M | |
makeDraggable, mxUtils | |
map, mxDictionary | |
mark | |
markCell, mxCellMarker | |
maxChainDfs, mxSwimlaneModel | |
MedianCellSorter, MedianCellSorter | |
medianPos, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
medianRank, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
medianValue, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
medianXValue, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
merge, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
mergeChildren, mxGraphModel | |
minNode, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
minPath, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
mixedModeHtml, mxShape | |
mod, mxUtils | |
mouseDown | |
mouseMove | |
mouseUp | |
move, mxGuide | |
moveCell | |
moveCells | |
moveChildren, mxVertexHandler | |
moveLabel, mxEdgeHandler | |
moveNode, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
moveState, mxCellStatePreview | |
moveTo | |
mxAbstractCanvas2D, mxAbstractCanvas2D | |
mxActor, mxActor | |
mxAnimation, mxAnimation | |
mxArrow, mxArrow | |
mxArrowConnector, mxArrowConnector | |
mxAutoSaveManager, mxAutoSaveManager | |
mxCell, mxCell | |
mxCellAttributeChange, mxCellAttributeChange | |
mxCellEditor, mxCellEditor | |
mxCellHighlight, mxCellHighlight | |
mxCellMarker, mxCellMarker | |
mxCellOverlay, mxCellOverlay | |
mxCellRenderer, mxCellRenderer | |
mxCellState, mxCellState | |
mxCellStatePreview, mxCellStatePreview | |
mxCellTracker, mxCellTracker | |
mxChildChange, mxChildChange | |
mxCircleLayout, mxCircleLayout | |
mxCloud, mxCloud | |
mxCodec, mxCodec | |
mxCollapseChange, mxCollapseChange | |
mxCompactTreeLayout | |
mxCompositeLayout, mxCompositeLayout | |
mxConnectionConstraint, mxConnectionConstraint | |
mxConnectionHandler, mxConnectionHandler | |
mxConnector, mxConnector | |
mxConstraintHandler, mxConstraintHandler | |
mxCoordinateAssignment, mxCoordinateAssignment | |
mxCurrentRootChange | |
mxCylinder, mxCylinder | |
mxDefaultKeyHandler, mxDefaultKeyHandler | |
mxDefaultPopupMenu, mxDefaultPopupMenu | |
mxDefaultToolbar, mxDefaultToolbar | |
mxDivResizer, mxDivResizer | |
mxDoubleEllipse, mxDoubleEllipse | |
mxDragSource, mxDragSource | |
mxEdgeHandler | |
mxEdgeLabelLayout, mxEdgeLabelLayout | |
mxEditor, mxEditor | |
mxEllipse, mxEllipse | |
mxEventObject, mxEventObject | |
mxEventSource | |
mxForm, mxForm | |
mxGenericChangeCodec, mxGenericChangeCodec | |
mxGeometry, mxGeometry | |
mxGeometryChange, mxGeometryChange | |
mxGraph, mxGraph | |
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell, mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell | |
mxGraphHandler, mxGraphHandler | |
mxGraphHierarchyEdge, mxGraphHierarchyEdge | |
mxGraphHierarchyModel, mxGraphHierarchyModel | |
mxGraphHierarchyNode, mxGraphHierarchyNode | |
mxGraphLayout, mxGraphLayout | |
mxGraphModel, mxGraphModel | |
mxGraphSelectionModel, mxGraphSelectionModel | |
mxGraphView, mxGraphView | |
mxGuide, mxGuide | |
mxHandle, mxHandle | |
mxHexagon, mxHexagon | |
mxHierarchicalLayout, mxHierarchicalLayout | |
mxHierarchicalLayoutStage, mxHierarchicalLayoutStage | |
mxImage, mxImage | |
mxImageExport, mxImageExport | |
mxImageShape, mxImageShape | |
mxKeyHandler, mxKeyHandler | |
mxLabel, mxLabel | |
mxLayoutManager, mxLayoutManager | |
mxLine, mxLine | |
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
mxMinimumCycleRemover, mxMinimumCycleRemover | |
mxMorphing, mxMorphing | |
mxMouseEvent, mxMouseEvent | |
mxMultiplicity, mxMultiplicity | |
mxObjectCodec, mxObjectCodec | |
mxOutline, mxOutline | |
mxPanningHandler, mxPanningHandler | |
mxPartitionLayout, mxPartitionLayout | |
mxPoint, mxPoint | |
mxPolyline, mxPolyline | |
mxPopupMenu, mxPopupMenu | |
mxPopupMenuHandler, mxPopupMenuHandler | |
mxPrintPreview, mxPrintPreview | |
mxRadialTreeLayout, mxRadialTreeLayout | |
mxRectangle | |
mxRectangleShape, mxRectangleShape | |
mxRhombus, mxRhombus | |
mxRootChange, mxRootChange | |
mxRubberband, mxRubberband | |
mxShape, mxShape | |
mxStackLayout, mxStackLayout | |
mxStencil, mxStencil | |
mxStyleChange, mxStyleChange | |
mxStylesheet, mxStylesheet | |
mxSvgCanvas2D, mxSvgCanvas2D | |
mxSwimlane, mxSwimlane | |
mxSwimlaneLayout, mxSwimlaneLayout | |
mxSwimlaneManager, mxSwimlaneManager | |
mxSwimlaneModel, mxSwimlaneModel | |
mxSwimlaneOrdering, mxSwimlaneOrdering | |
mxTerminalChange, mxTerminalChange | |
mxText, mxText | |
mxToolbar, mxToolbar | |
mxTooltipHandler, mxTooltipHandler | |
mxTriangle, mxTriangle | |
mxUndoableEdit, mxUndoableEdit | |
mxUndoManager, mxUndoManager | |
mxValueChange, mxValueChange | |
