Class mxOrganicLayout

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class mxOrganicLayout
    extends mxGraphLayout
    An implementation of a simulated annealing layout, based on "Drawing Graphs Nicely Using Simulated Annealing" by Davidson and Harel (1996). This paper describes these criteria as being favourable in a graph layout: (1) distributing nodes evenly, (2) making edge-lengths uniform, (3) minimizing cross-crossings, and (4) keeping nodes from coming too close to edges. These criteria are translated into energy cost functions in the layout. Nodes or edges breaking these criteria create a larger cost function , the total cost they contribute related to the extent that they break it. The idea of the algorithm is to minimise the total system energy. Factors are assigned to each of the criteria describing how important that criteria is. Higher factors mean that those criteria are deemed to be relatively preferable in the final layout. Most of the criteria conflict with the others to some extent and so the setting of the factors determines the general look of the resulting graph.

    In addition to the four aesthetic criteria the concept of a border line which induces an energy cost to nodes in proximity to the graph bounds is introduced to attempt to restrain the graph. All of the 5 factors can be switched on or off using the isOptimize... variables.

    Simulated Annealing is a force-directed layout and is one of the more expensive, but generally effective layouts of this type. Layouts like the spring layout only really factor in edge length and inter-node distance being the lowest CPU intensive for the most aesthetic gain. The additional factors are more expensive but can have very attractive results.

    The main loop of the algorithm consist of processing the nodes in a deterministic order. During the processing of each node a circle of radius moveRadius is made around the node and split into triesPerCell equal segments. Each point between neighbour segments is determined and the new energy of the system if the node were moved to that position calculated. Only the necessary nodes and edges are processed new energy values resulting in quadratic performance, O(VE), whereas calculating the total system energy would be cubic. The default implementation only checks 8 points around the radius of the circle, as opposed to the suggested 30 in the paper. Doubling the number of points double the CPU load and 8 works almost as well as 30.

    The moveRadius replaces the temperature as the influencing factor in the way the graph settles in later iterations. If the user does not set the initial move radius it is set to half the maximum dimension of the graph. Thus, in 2 iterations a node may traverse the entire graph, and it is more sensible to find minima this way that uphill moves, which are little more than an expensive 'tilt' method. The factor by which the radius is multiplied by after each iteration is important, lowering it improves performance but raising it towards 1.0 can improve the resulting graph aesthetics. When the radius hits the minimum move radius defined, the layout terminates. The minimum move radius should be set a value where the move distance is too minor to be of interest.

    Also, the idea of a fine tuning phase is used, as described in the paper. This involves only calculating the edge to node distance energy cost at the end of the algorithm since it is an expensive calculation and it really an 'optimizating' function. fineTuningRadius defines the radius value that, when reached, causes the edge to node distance to be calculated.

    There are other special cases that are processed after each iteration. unchangedEnergyRoundTermination defines the number of iterations, after which the layout terminates. If nothing is being moved it is assumed a good layout has been found. In addition to this if no nodes are moved during an iteration the move radius is halved, presuming that a finer granularity is required.

    • Field Detail

      • isOptimizeEdgeDistance

        protected boolean isOptimizeEdgeDistance
        Whether or not the distance between edge and nodes will be calculated as an energy cost function. This function is CPU intensive and is best only used in the fine tuning phase.
      • isOptimizeEdgeCrossing

        protected boolean isOptimizeEdgeCrossing
        Whether or not edges crosses will be calculated as an energy cost function. This function is CPU intensive, though if some iterations without it are required, it is best to have a few cycles at the start of the algorithm using it, then use it intermittantly through the rest of the layout.
      • isOptimizeEdgeLength

        protected boolean isOptimizeEdgeLength
        Whether or not edge lengths will be calculated as an energy cost function. This function not CPU intensive.
      • isOptimizeBorderLine

        protected boolean isOptimizeBorderLine
        Whether or not nodes will contribute an energy cost as they approach the bound of the graph. The cost increases to a limit close to the border and stays constant outside the bounds of the graph. This function is not CPU intensive
      • isOptimizeNodeDistribution

        protected boolean isOptimizeNodeDistribution
        Whether or not node distribute will contribute an energy cost where nodes are close together. The function is moderately CPU intensive.
      • minMoveRadius

        protected double minMoveRadius
        when moveRadiusreaches this value, the algorithm is terminated
      • moveRadius

        protected double moveRadius
        The current radius around each node where the next position energy values will be calculated for a possible move
      • initialMoveRadius

        protected double initialMoveRadius
        The initial value of moveRadius. If this is set to zero the layout will automatically determine a suitable value.
      • radiusScaleFactor

        protected double radiusScaleFactor
        The factor by which the moveRadius is multiplied by after every iteration. A value of 0.75 is a good balance between performance and aesthetics. Increasing the value provides more chances to find minimum energy positions and decreasing it causes the minimum radius termination condition to occur more quickly.
      • averageNodeArea

        protected double averageNodeArea
        The average amount of area allocated per node. If bounds is not set this value mutiplied by the number of nodes to find the total graph area. The graph is assumed square.
      • fineTuningRadius

        protected double fineTuningRadius
        The radius below which fine tuning of the layout should start This involves allowing the distance between nodes and edges to be taken into account in the total energy calculation. If this is set to zero, the layout will automatically determine a suitable value
      • maxIterations

        protected int maxIterations
        Limit to the number of iterations that may take place. This is only reached if one of the termination conditions does not occur first.
      • edgeDistanceCostFactor

