlRequest | |
singleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
singleSizer, mxVertexHandler | |
size, mxUndoManager | |
SIZE | |
sizeDidChange, mxGraph | |
sizerImage, mxOutline | |
smartSeparators, mxPopupMenu | |
snap | |
snapToTerminals, mxEdgeHandler | |
sortCells, mxUtils | |
source | |
sourcePoint, mxGeometry | |
SOURCESCANSTARTRANK, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
spacing | |
splitEdge, mxGraph | |
splitEnabled, mxGraph | |
src, mxImage | |
start | |
startAnimation, mxAnimation | |
startDrag, mxDragSource | |
startEditing | |
startEditingAtCell, mxGraph | |
startOffset, mxShape | |
state | |
states, mxGuide | |
status, mxEditor | |
stencil, mxStencilShape | |
step, mxMorphing | |
steps, mxMorphing | |
STEPSIZE, mxClipboard | |
stop, mxSession | |
stopAnimation, mxAnimation | |
stopDrag, mxDragSource | |
stopEditing | |
stopRecursion, mxMorphing | |
stroke | |
strokedBackground, mxCylinder | |
strokewidth | |
style | |
STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_AUTOSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_BENDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_CLONEABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DASHED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DELETABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDITABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FOLDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_GLASS, mxConstants | |
STYLE_HORIZONTAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ASPECT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LABEL_PADDING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LOOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_MOVABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOLABEL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ORTHOGONAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OVERFLOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_PERIMETER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_RESIZABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROTATION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROUNDED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SEGMENT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHADOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHAPE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SMOOTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SOURCE_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_LEFT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_TOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TARGET_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_WHITE_SPACE, mxConstants | |
styleForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
styles, mxStylesheet | |
stylesheet, mxGraph | |
submenuImage, mxPopupMenu | |
submit, mxUtils | |
suspend, mxSession | |
suspended, mxOutline | |
swap, mxGeometry | |
swapBounds, mxGraph | |
swapStyles, mxEditor | |
swimlaneAdded, mxSwimlaneManager | |
swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute, mxGraph | |
swimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
swimlaneRequired, mxEditor | |
swimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
swimlaneSpacing, mxEditor |
S | |
save | |
SAVE | |
saveAs, mxUtils | |
scale | |
scaleAndTranslate, mxGraphView | |
scaleGrid, mxGraphHandler | |
scanRanksFromSinks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
scheduleUpdateAspect, mxImageShape | |
scrollCellToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollOnMove, mxGraphHandler | |
scrollPointToVisible, mxGraph | |
scrollRectToVisible, mxGraph | |
SegmentConnector, mxEdgeStyle | |
segments, mxCellState | |
select, mxConnectionHandler | |
selectAll, mxGraph | |
selectCell, mxGraph | |
selectCellForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectCells | |
selectCellsForEvent, mxGraph | |
selectChildCell, mxGraph | |
selectDelayed, mxGraphHandler | |
selectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
Selection, mxGraph | |
Selection state, mxGraph | |
SELECTION_DASHED, mxConstants | |
selectionModel, mxGraph | |
selectMode, mxToolbar | |
selectNextCell, mxGraph | |
selectOnPopup, mxPanningHandler | |
selectParentCell, mxGraph | |
selectPreviousCell, mxGraph | |
selectRegion, mxGraph | |
selectVertices, mxGraph | |
send | |
sent, mxSession | |
session, mxEditor | |
setAbsoluteTerminalPoint, mxCellState | |
setAddEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setAllowDanglingEdges, mxGraph | |
setAllowEval, mxGraphView | |
setAllowLoops, mxGraph | |
setAlpha | |
setAttribute | |
setAutoAntiAlias, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setAutoSizeCells, mxGraph | |
setBackgroundImage, mxGraph | |
setBaseDomain, mxUrlConverter | |
setBaseUrl, mxUrlConverter | |
setBinary, mxXmlRequest | |
setBorder, mxGraph | |
setBubbling, mxLayoutManager | |
setCell, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellLocations, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setCells, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setCellsBendable, mxGraph | |
setCellsCloneable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDeletable, mxGraph | |
setCellsDisconnectable, mxGraph | |
setCellsEditable, mxGraph | |
setCellsMovable, mxGraph | |
setCellsResizable, mxGraph | |
setCellsSelectable, mxGraph | |
setCellStyle, mxGraph | |
setCellStyleFlags | |
setCellStyles | |
setCellWarning, mxGraph | |
setCloneEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setCloneInvalidEdges, mxGraph | |
setClosable, mxWindow | |
setCollapsed | |
setCompressed, mxXmlCanvas2D | |
setConnectable | |
setConnectableEdges, mxGraph | |
setConnectionConstraint, mxGraph | |
setConstrainChildren, mxGraph | |
setCreateIds, mxGraphModel | |
setCreateTarget, mxConnectionHandler | |
setCurrentRoot, mxGraphView | |
setCursor | |
setDashed | |
setDashPattern | |
setDefaultParent, mxGraph | |
setDisconnectOnMove, mxGraph | |
setDropEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEdge, mxCell | |
setEdgePoints, mxGraphLayout | |
setEdgePosition, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
setEdgeStyleEnabled, mxGraphLayout | |
setEnabled | |
setEnterStopsCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setEscapeEnabled, mxGraph | |
setEventsEnabled, mxEventSource | |
setEventSource, mxEventSource | |
setExtendParents, mxGraph | |
setExtendParentsOnAdd, mxGraph | |
setFillColor | |
setFoEnabled, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
setFontColor | |
setFontFamily | |
setFontSize | |
setFontStyle | |
setGeneralPurposeVariable | |
setGeometry | |
setGlassGradient | |
setGradient | |
setGraph | |
setGraphBounds, mxGraphView | |
setGraphContainer, mxEditor | |
setGridEnabled | |
setGridSize, mxGraph | |
setGuidesEnabled, mxDragSource | |
setHideOnHover, mxTooltipHandler | |
setHighlightColor | |
setHorizontal, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setHotspot, mxCellMarker | |
setHotspotEnabled, mxCellMarker | |
setHtmlLabels, mxGraph | |
setId, mxCell | |
setImage, mxWindow | |
setInvokesStopCellEditing, mxGraph | |
setLineCap | |
setLineJoin | |
setLocation, mxWindow | |
setLocked, mxGraph | |
setMaximizable, mxWindow | |
setMinimizable, mxWindow | |
setMiterLimit | |
setMode, mxEditor | |
setModified | |
setMoveEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setMultigraph, mxGraph | |
setOpacity, mxUtils | |
setOrthogonalEdge, mxGraphLayout | |
setPanning, mxGraph | |
setPanningEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
setParent, mxCell | |
setPortsEnabled, mxGraph | |
setPreviewColor, mxEdgeHandler | |
setRect, mxRectangle | |
setRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
setRendering, mxGraphView | |
setRequestHeaders, mxXmlRequest | |
setResizable, mxWindow | |
setResizeContainer, mxGraph | |
setResizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
setRoot, mxGraphModel | |
setScale, mxGraphView | |
setScrollable, mxWindow | |
setSelectEnabled, mxGraphHandler | |
setSelectionCell, mxGraph | |
setSelectionCells, mxGraph | |
setSelectionModel, mxGraph | |
setShiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setShiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
setSingleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
setSize, mxWindow | |
setSplitEnabled, mxGraph | |
setStates | |
setStatus, mxEditor | |
setStatusContainer, mxEditor | |
setStrokeColor | |
setStrokeWidth | |
setStyle | |
setStyleFlag, mxUtils | |
setStylesheet, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
setTerminal | |
setTerminalPoint, mxGeometry | |
setTerminals, mxGraphModel | |
setTextEnabled | |
setTitle, mxWindow | |
setTitleContainer, mxEditor | |
setTolerance, mxGraph | |
setToolbarContainer, mxEditor | |
setTooltips, mxGraph | |
setTranslate | |
setValue | |
setVertex, mxCell | |
setVertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph | |
setVertexLocation | |
setVisible | |
setVisibleTerminalState, mxCellState | |
setX, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setY, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
setZoomEnabled, mxOutline | |
shadow | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_X, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OFFSET_Y, mxConstants | |
SHADOW_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
SHADOWCOLOR, mxConstants | |
shape | |
SHAPE_ACTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ARROW, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CLOUD, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CONNECTOR, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_CYLINDER, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_ELLIPSE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_HEXAGON, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LABEL, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_LINE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RECTANGLE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_RHOMBUS, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_SWIMLANE, mxConstants | |
SHAPE_TRIANGLE, mxConstants | |
shapes | |
sharedDiv, mxRubberband | |
shiftCell, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftDownwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shiftKeys, mxKeyHandler | |
shiftRightwards, mxSpaceManager | |
shouldRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
show | |
SHOW | |
showHelp, mxEditor | |
showMenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showOutline, mxEditor | |
showProperties, mxEditor | |
showSubmenu, mxPopupMenu | |
showTasks, mxEditor | |
showViewport, mxOutline | |
SideToSide, mxEdgeStyle | |
significant, mxUndoableEdit | |
significantRemoteChanges, mxSession | |
simulate, mxXmlRequest | |
singleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
singleSizer, mxVertexHandler | |
size, mxUndoManager | |
SIZE | |
sizeDidChange, mxGraph | |
sizerImage, mxOutline | |
smartSeparators, mxPopupMenu | |
snap | |
snapToTerminals, mxEdgeHandler | |
sortCells, mxUtils | |
source | |
sourcePoint, mxGeometry | |
SOURCESCANSTARTRANK, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
spacing | |
splitEdge, mxGraph | |
splitEnabled, mxGraph | |
src, mxImage | |
start | |
startAnimation, mxAnimation | |
startDrag, mxDragSource | |
startEditing | |
startEditingAtCell, mxGraph | |
startOffset, mxShape | |
state | |
states, mxGuide | |
status, mxEditor | |
stencil, mxStencilShape | |
step, mxMorphing | |
steps, mxMorphing | |
STEPSIZE, mxClipboard | |
stop, mxSession | |
stopAnimation, mxAnimation | |
stopDrag, mxDragSource | |
stopEditing | |
stopRecursion, mxMorphing | |
stroke | |
strokedBackground, mxCylinder | |
strokewidth | |
style | |
STYLE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ARCSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_AUTOSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_BENDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_CLONEABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DASHED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DELETABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_DIRECTION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EDITABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ELBOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENDSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ENTRY_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_X, mxConstants | |
STYLE_EXIT_Y, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FILLCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FOLDABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTCOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTFAMILY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_FONTSTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_GLASS, mxConstants | |
STYLE_HORIZONTAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGN, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_ASPECT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_BORDER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LABEL_PADDING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_LOOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_MOVABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_NOLABEL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ORTHOGONAL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_OVERFLOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_PERIMETER, mxConstants | |
STYLE_RESIZABLE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROTATION, mxConstants | |
STYLE_ROUNDED, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SEGMENT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHADOW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SHAPE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SMOOTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SOURCE_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_LEFT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_RIGHT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_SPACING_TOP, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTARROW, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTFILL, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STARTSIZE, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STENCIL_FLIPV, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKECOLOR, mxConstants | |
STYLE_STROKEWIDTH, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TARGET_PORT, mxConstants | |
STYLE_TEXT_OPACITY, mxConstants | |
STYLE_WHITE_SPACE, mxConstants | |
styleForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
styles, mxStylesheet | |
stylesheet, mxGraph | |
submenuImage, mxPopupMenu | |
submit, mxUtils | |
suspend, mxSession | |
suspended, mxOutline | |
swap, mxGeometry | |
swapBounds, mxGraph | |
swapStyles, mxEditor | |
swimlaneAdded, mxSwimlaneManager | |
swimlaneIndicatorColorAttribute, mxGraph | |
swimlaneNesting, mxGraph | |
swimlaneRequired, mxEditor | |
swimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph | |
swimlaneSpacing, mxEditor |
Empty hook that is called if the graph should be saved.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.save = function()
Posts the string returned by writeGraphModel to the given URL or the URL returned by getUrlPost.
mxEditor.prototype.save = function ( url, linefeed )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content in the given file on the local file system.
save: function( filename, content )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content by displaying a dialog to save the content as a file on the local filesystem.
saveAs: function( content )
Specifies the scale.
Number that specifies the translation of the path.
Holds the scale of the print preview.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Sets the scale and translation and fires a scale and translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.scaleAndTranslate = function( scale, dx, dy )
Specifies if the grid should be scaled.
Whether the rank assignment is done from the sinks or sources.
Schedules an asynchronous updateAspect using the current image.
mxImageShape.prototype.scheduleUpdateAspect = function()
Pans the graph so that it shows the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollCellToVisible = function( cell, center )
Specifies if the view should be scrolled so that a moved cell is visible.
Scrolls the graph to the given point, extending the graph container if specified.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollPointToVisible = function( x, y, extend, border )
Pans the graph so that it shows the given rectangle.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible = function( rect )
Implements an orthogonal edge style.
SegmentConnector: function( state, source, target, hints, result )
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Selects all children of the given parent cell or the children of the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectAll = function( parent )
Selects the next, parent, first child or previous cell, if all arguments are false.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCell = function( isNext, isParent, isChild )
Selects the given cell by either adding it to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function( cell, evt )
Selects the given edge after adding a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function( edge, target )
Selects all vertices and/or edges depending on the given boolean arguments recursively, starting at the given parent or the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCells = function( vertices, edges, parent )
Selects the given cells by either adding them to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellsForEvent = function( cells, evt )
Selects the first child cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectChildCell = function()
Implements the delayed selection for the given mouse event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectDelayed = function( me )
Specifies if selecting is enabled.
Holds the mxGraphSelectionModel that models the current selection.
Resets the state of the previously selected mode and displays the given DOM node as selected.
mxToolbar.prototype.selectMode = function( domNode, funct )
Selects the next cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectNextCell = function()
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Selects the parent cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectParentCell = function()
Selects the previous cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectPreviousCell = function()
Selects and returns the cells inside the given rectangle for the specified event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectRegion = function( rect, evt )
Select all vertices inside the given parent or the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.selectVertices = function( parent )
Send the request to the target URL using the specified functions to process the response asychronously.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.send = function( onload, onerror )
Total number of sent bytes.
Holds a mxSession instance associated with this editor.
Sets the first or last point in absolutePoints depending on isSource.
mxCellState.prototype.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint = function ( point, isSource )
Sets addEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setAddEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if dangling edges are allowed, that is, if edges are allowed that do not have a source and/or target terminal defined.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowDanglingEdges = function( value )
Sets allowEval.
mxGraphView.prototype.setAllowEval = function( value )
Specifies if loops are allowed.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowLoops = function( value )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the specified attribute on the user object if it is an XML node.
mxCell.prototype.setAttribute = function( name, value )
Sets the attribute on the specified node to value.
mxCodec.prototype.setAttribute = function( node, attribute, value )
Sets autoAntiAlias.
setAutoAntiAlias: function( value )
Specifies if cell sizes should be automatically updated after a label change.
mxGraph.prototype.setAutoSizeCells = function( value )
Sets the new backgroundImage.
mxGraph.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function( image )
Sets baseDomain.
setBaseDomain: function( value )
Sets baseUrl.
setBaseUrl: function( value )
Sets binary.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setBinary = function( value )
Sets the value of border.
mxGraph.prototype.setBorder = function( value )
Sets bubbling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setBubbling = function( value )
Selects the specified mxCell using setCells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCell = function( cell )
Sets the cell locations in the facade to those stored after this layout processing step has completed.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setCellLocations = function( graph, model )
Selects the given array of mxCells and fires a change event.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCells = function( cells )
Specifies if the graph should allow bending of edges.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsBendable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow cloning of cells by holding down the control key while cells are being moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsCloneable = function( value )
Sets cellsDeletable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDeletable = function( value )
Sets cellsDisconnectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDisconnectable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow in-place editing for cell labels.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsEditable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow moving of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsMovable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow resizing of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsResizable = function( value )
Sets cellsSelectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsSelectable = function( value )
Sets the style of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyle = function( style, cells )
Sets or toggles the given bit for the given key in the styles of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyleFlags = function( key, flag, value, cells )
Sets or toggles the flag bit for the given key in the cell’s styles.
setCellStyleFlags: function( model, cells, key, flag, value )
Sets the key to value in the styles of the given cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyles = function( key, value, cells )
Assigns the value for the given key in the styles of the given cells, or removes the key from the styles if the value is null.
setCellStyles: function( model, cells, key, value )
Creates an overlay for the given cell using the warning and image or warningImage and returns the new mxCellOverlay.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellWarning = function( cell, warning, img, isSelect )
Sets cloneEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setCloneEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if edges should be inserted when cloned but not valid wrt.
mxGraph.prototype.setCloneInvalidEdges = function( value )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setClosable = function( closable )
Sets the collapsed state.
mxCell.prototype.setCollapsed = function( collapsed )
Sets the collapsed state of the given mxCell using mxCollapseChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCollapsed = function( cell, collapsed )
Sets compressed.
setCompressed: function( value )
Sets the connectable state.
