import mxgraph from '@mxgraph/core'; import { globalTypes } from '../.storybook/preview'; export default { title: 'Layouts/OrgChart', argTypes: { ...globalTypes, contextMenu: { type: 'boolean', defaultValue: false } } }; const Template = ({ label, ...args }) => { const { mxGraph, mxConstants, mxEvent, mxClient, mxPoint, mxOutline, mxEdgeStyle, mxKeyHandler, mxCompactTreeLayout, mxLayoutManager, mxCellOverlay, mxImage, mxUtils, mxToolbar } = mxgraph; const div = document.createElement('div'); const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative'; = 'hidden'; = `${args.width}px`; = `${args.height}px`; = 'url(/images/grid.gif)'; = 'default'; div.appendChild(container); // Makes the shadow brighter mxConstants.SHADOWCOLOR = '#C0C0C0'; const outline = document.getElementById('outlineContainer'); if (!args.contextMenu) mxEvent.disableContextMenu(container); // Sets a gradient background if (mxClient.IS_GC || mxClient.IS_SF) { = '-webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 0% 100%, from(#FFFFFF), to(#E7E7E7))'; } else if (mxClient.IS_NS) { = '-moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #E7E7E7)'; } // Creates the graph inside the given container const graph = new mxGraph(container); // Enables automatic sizing for vertices after editing and // panning by using the left mouse button. graph.setCellsMovable(false); graph.setAutoSizeCells(true); graph.setPanning(true); graph.centerZoom = false; graph.panningHandler.useLeftButtonForPanning = true; // Displays a popupmenu when the user clicks // on a cell (using the left mouse button) but // do not select the cell when the popup menu // is displayed graph.panningHandler.popupMenuHandler = false; // Creates the outline (navigator, overview) for moving // around the graph in the top, right corner of the window. const outln = new mxOutline(graph, outline); // Disables tooltips on touch devices graph.setTooltips(!mxClient.IS_TOUCH); // Set some stylesheet options for the visual appearance of vertices let style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultVertexStyle(); style.shape = 'label'; style.verticalAlign = mxConstants.ALIGN_MIDDLE; style.align = mxConstants.ALIGN_LEFT; style.spacingLeft = 54; style.gradientColor = '#7d85df'; style.strokeColor = '#5d65df'; style.fillColor = '#adc5ff'; style.fontColor = '#1d258f'; style.fontFamily = 'Verdana'; style.fontSize = '12'; style.fontStyle = '1'; style.shadow = '1'; style.rounded = '1'; = '1'; style.image = '/images/dude3.png'; style.imageWidth = '48'; style.imageHeight = '48'; style.spacing = 8; // Sets the default style for edges style = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle(); style.rounded = true; style.strokeWidth = 3; style.exitX = 0.5; // center style.exitY = 1.0; // bottom style.exitPerimeter = 0; // disabled style.entryX = 0.5; // center style.entryY = 0; // top style.entryPerimeter = 0; // disabled // Disable the following for straight lines style.edge = mxEdgeStyle.TopToBottom; // Stops editing on enter or escape keypress const keyHandler = new mxKeyHandler(graph); // Enables automatic layout on the graph and installs // a tree layout for all groups who's children are // being changed, added or removed. const layout = new mxCompactTreeLayout(graph, false); layout.useBoundingBox = false; layout.edgeRouting = false; layout.levelDistance = 60; layout.nodeDistance = 16; // Allows the layout to move cells even though cells // aren't movable in the graph layout.isVertexMovable = function(cell) { return true; }; const layoutMgr = new mxLayoutManager(graph); layoutMgr.getLayout = function(cell) { if (cell.getChildCount() > 0) { return layout; } }; // Installs a popupmenu handler using local function (see below). graph.popupMenuHandler.factoryMethod = function(menu, cell, evt) { return createPopupMenu(graph, menu, cell, evt); }; // Fix for wrong preferred size const oldGetPreferredSizeForCell = graph.getPreferredSizeForCell; graph.getPreferredSizeForCell = function(cell) { const result = oldGetPreferredSizeForCell.apply(this, arguments); if (result != null) { result.width = Math.max(120, result.width - 40); } return result; }; // Sets the maximum text scale to 1 graph.cellRenderer.getTextScale = function(state) { return Math.min(1, state.view.scale); }; // Dynamically adds text to the label as we zoom in // (without affecting the preferred size for new cells) graph.cellRenderer.getLabelValue = function(state) { let result = state.cell.value; if (state.cell.isVertex()) { if (state.view.scale > 