mxVertexHandler, mxVertexHandler | |
mxVisibleChange, mxVisibleChange | |
mxWindow, mxWindow | |
mxXmlCanvas2D, mxXmlCanvas2D | |
mxXmlRequest, mxXmlRequest |
Configures the given DOM element to act as a drag source for the specified graph.
makeDraggable: function( element, graphF, funct, dragElement, dx, dy, autoscroll, scalePreview, highlightDropTargets, getDropTarget )
Marks the markedState and fires a mark event.
mxCellMarker.prototype.mark = function()
Marks the given cell using the given color, or validColor if no color is specified.
mxCellMarker.prototype.markCell = function( cell, color )
Performs a depth first search on the internal hierarchy model.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.maxChainDfs = function( parent, root, connectingEdge, seen, chainCount )
Constructs a new median cell sorter.
function MedianCellSorter()
Performs one median positioning sweep in one direction
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianPos = function( i, model )
Attempts to minimise the median placement of connected cells on this rank and one of the adjacent ranks
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.medianRank = function( rankValue, downwardSweep )
Calculates the median rank order positioning for the specified cell using the connected cells on the specified rank.
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.medianValue = function( connectedCells, rankValue )
Calculates the median position of the connected cell on the specified rank
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.medianXValue = function( connectedCells, rankValue )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.merge = function( p1, p2 )
Merges the children of the given cell into the given target cell inside this model.
mxGraphModel.prototype.mergeChildren = function( from, to, cloneAllEdges )
Performs one median positioning sweep in both directions
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minNode = function( model )
Straightens out chains of virtual nodes where possibleacade to those stored after this layout processing step has completed.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.minPath = function( graph, model )
Returns the remainder of division of n by m.
mod: function( n, m )
Ignores the event.
mxCellTracker.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by initiating a new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Returns the drop target for the given graph and coordinates.
mxDragSource.prototype.mouseDown = function( evt )
Handles the event by checking if a special element of the handler was clicked, in which case the index parameter is non-null.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by selecing the given cell and creating a handle for it.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by starting a translation or zoom.
mxOutline.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by initiating the panning.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by initiating the panning.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by initiating a rubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Redirects the given event to the handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by initiating a rubberband selection.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event if a handle has been clicked.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseDown = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by highlighting the cell under the mousepointer if it is over the hotspot region of the cell.
mxCellTracker.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the preview edge or by highlighting a possible source or target terminal.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Gets the graph for the given event using getGraphForEvent, updates the currentGraph, calling dragEnter and dragExit on the new and old graph, respectively, and invokes dragOver if currentGraph is not null.
mxDragSource.prototype.mouseMove = function( evt )
Handles the event by updating the preview.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by highlighting possible drop targets and updating the preview.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by previewing the viewrect in graph and updating the rectangle that represents the viewrect in the outline.
mxOutline.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the panning on the graph.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the panning on the graph.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating therubberband selection.
