
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxRectangle
com.mxgraph.canvas This package contains various implementations for painting a graph using different technologies, such as Graphics2D, HTML, SVG or VML. 
com.mxgraph.layout This package contains various graph layouts. 
com.mxgraph.model This package contains the classes that define a graph model. 
com.mxgraph.reader This package contains the classes required to turn an encoded mxGraphView into an image using SAX and without having to create a graph model. 
com.mxgraph.swing This package contains the main component for JFC/Swing, namely the graph component and the outline component. 
com.mxgraph.swing.handler This package contains all classes required for mouse event handling in JFC/Swing. 
com.mxgraph.swing.util This package contains all utility classes that require JFC/Swing, namely for mouse event handling, drag and drop, actions and overlays. 
com.mxgraph.swing.view This package contains all classes required for interaction, namely the mxCellEditor used for in-place editing and the mxInteractiveCanvas, which defines the requirements for a canvas that supports hit-detection on shapes. 
com.mxgraph.util This package provides utility classes such as mxConstants, mxUtils, mxPoint and mxRectangle as well as all classes for custom events and the undo history. 
com.mxgraph.view This package implements the graph component, represented by the mxGraph class. 

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.canvas

Methods in com.mxgraph.canvas with parameters of type mxRectangle
 Paint mxGraphics2DCanvas.createFillPaint(mxRectangle bounds, Map<String,Object> style)
 Graphics2D mxGraphics2DCanvas.createTemporaryGraphics(Map<String,Object> style, float opacity, mxRectangle bounds)

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.layout

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout that return mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.apply(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, mxRectangle bounds)
 mxRectangle mxStackLayout.getContainerSize()
          Hook for subclassers to return the container size.
 mxRectangle mxPartitionLayout.getContainerSize()
          Hook for subclassers to return the container size.
 mxRectangle mxGraphLayout.getVertexBounds(Object vertex)
          Returns an that defines the bounds of the given cell or the bounding box if is true.
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.horizontalLayout(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, double x0, double y0, mxRectangle bounds)
 mxRectangle mxGraphLayout.setVertexLocation(Object vertex, double x, double y)
          Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if is true.
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.verticalLayout(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, Object parent, double x0, double y0, mxRectangle bounds)

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout with parameters of type mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.apply(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, mxRectangle bounds)
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.horizontalLayout(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, double x0, double y0, mxRectangle bounds)
protected  mxRectangle mxCompactTreeLayout.verticalLayout(mxCompactTreeLayout.TreeNode node, Object parent, double x0, double y0, mxRectangle bounds)

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.model

Subclasses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.model
 class mxGeometry
          Represents the geometry of a cell.

Fields in com.mxgraph.model declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxGeometry.alternateBounds
          Stores alternate values for x, y, width and height in a rectangle.

Methods in com.mxgraph.model that return mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxGeometry.getAlternateBounds()
          Returns the alternate bounds.

Methods in com.mxgraph.model with parameters of type mxRectangle
 void mxGeometry.setAlternateBounds(mxRectangle rect)
          Sets the alternate bounds to the given rectangle.

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.reader

Fields in com.mxgraph.reader declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphViewImageReader.clip
          Defines the clip to be drawn.

Methods in com.mxgraph.reader that return mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxGraphViewImageReader.getClip()

Methods in com.mxgraph.reader with parameters of type mxRectangle
 void mxGraphViewImageReader.setClip(mxRectangle value)

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.shape

Fields in com.mxgraph.shape declared as mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.LabelGlyphCache.drawingBounds
          The un-rotated rectangle that just bounds this character
static mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.INVALID_GLYPH_BOUNDS
          Indicates that a glyph does not have valid drawing bounds, usually because it is not visible
protected  mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.labelBounds
          Cache of the bounds of the label
 mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.LabelGlyphCache.labelGlyphBounds
          Cache of the bounds of the individual element of the label of this edge.

