
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxGraphModel
com.mxgraph.model This package contains the classes that define a graph model. 
com.mxgraph.sharing This package contains all classes required for concurrent diagram editing by multiple clients. 

Uses of mxGraphModel in com.mxgraph.model

Constructors in com.mxgraph.model with parameters of type mxGraphModel
mxGraphModel.mxChildChange(mxGraphModel model, Object parent, Object child)
mxGraphModel.mxChildChange(mxGraphModel model, Object parent, Object child, int index)
mxGraphModel.mxCollapseChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, boolean collapsed)
mxGraphModel.mxGeometryChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, mxGeometry geometry)
mxGraphModel.mxRootChange(mxGraphModel model, Object root)
mxGraphModel.mxStyleChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, String style)
mxGraphModel.mxTerminalChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, Object terminal, boolean source)
mxGraphModel.mxValueChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, Object value)
mxGraphModel.mxVisibleChange(mxGraphModel model, Object cell, boolean visible)

Uses of mxGraphModel in com.mxgraph.sharing

Fields in com.mxgraph.sharing declared as mxGraphModel
protected  mxGraphModel mxSharedGraphModel.model

Methods in com.mxgraph.sharing that return mxGraphModel
 mxGraphModel mxSharedGraphModel.getModel()

Constructors in com.mxgraph.sharing with parameters of type mxGraphModel
mxSharedGraphModel(mxGraphModel model)
          Constructs a new diagram with the given model.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.