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Redirects the given event to the handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the rubberband selection.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by updating the preview.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseMove = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by reseting the highlight.
mxCellTracker.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by inserting the new connection.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Processes the mouse up event and invokes drop, dragExit and stopDrag as required.
mxDragSource.prototype.mouseUp = function( evt )
Handles the event to applying the previewed changes on the edge by using moveLabel, connect or changePoints.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by applying the changes to the selection cells.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by applying the translation or zoom to graph.
mxOutline.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by setting the translation on the view or showing the popupmenu.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by selecting the region of the rubberband using mxGraph.selectRegion.
mxRubberband.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Redirects the given event to the handlers.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by resetting the tooltip timer or hiding the existing tooltip.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Handles the event by applying the changes to the geometry.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.mouseUp = function( sender, me )
Moves the bounds by the given mxPoint and returnt the snapped point.
mxGuide.prototype.move = function( bounds, delta, gridEnabled )
Implements mxGraphLayout.moveCell by calling move on master or the first layout in layouts.
mxCompositeLayout.prototype.moveCell = function( cell, x, y )
Notified when a cell is being moved in a parent that has automatic layout to update the cell state (eg.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.moveCell = function( cell, x, y )
Implements mxGraphLayout.moveCell.
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.moveCell = function( cell, x, y )
Implements mxGraphLayout.moveCell.
mxStackLayout.prototype.moveCell = function( cell, x, y )
Moves or clones the specified cells and moves the cells or clones by the given amount, adding them to the optional target cell.
mxGraph.prototype.moveCells = function( cells, dx, dy, clone, target, evt, mapping )
Moves the given cells by the specified amount.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.moveCells = function( cells, dx, dy, clone, target, evt )
Moves the children of the given cell by the given vector.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.moveChildren = function( cell, dx, dy )
Changes the coordinates for the label of the given edge.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.moveLabel = function( edgeState, x, y )
Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.moveNode = function( node, dx, dy )
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.moveState = function( state, dx, dy, add, includeEdges )
Moves the current path the given coordinates.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.moveTo = function( x, y )
Moves the current path the given point.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.moveTo = function( x, y )
Constructs a new abstract canvas.
function mxAbstractCanvas2D()
Constructs a new actor shape.
function mxActor( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs an animation.
function mxAnimation( delay )
Constructs a new arrow shape.
function mxArrow( points, fill, stroke, strokewidth, arrowWidth, spacing, endSize )
Constructs a new arrow shape.
function mxArrowConnector( points, fill, stroke, strokewidth, arrowWidth, spacing, endSize )
Constructs a new automatic layout for the given graph.
function mxAutoSaveManager( graph )
Constructs a new cell to be used in a graph model.
function mxCell( value, geometry, style )
Constructs a change of a attribute of the DOM node stored as the value of the given mxCell.
function mxCellAttributeChange( cell, attribute, value )
Constructs a new in-place editor for the specified graph.
function mxCellEditor( graph )
Constructs a cell highlight.
function mxCellHighlight( graph, highlightColor, strokeWidth, dashed )
Constructs a new cell marker.
function mxCellMarker( graph, validColor, invalidColor, hotspot )
Constructs a new overlay using the given image and tooltip.
function mxCellOverlay( image, tooltip, align, verticalAlign, offset, cursor )
arrow, rectangle, ellipse, rhombus, image, line, label, cylinder, swimlane, connector, actor and cloud.
function mxCellRenderer()
Constructs a new object that represents the current state of the given cell in the specified view.
function mxCellState( view, cell, style )
Constructs a move preview for the given graph.
function mxCellStatePreview( graph )
Constructs an event handler that highlights cells.
function mxCellTracker( graph, color, funct )
Constructs a change of a child in the specified model.