Methods in com.mxgraph.shape that return mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxStencil.computeAspect(mxCellState state, mxRectangle bounds, String direction)
          Returns a rectangle that contains the offset in x and y and the horizontal and vertical scale in width and height used to draw this shape inside the given rectangle.
 mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.getCenterVisiblePosition()
          Returns the drawing bounds of the central indexed visible glyph
protected  mxRectangle mxBasicShape.getGradientBounds(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state)
protected  mxRectangle mxSwimlaneShape.getGradientBounds(mxGraphics2DCanvas canvas, mxCellState state)
 mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.getLabelBounds()
 mxRectangle mxCurveLabelShape.updateLabelBounds(String label, Map<String,Object> style)
          Updates the cached position and size of each glyph in the edge label.

Methods in com.mxgraph.shape with parameters of type mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxStencil.computeAspect(mxCellState state, mxRectangle bounds, String direction)
          Returns a rectangle that contains the offset in x and y and the horizontal and vertical scale in width and height used to draw this shape inside the given rectangle.
protected  void mxStencil.drawElement(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, Element node, mxRectangle aspect)
          Drawsthe given element.
protected  void mxStencil.drawShadow(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, double rotation, boolean flipH, boolean flipV, mxRectangle bounds, double alpha, boolean filled)
          Draws the shadow.
 boolean mxStencil.drawShape(mxGraphicsCanvas2D canvas, mxCellState state, mxRectangle bounds, boolean background)
          Draws this stencil inside the given bounds.

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.swing

Fields in com.mxgraph.swing declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphOutline.repaintClip
          Clip of the triple buffer to be repainted.

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing that return mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxGraphComponent.getLayoutAreaSize()
          Returns the size of the area that layouts can operate in.

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.swing.handler

Fields in com.mxgraph.swing.handler declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphHandler.bbox
          Scaled, translated bounding box of the selection cells.
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphHandler.cellBounds
          Scaled, translated bounds of the selection cells.
protected  mxRectangle mxInsertHandler.current
protected  mxRectangle mxMovePreview.lastDirty
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphHandler.transferBounds
          Unscaled, untranslated bounding box of the selection cells.

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.handler that return mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxMovePreview.getPlaceholderBounds(mxCellState startState)
protected  mxRectangle mxVertexHandler.union(mxRectangle bounds, double dx, double dy, int index)

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.handler with parameters of type mxRectangle
 mxGraphTransferable mxGraphTransferHandler.createGraphTransferable(mxGraphComponent graphComponent, Object[] cells, mxRectangle bounds, ImageIcon icon)
protected  Rectangle mxConnectPreview.getDirtyRect(mxRectangle dirty)
 Object mxInsertHandler.insertCell(mxRectangle bounds)
protected  void mxMovePreview.repaint(mxRectangle dirty)
protected  mxRectangle mxVertexHandler.union(mxRectangle bounds, double dx, double dy, int index)

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.swing.util

Fields in com.mxgraph.swing.util declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphTransferable.bounds
protected  mxRectangle mxMorphing.dirty

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.util that return mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxGraphTransferable.getBounds()
          Returns the unscaled, untranslated bounding box of the cells.
 mxRectangle mxCellOverlay.getBounds(mxCellState state)
 mxRectangle mxICellOverlay.getBounds(mxCellState state)

Constructors in com.mxgraph.swing.util with parameters of type mxRectangle
mxGraphTransferable(Object[] cells, mxRectangle bounds)
mxGraphTransferable(Object[] cells, mxRectangle bounds, ImageIcon image)

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.swing.view

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.view that return mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxCellStatePreview.revalidateState(mxCellState parentState, mxCellState state, double dx, double dy)
          Returns a dirty rectangle to be repainted in mxGraphControl.

