Ease-off for movement towards the given vector.
Specifies whether the cell is an edge.
Defines the color to be used for the selection border of edges.
Defines the strokewidth to be used for edge selections.
Specifies the return value for edges in isLabelMovable.
Map from graph edges to internal model edges
Map from graph edges to internal model edges
Whether or not to apply the internal tree edge routing.
Holds the edges.
The graph edge(s) this object represents.
Optional mxCellState that represents the preview edge while the handler is active.
The style to apply between cell layers to edge segments.
The style to apply between cell layers to edge segments.
Name of the elbow edge style.
EDGESTYLE_ELBOW: 'elbowEdgeStyle'
Name of the entity relation edge style.
EDGESTYLE_ENTITY_RELATION: 'entityRelationEdgeStyle'
Name of the loop edge style.
EDGESTYLE_LOOP: 'loopEdgeStyle'
Name of the generic orthogonal edge style.
EDGESTYLE_ORTHOGONAL: 'orthogonalEdgeStyle'
Name of the generic segment edge style.
EDGESTYLE_SEGMENT: 'segmentEdgeStyle'
Name of the side to side edge style.
Name of the top to bottom edge style.
Specifies the event name for editingStarted.
EDITING_STARTED: 'editingStarted'
Specifies the event name for editingStopped.
EDITING_STOPPED: 'editingStopped'
Reference to the mxCell that is currently being edited.
Reference to the enclosing mxEditor.
Reference to the enclosing mxEditor.
Constant for elbow horizontal.
ELBOW_HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal'
Constant for elbow vertical.
ELBOW_VERTICAL: 'vertical'
Uses either SideToSide or TopToBottom depending on the horizontal flag in the cell style.
ElbowConnector: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Reference to the DOM node which was made draggable.
Lookup table for resolving IDs to elements.
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.ellipse = function( x, y, w, h )
Sets the current path to an ellipse.
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.ellipse = function( x, y, w, h )
Puts an ellipse into the drawing buffer.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.ellipse = function( x, y, w, h )
Describes an elliptic perimeter.
EllipsePerimeter: function ( bounds, vertex, next, orthogonal )
Text to be displayed for empty labels.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Specifies if the marker is enabled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if this drag source is enabled.
Specifies the return value for isEnabled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if event handling is enabled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if events are handled.
Specifies if the converter is enabled.
Encodes the specified object and returns the resulting XML node.
mxCodec.prototype.encode = function( obj )
Returns null.
codec.encode = function( enc, obj )
Returns null.
codec.encode = function( enc, obj )
Returns null.
codec.encode = function( enc, obj )
Encodes the given mxGraphView using encodeCell starting at the model’s root.
codec.encode = function( enc, view )
Encodes the specified object and returns a node representing then given object.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encode = function( enc, obj )
Encodes a stylesheet.
codec.encode = function( enc, obj )
Encoding of cell hierarchies is built-into the core, but is a higher-level function that needs to be explicitely used by the respective object encoders (eg.
mxCodec.prototype.encodeCell = function( cell, node, includeChildren )
Recursively encodes the specifed cell.
codec.encodeCell = function( enc, view, cell )
Specifies if default values should be encoded.
Encodes the given mxGraphModel by writing a (flat) XML sequence of cell nodes as produced by the mxCellCodec.
codec.encodeObject = function( enc, obj, node )
Encodes the value of each member in then given obj into the given node using encodeValue.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encodeObject = function( enc, obj, node )
Converts the given value according to the mappings and id-refs in this codec and uses writeAttribute to write the attribute into the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.encodeValue = function( enc, obj, name, value, node )
Empty implementation for backwards compatibility.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.end = function()
Specifies the event name for endEdit.
END_EDIT: 'endEdit'
Specifies the event name for endUpdate.
END_UPDATE: 'endUpdate'
True if the program flow is currently inside endUpdate.
Decrements the updateLevel by one and fires an undo event if the updateLevel reaches 0.
mxGraphModel.prototype.endUpdate = function()
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and returns the current time in milliseconds.
enter: function( string )
Uses the given cell as the root of the displayed cell hierarchy.
mxGraph.prototype.enterGroup = function( cell )
If true, pressing the enter key without pressing control or shift will stop editing and accept the new value.
Defines the length of the horizontal segment of an Entity Relation.
Implements an entity relation style for edges (as used in database schema diagrams).
EntityRelation: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Returns true if all properties of the given objects are equal.
equalEntries: function( a, b )
Compares all mxPoints in the given lists.
equalPoints: function( a, b )
Returns true if the given object equals this geometry.
mxGeometry.prototype.equals = function( obj )
Returns true if the given object equals this point.
mxPoint.prototype.equals = function( obj )
Returns true if the given object equals this rectangle.
mxRectangle.prototype.equals = function( obj )
Holds the current validation error while connections are being created.
Holds the current validation error while a connection is being changed.