1) { result += '\nDetails 1'; } if (state.view.scale > 1.3) { result += '\nDetails 2'; } } return result; }; // Gets the default parent for inserting new cells. This // is normally the first child of the root (ie. layer 0). const parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); // Adds the root vertex of the tree graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { const w = graph.container.offsetWidth; const v1 = graph.insertVertex( parent, 'treeRoot', 'Organization', w / 2 - 30, 20, 140, 60, 'image=/images/house.png' ); graph.updateCellSize(v1); addOverlays(graph, v1, false); } finally { // Updates the display graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } const content = document.createElement('div'); = '4px'; div.appendChild(content); const tb = new mxToolbar(content); tb.addItem('Zoom In', 'images/zoom_in32.png', function(evt) { graph.zoomIn(); }); tb.addItem('Zoom Out', 'images/zoom_out32.png', function(evt) { graph.zoomOut(); }); tb.addItem('Actual Size', 'images/view_1_132.png', function(evt) { graph.zoomActual(); }); tb.addItem('Print', 'images/print32.png', function(evt) { const preview = new PrintPreview(graph, 1);; }); tb.addItem('Poster Print', 'images/press32.png', function(evt) { const pageCount = mxUtils.prompt('Enter maximum page count', '1'); if (pageCount != null) { const scale = mxUtils.getScaleForPageCount(pageCount, graph); const preview = new PrintPreview(graph, scale);; } }); // Function to create the entries in the popupmenu function createPopupMenu(graph, menu, cell, evt) { const model = graph.getModel(); if (cell != null) { if (cell.isVertex()) { menu.addItem( 'Add child', '/images/overlays/check.png', function() { addChild(graph, cell); } ); } menu.addItem('Edit label', '/images/text.gif', function() { graph.startEditingAtCell(cell); }); if ( != 'treeRoot' && cell.isVertex()) { menu.addItem('Delete', '/images/delete.gif', function() { deleteSubtree(graph, cell); }); } menu.addSeparator(); } menu.addItem('Fit', '/images/zoom.gif', function() {; }); menu.addItem('Actual', '/images/zoomactual.gif', function() { graph.zoomActual(); }); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addItem('Print', '/images/print.gif', function() { const preview = new PrintPreview(graph, 1);; }); menu.addItem('Poster Print', '/images/print.gif', function() { const pageCount = mxUtils.prompt('Enter maximum page count', '1'); if (pageCount != null) { const scale = mxUtils.getScaleForPageCount(pageCount, graph); const preview = new PrintPreview(graph, scale);; } }); } function addOverlays(graph, cell, addDeleteIcon) { let overlay = new mxCellOverlay( new mxImage('images/add.png', 24, 24), 'Add child' ); overlay.cursor = 'hand'; overlay.align = mxConstants.ALIGN_CENTER; overlay.addListener( mxEvent.CLICK, (sender, evt) => { addChild(graph, cell); } ); graph.addCellOverlay(cell, overlay); if (addDeleteIcon) { overlay = new mxCellOverlay( new mxImage('images/close.png', 30, 30), 'Delete' ); overlay.cursor = 'hand'; overlay.offset = new mxPoint(-4, 8); overlay.align = mxConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT; overlay.verticalAlign = mxConstants.ALIGN_TOP; overlay.addListener( mxEvent.CLICK, (sender, evt) => { deleteSubtree(graph, cell); } ); graph.addCellOverlay(cell, overlay); } } function addChild(graph, cell) { const model = graph.getModel(); const parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); let vertex; model.beginUpdate(); try { vertex = graph.insertVertex(parent, null, 'Double click to set name'); const geometry = vertex.getGeometry(); // Updates the geometry of the vertex with the // preferred size computed in the graph const size = graph.getPreferredSizeForCell(vertex); geometry.width = size.width; geometry.height = size.height; // Adds the edge between the existing cell // and the new vertex and executes the // automatic layout on the parent const edge = graph.insertEdge(parent, null, '', cell, vertex); // Configures the edge label "in-place" to reside // at the end of the edge (x = 1) and with an offset // of 20 pixels in negative, vertical direction. edge.geometry.x = 1; edge.geometry.y = 0; edge.geometry.offset = new mxPoint(0, -20); addOverlays(graph, vertex, true); } finally { model.endUpdate(); } return vertex; } function deleteSubtree(graph, cell) { // Gets the subtree from cell downwards const cells = []; graph.traverse(cell, true, function(vertex) { cells.push(vertex); return true; }); graph.removeCells(cells); } return div; } export const Default = Template.bind({});