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.util

Methods in com.mxgraph.util that return mxRectangle
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getBoundingBox(mxRectangle rect, double rotation)
          Returns the bounding box for the rotated rectangle.
 mxRectangle mxCurve.getBounds()
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getLabelPaintBounds(String label, Map<String,Object> style, boolean isHtml, mxPoint offset, mxRectangle vertexBounds, double scale)
          Returns the paint bounds for the given label.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getLabelSize(String label, Map<String,Object> style, boolean isHtml, double scale)
          Returns the size for the given label.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getLabelSize(String label, Map<String,Object> style, boolean isHtml, double scale, double htmlWrapWidth)
          Returns the size for the given label.
 mxRectangle mxCurve.getRelativeFromAbsPoint(mxPoint absPoint, String index)
          Calculates the position of an absolute in terms relative to this curve.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getScaledLabelBounds(double x, double y, mxRectangle size, double outerWidth, double outerHeight, Map<String,Object> style, double scale)
          Returns the bounds for a label for the given location and size, taking into account the alignment and spacing in the specified style, as well as the width and height of the rectangle that contains the label.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getSizeForHtml(String markup, Map<String,Object> style, double scale, double wrapWidth)
          Returns an mxRectangle with the size (width and height in pixels) of the given HTML markup.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getSizeForString(String text, Font font, double scale)
          Returns an with the size (width and height in pixels) of the given string.

Methods in com.mxgraph.util with parameters of type mxRectangle
 void mxRectangle.add(mxRectangle rect)
          Adds the given rectangle to this rectangle.
 mxPoint mxCurve.collisionMove(String index, mxRectangle rect, double buffer)
          Returns a point to move the input rectangle to, in order to attempt to place the rectangle away from the curve.
static BufferedImage mxCellRenderer.createBufferedImage(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, boolean antiAlias, mxRectangle clip)
static BufferedImage mxCellRenderer.createBufferedImage(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, boolean antiAlias, mxRectangle clip, mxGraphics2DCanvas graphicsCanvas)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createHtmlDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createSvgDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createVmlDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static mxICanvas mxCellRenderer.drawCells(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, mxRectangle clip, mxCellRenderer.CanvasFactory factory)
          Draws the given cells using a Graphics2D canvas and returns the buffered image that represents the cells.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getBoundingBox(mxRectangle rect, double rotation)
          Returns the bounding box for the rotated rectangle.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getLabelPaintBounds(String label, Map<String,Object> style, boolean isHtml, mxPoint offset, mxRectangle vertexBounds, double scale)
          Returns the paint bounds for the given label.
static mxRectangle mxUtils.getScaledLabelBounds(double x, double y, mxRectangle size, double outerWidth, double outerHeight, Map<String,Object> style, double scale)
          Returns the bounds for a label for the given location and size, taking into account the alignment and spacing in the specified style, as well as the width and height of the rectangle that contains the label.
protected  mxPoint mxCurve.intersectRectPerimeterPoint(String curveIndex, mxRectangle rect, int indexSeg)
          Returns the point at which this curve segment intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.
protected  int mxCurve.intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve
protected  int mxCurve.intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index, mxRectangle rect, int startSegment)
          Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve.
 mxPoint mxCurve.intersectsRectPerimeter(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Returns the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.
 double mxCurve.intersectsRectPerimeterDist(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Returns the distance from the start of the curve at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.

Constructors in com.mxgraph.util with parameters of type mxRectangle
mxRectangle(mxRectangle rect)
          Constructs a copy of the given rectangle.

Uses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.view

Subclasses of mxRectangle in com.mxgraph.view
 class mxCellState
          Represents the current state of a cell in a given graph view.

Fields in com.mxgraph.view declared as mxRectangle
protected  mxRectangle mxCellState.boundingBox
          Holds the largest rectangle which contains all rendering for this cell.
protected  mxRectangle mxGraphView.graphBounds
          Caches the current bounds of the graph.
protected  mxRectangle mxCellState.labelBounds
          Holds the rectangle which contains the label.
protected  mxRectangle mxGraph.maximumGraphBounds
           that specifies the area in which all cells in the diagram should be placed.
protected  mxRectangle mxGraph.minimumGraphSize
          mxRectangle that specifies the minimum size of the graph canvas inside the scrollpane.
protected  mxRectangle mxTemporaryCellStates.oldBounds