function mxChildChange( model, parent, child, index )
Constructs a new circular layout for the specified radius.
function mxCircleLayout( graph, radius )
Constructs a new cloud shape.
function mxCloud( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs an XML encoder/decoder for the specified owner document.
function mxCodec( document )
Constructs a change of a collapsed state in the specified model.
function mxCollapseChange( model, cell, collapsed )
Constructs a new compact tree layout for the specified graph and orientation.
function mxCompactTreeLayout( graph, horizontal, invert )
Constructs a new layout using the given layouts.
function mxCompositeLayout( graph, layouts, master )
Constructs a new connection constraint for the given point and boolean arguments.
function mxConnectionConstraint( point, perimeter, name )
Constructs an event handler that connects vertices using the specified factory method to create the new edges.
function mxConnectionHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Constructs a new connector shape.
function mxConnector( points, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs an new constraint handler.
function mxConstraintHandler( graph )
Creates a coordinate assignment.
function mxCoordinateAssignment( layout, intraCellSpacing, interRankCellSpacing, orientation, initialX, parallelEdgeSpacing )
Constructs a change of the current root in the given view.
function mxCurrentRootChange( view, root )
Constructs a new cylinder shape.
function mxCylinder( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new default key handler for the mxEditor.graph in the given mxEditor.
function mxDefaultKeyHandler( editor )
Constructs a new popupmenu-factory based on given configuration.
function mxDefaultPopupMenu( config )
Constructs a new toolbar for the given container and editor.
function mxDefaultToolbar( container, editor )
Constructs an object that maintains the size of a div element when the window is being resized.
function mxDivResizer( div, container )
Constructs a new ellipse shape.
function mxDoubleEllipse( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new drag source for the given element.
function mxDragSource( element, dropHandler )
Constructs an edge handler for the specified mxCellState.
function mxEdgeHandler( state )
Constructs a new edge label layout.
function mxEdgeLabelLayout( graph, radius )
Constructs a new editor.
function mxEditor( config )
Constructs a new ellipse shape.
function mxEllipse( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new event object with the specified name.
function mxEventObject( name )
Constructs a new event source.
function mxEventSource( eventSource )
Creates a HTML table using the specified classname.
function mxForm( className )
Factory function that creates a mxObjectCodec for the specified change and fieldname.
var mxGenericChangeCodec = function( obj, variable )
Constructs a new object to describe the size and location of a vertex or the control points of an edge.
function mxGeometry( x, y, width, height )
Constructs a change of a geometry in the specified model.
function mxGeometryChange( model, cell, geometry )
Constructs a new mxGraph in the specified container.
function mxGraph( container, model, renderHint, stylesheet )
Constructs a new hierarchical layout algorithm.
function mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell()
Constructs an event handler that creates handles for the selection cells.
function mxGraphHandler( graph )
Constructs a hierarchy edge
function mxGraphHierarchyEdge( edges )
Creates an internal ordered graph model using the vertices passed in.
function mxGraphHierarchyModel( layout, vertices, roots, parent, tightenToSource )
Constructs an internal node to represent the specified real graph cell
function mxGraphHierarchyNode( cell )
Constructs a new layout using the given layouts.
function mxGraphLayout( graph )
Constructs a new graph model.
function mxGraphModel( root )
Constructs a new graph selection model for the given mxGraph.
function mxGraphSelectionModel( graph )
Constructs a new view for the given mxGraph.
function mxGraphView( graph )
Constructs a new guide object.
function mxGuide( graph, states )
Constructs a new handle for the given state.
function mxHandle( state, cursor, image )
Constructs a new hexagon shape.
function mxHexagon()
Constructs a new hierarchical layout algorithm.
function mxHierarchicalLayout( graph, orientation, deterministic )
Constructs a new hierarchical layout stage.
function mxHierarchicalLayoutStage()
Constructs a new image.
function mxImage( src, width, height )
Constructs a new image export.
function mxImageExport()
Constructs a new image shape.
function mxImageShape( bounds, image, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs an event handler that executes functions bound to specific keystrokes.
function mxKeyHandler( graph, target )
Constructs a new label shape.
function mxLabel( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new automatic layout for the given graph.