mxCell.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if edges should be connectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectableEdges = function( value )
Sets the mxConnectionConstraint that describes the given connection point.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectionConstraint = function( edge, terminal, source, constraint )
Sets constrainChildren.
mxGraph.prototype.setConstrainChildren = function( value )
Sets createIds.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCreateIds = function( value )
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Sets and returns the current root and fires an undo event before calling mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setCurrentRoot = function( root )
Sets the given cursor on the shape and text shape.
mxCellState.prototype.setCursor = function ( cursor )
Sets the cursor on the given shape.
mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function( cursor )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the defaultParent to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setDefaultParent = function( cell )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected when moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setDisconnectOnMove = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setDropEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the cell is an edge.
mxCell.prototype.setEdge = function( edge )
Replaces the array of mxPoints in the geometry of the given edge with the given array of mxPoints.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgePoints = function( edge, points )
Fixes the control points
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setEdgePosition = function( cell )
Disables or enables the edge style of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgeStyleEnabled = function( edge, value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow any interactions.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Sets enabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling by updating enabled.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxOutline.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxRubberband.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
setEnabled: function( value )
Sets enterStopsCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnterStopsCellEditing = function( value )
Sets escapeEnabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setEscapeEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventsEnabled.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventsEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventSource.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventSource = function( value )
Sets extendParents.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParents = function( value )
Sets extendParentsOnAdd.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParentsOnAdd = function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets foEnabled.
setFoEnabled: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Sets the mxGeometry to be used as the geometry.
mxCell.prototype.setGeometry = function( geometry )
Sets the mxGeometry of the given mxCell.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setGeometry = function( cell, geometry )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the manager operates on.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets graphBounds.
mxGraphView.prototype.setGraphBounds = function( value )
Sets the graph’s container using mxGraph.init.
mxEditor.prototype.setGraphContainer = function ( container )
Sets gridEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the grid should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Sets gridSize.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridSize = function( value )
Sets guidesEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGuidesEnabled = function( value )
Sets hideOnHover.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setHideOnHover = function( value )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets horizontal.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setHorizontal = function( value )
Sets the hotspot.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspot = function( hotspot )
Specifies whether the hotspot should be used in intersects.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspotEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets htmlLabels.
mxGraph.prototype.setHtmlLabels = function( value )
Sets the Id of the cell to the given string.
mxCell.prototype.setId = function( id )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setImage = function( image )
Sets invokesStopCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setInvokesStopCellEditing = function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the upper, left corner of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setLocation = function( x, y )
Sets if the window is maximizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMaximizable = function( maximizable )
Sets if the window is minimizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMinimizable = function( minimizable )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Puts the graph into the specified mode.
mxEditor.prototype.setMode = function( modename )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxCellEditor.prototype.setModified = function( value )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxEditor.prototype.setModified = function ( value )
Sets moveEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setMoveEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow multiple connections between the same pair of vertices.
mxGraph.prototype.setMultigraph = function( value )
Sets the opacity of the specified DOM node to the given value in %.
setOpacity: function( node, value )
Disables or enables orthogonal end segments of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setOrthogonalEdge = function( edge, value )
Specifies if panning should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPanning = function( enabled )
Sets panningEnabled.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.setPanningEnabled = function( value )
Sets the parent cell.
mxCell.prototype.setParent = function( parent )
Specifies if the ports should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPortsEnabled = function( value )
Sets the color of the preview to the given value.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.setPreviewColor = function( color )
Sets this rectangle to the specified values
mxRectangle.prototype.setRect = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets removeCellsFromParent.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setRemoveCellsFromParent = function( value )
Sets rendering.
mxGraphView.prototype.setRendering = function( value )
Sets the headers for the given request and parameters.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setRequestHeaders = function( request, params )
Sets if the window should be resizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setResizable = function( resizable )
Sets resizeContainer.
mxGraph.prototype.setResizeContainer = function( value )
Sets resizeEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setResizeEnabled = function( value )
Sets the root of the model using mxRootChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setRoot = function( root )
Sets the scale and fires a scale event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setScale = function( value )
Sets if the window contents should be scrollable.
mxWindow.prototype.setScrollable = function( scrollable )
Sets selectEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setSelectEnabled = function( value )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCell = function( cell )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCells = function( cells )
Sets the mxSelectionModel that contains the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionModel = function( selectionModel )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftDownwards = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftRightwards = function( value )
Sets the singleSelection flag.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setSingleSelection = function( singleSelection )
Sets the size of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setSize = function( width, height )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setSplitEnabled = function( value )
Sets states.
mxGraphView.prototype.setStates = function( value )
Sets the mxCellStates that should be used for alignment.
mxGuide.prototype.setStates = function( states )
Display the specified message in the status bar.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatus = function ( message )
Creates the status using the specified container.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatusContainer = function ( container )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the string to be used as the style.
mxCell.prototype.setStyle = function( style )
Sets the style of the given mxCell using mxStyleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setStyle = function( cell, style )
Adds or removes the given key, value pair to the style and returns the new style.
setStyle: function( style, key, value )
Sets or removes the given key from the specified style and returns the new style.
setStyleFlag: function( style, key, flag, value )
Sets the mxStylesheet that defines the style.
mxGraph.prototype.setStylesheet = function( stylesheet )
Specifies if swimlanes can be nested by drag and drop.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneNesting = function( value )
Specifies if swimlanes should be selected if the mouse is released over their content area.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function( value )
Sets the source or target terminal and returns the new terminal.
mxCell.prototype.setTerminal = function( terminal, isSource )
Sets the source or target terminal of the given mxCell using mxTerminalChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminal = function( edge, terminal, isSource )
Sets the sourcePoint or targetPoint to the given mxPoint and returns the new point.
mxGeometry.prototype.setTerminalPoint = function( point, isSource )
Sets the source and target mxCell of the given mxCell in a single transaction using setTerminal for each end of the edge.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminals = function( edge, source, target )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets the window title to the given string.
mxWindow.prototype.setTitle = function( title )
Creates a listener to update the inner HTML of the specified DOM node with the value of getTitle.
mxEditor.prototype.setTitleContainer = function ( container )
Sets tolerance.
mxGraph.prototype.setTolerance = function( value )
Initializes the toolbar for the given container.
mxEditor.prototype.setToolbarContainer = function ( container )
Specifies if tooltips should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setTooltips = function ( enabled )
Sets the translation and fires a translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setTranslate = function( dx, dy )
Set the global translation of this path, that is, the origin of the coordinate system.
mxPath.prototype.setTranslate = function( x, y )
Sets the user object of the cell.
mxCell.prototype.setValue = function( value )
Sets the user object of then given mxCell using mxValueChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setValue = function( cell, value )
Specifies if the cell is a vertex.
mxCell.prototype.setVertex = function( vertex )
Sets vertexLabelsMovable.
mxGraph.prototype.setVertexLabelsMovable = function( value )
Fixes the position of the specified vertex.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell )
Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if useBoundingBox is true.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell, x, y )
Specifies if the cell is visible.
mxCell.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible state of the given mxCell using mxVisibleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setVisible = function( cell, visible )
Shows or hides the console.
setVisible: function( visible )
Shows or hides the window depending on the given flag.
mxWindow.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible source or target terminal state.
mxCellState.prototype.setVisibleTerminalState = function ( terminalState, source )
Set the value of x for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setX = function( layer, value )
Set the value of y for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setY = function( layer, value )
Enables or disables the zoom handling by showing or hiding the respective handle.
mxOutline.prototype.setZoomEnabled = function( value )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Holds the mxShape that represents the cell graphically.
Holds the mxShape that represents the preview edge.
Reference to the mxShape that represents the preview.
Array that maps from shape names to shape constructors.
Holds implementations for the built-in shapes.
Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.
Called from moveCellsIntoParent to invoke the move hook in the automatic layout of each modified cell’s parent.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.shiftCell = function( cell, dx, dy, Ox0, y0, right, bottom, fx, fy, extendParent )
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Maps from keycodes to functions for pressed shift keys.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Returns true if the given cells should be removed from the parent for the specified mousereleased event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function( parent, cells, evt )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.show = function( visitor )
Shows the console.
show: function()
Shows the changes in the given mxCellStatePreview.
mxMorphing.prototype.show = function( move )
Shows the tooltip for the specified cell and optional index at the specified location (with a vertical offset of 10 pixels).
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.show = function( tip, x, y )
Copies the styles and the markup from the graph’s container into the given document and removes all cursor styles.
show: function( graph, doc, x0, y0 )
Shows the window.
mxWindow.prototype.show = function()
Shows the help window.
mxEditor.prototype.showHelp = function ( tasks )
Shows the menu.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showMenu = function()
Shows the outline window.
mxEditor.prototype.showOutline = function ()
Creates and shows the properties dialog for the given cell.
mxEditor.prototype.showProperties = function ( cell )
Shows the submenu inside the given parent row.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showSubmenu = function( parent, row )
Shows the tasks window.
mxEditor.prototype.showTasks = function ()
Specifies a viewport rectangle should be shown.
Implements a vertical elbow edge.
SideToSide: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
Whether remote changes should be significant in the local command history.
Creates and posts a request to the given target URL using a dynamically created form inside the given document.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.simulate = function( doc, target )
Specifies if only one selected item at a time is allowed.
Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be used.
Maximum command history size.
Called when the size of the graph has changed.
mxGraph.prototype.sizeDidChange = function()
Optional mxImage to be used for the sizer.
Specifies if separators should only be added if a menu item follows them.
Snaps the given numeric value to the grid if gridEnabled is true.
mxGraph.prototype.snap = function( value )
Snaps the given vector to the grid and returns the given mxPoint instance.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.snap = function( vector )
Specifies if waypoints should snap to the routing centers of terminals.
Sorts the given cells according to the order in the cell hierarchy.
sortCells: function( cells, ascending )
Reference to the source terminal.
The node this edge is sourced at
Boolean that specifies if the rule is applied to the source or target terminal of an edge.
Specifies the source of the edit.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge.
High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing cell.
Default value for spacing.
Defines the spacing between the parallels.
Integer that specifies the absolute spacing in pixels between the children.
Specifies the spacing between the cells.
Splits the given edge by adding the newEdge between the previous source and the given cell and reconnecting the source of the given edge to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.splitEdge = function( edge, cells, newEdge, dx, dy )
Specifies if dropping onto edges should be enabled.
String that specifies the URL of the image.
Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function( state, x, y, edgeState )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.start = function( cell, x, y )
Sets the start point for the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.start = function( x, y )
mxSession.prototype.start = function()
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the animation by repeatedly invoking updateAnimation.
mxAnimation.prototype.startAnimation = function()
Creates the dragElement using createDragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.startDrag = function( evt )
Starts the editor for the given cell.
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function( cell, trigger )
Calls startEditingAtCell using the given cell or the first selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditing = function( evt )
Fires a startEditing event and invokes mxCellEditor.startEditing on editor.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditingAtCell = function( cell, evt )
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Reference to the mxCellState.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Holds the optional mxCellState associated with this event.
Holds the mxCellState associated with this shape.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Contains the mxCellStates that are used for alignment.
DOM container that holds the statusbar.
Holds the mxStencil that defines the shape.
Contains the current step.
Specifies the maximum number of steps for the morphing.
Stops the session and fires a disconnect event.
mxSession.prototype.stop = function( reason )
Stops the animation by deleting the timer and fires an mxEvent.DONE.
mxAnimation.prototype.stopAnimation = function()
Removes and destroys the dragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.stopDrag = function( evt )
Stops the editor and applies the value if cancel is false.
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Stops the current editing.
mxGraph.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Returns true if the animation should not recursively find more deltas for children if the given parent state has been animated.
mxMorphing.prototype.stopRecursion = function( state, delta )
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Specifies if the background should be stroked.
Holds the current strokewidth.
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Inner callback to update the style of the given mxCell using mxCell.setStyle and return the previous style.
mxGraphModel.prototype.styleForCellChanged = function( cell, style )
Holds the mxStylesheet that defines the appearance of the cells.
URL of the image to be used for the submenu icon.
Submits the given parameters to the specified URL using mxXmlRequest.simulate and returns the mxXmlRequest.
submit: function( url, params, doc, target )
Suspends the polling.
mxSession.prototype.suspend = function()
Optional boolean flag to suspend updates.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
Swaps the x, y, width and height with the values stored in alternateBounds and puts the previous values into alternateBounds as a rectangle.
mxGeometry.prototype.swap = function()
Swaps the alternate and the actual bounds in the geometry of the given cell invoking updateAlternateBounds before carrying out the swap.
mxGraph.prototype.swapBounds = function( cell, willCollapse )
Swaps the styles for the given names in the graph’s stylesheet and refreshes the graph.
mxEditor.prototype.swapStyles = function ( first, second )
Updates the size of the given swimlane to match that of any existing siblings swimlanes.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.swimlaneAdded = function( swimlane )
The attribute used to find the color for the indicator if the indicator color is set to ‘swimlane’.
Specifies if nesting of swimlanes is allowed.
Specifies if new cells must be inserted into an existing swimlane.
Specifies if swimlanes should be selectable via the content if the mouse is released.
Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if automatic layout is turned on in layoutDiagram.
Empty hook that is called if the graph should be saved.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.save = function()
Posts the string returned by writeGraphModel to the given URL or the URL returned by getUrlPost.
mxEditor.prototype.save = function ( url, linefeed )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content in the given file on the local file system.
save: function( filename, content )
Saves the state of the graphics object.
save: function()
Saves the specified content by displaying a dialog to save the content as a file on the local filesystem.
saveAs: function( content )
Specifies the scale.
Number that specifies the translation of the path.
Holds the scale of the print preview.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Scales the current graphics object.
scale: function( value )
Sets the scale and translation and fires a scale and translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.scaleAndTranslate = function( scale, dx, dy )
Specifies if the grid should be scaled.
Whether the rank assignment is done from the sinks or sources.
Schedules an asynchronous updateAspect using the current image.
mxImageShape.prototype.scheduleUpdateAspect = function()
Pans the graph so that it shows the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollCellToVisible = function( cell, center )
Specifies if the view should be scrolled so that a moved cell is visible.
Scrolls the graph to the given point, extending the graph container if specified.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollPointToVisible = function( x, y, extend, border )
Pans the graph so that it shows the given rectangle.
mxGraph.prototype.scrollRectToVisible = function( rect )
Implements an orthogonal edge style.
SegmentConnector: function( state, source, target, hints, result )
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Selects all children of the given parent cell or the children of the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectAll = function( parent )
Selects the next, parent, first child or previous cell, if all arguments are false.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCell = function( isNext, isParent, isChild )
Selects the given cell by either adding it to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellForEvent = function( cell, evt )
Selects the given edge after adding a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.selectCells = function( edge, target )
Selects all vertices and/or edges depending on the given boolean arguments recursively, starting at the given parent or the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCells = function( vertices, edges, parent )
Selects the given cells by either adding them to the selection or replacing the selection depending on whether the given mouse event is a toggle event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectCellsForEvent = function( cells, evt )
Selects the first child cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectChildCell = function()
Implements the delayed selection for the given mouse event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.selectDelayed = function( me )
Specifies if selecting is enabled.
Holds the mxGraphSelectionModel that models the current selection.
Resets the state of the previously selected mode and displays the given DOM node as selected.
mxToolbar.prototype.selectMode = function( domNode, funct )
Selects the next cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectNextCell = function()
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Selects the parent cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectParentCell = function()
Selects the previous cell.
mxGraph.prototype.selectPreviousCell = function()
Selects and returns the cells inside the given rectangle for the specified event.
mxGraph.prototype.selectRegion = function( rect, evt )
Select all vertices inside the given parent or the default parent.
mxGraph.prototype.selectVertices = function( parent )
Send the request to the target URL using the specified functions to process the response asychronously.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.send = function( onload, onerror )
Total number of sent bytes.
Holds a mxSession instance associated with this editor.
