
Class mxCurve

  extended by com.mxgraph.util.mxCurve

public class mxCurve
extends Object

Field Summary
static String CORE_CURVE
          Defines the key for the central curve index
protected  Map<String,Double> curveLengths
          The curve lengths of the curves
 List<mxPoint> guidePoints
          The points this curve is drawn through.
protected  Map<String,double[]> intervals
          An array of arrays of intervals.
          Indicates that an invalid position on a curve was requested
static String LABEL_CURVE
          Defines the key for the label curve index
protected  double labelBuffer
          Offset of the label curve from the curve the label curve is based on.
protected  double maxXBounds
protected  double maxYBounds
protected  double minXBounds
protected  double minYBounds
protected  Map<String,mxPoint[]> points
          A collection of arrays of curve points
protected  boolean valid
          Whether or not the curve currently holds valid values
Constructor Summary
mxCurve(List<mxPoint> points)
Method Summary
 mxPoint collisionMove(String index, mxRectangle rect, double buffer)
          Returns a point to move the input rectangle to, in order to attempt to place the rectangle away from the curve.
protected  void createCoreCurve()
          Creates the core curve that is based on the guide points passed into this class instance
protected  void createLabelCurve()
protected  mxPoint[] getBaseLabelCurve()
          Returns the curve the label curve is too be based on
 mxRectangle getBounds()
 double getCurveLength(String index)
 mxLine getCurveParallel(String index, double distance)
          Returns a unit vector parallel to the curve at the specified distance along the curve.
 mxPoint[] getCurvePoints(String index)
          Obtains the points that make up the curve for the specified curve index.
 mxPoint[] getCurveSection(String index, double start, double end)
          Returns a section of the curve as an array of points
 List<mxPoint> getGuidePoints()
 double[] getIntervals(String index)
protected  int getLowerIndexOfSegment(String index, double distance)
          Calculates the index of the lower point on the segment that contains the point distance along the
 mxRectangle getRelativeFromAbsPoint(mxPoint absPoint, String index)
          Calculates the position of an absolute in terms relative to this curve.
protected  mxPoint intersectRectPerimeterPoint(String curveIndex, mxRectangle rect, int indexSeg)
          Returns the point at which this curve segment intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.
protected  int intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve
protected  int intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index, mxRectangle rect, int startSegment)
          Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve.
 boolean intersectsRect(Rectangle rect)
          Returns whether or not the rectangle passed in hits any part of this curve.
 mxPoint intersectsRectPerimeter(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Returns the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.
 double intersectsRectPerimeterDist(String index, mxRectangle rect)
          Returns the distance from the start of the curve at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so.
 boolean isLabelReversed()
          Whether or not the label curve starts from the end target and traces to the start of the branch
protected  void populateIntervals(String index)
 void setLabelBuffer(double buffer)
protected  void updateBounds(double pointX, double pointY)
          Updates the total bounds of this curve, increasing any dimensions, if necessary, to fit in the specified point
 void updateCurve(List<mxPoint> newPoints)
          Updates the existing curve using the points passed in.
protected  boolean validateCurve()
          Method must be called before any attempt to access curve information
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map<String,mxPoint[]> points
A collection of arrays of curve points


protected double minXBounds


protected double maxXBounds


protected double minYBounds


protected double maxYBounds


protected Map<String,double[]> intervals
An array of arrays of intervals. These intervals define the distance along the edge (0 to 1) that each point lies


protected Map<String,Double> curveLengths
The curve lengths of the curves


public static String CORE_CURVE
Defines the key for the central curve index


public static String LABEL_CURVE
Defines the key for the label curve index


public static mxLine INVALID_POSITION
Indicates that an invalid position on a curve was requested


protected double labelBuffer
Offset of the label curve from the curve the label curve is based on. If you wish to set this value, do so directly after creation of the curve. The first time the curve is used the label curve will be created with whatever value is contained in this variable. Changes to it after that point will have no effect.


public List<mxPoint> guidePoints
The points this curve is drawn through. These are typically control points and are at distances from each other that straight lines between them do not describe a smooth curve. This class takes these guiding points and creates a finer set of internal points that visually appears to be a curve when linked by straight lines


protected boolean valid
Whether or not the curve currently holds valid values

Constructor Detail


public mxCurve()


public mxCurve(List<mxPoint> points)
Method Detail


public void setLabelBuffer(double buffer)


public mxRectangle getBounds()


protected int getLowerIndexOfSegment(String index,
                                     double distance)
Calculates the index of the lower point on the segment that contains the point distance along the


public mxLine getCurveParallel(String index,
                               double distance)
Returns a unit vector parallel to the curve at the specified distance along the curve. To obtain the angle the vector makes with (1,0) perform Math.atan(segVectorY/segVectorX).