Methods in com.mxgraph.view that return mxRectangle
 mxRectangle mxCellState.getBoundingBox()
          Returns the bounding box.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getBoundingBox(mxCellState state)
          Shortcut to validateCell with visible set to true.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getBoundingBox(mxCellState state, boolean recurse)
          Returns the bounding box of the shape and the label for the given cell state and its children if recurse is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundingBox(Object cell)
          Returns the bounds of the given cell.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getBoundingBox(Object[] cells)
          Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are specified.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundingBox(Object cell, boolean includeEdges)
          Returns the bounding box of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundingBox(Object cell, boolean includeEdges, boolean includeDescendants)
          Returns the bounding box of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundingBoxFromGeometry(Object[] cells)
          Returns the bounding box for the geometries of the vertices in the given array of cells.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getBounds(Object[] cells)
          Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are specified.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getBounds(Object[] cells, boolean boundingBox)
          Returns the bounding box for an array of cells or null, if no cells are specified.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundsForCells(Object[] cells, boolean includeEdges, boolean includeDescendants, boolean boundingBox)
          Returns the bounds for the given cells.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getBoundsForGroup(Object group, Object[] children, double border)
          Returns the bounds to be used for the given group and children.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getCellBounds(Object cell)
          Returns the bounds of the given cell.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getCellBounds(Object cell, boolean includeEdges)
          Returns the bounds of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getCellBounds(Object cell, boolean includeEdges, boolean includeDescendants)
          Returns the bounds of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getCellBounds(Object cell, boolean includeEdges, boolean includeDescendants, boolean boundingBox)
          Returns the bounds of the given cell including all connected edges if includeEdge is true.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getCellContainmentArea(Object cell)
          Returns the mxRectangle inside which a cell is to be kept.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getGraphBounds()
          Returns the cached diagram bounds.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getGraphBounds()
          Returns the bounds of the visible graph.
 mxRectangle mxCellState.getLabelBounds()
          Returns the label bounds.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getMaximumGraphBounds()
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getMinimumGraphSize()
          Returns the minimum size of the diagram.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getPaintBounds(Object[] cells)
          Returns the bounding box of the given cells and their descendants.
 mxRectangle mxCellState.getPerimeterBounds()
          Returns the rectangle that should be used as the perimeter of the cell.
 mxRectangle mxCellState.getPerimeterBounds(double border)
          Returns the rectangle that should be used as the perimeter of the cell.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.getPerimeterBounds(mxCellState terminal, double border)
          Returns the perimeter bounds for the given terminal, edge pair.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getPreferredSizeForCell(Object cell)
          Returns the preferred width and height of the given as an .
 mxRectangle mxGraph.getStartSize(Object swimlane)
          Returns the start size of the given swimlane, that is, the width or height of the part that contains the title, depending on the horizontal style.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.graphModelChanged(mxIGraphModel sender, List<mxUndoableEdit.mxUndoableChange> changes)
          Called when the graph model changes.
 mxRectangle mxGraph.processChange(mxUndoableEdit.mxUndoableChange change, boolean invalidate, boolean ignoreDirty)
          Processes the given change and invalidates the respective cached data in .
 mxRectangle mxGraph.processChanges(List<mxUndoableEdit.mxUndoableChange> changes, boolean invalidate, boolean ignoreDirty)
          Processes the changes and returns the minimal rectangle to be repainted in the buffer.
 mxRectangle mxGraphView.updateBoundingBox(mxCellState state)
          Updates the bounding box in the given cell state.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxRectangle
 mxPoint mxPerimeter.mxPerimeterFunction.apply(mxRectangle bounds, mxCellState vertex, mxPoint next, boolean orthogonal)
          Implements a perimeter function.
 void mxGraph.cellsResized(Object[] cells, mxRectangle[] bounds)
          Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a event.
 void mxGraph.repaint(mxRectangle region)
          Fires a repaint event.
 Object mxGraph.resizeCell(Object cell, mxRectangle bounds)
          Sets the bounds of the given cell using resizeCells.
 Object[] mxGraph.resizeCells(Object[] cells, mxRectangle[] bounds)
          Sets the bounds of the given cells and fires a mxEvent.RESIZE_CELLS event.
 void mxCellState.setBoundingBox(mxRectangle boundingBox)
          Sets the bounding box.
 void mxGraphView.setGraphBounds(mxRectangle value)
          Sets the graph bounds.
 void mxCellState.setLabelBounds(mxRectangle labelBounds)
          Sets the label bounds.
 void mxGraph.setMaximumGraphBounds(mxRectangle value)
 void mxGraph.setMinimumGraphSize(mxRectangle value)


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.