Sets the first or last point in absolutePoints depending on isSource.
mxCellState.prototype.setAbsoluteTerminalPoint = function ( point, isSource )
Sets addEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setAddEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if dangling edges are allowed, that is, if edges are allowed that do not have a source and/or target terminal defined.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowDanglingEdges = function( value )
Sets allowEval.
mxGraphView.prototype.setAllowEval = function( value )
Specifies if loops are allowed.
mxGraph.prototype.setAllowLoops = function( value )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the current alpha.
setAlpha: function( alpha )
Sets the specified attribute on the user object if it is an XML node.
mxCell.prototype.setAttribute = function( name, value )
Sets the attribute on the specified node to value.
mxCodec.prototype.setAttribute = function( node, attribute, value )
Sets autoAntiAlias.
setAutoAntiAlias: function( value )
Specifies if cell sizes should be automatically updated after a label change.
mxGraph.prototype.setAutoSizeCells = function( value )
Sets the new backgroundImage.
mxGraph.prototype.setBackgroundImage = function( image )
Sets baseDomain.
setBaseDomain: function( value )
Sets baseUrl.
setBaseUrl: function( value )
Sets binary.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setBinary = function( value )
Sets the value of border.
mxGraph.prototype.setBorder = function( value )
Sets bubbling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setBubbling = function( value )
Selects the specified mxCell using setCells.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCell = function( cell )
Sets the cell locations in the facade to those stored after this layout processing step has completed.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setCellLocations = function( graph, model )
Selects the given array of mxCells and fires a change event.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setCells = function( cells )
Specifies if the graph should allow bending of edges.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsBendable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow cloning of cells by holding down the control key while cells are being moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsCloneable = function( value )
Sets cellsDeletable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDeletable = function( value )
Sets cellsDisconnectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsDisconnectable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow in-place editing for cell labels.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsEditable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow moving of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsMovable = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow resizing of cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsResizable = function( value )
Sets cellsSelectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellsSelectable = function( value )
Sets the style of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyle = function( style, cells )
Sets or toggles the given bit for the given key in the styles of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyleFlags = function( key, flag, value, cells )
Sets or toggles the flag bit for the given key in the cell’s styles.
setCellStyleFlags: function( model, cells, key, flag, value )
Sets the key to value in the styles of the given cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellStyles = function( key, value, cells )
Assigns the value for the given key in the styles of the given cells, or removes the key from the styles if the value is null.
setCellStyles: function( model, cells, key, value )
Creates an overlay for the given cell using the warning and image or warningImage and returns the new mxCellOverlay.
mxGraph.prototype.setCellWarning = function( cell, warning, img, isSelect )
Sets cloneEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setCloneEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if edges should be inserted when cloned but not valid wrt.
mxGraph.prototype.setCloneInvalidEdges = function( value )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setClosable = function( closable )
Sets the collapsed state.
mxCell.prototype.setCollapsed = function( collapsed )
Sets the collapsed state of the given mxCell using mxCollapseChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCollapsed = function( cell, collapsed )
Sets compressed.
setCompressed: function( value )
Sets the connectable state.
mxCell.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if the graph should allow new connections.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectable = function( connectable )
Specifies if edges should be connectable.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectableEdges = function( value )
Sets the mxConnectionConstraint that describes the given connection point.
mxGraph.prototype.setConnectionConstraint = function( edge, terminal, source, constraint )
Sets constrainChildren.
mxGraph.prototype.setConstrainChildren = function( value )
Sets createIds.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setCreateIds = function( value )
Sets createTarget.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setCreateTarget = function( value )
Sets and returns the current root and fires an undo event before calling mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setCurrentRoot = function( root )
Sets the given cursor on the shape and text shape.
mxCellState.prototype.setCursor = function ( cursor )
Sets the cursor on the given shape.
mxShape.prototype.setCursor = function( cursor )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed state to true or false.
setDashed: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the dashed pattern to the given space separated list of numbers.
setDashPattern: function( value )
Sets the defaultParent to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setDefaultParent = function( cell )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected when moved.
mxGraph.prototype.setDisconnectOnMove = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setDropEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the cell is an edge.
mxCell.prototype.setEdge = function( edge )
Replaces the array of mxPoints in the geometry of the given edge with the given array of mxPoints.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgePoints = function( edge, points )
Fixes the control points
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setEdgePosition = function( cell )
Disables or enables the edge style of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setEdgeStyleEnabled = function( edge, value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow any interactions.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Sets enabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling by updating enabled.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxOutline.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxRubberband.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setEnabled = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets enabled.
setEnabled: function( value )
Sets enterStopsCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setEnterStopsCellEditing = function( value )
Sets escapeEnabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setEscapeEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventsEnabled.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventsEnabled = function( value )
Sets eventSource.
mxEventSource.prototype.setEventSource = function( value )
Sets extendParents.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParents = function( value )
Sets extendParentsOnAdd.
mxGraph.prototype.setExtendParentsOnAdd = function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets the fillcolor.
setFillColor: function( value )
Sets foEnabled.
setFoEnabled: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontcolor.
setFontColor: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontfamily.
setFontFamily: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontsize.
setFontSize: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Sets the fontstyle.
setFontStyle: function( value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Set the value of temp for the specified layer
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.setGeneralPurposeVariable = function( layer, value )
Sets the mxGeometry to be used as the geometry.
mxCell.prototype.setGeometry = function( geometry )
Sets the mxGeometry of the given mxCell.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setGeometry = function( cell, geometry )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the glass gradient.
setGlassGradient: function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the gradient color.
setGradient: function( color1, color2, x, y, w, h, direction )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the layouts operate on.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets the graph that the manager operates on.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setGraph = function( graph )
Sets graphBounds.
mxGraphView.prototype.setGraphBounds = function( value )
Sets the graph’s container using mxGraph.init.
mxEditor.prototype.setGraphContainer = function ( container )
Sets gridEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the grid should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridEnabled = function( value )
Sets gridSize.
mxGraph.prototype.setGridSize = function( value )
Sets guidesEnabled.
mxDragSource.prototype.setGuidesEnabled = function( value )
Sets hideOnHover.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.setHideOnHover = function( value )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets the color of the rectangle used to highlight drop targets.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setHighlightColor = function( color )
Sets horizontal.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setHorizontal = function( value )
Sets the hotspot.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspot = function( hotspot )
Specifies whether the hotspot should be used in intersects.
mxCellMarker.prototype.setHotspotEnabled = function( enabled )
Sets htmlLabels.
mxGraph.prototype.setHtmlLabels = function( value )
Sets the Id of the cell to the given string.
mxCell.prototype.setId = function( id )
Sets the image associated with the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setImage = function( image )
Sets invokesStopCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.setInvokesStopCellEditing = function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linecap.
setLineCap: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the linejoin.
setLineJoin: function( value )
Sets the upper, left corner of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setLocation = function( x, y )
Sets if the window is maximizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMaximizable = function( maximizable )
Sets if the window is minimizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setMinimizable = function( minimizable )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Sets the miterlimit.
setMiterLimit: function( value )
Puts the graph into the specified mode.
mxEditor.prototype.setMode = function( modename )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxCellEditor.prototype.setModified = function( value )
Sets modified to the specified boolean value.
mxEditor.prototype.setModified = function ( value )
Sets moveEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setMoveEnabled = function( value )
Specifies if the graph should allow multiple connections between the same pair of vertices.
mxGraph.prototype.setMultigraph = function( value )
Sets the opacity of the specified DOM node to the given value in %.
setOpacity: function( node, value )
Disables or enables orthogonal end segments of the given edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setOrthogonalEdge = function( edge, value )
Specifies if panning should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPanning = function( enabled )
Sets panningEnabled.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.setPanningEnabled = function( value )
Sets the parent cell.
mxCell.prototype.setParent = function( parent )
Specifies if the ports should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setPortsEnabled = function( value )
Sets the color of the preview to the given value.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.setPreviewColor = function( color )
Sets this rectangle to the specified values
mxRectangle.prototype.setRect = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets removeCellsFromParent.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setRemoveCellsFromParent = function( value )
Sets rendering.
mxGraphView.prototype.setRendering = function( value )
Sets the headers for the given request and parameters.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.setRequestHeaders = function( request, params )
Sets if the window should be resizable.
mxWindow.prototype.setResizable = function( resizable )
Sets resizeContainer.
mxGraph.prototype.setResizeContainer = function( value )
Sets resizeEnabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.setResizeEnabled = function( value )
Sets the root of the model using mxRootChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setRoot = function( root )
Sets the scale and fires a scale event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setScale = function( value )
Sets if the window contents should be scrollable.
mxWindow.prototype.setScrollable = function( scrollable )
Sets selectEnabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.setSelectEnabled = function( value )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCell = function( cell )
Sets the selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionCells = function( cells )
Sets the mxSelectionModel that contains the selection.
mxGraph.prototype.setSelectionModel = function( selectionModel )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftDownwards = function( value )
Enables or disables event handling.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.setShiftRightwards = function( value )
Sets the singleSelection flag.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.setSingleSelection = function( singleSelection )
Sets the size of the window.
mxWindow.prototype.setSize = function( width, height )
Specifies if the graph should allow dropping of cells onto or into other cells.
mxGraph.prototype.setSplitEnabled = function( value )
Sets states.
mxGraphView.prototype.setStates = function( value )
Sets the mxCellStates that should be used for alignment.
mxGuide.prototype.setStates = function( states )
Display the specified message in the status bar.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatus = function ( message )
Creates the status using the specified container.
mxEditor.prototype.setStatusContainer = function ( container )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke color.
setStrokeColor: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the stroke width.
setStrokeWidth: function( value )
Sets the string to be used as the style.
mxCell.prototype.setStyle = function( style )
Sets the style of the given mxCell using mxStyleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setStyle = function( cell, style )
Adds or removes the given key, value pair to the style and returns the new style.
setStyle: function( style, key, value )
Sets or removes the given key from the specified style and returns the new style.
setStyleFlag: function( style, key, flag, value )
Sets the mxStylesheet that defines the style.
mxGraph.prototype.setStylesheet = function( stylesheet )
Specifies if swimlanes can be nested by drag and drop.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneNesting = function( value )
Specifies if swimlanes should be selected if the mouse is released over their content area.
mxGraph.prototype.setSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function( value )
Sets the source or target terminal and returns the new terminal.
mxCell.prototype.setTerminal = function( terminal, isSource )
Sets the source or target terminal of the given mxCell using mxTerminalChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminal = function( edge, terminal, isSource )
Sets the sourcePoint or targetPoint to the given mxPoint and returns the new point.
mxGeometry.prototype.setTerminalPoint = function( point, isSource )
Sets the source and target mxCell of the given mxCell in a single transaction using setTerminal for each end of the edge.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setTerminals = function( edge, source, target )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets textEnabled.
setTextEnabled: function( value )
Sets the window title to the given string.
mxWindow.prototype.setTitle = function( title )
Creates a listener to update the inner HTML of the specified DOM node with the value of getTitle.
mxEditor.prototype.setTitleContainer = function ( container )
Sets tolerance.
mxGraph.prototype.setTolerance = function( value )
Initializes the toolbar for the given container.
mxEditor.prototype.setToolbarContainer = function ( container )
Specifies if tooltips should be enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.setTooltips = function ( enabled )
Sets the translation and fires a translate event before calling revalidate followed by mxGraph.sizeDidChange.
mxGraphView.prototype.setTranslate = function( dx, dy )
Set the global translation of this path, that is, the origin of the coordinate system.
mxPath.prototype.setTranslate = function( x, y )
Sets the user object of the cell.
mxCell.prototype.setValue = function( value )
Sets the user object of then given mxCell using mxValueChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setValue = function( cell, value )
Specifies if the cell is a vertex.
mxCell.prototype.setVertex = function( vertex )
Sets vertexLabelsMovable.
mxGraph.prototype.setVertexLabelsMovable = function( value )
Fixes the position of the specified vertex.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell )
Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if useBoundingBox is true.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.setVertexLocation = function( cell, x, y )
Specifies if the cell is visible.
mxCell.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible state of the given mxCell using mxVisibleChange and adds the change to the current transaction.
mxGraphModel.prototype.setVisible = function( cell, visible )
Shows or hides the console.
setVisible: function( visible )
Shows or hides the window depending on the given flag.
mxWindow.prototype.setVisible = function( visible )
Sets the visible source or target terminal state.
mxCellState.prototype.setVisibleTerminalState = function ( terminalState, source )
Set the value of x for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setX = function( layer, value )
Set the value of y for the specified layer
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.setY = function( layer, value )
Enables or disables the zoom handling by showing or hiding the respective handle.
mxOutline.prototype.setZoomEnabled = function( value )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Paints the current path as a shadow of the given color.
shadow: function( value, filled )
Holds the mxShape that represents the cell graphically.
Holds the mxShape that represents the preview edge.
Reference to the mxShape that represents the preview.
Array that maps from shape names to shape constructors.
Holds implementations for the built-in shapes.
Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.
Called from moveCellsIntoParent to invoke the move hook in the automatic layout of each modified cell’s parent.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.shiftCell = function( cell, dx, dy, Ox0, y0, right, bottom, fx, fy, extendParent )
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Maps from keycodes to functions for pressed shift keys.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Returns true if the given cells should be removed from the parent for the specified mousereleased event.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.shouldRemoveCellsFromParent = function( parent, cells, evt )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.show = function( visitor )
Shows the console.
show: function()
Shows the changes in the given mxCellStatePreview.
mxMorphing.prototype.show = function( move )
Shows the tooltip for the specified cell and optional index at the specified location (with a vertical offset of 10 pixels).
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.show = function( tip, x, y )
Copies the styles and the markup from the graph’s container into the given document and removes all cursor styles.
show: function( graph, doc, x0, y0 )
Shows the window.
mxWindow.prototype.show = function()
Shows the help window.
mxEditor.prototype.showHelp = function ( tasks )
Shows the menu.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showMenu = function()
Shows the outline window.
mxEditor.prototype.showOutline = function ()
Creates and shows the properties dialog for the given cell.
mxEditor.prototype.showProperties = function ( cell )
Shows the submenu inside the given parent row.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.showSubmenu = function( parent, row )
Shows the tasks window.
mxEditor.prototype.showTasks = function ()
Specifies a viewport rectangle should be shown.
Implements a vertical elbow edge.
SideToSide: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
Whether remote changes should be significant in the local command history.
Creates and posts a request to the given target URL using a dynamically created form inside the given document.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.simulate = function( doc, target )
Specifies if only one selected item at a time is allowed.
Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be used.
Maximum command history size.
Called when the size of the graph has changed.
mxGraph.prototype.sizeDidChange = function()
Optional mxImage to be used for the sizer.
Specifies if separators should only be added if a menu item follows them.
Snaps the given numeric value to the grid if gridEnabled is true.
mxGraph.prototype.snap = function( value )
Snaps the given vector to the grid and returns the given mxPoint instance.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.snap = function( vector )
Specifies if waypoints should snap to the routing centers of terminals.
Sorts the given cells according to the order in the cell hierarchy.
sortCells: function( cells, ascending )
Reference to the source terminal.
The node this edge is sourced at
Boolean that specifies if the rule is applied to the source or target terminal of an edge.
Specifies the source of the edit.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge.
High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing cell.
Default value for spacing.
Defines the spacing between the parallels.
Integer that specifies the absolute spacing in pixels between the children.
Specifies the spacing between the cells.
Splits the given edge by adding the newEdge between the previous source and the given cell and reconnecting the source of the given edge to the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.splitEdge = function( edge, cells, newEdge, dx, dy )
Specifies if dropping onto edges should be enabled.
String that specifies the URL of the image.
Starts a new connection for the given state and coordinates.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.start = function( state, x, y, edgeState )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.start = function( cell, x, y )
Sets the start point for the rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.start = function( x, y )
mxSession.prototype.start = function()
Starts the handling of the mouse gesture.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.start = function( x, y, index )
Starts the animation by repeatedly invoking updateAnimation.
mxAnimation.prototype.startAnimation = function()
Creates the dragElement using createDragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.startDrag = function( evt )
Starts the editor for the given cell.
mxCellEditor.prototype.startEditing = function( cell, trigger )
Calls startEditingAtCell using the given cell or the first selection cell.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditing = function( evt )
Fires a startEditing event and invokes mxCellEditor.startEditing on editor.
mxGraph.prototype.startEditingAtCell = function( cell, evt )
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Reference to the mxCellState.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Holds the optional mxCellState associated with this event.
Holds the mxCellState associated with this shape.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Contains the mxCellStates that are used for alignment.
DOM container that holds the statusbar.
Holds the mxStencil that defines the shape.
Contains the current step.
Specifies the maximum number of steps for the morphing.
Stops the session and fires a disconnect event.
mxSession.prototype.stop = function( reason )
Stops the animation by deleting the timer and fires an mxEvent.DONE.
mxAnimation.prototype.stopAnimation = function()
Removes and destroys the dragElement.
mxDragSource.prototype.stopDrag = function( evt )
Stops the editor and applies the value if cancel is false.
mxCellEditor.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Stops the current editing.
mxGraph.prototype.stopEditing = function( cancel )
Returns true if the animation should not recursively find more deltas for children if the given parent state has been animated.
mxMorphing.prototype.stopRecursion = function( state, delta )
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Paints the outline of the current path.
stroke: function()
Specifies if the background should be stroked.
Holds the current strokewidth.
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Inner callback to update the style of the given mxCell using mxCell.setStyle and return the previous style.
mxGraphModel.prototype.styleForCellChanged = function( cell, style )
Holds the mxStylesheet that defines the appearance of the cells.
URL of the image to be used for the submenu icon.
Submits the given parameters to the specified URL using mxXmlRequest.simulate and returns the mxXmlRequest.
submit: function( url, params, doc, target )
Suspends the polling.
mxSession.prototype.suspend = function()
Optional boolean flag to suspend updates.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
Swaps the x, y, width and height with the values stored in alternateBounds and puts the previous values into alternateBounds as a rectangle.
mxGeometry.prototype.swap = function()
Swaps the alternate and the actual bounds in the geometry of the given cell invoking updateAlternateBounds before carrying out the swap.
mxGraph.prototype.swapBounds = function( cell, willCollapse )
Swaps the styles for the given names in the graph’s stylesheet and refreshes the graph.
mxEditor.prototype.swapStyles = function ( first, second )
Updates the size of the given swimlane to match that of any existing siblings swimlanes.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.swimlaneAdded = function( swimlane )
The attribute used to find the color for the indicator if the indicator color is set to ‘swimlane’.