Displays the given error message in a new mxWindow of the given width.
error: function( message, width, close, icon )
Defines the image used for error dialogs.
errorImage: mxClient.imageBasePath + '/error.gif'
Specifies the resource key for the title of the error window.
errorResource: ( mxClient. language ! = 'none' ) ? 'error' : ''
Processes an escape keystroke.
mxGraph.prototype.escape = function( evt )
Hook to process ESCAPE keystrokes.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.escape = function( evt )
Specifies the event name for escape.
ESCAPE: 'escape'
If true, pressing the escape key will stop editing and not accept the new value.
Specifies if mxKeyHandler should invoke escape when the escape key is pressed.
Specifies if the data in the post request for saving a diagram should be converted using encodeURIComponent.
Evaluates the given expression using eval and returns the JavaScript object that represents the expression result.
eval: function( expr )
Gets the attribute for the given name from the given node.
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateAttribute = function( node, attribute, shape )
Gets the given attribute as a text.
mxStencil.prototype.evaluateTextAttribute = function( node, attribute, shape )
Holds the event names and associated listeners in an array.
Specifies if events can be fired.
Optional source for events.
Holds the inner event object.
Array containing the variable names that should be ignored by the codec.
Changes the attribute of the cell’s user object by using mxCell.setAttribute.
mxCellAttributeChange.prototype.execute = function()
Changes the parent of child using mxGraphModel.parentForCellChanged and removes or restores the cell’s connections.
mxChildChange.prototype.execute = function()
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxCircleLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Changes the collapsed state of cell to previous using mxGraphModel.collapsedStateForCellChanged.
mxCollapseChange.prototype.execute = function()
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent, root )
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute by executing all layouts in a single transaction.
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
A basic horizontal coordinate assignment algorithm
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Changes the current root of the view.
mxCurrentRootChange.prototype.execute = function()
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxEdgeLabelLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Executes the function with the given name in actions passing the editor instance and given cell as the first and second argument.
mxEditor.prototype.execute = function ( actionname, cell, evt )
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Changes the geometry of cell ro previous using mxGraphModel.geometryForCellChanged.
mxGeometryChange.prototype.execute = function()
Executes the layout algorithm for the children of the given parent.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Executes the given edit and fires events if required.
mxGraphModel.prototype.execute = function( change )
Hook for subclassers to execute the handle.
mxHandle.prototype.execute = function()
Executes the layout for the children of the specified parent.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent, roots )
Takes the graph detail and configuration information within the facade and creates the resulting laid out graph within that facade for further use.
mxHierarchicalLayoutStage.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Performs a vertex ordering within ranks as described by Gansner et al 1993
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Takes the graph detail and configuration information within the facade and creates the resulting laid out graph within that facade for further use.
mxMinimumCycleRemover.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent, root )
Carries out a change of the root using mxGraphModel.rootChanged.
mxRootChange.prototype.execute = function()
Resets the state of this handler and selects the current region for the given event.
mxRubberband.prototype.execute = function( evt )
Changes the current root of the view.
mxSelectionChange.prototype.execute = function()
Implements mxGraphLayout.execute.
mxStackLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Changes the style of cell to previous using mxGraphModel.styleForCellChanged.
mxStyleChange.prototype.execute = function()
Executes the layout for the children of the specified parent.
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.execute = function( parent, swimlanes )
Takes the graph detail and configuration information within the facade and creates the resulting laid out graph within that facade for further use.
mxSwimlaneOrdering.prototype.execute = function( parent )
Changes the terminal of cell to previous using mxGraphModel.terminalForCellChanged.
mxTerminalChange.prototype.execute = function()
Changes the value of cell to previous using mxGraphModel.valueForCellChanged.
mxValueChange.prototype.execute = function()
Changes the visible state of cell to previous using mxGraphModel.visibleStateForCellChanged.
mxVisibleChange.prototype.execute = function()
Specifies the event name for execute.
EXECUTE: 'execute'
Specifies the event name for executed.
EXECUTED: 'executed'
Executes the given layout on the given parent.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.executeLayoutForCells = function( cells )
Changes the current root to the next valid root in the displayed cell hierarchy.
mxGraph.prototype.exitGroup = function()
Specifies the mxImage to indicate a expanded state.
Specifies the return value for canExportCell.
Assigns a copy of the superclass prototype to the subclass prototype.
extend: function( ctor, superCtor )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.extendedDfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, ancestors, childHash, layer )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.extendedDfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, visitor, seen, ancestors, childHash, layer )
Resizes the parents recursively so that they contain the complete area of the resized child cell.
mxGraph.prototype.extendParent = function( cell )
Specifies if a parent should contain the child bounds after a resize of the child.
Specifies if parents should be extended according to the extendParents switch if cells are added.
Specifies the extension used for language files.
extension: mxResourceExtension
Returns the text content of the specified node.
extractTextWithWhitespace: function( elems )