function mxLayoutManager( graph )
Constructs a new line shape.
function mxLine( bounds, stroke, strokewidth )
Creates a coordinate assignment.
function mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction( layout )
Creates a cycle remover for the given internal model.
function mxMinimumCycleRemover( layout )
Constructs an animation.
function mxMorphing( graph, steps, ease, delay )
Constructs a new event object for the given arguments.
function mxMouseEvent( evt, state )
Instantiate class mxMultiplicity in order to describe allowed connections in a graph.
function mxMultiplicity( source, type, attr, value, min, max, validNeighbors, countError, typeError, validNeighborsAllowed )
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
function mxObjectCodec( template, exclude, idrefs, mapping )
Constructs a new outline for the specified graph inside the given container.
function mxOutline( source, container )
Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
function mxPartitionLayout( graph, horizontal, spacing, border )
Constructs a new point for the optional x and y coordinates.
function mxPoint( x, y )
Constructs a new polyline shape.
function mxPolyline( points, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs an event handler that creates a mxPopupMenu.
function mxPopupMenuHandler( graph, factoryMethod )
Constructs a new print preview for the given parameters.
function mxPrintPreview( graph, scale, pageFormat, border, x0, y0, borderColor, title, pageSelector )
Constructs a new radial tree layout for the specified graph
function mxRadialTreeLayout( graph )
Constructs a new rectangle for the optional parameters.
function mxRectangle( x, y, width, height )
Constructs a new rectangle shape.
function mxRectangleShape( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new rhombus shape.
function mxRhombus( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a change of the root in the specified model.
function mxRootChange( model, root )
Constructs an event handler that selects rectangular regions in the graph using rubberband selection.
function mxRubberband( graph )
Constructs a new shape.
function mxShape( stencil )
Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
function mxStackLayout( graph, horizontal, spacing, x0, y0, border )
Constructs a new generic shape by setting desc to the given XML node and invoking parseDescription and parseConstraints.
function mxStencil( desc )
Constructs a change of a style in the specified model.
function mxStyleChange( model, cell, style )
Constructs a new stylesheet and assigns default styles.
function mxStylesheet()
Constructs a new SVG canvas.
function mxSvgCanvas2D( root, styleEnabled )
Constructs a new swimlane shape.
function mxSwimlane( bounds, fill, stroke, strokewidth )
Constructs a new hierarchical layout algorithm.
function mxSwimlaneLayout( graph, orientation, deterministic )
Constructs a new swimlane manager for the given graph.
function mxSwimlaneManager( graph, horizontal, addEnabled, resizeEnabled )
Creates an internal ordered graph model using the vertices passed in.
function mxSwimlaneModel( layout, vertices, roots, parent, tightenToSource )
Creates a cycle remover for the given internal model.
function mxSwimlaneOrdering( layout )
Constructs a change of a terminal in the specified model.
function mxTerminalChange( model, cell, terminal, source )
Constructs a new text shape.
function mxText( value, bounds, align, valign, color, family, size, fontStyle, spacing, spacingTop, spacingRight, spacingBottom, spacingLeft, horizontal, background, border, wrap, clipped, overflow, labelPadding, textDirection )
Constructs a toolbar in the specified container.
function mxToolbar( container )
Constructs an event handler that displays tooltips with the specified delay (in milliseconds).
function mxTooltipHandler( graph, delay )
Constructs a new triangle shape.
function mxTriangle()
Constructs a new undoable edit for the given source.
function mxUndoableEdit( source, significant )
Constructs a new undo manager with the given history size.
function mxUndoManager( size )
Constructs a change of a user object in the specified model.
function mxValueChange( model, cell, value )
Constructs an event handler that allows to resize vertices and groups.
function mxVertexHandler( state )
Constructs a change of a visible state in the specified model.
function mxVisibleChange( model, cell, visible )
Constructs a new window with the given dimension and title to display the specified content.
function mxWindow( title, content, x, y, width, height, minimizable, movable, replaceNode, style )
Constructs a new abstract canvas.
function mxXmlCanvas2D( root )
Constructs an XML HTTP request.
function mxXmlRequest( url, params, method, async, username, password )