Specifies if nesting of swimlanes is allowed.
Specifies if new cells must be inserted into an existing swimlane.
Specifies if swimlanes should be selectable via the content if the mouse is released.
Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if automatic layout is turned on in layoutDiagram.
T | |
table, mxForm | |
tapAndHold, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldDelay, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldInProgress, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldTolerance, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldValid, mxConnectionHandler | |
target | |
targetConnectImage, mxConnectionHandler | |
targetPoint, mxGeometry | |
tasks, mxEditor | |
tasksResource, mxEditor | |
tasksTop, mxEditor | |
tasksWindowImage, mxEditor | |
temp, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
temperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
template, mxObjectCodec | |
templates, mxEditor | |
Templates, mxEditor | |
terminalDistance, mxCellState | |
terminalForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
text | |
textarea, mxCellEditor | |
textEnabled | |
textNode, mxCellEditor | |
thread, mxAnimation | |
tightenToSource | |
timerAutoScroll, mxGraph | |
title | |
toggleCells, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyle, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyleFlags, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyles, mxGraph | |
tolerance | |
toolbar | |
tooltip, mxCellOverlay | |
TopToBottom, mxEdgeStyle | |
toRadians, mxUtils | |
toString | |
TRACE, mxLog | |
transformControlPoint, mxGraphView | |
translate | |
translateCell, mxGraph | |
translateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
transpose, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
traverse | |
traverseAncestors, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
treeLayout, mxEditor | |
TrianglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
trigger, mxCellEditor | |
trim | |
type, mxMultiplicity | |
typeError, mxMultiplicity |
T | |
table, mxForm | |
tapAndHold, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldDelay, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldInProgress, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldTolerance, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldValid, mxConnectionHandler | |
target | |
targetConnectImage, mxConnectionHandler | |
targetPoint, mxGeometry | |
tasks, mxEditor | |
tasksResource, mxEditor | |
tasksTop, mxEditor | |
tasksWindowImage, mxEditor | |
temp, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
temperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
template, mxObjectCodec | |
templates, mxEditor | |
Templates, mxEditor | |
terminalDistance, mxCellState | |
terminalForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
text | |
textarea, mxCellEditor | |
textEnabled | |
textNode, mxCellEditor | |
thread, mxAnimation | |
tightenToSource | |
timerAutoScroll, mxGraph | |
title | |
toggleCells, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyle, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyleFlags, mxGraph | |
toggleCellStyles, mxGraph | |
tolerance | |
toolbar | |
tooltip, mxCellOverlay | |
TopToBottom, mxEdgeStyle | |
toRadians, mxUtils | |
toString | |
TRACE, mxLog | |
transformControlPoint, mxGraphView | |
translate | |
translateCell, mxGraph | |
translateState, mxCellStatePreview | |
transpose, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
traverse | |
traverseAncestors, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
treeLayout, mxEditor | |
TrianglePerimeter, mxPerimeter | |
trigger, mxCellEditor | |
trim | |
type, mxMultiplicity | |
typeError, mxMultiplicity |
Holds the DOM node that represents the table.
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Reference to the target terminal.
The node this edge targets
Reference to the target DOM, that is, the DOM node where the key event listeners are installed.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Defines the target mxPoint of the edge.
Holds the mxWindow created in showTasks.
Specifies the resource key for the tasks window title.
Specifies the top coordinate of the tasks window in pixels.
Icon for the tasks window.
Temporary variable for general use.
Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of layout.
Holds the template object associated with this codec.
Maps from names to protoype cells to be used in the toolbar for inserting new cells into the diagram.
Caches the distance between the end points for an edge.
Inner helper function to update the terminal of the edge using mxCell.insertEdge and return the previous terminal.
mxGraphModel.prototype.terminalForCellChanged = function( edge, terminal, isSource )
Holds the mxText that represents the label of the cell.
Paints the given text.
text: function( x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, vertical, wrap, format )
Paints the given text.
text: function( x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, vertical, wrap, format )
Holds the input textarea.
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Reference to the label DOM node that has been hidden.
Reference to the thread while the animation is running.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Specifies if timer-based autoscrolling should be used via mxPanningManager.
Holds the title of the preview window.
Reference to the DOM node (TD) that contains the title.
Sets the visible state of the specified cells and all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCells = function( show, cells, includeEdges )
Toggles the boolean value for the given key in the style of the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyle = function( key, defaultValue, cell )
Toggles the given bit for the given key in the styles of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyleFlags = function( key, flag, cells )
Toggles the boolean value for the given key in the style of the given cells.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyles = function( key, defaultValue, cells )
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Tolerance for a move to be handled as a single click.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Holds the internal mxToolbar.
Holds a mxDefaultToolbar for displaying the toolbar.
Holds the optional string to be used as the tooltip.
Implements a horizontal elbow edge.
TopToBottom: function( state, source, target, points, result )
Converts the given degree to radians.
toRadians: function( deg )
Returns the textual representation of the overlay to be used as the tooltip.
mxCellOverlay.prototype.toString = function()
Returns a textual representation of the specified object.
toString: function( obj )
Transforms the given control point to an absolute point.
mxGraphView.prototype.transformControlPoint = function( state, pt )
Translates the geometry by the specified amount.
mxGeometry.prototype.translate = function( dx, dy )
mxPoint that specifies the current translation.
mxPoint that specifies the translation of the complete path.
Translates the current graphics object.
translate: function( dx, dy )
Translates the current graphics object.
translate: function( dx, dy )
Global switch to translate the points in translate.
Translates the geometry of the given cell and stores the new, translated geometry in the model as an atomic change.
mxGraph.prototype.translateCell = function( cell, dx, dy )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.translateState = function( parentState, state, dx, dy )
Takes each possible adjacent cell pair on each rank and checks if swapping them around reduces the number of crossing
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.transpose = function( mainLoopIteration, model )
Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge.
mxGraph.prototype.traverse = function( vertex, directed, func, edge, visited )
Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge.
mxGraphLayout.traverse = function( vertex, directed, func, edge, visited )
Whether or not to navigate edges whose terminal vertices have different parents but are in the same ancestry chain
Executes a vertical or horizontal compact tree layout using the specified cell as an argument.
mxEditor.prototype.treeLayout = function ( cell, horizontal )
Describes a triangle perimeter.
TrianglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Reference to the event that was used to start editing.
Removes all pending steps after indexOfNextAdd from the history, invoking die on each edit.
mxUndoManager.prototype.trim = function()
Strips all whitespaces from both end of the string.
trim: function( str, chars )
Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
Holds the localized error message to be displayed if the type of the neighbor for a connection does not match the rule.
Holds the DOM node that represents the table.
Handles the mxMouseEvent by highlighting the mxCellState.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.tapAndHold = function( me, state )
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Reference to the target terminal.
The node this edge targets
Reference to the target DOM, that is, the DOM node where the key event listeners are installed.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Defines the target mxPoint of the edge.
Holds the mxWindow created in showTasks.
Specifies the resource key for the tasks window title.
Specifies the top coordinate of the tasks window in pixels.
Icon for the tasks window.
Temporary variable for general use.
Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of layout.
Holds the template object associated with this codec.
Maps from names to protoype cells to be used in the toolbar for inserting new cells into the diagram.
Caches the distance between the end points for an edge.
Inner helper function to update the terminal of the edge using mxCell.insertEdge and return the previous terminal.
mxGraphModel.prototype.terminalForCellChanged = function( edge, terminal, isSource )
Holds the mxText that represents the label of the cell.
Paints the given text.
text: function( x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, vertical, wrap, format )
Paints the given text.
text: function( x, y, w, h, str, align, valign, vertical, wrap, format )
Holds the input textarea.
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Reference to the label DOM node that has been hidden.
Reference to the thread while the animation is running.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Specifies if timer-based autoscrolling should be used via mxPanningManager.
Holds the title of the preview window.
Reference to the DOM node (TD) that contains the title.
Sets the visible state of the specified cells and all connected edges if includeEdges is true.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCells = function( show, cells, includeEdges )
Toggles the boolean value for the given key in the style of the given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyle = function( key, defaultValue, cell )
Toggles the given bit for the given key in the styles of the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyleFlags = function( key, flag, cells )
Toggles the boolean value for the given key in the style of the given cells.
mxGraph.prototype.toggleCellStyles = function( key, defaultValue, cells )
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Tolerance for a move to be handled as a single click.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Holds the internal mxToolbar.
Holds a mxDefaultToolbar for displaying the toolbar.
Holds the optional string to be used as the tooltip.
Implements a horizontal elbow edge.
TopToBottom: function( state, source, target, points, result )
Converts the given degree to radians.
toRadians: function( deg )
Returns the textual representation of the overlay to be used as the tooltip.
mxCellOverlay.prototype.toString = function()
Returns a textual representation of the specified object.
toString: function( obj )
Transforms the given control point to an absolute point.
mxGraphView.prototype.transformControlPoint = function( state, pt )
Translates the geometry by the specified amount.
mxGeometry.prototype.translate = function( dx, dy )
mxPoint that specifies the current translation.
mxPoint that specifies the translation of the complete path.
Translates the current graphics object.
translate: function( dx, dy )
Translates the current graphics object.
translate: function( dx, dy )
Global switch to translate the points in translate.
Translates the geometry of the given cell and stores the new, translated geometry in the model as an atomic change.
mxGraph.prototype.translateCell = function( cell, dx, dy )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.translateState = function( parentState, state, dx, dy )
Takes each possible adjacent cell pair on each rank and checks if swapping them around reduces the number of crossing
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.transpose = function( mainLoopIteration, model )
Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge.
mxGraph.prototype.traverse = function( vertex, directed, func, edge, visited )
Traverses the (directed) graph invoking the given function for each visited vertex and edge.
mxGraphLayout.traverse = function( vertex, directed, func, edge, visited )
Whether or not to navigate edges whose terminal vertices have different parents but are in the same ancestry chain
Executes a vertical or horizontal compact tree layout using the specified cell as an argument.
mxEditor.prototype.treeLayout = function ( cell, horizontal )
Describes a triangle perimeter.
TrianglePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Reference to the event that was used to start editing.
Removes all pending steps after indexOfNextAdd from the history, invoking die on each edit.
mxUndoManager.prototype.trim = function()
Strips all whitespaces from both end of the string.
trim: function( str, chars )
Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
Holds the localized error message to be displayed if the type of the neighbor for a connection does not match the rule.
U | |
undo | |
UNDO | |
undoableEditHappened, mxUndoManager | |
undoManager, mxEditor | |
undone, mxUndoableEdit | |
ungroupCells, mxGraph | |
union, mxVertexHandler | |
unmark, mxCellMarker | |
UP | |
update | |
updateAlternateBounds, mxGraph | |
updateAnimation | |
updateAspect, mxImageShape | |
updateBoundingBox | |
updateCellSize, mxGraph | |
updateCurrentState, mxConnectionHandler | |
updateCursor, mxGraphHandler | |
updateDefaultMode, mxToolbar | |
updateEdgeBounds, mxGraphView | |
updateEdgeLabelOffset, mxGraphView | |
updateEdgeParent, mxGraphModel | |
updateEdgeParents, mxGraphModel | |
updateFixedTerminalPoint, mxGraphView | |
updateFixedTerminalPoints, mxGraphView | |
updateFloatingTerminalPoint, mxGraphView | |
updateFloatingTerminalPoints, mxGraphView | |
updateGroupBounds, mxGraph | |
updateHandler, mxLayoutManager | |
updateHtmlCanvasSize, mxGraphView | |
updateHtmlShape, mxShape | |
updateIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
updateLevel, mxGraphModel | |
updateMouseEvent, mxGraph | |
updateOnPan, mxOutline | |
updatePoints, mxGraphView | |
updatePreviewShape, mxGraphHandler | |
updatePreviewState, mxEdgeHandler | |
updateStyle, mxGraphView | |
updateSvgBounds, mxShape | |
updateSvgGlassPane, mxShape | |
updateSvgNode | |
updateSvgPath, mxShape | |
updateSvgScale, mxShape | |
updateSvgShape, mxShape | |
updateSvgTransform, mxShape | |
updateTableStyle, mxText | |
updateTableWidth, mxText | |
updateVertexLabelOffset, mxGraphView | |
updateVmlDashStyle, mxShape | |
updateVmlFill, mxShape | |
updateVmlGlassPane, mxShape | |
updateVmlMarkerOpacity, mxConnector | |
updateVmlShape, mxShape | |
updateVmlStrokeColor, mxShape | |
updateVmlStrokeNode, mxShape | |
updatingDocumentResource, mxGraphView | |
updatingSelectionResource, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
url, mxXmlRequest | |
urlHelp, mxEditor | |
urlImage, mxEditor | |
urlInit | |
urlNotify | |
urlPoll | |
urlPost, mxEditor | |
useBoundingBox, mxGraphLayout | |
useGrid, mxPanningHandler | |
useGuidesForEvent, mxGraphHandler | |
useInputOrigin, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
useLeftButtonForPanning, mxPanningHandler | |
useLeftButtonForPopup, mxPopupMenu | |
usePopupTrigger, mxPanningHandler | |
username, mxXmlRequest | |
useScrollbarsForPanning, mxGraph |
U | |
undo | |
UNDO | |
undoableEditHappened, mxUndoManager | |
undoManager, mxEditor | |
undone, mxUndoableEdit | |
ungroupCells, mxGraph | |
union, mxVertexHandler | |
unmark, mxCellMarker | |
UP | |
update | |
updateAlternateBounds, mxGraph | |
updateAnimation | |
updateAspect, mxImageShape | |
updateBoundingBox | |
updateCellSize, mxGraph | |
updateCurrentState, mxConnectionHandler | |
updateCursor, mxGraphHandler | |
updateDefaultMode, mxToolbar | |
updateEdgeBounds, mxGraphView | |
updateEdgeLabelOffset, mxGraphView | |
updateEdgeParent, mxGraphModel | |
updateEdgeParents, mxGraphModel | |
updateFixedTerminalPoint, mxGraphView | |
updateFixedTerminalPoints, mxGraphView | |
updateFloatingTerminalPoint, mxGraphView | |
updateFloatingTerminalPoints, mxGraphView | |
updateGroupBounds, mxGraph | |
updateHandler, mxLayoutManager | |
updateHtmlCanvasSize, mxGraphView | |
updateHtmlShape, mxShape | |
updateIcons, mxConnectionHandler | |
updateLevel, mxGraphModel | |
updateMouseEvent, mxGraph | |
updateOnPan, mxOutline | |
updatePoints, mxGraphView | |
updatePreviewShape, mxGraphHandler | |
updatePreviewState, mxEdgeHandler | |
updateStyle, mxGraphView | |
updateSvgBounds, mxShape | |
updateSvgGlassPane, mxShape | |
updateSvgNode | |
updateSvgPath, mxShape | |
updateSvgScale, mxShape | |
updateSvgShape, mxShape | |
updateSvgTransform, mxShape | |
updateTableStyle, mxText | |
updateTableWidth, mxText | |
updateVertexLabelOffset, mxGraphView | |
updateVmlDashStyle, mxShape | |
updateVmlFill, mxShape | |
updateVmlGlassPane, mxShape | |
updateVmlMarkerOpacity, mxConnector | |
updateVmlShape, mxShape | |
updateVmlStrokeColor, mxShape | |
updateVmlStrokeNode, mxShape | |
updatingDocumentResource, mxGraphView | |
updatingSelectionResource, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
url, mxXmlRequest | |
urlHelp, mxEditor | |
urlImage, mxEditor | |
urlInit | |
urlNotify | |
urlPoll | |
urlPost, mxEditor | |
useBoundingBox, mxGraphLayout | |
useGrid, mxPanningHandler | |
useGuidesForEvent, mxGraphHandler | |
useInputOrigin, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
useLeftButtonForPanning, mxPanningHandler | |
useLeftButtonForPopup, mxPopupMenu | |
usePopupTrigger, mxPanningHandler | |
username, mxXmlRequest | |
useScrollbarsForPanning, mxGraph |
Undo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.undo = function ()
Undoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undo = function()
Undoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undo = function()
Method to be called to add new undoable edits to the history.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undoableEditHappened = function( undoableEdit )
Holds an mxUndoManager for the command history.
Specifies if this edit has been undone.
Ungroups the given cells by moving the children the children to their parents parent and removing the empty groups.
mxGraph.prototype.ungroupCells = function( cells )
Returns the union of the given bounds and location for the specified handle index.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.union = function( bounds, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, scale, tr )
Hides the marker and fires a mark event.
mxCellMarker.prototype.unmark = function()
Updates the state of this handler based on the given mxMouseEvent.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function( me, source )
Updates the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.update = function( revalidate )
Sets currentX and currentY and calls repaint.
mxRubberband.prototype.update = function( x, y )
Updates or sets the alternate bounds in the given geometry for the given cell depending on whether the cell is going to be collapsed.