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
distance - the distance from start to end of curve (0.0...1.0)
a unit vector at the specified point on the curve represented as a line, parallel with the curve. If the distance or curve is invalid, mxCurve.INVALID_POSITION is returned


public mxPoint[] getCurveSection(String index,
                                 double start,
                                 double end)
Returns a section of the curve as an array of points

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
start - the start position of the curve segment (0.0...1.0)
end - the end position of the curve segment (0.0...1.0)
a sequence of point representing the curve section or null if it cannot be calculated


public boolean intersectsRect(Rectangle rect)
Returns whether or not the rectangle passed in hits any part of this curve.

rect - the rectangle to detect for a hit
whether or not the rectangle hits this curve


public mxPoint intersectsRectPerimeter(String index,
                                       mxRectangle rect)
Returns the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, null is returned. If it intersects multiple times, the first intersection from the start end of the curve is returned.

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the whose boundary is to be tested for intersection with this curve
the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, null is returned.


public double intersectsRectPerimeterDist(String index,
                                          mxRectangle rect)
Returns the distance from the start of the curve at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, -1 is returned. If it intersects multiple times, the first intersection from the start end of the curve is returned.

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the whose boundary is to be tested for intersection with this curve
the distance along the curve from the start at which the intersection occurs


public mxPoint collisionMove(String index,
                             mxRectangle rect,
                             double buffer)
Returns a point to move the input rectangle to, in order to attempt to place the rectangle away from the curve. NOTE: Curves are scaled, the input rectangle should be also.

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the rectangle that is to be moved
buffer - the amount by which the rectangle is to be moved, beyond the dimensions of the rect
the point to move the top left of the input rect to , otherwise null if no point can be determined


protected int intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index,
                                        mxRectangle rect)
Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the whose boundary is to be tested for intersection with this curve
the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, -1 is returned


protected int intersectRectPerimeterSeg(String index,
                                        mxRectangle rect,
                                        int startSegment)
Utility method to determine within which segment the specified rectangle intersects the specified curve. This method specifies which segment to start searching at.

index - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the whose boundary is to be tested for intersection with this curve
startSegment - the segment to start searching at. To start at the beginning of the curve, use 1, not 0.
the point at which this curve intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, -1 is returned


protected mxPoint intersectRectPerimeterPoint(String curveIndex,
                                              mxRectangle rect,
                                              int indexSeg)
Returns the point at which this curve segment intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, null is returned.

curveIndex - the curve index specifying the curve to analyse
rect - the whose boundary is to be tested for intersection with this curve
indexSeg - the segments on this curve being checked
the point at which this curve segment intersects the boundary of the given rectangle, if it does so. If it does not intersect, null is returned.


public mxRectangle getRelativeFromAbsPoint(mxPoint absPoint,
                                           String index)
Calculates the position of an absolute in terms relative to this curve.

absPoint - the point whose relative point is to calculated
index - the index of the curve whom the relative position is to be calculated from
an mxRectangle where the x is the distance along the curve (0 to 1), y is the orthogonal offset from the closest segment on the curve and (width, height) is an additional Cartesian offset applied after the other calculations


protected void createCoreCurve()
Creates the core curve that is based on the guide points passed into this class instance


public boolean isLabelReversed()
Whether or not the label curve starts from the end target and traces to the start of the branch

whether the label curve is reversed


protected void createLabelCurve()


protected mxPoint[] getBaseLabelCurve()
Returns the curve the label curve is too be based on


protected void populateIntervals(String index)


public void updateCurve(List<mxPoint> newPoints)
Updates the existing curve using the points passed in.

newPoints - the new guide points


public mxPoint[] getCurvePoints(String index)
Obtains the points that make up the curve for the specified curve index. If that curve, or the core curve that other curves are based on have not yet been created, then they are lazily created. If creation is impossible, null is returned

index - the key specifying the curve
the points making up that curve, or null


public double[] getIntervals(String index)


public double getCurveLength(String index)


protected boolean validateCurve()
Method must be called before any attempt to access curve information

whether or not the curve may be used


protected void updateBounds(double pointX,
                            double pointY)
Updates the total bounds of this curve, increasing any dimensions, if necessary, to fit in the specified point


public List<mxPoint> getGuidePoints()
the guidePoints


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.