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function( cell, geo, willCollapse )
Hook for subclassers to implement the animation.
mxAnimation.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Animation step.
mxMorphing.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Updates the aspect of the image for the given image width and height.
mxImageShape.prototype.updateAspect = function( w, h )
Updates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Overrides method to do nothing.
mxText.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Updates the size of the given cell in the model using cellSizeUpdated.
mxGraph.prototype.updateCellSize = function( cell, ignoreChildren )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Specifies if a move cursor should be shown if the mouse is ove a movable cell.
Boolean indicating if the default mode should be the last selected switch mode or the first inserted switch mode.
Updates the given state using the bounding box of the absolute points.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeBounds = function( state )
Updates mxCellState.absoluteOffset for the given state.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeLabelOffset = function( state )
Inner callback to update the parent of the specified mxCell to the nearest-common-ancestor of its two terminals.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParent = function( edge, root )
Updates the parent for all edges that are connected to cell or one of its descendants using updateEdgeParent.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParents = function( cell, root )
Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function( edge, terminal, source, constraint )
Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge style is computed.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoints = function( edge, source, target )
Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function( edge, start, end, source )
Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was computed for the edge.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoints = function( state, source, target )
Updates the bounds of the given array of groups so that it includes all child vertices.
mxGraph.prototype.updateGroupBounds = function( cells, border, moveGroup )
Holds the function that handles the endUpdate event.
Updates the size of the HTML canvas.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateHtmlCanvasSize = function( width, height )
Updates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlShape = function( node )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Counter for the depth of nested transactions.
Sets the graphX and graphY properties if the given mxMouseEvent if required.
mxGraph.prototype.updateMouseEvent = function( me )
Specifies if update should be called for mxEvent.PAN in the source graph.
Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array of mxPoints as the relative points.
mxGraphView.prototype.updatePoints = function( edge, points, source, target )
Updates the bounds of the preview shape.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updatePreviewShape = function()
Updates the given preview state taking into account the state of the constraint handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState = function( edge, point, terminalState )
Specifies if the style should be updated in each validation step.
Updates the bounds of the given node using bounds.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgBounds = function( node )
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgGlassPane = function()
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function( node, inset )
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function( node )
Updates the path of the given node using points.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgPath = function( node )
Updates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgScale = function( node )
Updates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgShape = function( node )
Updates the tranform of the given node.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgTransform = function( node, shadow )
Updates the width of the given HTML table.
mxText.prototype.updateTableWidth = function( table )
Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateVertexLabelOffset = function( state )
Updates the dashstyle in the stroke node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlDashStyle = function()
Updates the given VML fill node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlFill = function( node, c1, c2, dir, alpha )
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlGlassPane = function()
Updates the opacity for the markers in VML.
mxConnector.prototype.updateVmlMarkerOpacity = function()
Updates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlShape = function( node )
Updates the VML stroke color for the given node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeColor = function( node )
Creates the stroke node for VML.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeNode = function( parent )
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the selection is being updated.
Holds the target URL of the request.
Specifies the URL to be used for the contents of the Online Help window.
Specifies the URL to be used for creating a bitmap of the graph in the image action.
Specifies the URL to be used for initializing the session.
URL to initialize the session.
Specifies the URL to be used for notifying the backend in the session.
URL to send changes to the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for polling in the session.
URL for polling the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for posting the diagram to a backend in save.
Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available.
Specifies if the panning steps should be aligned to the grid size.
Returns true if the guides should be used for the given mxMouseEvent.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.useGuidesForEvent = function( me )
Specifies if the top left corner of the input cells should be the origin of the layout result.
Specifies if panning should be active for the left mouse button.
Specifies if popupmenus should be activated by clicking the left mouse button.
Specifies if the isPopupTrigger should also be used for panning.
Specifies the username to be used for authentication.
Specifies if scrollbars should be used for panning in panGraph if any scrollbars are available.
Undo the last change in graph.
mxEditor.prototype.undo = function ()
Undoes all changes in this edit.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.undo = function()
Undoes the last change.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undo = function()
Method to be called to add new undoable edits to the history.
mxUndoManager.prototype.undoableEditHappened = function( undoableEdit )
Holds an mxUndoManager for the command history.
Specifies if this edit has been undone.
Ungroups the given cells by moving the children the children to their parents parent and removing the empty groups.
mxGraph.prototype.ungroupCells = function( cells )
Returns the union of the given bounds and location for the specified handle index.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.union = function( bounds, dx, dy, index, gridEnabled, scale, tr )
Hides the marker and fires a mark event.
mxCellMarker.prototype.unmark = function()
Updates the state of this handler based on the given mxMouseEvent.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.update = function( me, source )
Updates the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.update = function( revalidate )
Sets currentX and currentY and calls repaint.
mxRubberband.prototype.update = function( x, y )
Updates or sets the alternate bounds in the given geometry for the given cell depending on whether the cell is going to be collapsed.
mxGraph.prototype.updateAlternateBounds = function( cell, geo, willCollapse )
Hook for subclassers to implement the animation.
mxAnimation.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Animation step.
mxMorphing.prototype.updateAnimation = function()
Updates the aspect of the image for the given image width and height.
mxImageShape.prototype.updateAspect = function( w, h )
Updates the boundingBox for this shape using createBoundingBox and augmentBoundingBox and stores the result in boundingBox.
mxShape.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Overrides method to do nothing.
mxText.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function()
Updates the size of the given cell in the model using cellSizeUpdated.
mxGraph.prototype.updateCellSize = function( cell, ignoreChildren )
Updates the current state for a given mouse move event by using the marker.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateCurrentState = function( me )
Specifies if a move cursor should be shown if the mouse is ove a movable cell.
Boolean indicating if the default mode should be the last selected switch mode or the first inserted switch mode.
Updates the given state using the bounding box of the absolute points.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeBounds = function( state )
Updates mxCellState.absoluteOffset for the given state.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateEdgeLabelOffset = function( state )
Inner callback to update the parent of the specified mxCell to the nearest-common-ancestor of its two terminals.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParent = function( edge, root )
Updates the parent for all edges that are connected to cell or one of its descendants using updateEdgeParent.
mxGraphModel.prototype.updateEdgeParents = function( cell, root )
Sets the fixed source or target terminal point on the given edge.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoint = function( edge, terminal, source, constraint )
Sets the initial absolute terminal points in the given state before the edge style is computed.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFixedTerminalPoints = function( edge, source, target )
Updates the absolute terminal point in the given state for the given start and end state, where start is the source if source is true.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoint = function( edge, start, end, source )
Updates the terminal points in the given state after the edge style was computed for the edge.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateFloatingTerminalPoints = function( state, source, target )
Updates the bounds of the given array of groups so that it includes all child vertices.
mxGraph.prototype.updateGroupBounds = function( cells, border, moveGroup )
Holds the function that handles the endUpdate event.
Updates the size of the HTML canvas.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateHtmlCanvasSize = function( width, height )
Updates the bounds or points of the specified HTML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateHtmlShape = function( node )
Hook to update the icon position(s) based on a mouseOver event.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.updateIcons = function( state, icons, me )
Counter for the depth of nested transactions.
Sets the graphX and graphY properties if the given mxMouseEvent if required.
mxGraph.prototype.updateMouseEvent = function( me )
Specifies if update should be called for mxEvent.PAN in the source graph.
Updates the absolute points in the given state using the specified array of mxPoints as the relative points.
mxGraphView.prototype.updatePoints = function( edge, points, source, target )
Updates the bounds of the preview shape.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.updatePreviewShape = function()
Updates the given preview state taking into account the state of the constraint handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.updatePreviewState = function( edge, point, terminalState )
Specifies if the style should be updated in each validation step.
Updates the bounds of the given node using bounds.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgBounds = function( node )
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgGlassPane = function()
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxDoubleEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function( node, inset )
Updates the given node to reflect the new bounds and scale.
mxEllipse.prototype.updateSvgNode = function( node )
Updates the path of the given node using points.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgPath = function( node )
Updates the properties of the given node that depend on the scale and checks the crisp rendering attribute.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgScale = function( node )
Updates the bounds or points of the specified SVG node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgShape = function( node )
Updates the tranform of the given node.
mxShape.prototype.updateSvgTransform = function( node, shadow )
Updates the width of the given HTML table.
mxText.prototype.updateTableWidth = function( table )
Updates the absoluteOffset of the given vertex cell state.
mxGraphView.prototype.updateVertexLabelOffset = function( state )
Updates the dashstyle in the stroke node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlDashStyle = function()
Updates the given VML fill node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlFill = function( node, c1, c2, dir, alpha )
Draws the glass overlay if mxConstants.STYLE_GLASS is 1.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlGlassPane = function()
Updates the opacity for the markers in VML.
mxConnector.prototype.updateVmlMarkerOpacity = function()
Updates the bounds or points of the specified VML node and updates the inner children to reflect the changes.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlShape = function( node )
Updates the VML stroke color for the given node.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeColor = function( node )
Creates the stroke node for VML.
mxShape.prototype.updateVmlStrokeNode = function( parent )
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the selection is being updated.
Holds the target URL of the request.
Specifies the URL to be used for the contents of the Online Help window.
Specifies the URL to be used for creating a bitmap of the graph in the image action.
Specifies the URL to be used for initializing the session.
URL to initialize the session.
Specifies the URL to be used for notifying the backend in the session.
URL to send changes to the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for polling in the session.
URL for polling the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for posting the diagram to a backend in save.
Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available.
Specifies if the panning steps should be aligned to the grid size.
Returns true if the guides should be used for the given mxMouseEvent.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.useGuidesForEvent = function( me )
Specifies if the top left corner of the input cells should be the origin of the layout result.
Specifies if panning should be active for the left mouse button.
Specifies if popupmenus should be activated by clicking the left mouse button.
Specifies if the isPopupTrigger should also be used for panning.
Specifies the username to be used for authentication.
Specifies if scrollbars should be used for panning in panGraph if any scrollbars are available.
First validates all bounds and then validates all points recursively on all visible cells starting at the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function( cell )
Validates the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function()
Validates the bounds of the given parent’s child using the given parent state as the origin for the child.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBounds = function( parentState, cell )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given cell and validation context.
mxGraph.prototype.validateCell = function( cell, context )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source, target pair is not valid.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given edge and terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.validateEdge = function( edge, source, target )
Validates the graph by validating each descendant of the given cell or the root of the model.
mxGraph.prototype.validateGraph = function( cell, context )
Validates the points for the state of the given cell recursively if the cell is not collapsed and returns the bounding box of all visited states as an mxRectangle.
mxGraphView.prototype.validatePoints = function( parentState, cell )
Specifies if mxGraph.validateGraph should automatically be invoked after each change.
Displays the given validation error in a dialog.
mxGraph.prototype.validationAlert = function( message )
Holds the valid marker color.
Holds an array of strings that specify the type of neighbor for which this rule applies.
Boolean indicating if the list of validNeighbors are those that are allowed for this rule or those that are not allowed for this rule.
Holds the marked mxCellState if it is valid.
Holds the user object.
Optional string that specifies the value of the attribute to be passed to mxUtils.isNode to check if the rule applies to a cell.
Changes the user object after an in-place edit and returns the previous value.
mxCell.prototype.valueChanged = function( newValue )
Inner callback to update the user object of the given mxCell using mxCell.valueChanged and return the previous value, that is, the return value of mxCell.valueChanged.
mxGraphModel.prototype.valueForCellChanged = function( cell, value )
Specifies whether the cell is a vertex.
An array of all vertices to be laid out.
Specifies the return value for vertices in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Specifies if vertical guides are enabled.
Holds the vertical alignment for the overlay.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function( node, parent, x0, y0, bounds )
Specifies the degree to be used for vertical text.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraphView.
Holds the mxGraphView that caches the mxCellStates for the cells.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Specifies whether the cell is visible.
Boolean flag that represents the visible state of the window.
Caches the visible source terminal state.
Inner callback to update the visible state of the given mxCell using mxCell.setCollapsed and return the previous visible state.
mxGraphModel.prototype.visibleStateForCellChanged = function( cell, visible )
Caches the visible target terminal state.
Visits all entries in the dictionary using the given function with the following signature: function(key, value) where key is a string and value is an object.
mxDictionary.prototype.visit = function( visitor )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
Renders VML with a scale of 4.
First validates all bounds and then validates all points recursively on all visible cells starting at the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function( cell )
Validates the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function()
Validates the bounds of the given parent’s child using the given parent state as the origin for the child.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBounds = function( parentState, cell )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given cell and validation context.
mxGraph.prototype.validateCell = function( cell, context )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source, target pair is not valid.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given edge and terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.validateEdge = function( edge, source, target )
Validates the graph by validating each descendant of the given cell or the root of the model.
mxGraph.prototype.validateGraph = function( cell, context )
Validates the points for the state of the given cell recursively if the cell is not collapsed and returns the bounding box of all visited states as an mxRectangle.
mxGraphView.prototype.validatePoints = function( parentState, cell )
Specifies if mxGraph.validateGraph should automatically be invoked after each change.
Displays the given validation error in a dialog.
mxGraph.prototype.validationAlert = function( message )
Holds the valid marker color.
Holds an array of strings that specify the type of neighbor for which this rule applies.
Boolean indicating if the list of validNeighbors are those that are allowed for this rule or those that are not allowed for this rule.
Holds the marked mxCellState if it is valid.
Holds the user object.
Optional string that specifies the value of the attribute to be passed to mxUtils.isNode to check if the rule applies to a cell.
Changes the user object after an in-place edit and returns the previous value.
mxCell.prototype.valueChanged = function( newValue )
Inner callback to update the user object of the given mxCell using mxCell.valueChanged and return the previous value, that is, the return value of mxCell.valueChanged.
mxGraphModel.prototype.valueForCellChanged = function( cell, value )
Specifies whether the cell is a vertex.
An array of all vertices to be laid out.
Specifies the return value for vertices in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Specifies if vertical guides are enabled.
Holds the vertical alignment for the overlay.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function( node, parent, x0, y0, bounds )
Specifies the degree to be used for vertical text.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraphView.
Holds the mxGraphView that caches the mxCellStates for the cells.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Specifies whether the cell is visible.
Boolean flag that represents the visible state of the window.
Caches the visible source terminal state.
Inner callback to update the visible state of the given mxCell using mxCell.setCollapsed and return the previous visible state.
mxGraphModel.prototype.visibleStateForCellChanged = function( cell, visible )
Caches the visible target terminal state.
Visits all entries in the dictionary using the given function with the following signature: function(key, value) where key is a string and value is an object.
mxDictionary.prototype.visit = function( visitor )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
Renders VML with a scale of 4.
W | |
w0, mxStencil | |
warn, mxLog | |
WARN, mxLog | |
warningImage, mxGraph | |
waypointsEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
WeightedCellSorter | |
weightedMedian, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
weightedValue, WeightedCellSorter | |
widestRank, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
widestRankValue, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
width | |
Windows, mxEditor | |
wnd, mxPrintPreview | |
wrap, mxStackLayout | |
write | |
writeAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeComplexAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeGraphModel, mxEditor | |
writeHead, mxPrintPreview | |
writeln | |
writePrimitiveAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
X | |
x | |
x0 | |
Y | |
y | |
y0 | |
Z | |
zIndex | |
zoom, mxGraph | |
zoomActual, mxGraph | |
zoomFactor, mxGraph | |
zoomIn, mxGraph | |
zoomOut, mxGraph | |
zoomTo, mxGraph |
W | |
w0, mxStencil | |
warn, mxLog | |
WARN, mxLog | |
warningImage, mxGraph | |
waypointsEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
WeightedCellSorter | |
weightedMedian, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
weightedValue, WeightedCellSorter | |
widestRank, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
widestRankValue, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
width | |
Windows, mxEditor | |
wnd, mxPrintPreview | |
wrap, mxStackLayout | |
write | |
writeAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeComplexAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeGraphModel, mxEditor | |
writeHead, mxPrintPreview | |
writeln | |
writePrimitiveAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
X | |
x | |
x0 | |
Y | |
y | |
y0 | |
Z | |
zIndex | |
zoom, mxGraph | |
zoomActual, mxGraph | |
zoomFactor, mxGraph | |
zoomIn, mxGraph | |
zoomOut, mxGraph | |
zoomTo, mxGraph |
Holds the width of the shape.
Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled.
warn: function()
Specifies the mxImage for the image to be used to display a warning overlay.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
Constructs a new weighted cell sorted for the given cell and weight.
function WeightedCellSorter( cell, weightedValue )
Sweeps up or down the layout attempting to minimise the median placement of connected cells on adjacent ranks
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.weightedMedian = function( iteration, model )
The weighted value of the cell stored.
The rank that has the widest x position
The X-coordinate of the edge of the widest rank
The width of this cell
Integer that specifies the width of the image.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Reference to the preview window.
Value at which a new column or row should be created.
Adds the specified strings to the console.
write: function()
Writes directly into the path.
mxPath.prototype.write = function( string )
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent.
write: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value into node using writePrimitiveAttribute or writeComplexAttribute depending on the type of the value.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Writes the given value as a child node of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeComplexAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Hook to create the string representation of the diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.writeGraphModel = function ( linefeed )
Writes the HEAD section into the given document, without the opening and closing HEAD tags.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.writeHead = function( doc, css )
Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the end of each string.
writeln: function()
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent with an additional linefeed.
writeln: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value as an attribute of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writePrimitiveAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Holds the width of the shape.
Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled.
warn: function()
Specifies the mxImage for the image to be used to display a warning overlay.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
Constructs a new weighted cell sorted for the given cell and weight.
function WeightedCellSorter( cell, weightedValue )
Sweeps up or down the layout attempting to minimise the median placement of connected cells on adjacent ranks
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.weightedMedian = function( iteration, model )
The weighted value of the cell stored.
The rank that has the widest x position
The X-coordinate of the edge of the widest rank
The width of this cell
Integer that specifies the width of the image.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Reference to the preview window.
Value at which a new column or row should be created.
Adds the specified strings to the console.
write: function()
Writes directly into the path.
mxPath.prototype.write = function( string )
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent.
write: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value into node using writePrimitiveAttribute or writeComplexAttribute depending on the type of the value.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Writes the given value as a child node of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeComplexAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Hook to create the string representation of the diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.writeGraphModel = function ( linefeed )
Writes the HEAD section into the given document, without the opening and closing HEAD tags.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.writeHead = function( doc, css )
Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the end of each string.
writeln: function()
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent with an additional linefeed.
writeln: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value as an attribute of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writePrimitiveAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
The x position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the x-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the left coordinate of the circle.
Specifies the horizontal origin of the layout.
The x position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the x-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the left coordinate of the circle.
Specifies the horizontal origin of the layout.
The y position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the y-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the top coordinate of the circle.
Holds the vertical offset of the output.
Specifies the vertical origin of the layout.
The y position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the y-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the top coordinate of the circle.
Holds the vertical offset of the output.
Specifies the vertical origin of the layout.
Specifies the zIndex for the popupmenu and its shadow.
Specifies the zIndex for the tooltip and its shadow.
Zooms the graph using the given factor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoom = function( factor, center )
Resets the zoom and panning in the view.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomActual = function()
Specifies the factor used for zoomIn and zoomOut.
Zooms into the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomIn = function()
Zooms out of the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomOut = function()
Zooms the graph to the given scale with an optional boolean center argument, which is passd to zoom.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomTo = function( scale, center )
Specifies the zIndex for the popupmenu and its shadow.
Specifies the zIndex for the tooltip and its shadow.
Zooms the graph using the given factor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoom = function( factor, center )
Resets the zoom and panning in the view.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomActual = function()
Specifies the factor used for zoomIn and zoomOut.
Zooms into the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomIn = function()
Zooms out of the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomOut = function()
Zooms the graph to the given scale with an optional boolean center argument, which is passd to zoom.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomTo = function( scale, center )
Damper value for the panning.
Processes a doubleclick on an optional cell and fires a dblclick event.
mxGraph.prototype.dblClick = function( evt, cell )
Specifies the name of the action to be executed when a cell is double clicked.
Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled.
debug: function()
Specifies if the session should run in debug mode.
Decodes the given XML node.
mxCodec.prototype.decode = function( node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Uses the given node as the config for mxDefaultPopupMenu.
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Parses the given node into the object or returns a new object representing the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads the given attribute into the specified object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttribute = function( dec, attr, obj )
Decodes all attributes of the given node using decodeAttribute.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttributes = function( dec, node, obj )
Decodes cells that have been encoded using inversion, ie.
mxCodec.prototype.decodeCell = function( node, restoreStructures )
Decodes, executes and returns the change object represented by the given XML node.
mxSession.prototype.decodeChange = function( node )
Decodes and executes the changes represented by the children in the given node.
mxSession.prototype.decodeChanges = function( node )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Reads the specified child into the given object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Decodec all children of the given node using decodeChild.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChildren = function( dec, node, obj )
Calls decodeAttributes and decodeChildren for the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeNode = function( dec, node, obj )
Reads the cells into the graph model.
codec.decodeRoot = function( dec, root, model )
Prototype edge cell that is used for creating new edges.
Defines the default shape for edges.
Specifies the edge style to be returned in getEdgeStyle.
Prototype group cell that is used for creating new groups.
mxEdgeStyle to be used for loops.
Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div.
Defines the overlapping for the overlay, that is, the proportional distance from the origin to the point defined by the alignment.
Value returned by getOverlap if isAllowOverlapParent returns true for the given cell.
Specifies the default parent to be used to insert new cells.
Static array that contains the globally registered shapes which are known to all instances of this class.
Defines the default shape for vertices.
Specifies the delay between the animation steps.
Delay in milliseconds for the panning.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the editor and removes all associated resources.
mxCellEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellMarker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shapes associated with the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.destroy = function( state )
Destroys the state and all associated resources.
mxCellState.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the object and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellTracker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler associated with this object.
mxDefaultKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the toolbar associated with this object and removes all installed listeners.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the editor and all its associated resources.
mxEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the graph and all its resources.
mxGraph.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the view and all its resources.
mxGraphView.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys all resources that this object uses.
mxGuide.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its references into the DOM.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this outline and removes all listeners from source.
mxOutline.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxRubberband.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.
mxShape.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Returns the top, left corner as a new mxPoint.
mxTemporaryCellStates.prototype.destroy = function()
Extends destroy to remove any allocated SVG clips.
mxText.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the toolbar and all its associated resources.
mxToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the window and removes all associated resources.
mxWindow.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Specifies if the window should be destroyed when it is closed.
Destroy the preview and highlight shapes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroyShapes = function()
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Does a depth first search starting at the specified cell.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.dfs = function( cell, parent, visited )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.dfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, layer )
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Dialect to be used for drawing the graph.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Hook to free resources after the edit has been removed from the command history.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.die = function()
Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function()
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Disconnects the given edges from the terminals which are not in the given array.
mxGraph.prototype.disconnectGraph = function( cells )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected from their terminals when they are moved.
Frees up memory in IE by resolving cyclic dependencies between the DOM and the JavaScript objects.
dispose: function()
An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.
The owner document of the codec.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Resizes the container for the given graph width and height.
mxGraph.prototype.doResizeContainer = function( width, height )
Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick' }
Specifies the resource key for the tooltip to be displayed on the single control point for routed edges.
Specifies if double taps on touch-based devices should be handled.
Specifies the timeout for double taps.
Specifies the tolerance for double taps.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
Actives the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragEnter = function( graph )
Deactivates the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragExit = function( graph )
mxPoint that specifies the offset of the dragElement.
Implements autoscroll, updates the currentPoint, highlights any drop targets and updates the preview.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragOver = function( graph, evt )
Creates and returns the highlight shape for the given state.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.drawHighlight = function()
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawImage = function( state, canvas, bounds, image )
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawLabel = function( state, canvas, bounds, vert, str )
Draws background for the label of the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawLabelBackground = function( state, canvas, bounds, vert )
Initializes the built-in shapes.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawMarker = function( canvas, state, source )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawNode = function( canvas, state, node, aspect )
Draws the overlays for the given state.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawOverlays = function( state, canvas )
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawShape = function( state, canvas, shape )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawShape = function( canvas, state, bounds, background )
Draws the given state and all its descendants to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawState = function( state, canvas )
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Handles a drop from a toolbar item to the graph.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.drop = function( vertex, evt, target )
Returns the drop target for the given graph and coordinates.
mxDragSource.prototype.drop = function( graph, evt, dropTarget, x, y )
Specifies the return value for isDropEnabled.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
Damper value for the panning.
Processes a doubleclick on an optional cell and fires a dblclick event.
mxGraph.prototype.dblClick = function( evt, cell )
Specifies the name of the action to be executed when a cell is double clicked.
Adds all arguments to the console if DEBUG is enabled.
debug: function()
Specifies if the session should run in debug mode.
Decodes the given XML node.
mxCodec.prototype.decode = function( node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Uses the given node as the config for mxDefaultPopupMenu.
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Parses the given node into the object or returns a new object representing the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads a sequence of the following child nodes and attributes:
codec.decode = function( dec, node, into )
Reads the given attribute into the specified object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttribute = function( dec, attr, obj )
Decodes all attributes of the given node using decodeAttribute.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeAttributes = function( dec, node, obj )
Decodes cells that have been encoded using inversion, ie.
mxCodec.prototype.decodeCell = function( node, restoreStructures )
Decodes, executes and returns the change object represented by the given XML node.
mxSession.prototype.decodeChange = function( node )
Decodes and executes the changes represented by the children in the given node.
mxSession.prototype.decodeChanges = function( node )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Overrides decode child to handle special child nodes.
codec.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Reads the specified child into the given object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChild = function( dec, child, obj )
Decodec all children of the given node using decodeChild.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeChildren = function( dec, node, obj )
Calls decodeAttributes and decodeChildren for the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.decodeNode = function( dec, node, obj )
Reads the cells into the graph model.
codec.decodeRoot = function( dec, root, model )
Prototype edge cell that is used for creating new edges.
Defines the default shape for edges.
Specifies the edge style to be returned in getEdgeStyle.
Prototype group cell that is used for creating new groups.
mxEdgeStyle to be used for loops.
Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div.
Defines the overlapping for the overlay, that is, the proportional distance from the origin to the point defined by the alignment.
Value returned by getOverlap if isAllowOverlapParent returns true for the given cell.
Specifies the default parent to be used to insert new cells.
Static array that contains the globally registered shapes which are known to all instances of this class.
Defines the default shape for vertices.
Specifies the delay between the animation steps.
Delay in milliseconds for the panning.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the editor and removes all associated resources.
mxCellEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellMarker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shapes associated with the given cell state.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.destroy = function( state )
Destroys the state and all associated resources.
mxCellState.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the object and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxCellTracker.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler associated with this object.
mxDefaultKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the toolbar associated with this object and removes all installed listeners.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the editor and all its associated resources.
mxEditor.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the graph and all its resources.
mxGraph.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the view and all its resources.
mxGraphView.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys all resources that this object uses.
mxGuide.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its references into the DOM.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroy this outline and removes all listeners from source.
mxOutline.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxRubberband.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the shape by removing it from the DOM and releasing the DOM node associated with the shape using mxEvent.release.
mxShape.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxSpaceManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes all handlers from the graph and deletes the reference to it.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.destroy = function()
Returns the top, left corner as a new mxPoint.
mxTemporaryCellStates.prototype.destroy = function()
Extends destroy to remove any allocated SVG clips.
mxText.prototype.destroy = function()
Removes the toolbar and all its associated resources.
mxToolbar.prototype.destroy = function ()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the handler and all its resources and DOM nodes.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the window and removes all associated resources.
mxWindow.prototype.destroy = function()
Destroys the given array of mxImageShapes.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.destroyIcons = function( icons )
Specifies if the window should be destroyed when it is closed.
Destroy the preview and highlight shapes.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.destroyShapes = function()
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Does a depth first search starting at the specified cell.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.dfs = function( cell, parent, visited )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.dfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, layer )
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Dialect to be used for drawing the graph.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Hook to free resources after the edit has been removed from the command history.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.die = function()
Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
Disables the context menu for the given element.
disableContextMenu: function()
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Disconnects the given edges from the terminals which are not in the given array.
mxGraph.prototype.disconnectGraph = function( cells )
Specifies if edges should be disconnected from their terminals when they are moved.
Frees up memory in IE by resolving cyclic dependencies between the DOM and the JavaScript objects.
dispose: function()
An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.
The owner document of the codec.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Resizes the container for the given graph width and height.
mxGraph.prototype.doResizeContainer = function( width, height )
Specifies the resource key for the tooltip to be displayed on the single control point for routed edges.
Specifies if double taps on touch-based devices should be handled.
Specifies the timeout for double taps.
Specifies the tolerance for double taps.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
Actives the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragEnter = function( graph )
Deactivates the given graph as a drop target.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragExit = function( graph )
mxPoint that specifies the offset of the dragElement.
Implements autoscroll, updates the currentPoint, highlights any drop targets and updates the preview.
mxDragSource.prototype.dragOver = function( graph, evt )
Creates and returns the highlight shape for the given state.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.drawHighlight = function()
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawImage = function( state, canvas, bounds, image )
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawLabel = function( state, canvas, bounds, vert, str )
Draws background for the label of the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawLabelBackground = function( state, canvas, bounds, vert )
Initializes the built-in shapes.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawMarker = function( canvas, state, source )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawNode = function( canvas, state, node, aspect )
Draws the overlays for the given state.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawOverlays = function( state, canvas )
Redraws the preview edge using the color and width returned by getEdgeColor and getEdgeWidth.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Redraws the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.drawPreview = function()
Draws the given state to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawShape = function( state, canvas, shape )
Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.
mxStencil.prototype.drawShape = function( canvas, state, bounds, background )
Draws the given state and all its descendants to the given canvas.
mxImageExport.prototype.drawState = function( state, canvas )
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Handles a drop from a toolbar item to the graph.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.drop = function( vertex, evt, target )
Returns the drop target for the given graph and coordinates.
mxDragSource.prototype.drop = function( graph, evt, dropTarget, x, y )
Specifies the return value for isDropEnabled.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
P | |
PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT, mxConstants | |
pageBreakColor, mxGraph | |
pageBreakDashed, mxGraph | |
pageBreaksVisible, mxGraph | |
pageCount, mxPrintPreview | |
pageFormat | |
pageScale, mxGraph | |
pageSelector, mxPrintPreview | |
pageVisible, mxGraph | |
PAN, mxEvent | |
PAN_END, mxEvent | |
PAN_START, mxEvent | |
panDx, mxGraph | |
panDy, mxGraph | |
panningEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
parallelEdgeSpacing | |
params, mxXmlRequest | |
parent | |
parentBorder, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
parentsChanged, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
password, mxXmlRequest | |
path, mxPath | |
PATH_SEPARATOR, mxCellPath | |
perimeter, mxConnectionConstraint | |
PERIMETER_ELLIPSE, mxConstants | |
PERIMETER_RHOMBUS, mxConstants | |
point, mxConnectionConstraint | |
pointImage, mxConstraintHandler | |
points | |
polling, mxSession | |
popupHandler, mxEditor | |
portsEnabled, mxGraph | |
POST, mxEvent | |
postfix, mxGraphModel | |
postParameterName, mxEditor | |
preferHtml, mxEdgeHandler | |
preferModeHtml | |
preferPageSize, mxGraph | |
prefHozEdgeSep | |
prefix, mxGraphModel | |
prefVertEdgeOff | |
preserveImageAspect, mxImageShape | |
previewColor, mxGraphHandler | |
previewElement, mxDragSource | |
previewEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
previousLayerConnectedCache, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
previousLayerConnectedCells, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
printOverlays, mxPrintPreview | |
promoteEdges, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
properties, mxEventObject | |
propertiesHeight, mxEditor | |
propertiesResource, mxEditor | |
propertiesWidth, mxEditor | |
R | |
radius | |
radiusSquared, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
rankBottomY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankIndex, WeightedCellSorter | |
ranks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
rankTopY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankWidths, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
RECEIVE, mxEvent | |
received, mxSession | |
REDO, mxEvent | |
redone, mxUndoableEdit | |
REFRESH, mxEvent | |
refreshHandler, mxSelectionCellsHandler | |
relative, mxGeometry | |
REMOVE, mxEvent | |
REMOVE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
removeCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
removeEnabled, mxEdgeHandler | |
renderHint, mxGraph | |
rendering, mxGraphView | |
replaceLinefeeds, mxText | |
request, mxXmlRequest | |
resetEdges | |
resetEdgesOnConnect, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnMove, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnResize, mxGraph | |
resetHandler | |
resetViewOnRootChange, mxGraph | |
RESIZE, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_END, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_START, mxEvent | |
resizeContainer, mxGraph | |
resizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeHandler, mxSpaceManager | |
resizeLast, mxStackLayout | |
resizeParent | |
resizeVertices, mxPartitionLayout | |
resources, mxResources | |
RESUME, mxEvent | |
reverse, mxObjectCodec | |
root, mxGraphModel | |
ROOT, mxEvent | |
roots | |
roundedCrispSvg, mxShape |
P | |
PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAIT, mxConstants | |
pageBreakColor, mxGraph | |
pageBreakDashed, mxGraph | |
pageBreaksVisible, mxGraph | |
pageCount, mxPrintPreview | |
pageFormat | |
pageScale, mxGraph | |
pageSelector, mxPrintPreview | |
pageVisible, mxGraph | |
PAN, mxEvent | |
PAN_END, mxEvent | |
PAN_START, mxEvent | |
panDx, mxGraph | |
panDy, mxGraph | |
panningEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
parallelEdgeSpacing | |
params, mxXmlRequest | |
parent | |
parentBorder, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
parentsChanged, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
password, mxXmlRequest | |
path, mxPath | |
PATH_SEPARATOR, mxCellPath | |
perimeter, mxConnectionConstraint | |
PERIMETER_ELLIPSE, mxConstants | |
PERIMETER_RHOMBUS, mxConstants | |
point, mxConnectionConstraint | |
pointImage, mxConstraintHandler | |
points | |
polling, mxSession | |
popupHandler, mxEditor | |
portsEnabled, mxGraph | |
POST, mxEvent | |
postfix, mxGraphModel | |
postParameterName, mxEditor | |
preferHtml, mxEdgeHandler | |
preferModeHtml | |
preferPageSize, mxGraph | |
prefHozEdgeSep | |
prefix, mxGraphModel | |
prefVertEdgeOff | |
preserveImageAspect, mxImageShape | |
previewColor, mxGraphHandler | |
previewElement, mxDragSource | |
previewEnabled, mxPanningHandler | |
previousLayerConnectedCache, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
previousLayerConnectedCells, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
printOverlays, mxPrintPreview | |
promoteEdges, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
properties, mxEventObject | |
propertiesHeight, mxEditor | |
propertiesResource, mxEditor | |
propertiesWidth, mxEditor | |
R | |
radius | |
radiusSquared, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
rankBottomY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankIndex, WeightedCellSorter | |
ranks, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
rankTopY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankWidths, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
rankY, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
RECEIVE, mxEvent | |
received, mxSession | |
REDO, mxEvent | |
redone, mxUndoableEdit | |
REFRESH, mxEvent | |
refreshHandler, mxSelectionCellsHandler | |
relative, mxGeometry | |
REMOVE, mxEvent | |
REMOVE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
removeCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler | |
removeEnabled, mxEdgeHandler | |
renderHint, mxGraph | |
rendering, mxGraphView | |
replaceLinefeeds, mxText | |
request, mxXmlRequest | |
RESET, mxEvent | |
resetEdges | |
resetEdgesOnConnect, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnMove, mxGraph | |
resetEdgesOnResize, mxGraph | |
resetHandler | |
resetViewOnRootChange, mxGraph | |
RESIZE, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_END, mxEvent | |
RESIZE_START, mxEvent | |
resizeContainer, mxGraph | |
resizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager | |
resizeHandler, mxSpaceManager | |
resizeLast, mxStackLayout | |
resizeParent | |
resizeVertices, mxPartitionLayout | |
resources, mxResources | |
RESUME, mxEvent | |
reverse, mxObjectCodec | |
root, mxGraphModel | |
ROOT, mxEvent | |
roots | |
roundedCrispSvg, mxShape |
Specifies the color for page breaks.
Specifies the page breaks should be dashed.
Specifies if a dashed line should be drawn between multiple pages.
Holds the actual number of pages in the preview.
Specifies the page format for the background page.
Holds the mxRectangle that defines the page format.
Specifies the scale of the background page.
Boolean that specifies if the page selector should be displayed.
Specifies if the background page should be visible.
Current horizontal panning value.
Current vertical panning value.
Specifies if panning should be enabled.
The distance between each parallel edge on each ranks for long edges.
The distance between each parallel edge on each ranks for long edges
Holds the form encoded data for the POST request.
Reference to the parent cell.
The parent cell whose children are being laid out
The parent cell of the layout, if any
The border to be added around the children if the parent is to be resized using resizeParent.
A set of the parents that need updating based on children process as part of the layout
Specifies the password to be used for authentication.
Contains the textual representation of the path as an array.
Boolean that specifies if the point should be projected onto the perimeter of the terminal.
Name of the triangle perimeter.
PERIMETER_TRIANGLE: 'trianglePerimeter' }
mxPoint that specifies the fixed location of the connection point.
mxImage to be used as the image for fixed connection points.
Array of mxPoints which specifies the control points along the edge.
Holds the array of mxPoints that specify the points of this shape.
Holds a mxDefaultPopupMenu for displaying popupmenus.
Specifies if ports are enabled.
Defines the postfix of new Ids.
Specifies if the name of the post parameter that contains the diagram data in a post request to the server.
Specifies if bends should be added to the graph container.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Specifies if createHtml should be used in prefer Html mode.
Always prefers VML in prefer HTML mode for stencil shapes.
Overrides the parent value with false, meaning it will draw as VML in prefer Html mode.
Specifies if the graph size should be rounded to the next page number in sizeDidChange.
The preferred horizontal distance between edges exiting a vertex
The preferred horizontal distance between edges exiting a vertex
Defines the prefix of new Ids.
The preferred vertical offset between edges exiting a vertex
The preferred vertical offset between edges exiting a vertex
Switch to preserve image aspect.
Specifies the color of the preview shape.
Optional mxRectangle that specifies the unscaled size of the preview.
Specifies if the panning should be previewed.
A store of connections to the layer below for speed
A cached version of the cells this cell connects to on the next layer down
Specifies if overlays should be printed.
Whether or not to promote edges that terminate on vertices with different but common ancestry to appear connected to the highest siblings in the ancestry chains
Holds the properties as an associative array.
Specifies the height of the properties window in pixels.
Specifies the resource key for the properties window title.
Specifies the width of the properties window in pixels.
Integer specifying the size of the radius.
The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
The index this cell is in the model rank.
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
The width of all the ranks
The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
Total number of received bytes.
Specifies if this edit has been redone.
Keeps a reference to an event listener for later removal.
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates.
Specifies if cells may be moved out of their parents.
Specifies if removing bends by shift-click is enabled.
RenderHint as it was passed to the constructor.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph.
Specifies if linefeeds in HTML labels should be replaced with BR tags.
Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the move of a connected cell.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the resize of a connected cell.
Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight should be hidden.
Reference to the function used to reset the toolbar.
Specifies if the scale and translate should be reset if the root changes in the model.
Specifies if the container should be resized to the graph size when the graph size has changed.
Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.
Holds the function that handles the move event.
If the last element should be resized to fill out the parent.
If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the children.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the stack.
Boolean that specifies if vertices should be resized.
Maps from from XML attribute names to fieldnames.
Holds the root cell, which in turn contains the cells that represent the layers of the diagram as child cells.
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
Holds the array of mxGraphLayouts that this layout contains.
Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
Integer specifying the size of the radius.
The approximate radius of each cell, nodes only.
The approximate radius squared of each cell, nodes only.
Internal cache of bottom-most value of Y for each rank
The index this cell is in the model rank.
Mapping from rank number to actual rank
Internal cache of top-most values of Y for each rank
The width of all the ranks
The Y-coordinate of all the ranks
Total number of received bytes.
Specifies if this edit has been redone.
Keeps a reference to an event listener for later removal.
Specifies if the coordinates in the geometry are to be interpreted as relative coordinates.
Specifies if cells may be moved out of their parents.
Specifies if removing bends by shift-click is enabled.
RenderHint as it was passed to the constructor.
Specifies if shapes should be created, updated and destroyed using the methods of mxCellRenderer in graph.
Specifies if linefeeds in HTML labels should be replaced with BR tags.
Holds the inner, browser-specific request object.
Specifies the event name for reset.
RESET: 'reset' }
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the the edge has been reconnected.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the move of a connected cell.
Specifies if edge control points should be reset after the resize of a connected cell.
Holds the handler that automatically invokes reset if the highlight should be hidden.
Reference to the function used to reset the toolbar.
Specifies if the scale and translate should be reset if the root changes in the model.
Specifies if the container should be resized to the graph size when the graph size has changed.
Specifies if resizing of swimlanes should be handled.
Holds the function that handles the move event.
If the last element should be resized to fill out the parent.
If the parents should be resized to match the width/height of the children.
Specifies if the parent should be resized after the layout so that it contains all the child cells.
If the parent should be resized to match the width/height of the stack.
Boolean that specifies if vertices should be resized.
Maps from from XML attribute names to fieldnames.
Holds the root cell, which in turn contains the cells that represent the layers of the diagram as child cells.
Store of roots of this hierarchy model, these are real graph cells, not internal cells
Holds the array of mxGraphLayouts that this layout contains.
Specifies if crisp rendering should be enabled for rounded shapes.
Specifies the scale.
Number that specifies the translation of the path.
Holds the scale of the print preview.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Specifies if the grid should be scaled.
Whether the rank assignment is done from the sinks or sources.
Specifies if the view should be scrolled so that a moved cell is visible.
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Specifies if selecting is enabled.
Holds the mxGraphSelectionModel that models the current selection.
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Total number of sent bytes.
Holds a mxSession instance associated with this editor.
Holds the mxShape that represents the cell graphically.
Holds the mxShape that represents the preview edge.
Reference to the mxShape that represents the preview.
Array that maps from shape names to shape constructors.
Holds implementations for the built-in shapes.
Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Maps from keycodes to functions for pressed shift keys.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Specifies a viewport rectangle should be shown.
Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
Whether remote changes should be significant in the local command history.
Specifies if only one selected item at a time is allowed.
Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be used.
Maximum command history size.
Optional mxImage to be used for the sizer.
Specifies if separators should only be added if a menu item follows them.
Specifies if waypoints should snap to the routing centers of terminals.
Reference to the source terminal.
The node this edge is sourced at
Boolean that specifies if the rule is applied to the source or target terminal of an edge.
Specifies the source of the edit.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge.
High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing cell.
Default value for spacing.
Defines the spacing between the parallels.
Integer that specifies the absolute spacing in pixels between the children.
Specifies the spacing between the cells.
Specifies if dropping onto edges should be enabled.
String that specifies the URL of the image.
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Reference to the mxCellState.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Holds the optional mxCellState associated with this event.
Holds the mxCellState associated with this shape.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Contains the mxCellStates that are used for alignment.
DOM container that holds the statusbar.
Holds the mxStencil that defines the shape.
Contains the current step.
Specifies the maximum number of steps for the morphing.
Specifies if the background should be stroked.
Holds the current strokewidth.
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Holds the mxStylesheet that defines the appearance of the cells.
URL of the image to be used for the submenu icon.
Optional boolean flag to suspend updates.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
The attribute used to find the color for the indicator if the indicator color is set to ‘swimlane’.
Specifies if nesting of swimlanes is allowed.
Specifies if new cells must be inserted into an existing swimlane.
Specifies if swimlanes should be selectable via the content if the mouse is released.
Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if automatic layout is turned on in layoutDiagram.
Specifies the scale.
Number that specifies the translation of the path.
Holds the scale of the print preview.
Holds the scale in which the shape is being painted.
Specifies if the grid should be scaled.
Whether the rank assignment is done from the sinks or sources.
Specifies if the view should be scrolled so that a moved cell is visible.
Array of numbers that represent the cached length of each segment of the edge.
Specifies if new edges should be selected.
Specifies if selecting is enabled.
Holds the mxGraphSelectionModel that models the current selection.
Specifies if cells should be selected if a popupmenu is displayed for them.
Total number of sent bytes.
Holds a mxSession instance associated with this editor.
Holds the mxShape that represents the cell graphically.
Holds the mxShape that represents the preview edge.
Reference to the mxShape that represents the preview.
Array that maps from shape names to shape constructors.
Holds implementations for the built-in shapes.
Holds the DIV element which is used to display the rubberband.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Maps from keycodes to functions for pressed shift keys.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Specifies a viewport rectangle should be shown.
Specifies if the undoable change is significant.
Whether remote changes should be significant in the local command history.
Specifies if only one selected item at a time is allowed.
Specifies if only one sizer handle at the bottom, right corner should be used.
Maximum command history size.
Optional mxImage to be used for the sizer.
Specifies if separators should only be added if a menu item follows them.
Specifies if waypoints should snap to the routing centers of terminals.
Reference to the source terminal.
The node this edge is sourced at
Boolean that specifies if the rule is applied to the source or target terminal of an edge.
Specifies the source of the edit.
Defines the source mxPoint of the edge.
High value to start source layering scan rank value from.
Specifies the spacing between the highlight for vertices and the vertex.
Defines the spacing between existing and new vertices in gridSize units when a new vertex is dropped on an existing cell.
Default value for spacing.
Defines the spacing between the parallels.
Integer that specifies the absolute spacing in pixels between the children.
Specifies the spacing between the cells.
Specifies if dropping onto edges should be enabled.
String that specifies the URL of the image.
Specifies the offset in pixels from the first point in points and the actual start of the shape.
Reference to the mxCellState.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Holds the optional mxCellState associated with this event.
Holds the mxCellState associated with this shape.
Reference to the mxCellState being modified.
Contains the mxCellStates that are used for alignment.
DOM container that holds the statusbar.
Holds the mxStencil that defines the shape.
Contains the current step.
Specifies the maximum number of steps for the morphing.
Specifies if the background should be stroked.
Holds the current strokewidth.
Holds the strokewidth direction from the description.
Holds the style as a string of the form [(stylename|key=value);].
Contains an array of key, value pairs that represent the style of the cell.
Holds the style of the cell state that corresponds to this shape.
Holds the mxStylesheet that defines the appearance of the cells.
URL of the image to be used for the submenu icon.
Optional boolean flag to suspend updates.
Event-tolerance for SVG strokes (in px).
The attribute used to find the color for the indicator if the indicator color is set to ‘swimlane’.
Specifies if nesting of swimlanes is allowed.
Specifies if new cells must be inserted into an existing swimlane.
Specifies if swimlanes should be selectable via the content if the mouse is released.
Specifies the spacing between swimlanes if automatic layout is turned on in layoutDiagram.
T | |
table, mxForm | |
tapAndHoldDelay, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldInProgress, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldTolerance, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldValid, mxConnectionHandler | |
target | |
targetConnectImage, mxConnectionHandler | |
targetPoint, mxGeometry | |
tasks, mxEditor | |
tasksResource, mxEditor | |
tasksTop, mxEditor | |
tasksWindowImage, mxEditor | |
temp, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
temperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
template, mxObjectCodec | |
templates, mxEditor | |
terminalDistance, mxCellState | |
text, mxCellState | |
textarea, mxCellEditor | |
textEnabled | |
textNode, mxCellEditor | |
thread, mxAnimation | |
tightenToSource | |
timerAutoScroll, mxGraph | |
title | |
TOGGLE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
tolerance | |
toolbar | |
tooltip, mxCellOverlay | |
TRACE, mxLog | |
translate | |
TRANSLATE, mxEvent | |
traverseAncestors, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
trigger, mxCellEditor | |
type, mxMultiplicity | |
typeError, mxMultiplicity | |
U | |
UNDO, mxEvent | |
undoManager, mxEditor | |
undone, mxUndoableEdit | |
UNGROUP_CELLS, mxEvent | |
UP, mxEvent | |
updateCursor, mxGraphHandler | |
updateDefaultMode, mxToolbar | |
updateHandler, mxLayoutManager | |
updateLevel, mxGraphModel | |
updateOnPan, mxOutline | |
updateStyle, mxGraphView | |
updatingSelectionResource, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
url, mxXmlRequest | |
urlHelp, mxEditor | |
urlImage, mxEditor | |
urlInit | |
urlNotify | |
urlPoll | |
urlPost, mxEditor | |
useBoundingBox, mxGraphLayout | |
useGrid, mxPanningHandler | |
useInputOrigin, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
useLeftButtonForPanning, mxPanningHandler | |
useLeftButtonForPopup, mxPopupMenu | |
usePopupTrigger, mxPanningHandler | |
username, mxXmlRequest | |
useScrollbarsForPanning, mxGraph |
T | |
table, mxForm | |
tapAndHoldDelay, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldInProgress, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldTolerance, mxConnectionHandler | |
tapAndHoldValid, mxConnectionHandler | |
target | |
targetConnectImage, mxConnectionHandler | |
targetPoint, mxGeometry | |
tasks, mxEditor | |
tasksResource, mxEditor | |
tasksTop, mxEditor | |
tasksWindowImage, mxEditor | |
temp, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
temperature, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
template, mxObjectCodec | |
templates, mxEditor | |
terminalDistance, mxCellState | |
text, mxCellState | |
textarea, mxCellEditor | |
textEnabled | |
textNode, mxCellEditor | |
thread, mxAnimation | |
tightenToSource | |
timerAutoScroll, mxGraph | |
title | |
TOGGLE_CELLS, mxEvent | |
tolerance | |
toolbar | |
tooltip, mxCellOverlay | |
TRACE, mxLog | |
translate | |
TRANSLATE, mxEvent | |
traverseAncestors, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
trigger, mxCellEditor | |
type, mxMultiplicity | |
typeError, mxMultiplicity | |
U | |
UNDO, mxEvent | |
undoManager, mxEditor | |
undone, mxUndoableEdit | |
UNGROUP_CELLS, mxEvent | |
UP, mxEvent | |
updateCursor, mxGraphHandler | |
updateDefaultMode, mxToolbar | |
updateHandler, mxLayoutManager | |
updateLevel, mxGraphModel | |
updateOnPan, mxOutline | |
updateStyle, mxGraphView | |
updatingSelectionResource, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
url, mxXmlRequest | |
urlHelp, mxEditor | |
urlImage, mxEditor | |
urlInit | |
urlNotify | |
urlPoll | |
urlPost, mxEditor | |
useBoundingBox, mxGraphLayout | |
useGrid, mxPanningHandler | |
useInputOrigin, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
useLeftButtonForPanning, mxPanningHandler | |
useLeftButtonForPopup, mxPopupMenu | |
usePopupTrigger, mxPanningHandler | |
username, mxXmlRequest | |
useScrollbarsForPanning, mxGraph |
Holds the DOM node that represents the table.
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Reference to the target terminal.
The node this edge targets
Reference to the target DOM, that is, the DOM node where the key event listeners are installed.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Defines the target mxPoint of the edge.
Holds the mxWindow created in showTasks.
Specifies the resource key for the tasks window title.
Specifies the top coordinate of the tasks window in pixels.
Icon for the tasks window.
Temporary variable for general use.
Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of layout.
Holds the template object associated with this codec.
Maps from names to protoype cells to be used in the toolbar for inserting new cells into the diagram.
Caches the distance between the end points for an edge.
Holds the mxText that represents the label of the cell.
Holds the input textarea.
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Reference to the label DOM node that has been hidden.
Reference to the thread while the animation is running.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Specifies if timer-based autoscrolling should be used via mxPanningManager.
Holds the title of the preview window.
Reference to the DOM node (TD) that contains the title.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Tolerance for a move to be handled as a single click.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Holds the internal mxToolbar.
Holds a mxDefaultToolbar for displaying the toolbar.
Holds the optional string to be used as the tooltip.
mxPoint that specifies the current translation.
mxPoint that specifies the translation of the complete path.
Global switch to translate the points in translate.
Whether or not to navigate edges whose terminal vertices have different parents but are in the same ancestry chain
Reference to the event that was used to start editing.
Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
Holds the localized error message to be displayed if the type of the neighbor for a connection does not match the rule.
Holds the DOM node that represents the table.
Specifies the time for a tap and hold.
Specifies if tap and hold should be used for starting connections on touch-based devices.
True if the timer for tap and hold events is running.
Specifies the tolerance for a tap and hold.
True as long as the timer is running and the touch events stay within the given tapAndHoldTolerance.
Reference to the target terminal.
The node this edge targets
Reference to the target DOM, that is, the DOM node where the key event listeners are installed.
Specifies if the connect icon should be centered on the target state while connections are being previewed.
Defines the target mxPoint of the edge.
Holds the mxWindow created in showTasks.
Specifies the resource key for the tasks window title.
Specifies the top coordinate of the tasks window in pixels.
Icon for the tasks window.
Temporary variable for general use.
Temperature to limit displacement at later stages of layout.
Holds the template object associated with this codec.
Maps from names to protoype cells to be used in the toolbar for inserting new cells into the diagram.
Caches the distance between the end points for an edge.
Holds the mxText that represents the label of the cell.
Holds the input textarea.
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Specifies if text output should be enabled.
var textEnabled
Reference to the label DOM node that has been hidden.
Reference to the thread while the animation is running.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Whether or not to tighten the assigned ranks of vertices up towards the source cells.
Specifies if timer-based autoscrolling should be used via mxPanningManager.
Holds the title of the preview window.
Reference to the DOM node (TD) that contains the title.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Tolerance for a move to be handled as a single click.
Optional tolerance for hit-detection in getHandleForEvent.
Holds the internal mxToolbar.
Holds a mxDefaultToolbar for displaying the toolbar.
Holds the optional string to be used as the tooltip.
mxPoint that specifies the current translation.
mxPoint that specifies the translation of the complete path.
Global switch to translate the points in translate.
Whether or not to navigate edges whose terminal vertices have different parents but are in the same ancestry chain
Reference to the event that was used to start editing.
Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
Holds the localized error message to be displayed if the type of the neighbor for a connection does not match the rule.
Holds an mxUndoManager for the command history.
Specifies if this edit has been undone.
Specifies if a move cursor should be shown if the mouse is ove a movable cell.
Boolean indicating if the default mode should be the last selected switch mode or the first inserted switch mode.
Holds the function that handles the endUpdate event.
Counter for the depth of nested transactions.
Specifies if update should be called for mxEvent.PAN in the source graph.
Specifies if the style should be updated in each validation step.
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the selection is being updated.
Holds the target URL of the request.
Specifies the URL to be used for the contents of the Online Help window.
Specifies the URL to be used for creating a bitmap of the graph in the image action.
Specifies the URL to be used for initializing the session.
URL to initialize the session.
Specifies the URL to be used for notifying the backend in the session.
URL to send changes to the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for polling in the session.
URL for polling the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for posting the diagram to a backend in save.
Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available.
Specifies if the panning steps should be aligned to the grid size.
Specifies if the top left corner of the input cells should be the origin of the layout result.
Specifies if panning should be active for the left mouse button.
Specifies if popupmenus should be activated by clicking the left mouse button.
Specifies if the isPopupTrigger should also be used for panning.
Specifies the username to be used for authentication.
Specifies if scrollbars should be used for panning in panGraph if any scrollbars are available.
Holds an mxUndoManager for the command history.
Specifies if this edit has been undone.
Specifies if a move cursor should be shown if the mouse is ove a movable cell.
Boolean indicating if the default mode should be the last selected switch mode or the first inserted switch mode.
Holds the function that handles the endUpdate event.
Counter for the depth of nested transactions.
Specifies if update should be called for mxEvent.PAN in the source graph.
Specifies if the style should be updated in each validation step.
Specifies the resource key for the status message while the selection is being updated.
Holds the target URL of the request.
Specifies the URL to be used for the contents of the Online Help window.
Specifies the URL to be used for creating a bitmap of the graph in the image action.
Specifies the URL to be used for initializing the session.
URL to initialize the session.
Specifies the URL to be used for notifying the backend in the session.
URL to send changes to the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for polling in the session.
URL for polling the backend.
Specifies the URL to be used for posting the diagram to a backend in save.
Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available.
Specifies if the panning steps should be aligned to the grid size.
Specifies if the top left corner of the input cells should be the origin of the layout result.
Specifies if panning should be active for the left mouse button.
Specifies if popupmenus should be activated by clicking the left mouse button.
Specifies if the isPopupTrigger should also be used for panning.
Specifies the username to be used for authentication.
Specifies if scrollbars should be used for panning in panGraph if any scrollbars are available.
V | |
VALID_COLOR, mxConstants | |
validating, mxEditor | |
validColor, mxCellMarker | |
validNeighbors, mxMultiplicity | |
validNeighborsAllowed, mxMultiplicity | |
validState, mxCellMarker | |
value | |
values, mxStyleRegistry | |
VERSION, mxClient | |
vertex, mxCell | |
vertexArray, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
vertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph | |
vertexMapper, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
vertical, mxGuide | |
verticalAlign, mxCellOverlay | |
verticalTextDegree, mxText | |
view | |
visible | |
visibleSourceState, mxCellState | |
visibleTargetState, mxCellState | |
visited, WeightedCellSorter | |
vmlNodes | |
vmlScale | |
W | |
w0, mxStencil | |
WARN, mxLog | |
warningImage, mxGraph | |
waypointsEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
weightedValue, WeightedCellSorter | |
widestRank, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
widestRankValue, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
width | |
wnd, mxPrintPreview | |
wrap, mxStackLayout | |
X | |
x | |
x0 | |
Y | |
y | |
y0 | |
Z | |
zIndex | |
zoomFactor, mxGraph |
V | |
VALID_COLOR, mxConstants | |
validating, mxEditor | |
validColor, mxCellMarker | |
validNeighbors, mxMultiplicity | |
validNeighborsAllowed, mxMultiplicity | |
validState, mxCellMarker | |
value | |
values, mxStyleRegistry | |
VERSION, mxClient | |
vertex, mxCell | |
vertexArray, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
vertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph | |
vertexMapper, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
vertical, mxGuide | |
verticalAlign, mxCellOverlay | |
verticalTextDegree, mxText | |
view | |
visible | |
visibleSourceState, mxCellState | |
visibleTargetState, mxCellState | |
visited, WeightedCellSorter | |
vmlNodes | |
vmlScale | |
W | |
w0, mxStencil | |
WARN, mxLog | |
warningImage, mxGraph | |
waypointsEnabled, mxConnectionHandler | |
weightedValue, WeightedCellSorter | |
widestRank, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
widestRankValue, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
width | |
wnd, mxPrintPreview | |
wrap, mxStackLayout | |
X | |
x | |
x0 | |
Y | |
y | |
y0 | |
Z | |
zIndex | |
zoomFactor, mxGraph |
Specifies if mxGraph.validateGraph should automatically be invoked after each change.
Holds the valid marker color.
Holds an array of strings that specify the type of neighbor for which this rule applies.
Boolean indicating if the list of validNeighbors are those that are allowed for this rule or those that are not allowed for this rule.
Holds the marked mxCellState if it is valid.
Holds the user object.
Optional string that specifies the value of the attribute to be passed to mxUtils.isNode to check if the rule applies to a cell.
Specifies whether the cell is a vertex.
An array of all vertices to be laid out.
Specifies the return value for vertices in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Specifies if vertical guides are enabled.
Holds the vertical alignment for the overlay.
Specifies the degree to be used for vertical text.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraphView.
Holds the mxGraphView that caches the mxCellStates for the cells.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Specifies whether the cell is visible.
Boolean flag that represents the visible state of the window.
Caches the visible source terminal state.
Caches the visible target terminal state.
Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
Renders VML with a scale of 4.
Specifies if mxGraph.validateGraph should automatically be invoked after each change.
Holds the valid marker color.
Holds an array of strings that specify the type of neighbor for which this rule applies.
Boolean indicating if the list of validNeighbors are those that are allowed for this rule or those that are not allowed for this rule.
Holds the marked mxCellState if it is valid.
Holds the user object.
Optional string that specifies the value of the attribute to be passed to mxUtils.isNode to check if the rule applies to a cell.
Specifies whether the cell is a vertex.
An array of all vertices to be laid out.
Specifies the return value for vertices in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph vertices to internal model nodes.
Specifies if vertical guides are enabled.
Holds the vertical alignment for the overlay.
Specifies the degree to be used for vertical text.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraphView.
Holds the mxGraphView that caches the mxCellStates for the cells.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Specifies whether the cell is visible.
Boolean flag that represents the visible state of the window.
Caches the visible source terminal state.
Caches the visible target terminal state.
Whether or not this cell has been visited in the current assignment.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Array if VML node names to fix in IE8 standards mode.
Adds local references to mxShape.vmlNodes.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Renders VML with a scale of 2.
Internal scaling for VML using coordsize for better precision.
Renders VML with a scale of 4.
Holds the width of the shape.
Specifies the mxImage for the image to be used to display a warning overlay.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
The weighted value of the cell stored.
The rank that has the widest x position
The X-coordinate of the edge of the widest rank
The width of this cell
Integer that specifies the width of the image.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Reference to the preview window.
Value at which a new column or row should be created.
Holds the width of the shape.
Specifies the mxImage for the image to be used to display a warning overlay.
Specifies if single clicks should add waypoints on the new edge.
The weighted value of the cell stored.
The rank that has the widest x position
The X-coordinate of the edge of the widest rank
The width of this cell
Integer that specifies the width of the image.
Holds the width of the rectangle.
Reference to the preview window.
Value at which a new column or row should be created.
The x position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the x-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the left coordinate of the circle.
Specifies the horizontal origin of the layout.
The x position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the x-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the left coordinate of the circle.
Specifies the horizontal origin of the layout.
The y position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the y-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the top coordinate of the circle.
Holds the vertical offset of the output.
Specifies the vertical origin of the layout.
The y position of this cell for each layer it occupies
Holds the y-coordinate of the point.
Integer specifying the top coordinate of the circle.
Holds the vertical offset of the output.
Specifies the vertical origin of the layout.
Specifies the zIndex for the popupmenu and its shadow.
Specifies the zIndex for the tooltip and its shadow.
Specifies the factor used for zoomIn and zoomOut.
Specifies the zIndex for the popupmenu and its shadow.
Specifies the zIndex for the tooltip and its shadow.
Specifies the factor used for zoomIn and zoomOut.
D | |
damper, mxPanningManager | |
dblClickAction, mxEditor | |
debug, mxSession | |
DEBUG, mxLog | |
DEFAULT_FONTSIZE, mxConstants | |
DEFAULT_HOTSPOT, mxConstants | |
DEFAULT_IMAGESIZE, mxConstants | |
DEFAULT_STARTSIZE, mxConstants | |
DEFAULT_VALID_COLOR, mxConstants | |
defaultEdge, mxEditor | |
defaultEdgeShape, mxCellRenderer | |
defaultEdgeStyle, mxEditor | |
defaultGroup, mxEditor | |
defaultLanguage, mxClient | |
defaultLoopStyle, mxGraph | |
defaultOpacity, mxRubberband | |
defaultOverlap | |
defaultParent, mxGraph | |
defaultShapes, mxCellRenderer | |
defaultVertexShape, mxCellRenderer | |
delay | |
deltas, mxCellStatePreview | |
desc, mxStencil | |
DESTROY, mxEvent | |
destroyOnClose, mxWindow | |
deterministic | |
dfsCount, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
dialect | |
DIALECT_MIXEDHTML, mxConstants | |
DIALECT_SVG, mxConstants | |
DIALECT_VML, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_EAST, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_MASK_ALL, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_MASK_EAST, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_MASK_NONE, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_MASK_WEST, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_NORTH, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_SOUTH, mxConstants | |
DIRECTION_WEST, mxConstants | |
disableContextMenu, mxEditor | |
disableEdgeStyle | |
DISCONNECT, mxEvent | |
disconnectOnMove, mxGraph | |
dispX, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
dispY, mxFastOrganicLayout | |
div, mxRubberband | |
document, mxCodec | |
DONE, mxEvent | |
doneResource | |
DOUBLE_CLICK, mxEvent | |
doubleClickOrientationResource, mxElbowEdgeHandler | |
doubleTapEnabled, mxGraph | |
doubleTapTimeout, mxGraph | |
doubleTapTolerance, mxGraph | |
DOWN, mxEvent | |
dragElement, mxDragSource | |
dragOffset, mxDragSource | |
drillHandler, mxConnectionHandler | |
DROP_TARGET_COLOR, mxConstants | |
dropEnabled, mxGraph | |
dropHandler, mxDragSource |
Damper value for the panning.
Specifies the name of the action to be executed when a cell is double clicked.
Specifies if the session should run in debug mode.
Prototype edge cell that is used for creating new edges.
Defines the default shape for edges.
Specifies the edge style to be returned in getEdgeStyle.
Prototype group cell that is used for creating new groups.
mxEdgeStyle to be used for loops.
Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div.
Defines the overlapping for the overlay, that is, the proportional distance from the origin to the point defined by the alignment.
Value returned by getOverlap if isAllowOverlapParent returns true for the given cell.
Specifies the default parent to be used to insert new cells.
Static array that contains the globally registered shapes which are known to all instances of this class.
Defines the default shape for vertices.
Specifies the delay between the animation steps.
Delay in milliseconds for the panning.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
Specifies if the window should be destroyed when it is closed.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Dialect to be used for drawing the graph.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if edges should be disconnected from their terminals when they are moved.
An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.
The owner document of the codec.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the event name for doubleClick.
DOUBLE_CLICK: 'doubleClick' }
Specifies the resource key for the tooltip to be displayed on the single control point for routed edges.
Specifies if double taps on touch-based devices should be handled.
Specifies the timeout for double taps.
Specifies the tolerance for double taps.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
mxPoint that specifies the offset of the dragElement.
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Specifies the return value for isDropEnabled.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
Damper value for the panning.
Specifies the name of the action to be executed when a cell is double clicked.
Specifies if the session should run in debug mode.
Prototype edge cell that is used for creating new edges.
Defines the default shape for edges.
Specifies the edge style to be returned in getEdgeStyle.
Prototype group cell that is used for creating new groups.
mxEdgeStyle to be used for loops.
Specifies the default opacity to be used for the rubberband div.
Defines the overlapping for the overlay, that is, the proportional distance from the origin to the point defined by the alignment.
Value returned by getOverlap if isAllowOverlapParent returns true for the given cell.
Specifies the default parent to be used to insert new cells.
Static array that contains the globally registered shapes which are known to all instances of this class.
Defines the default shape for vertices.
Specifies the delay between the animation steps.
Delay in milliseconds for the panning.
Delay to show the tooltip in milliseconds.
Reference to the enclosing mxGraph.
Holds the XML node with the stencil description.
Specifies if the window should be destroyed when it is closed.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Whether or not cells are ordered according to the order in the graph model.
Count of the number of times the ancestor dfs has been used.
Dialect to be used for drawing the graph.
Holds the dialect in which the shape is to be painted.
Specifies if the context menu should be disabled in the graph container.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result.
Specifies if edges should be disconnected from their terminals when they are moved.
An array of locally stored X co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
An array of locally stored Y co-ordinate displacements for the vertices.
Holds the DIV element which is currently visible.
The owner document of the codec.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the status message after a long operation.
Specifies the resource key for the tooltip to be displayed on the single control point for routed edges.
Specifies if double taps on touch-based devices should be handled.
Specifies the timeout for double taps.
Specifies the tolerance for double taps.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.
mxPoint that specifies the offset of the dragElement.
Holds the drill event listener for later removal.
Specifies the return value for isDropEnabled.
Holds the DOM node that is used to represent the drag preview.