        protected double edgeDistanceCostFactor
        Cost factor applied to energy calculations involving the distance nodes and edges. Increasing this value tends to cause nodes to move away from edges, at the partial cost of other graph aesthetics. isOptimizeEdgeDistance must be true for edge to nodes distances to be taken into account.
      • edgeCrossingCostFactor

        protected double edgeCrossingCostFactor
        Cost factor applied to energy calculations involving edges that cross over one another. Increasing this value tends to result in fewer edge crossings, at the partial cost of other graph aesthetics. isOptimizeEdgeCrossing must be true for edge crossings to be taken into account.
      • nodeDistributionCostFactor

        protected double nodeDistributionCostFactor
        Cost factor applied to energy calculations involving the general node distribution of the graph. Increasing this value tends to result in a better distribution of nodes across the available space, at the partial cost of other graph aesthetics. isOptimizeNodeDistribution must be true for this general distribution to be applied.
      • borderLineCostFactor

        protected double borderLineCostFactor
        Cost factor applied to energy calculations for node promixity to the notional border of the graph. Increasing this value results in nodes tending towards the centre of the drawing space, at the partial cost of other graph aesthetics. isOptimizeBorderLine must be true for border repulsion to be applied.
      • edgeLengthCostFactor

        protected double edgeLengthCostFactor
        Cost factor applied to energy calculations for the edge lengths. Increasing this value results in the layout attempting to shorten all edges to the minimum edge length, at the partial cost of other graph aesthetics. isOptimizeEdgeLength must be true for edge length shortening to be applied.
      • boundsX

        protected double boundsX
        The x coordinate of the final graph
      • boundsY

        protected double boundsY
        The y coordinate of the final graph
      • boundsWidth

        protected double boundsWidth
        The width coordinate of the final graph
      • boundsHeight

        protected double boundsHeight
        The height coordinate of the final graph
      • iteration

        protected int iteration
        current iteration number of the layout
      • triesPerCell

        protected int triesPerCell
        determines, in how many segments the circle around cells is divided, to find a new position for the cell. Doubling this value doubles the CPU load. Increasing it beyond 16 might mean a change to the performRound method might further improve accuracy for a small performance hit. The change is described in the method comment.
      • minDistanceLimit

        protected double minDistanceLimit
        prevents from dividing with zero and from creating excessive energy values
      • minDistanceLimitSquared

        protected double minDistanceLimitSquared
        cached version of minDistanceLimit squared
      • maxDistanceLimit

        protected double maxDistanceLimit
        distance limit beyond which energy costs due to object repulsive is not calculated as it would be too insignificant
      • maxDistanceLimitSquared

        protected double maxDistanceLimitSquared
        cached version of maxDistanceLimit squared
      • unchangedEnergyRoundCount

        protected int unchangedEnergyRoundCount
        Keeps track of how many consecutive round have passed without any energy changes
      • unchangedEnergyRoundTermination

        protected int unchangedEnergyRoundTermination
        The number of round of no node moves taking placed that the layout terminates
      • approxNodeDimensions

        protected boolean approxNodeDimensions
        Whether or not to use approximate node dimensions or not. Set to true the radius squared of the smaller dimension is used. Set to false the radiusSquared variable of the CellWrapper contains the width squared and heightSquared is used in the obvious manner.
      • xNormTry

        protected double[] xNormTry
        Array of the x portion of the normalised test vectors that are tested for a lower energy around each vertex. The vector of the combined x and y normals are multipled by the current radius to obtain test points for each vector in the array.
      • yNormTry

        protected double[] yNormTry
        Array of the y portion of the normalised test vectors that are tested for a lower energy around each vertex. The vector of the combined x and y normals are multipled by the current radius to obtain test points for each vector in the array.
      • isFineTuning

        protected boolean isFineTuning
        Whether or not fine tuning is on. The determines whether or not node to edge distances are calculated in the total system energy. This cost function , besides detecting line intersection, is a performance intensive component of this algorithm and best left to optimization phase. isFineTuning is switched to true if and when the fineTuningRadius radius is reached. Switching this variable to true before the algorithm runs mean the node to edge cost function is always calculated.
      • disableEdgeStyle

        protected boolean disableEdgeStyle
        Specifies if the STYLE_NOEDGESTYLE flag should be set on edges that are modified by the result. Default is true.
      • resetEdges

        protected boolean resetEdges
        Specifies if all edge points of traversed edges should be removed. Default is true.
    • Constructor Detail

      • mxOrganicLayout

        public mxOrganicLayout​(mxGraph graph)
        Constructor for mxOrganicLayout.
      • mxOrganicLayout

        public mxOrganicLayout​(mxGraph graph,
                               java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds)
        Constructor for mxOrganicLayout.
    • Method Detail

      • isVertexIgnored

        public boolean isVertexIgnored​(java.lang.Object vertex)
        Returns true if the given vertex has no connected edges.
        isVertexIgnored in class mxGraphLayout
        vertex - Object that represents the vertex to be tested.
        Returns true if the vertex should be ignored.
      • execute

        public void execute​(java.lang.Object parent)
        Implements .
        Specified by:
        execute in interface mxIGraphLayout
        execute in class mxGraphLayout
        parent - Parent cell that contains the children to be layed out.
      • performRound

        protected void performRound()
        The main round of the algorithm. Firstly, a permutation of nodes is created and worked through in that random order. Then, for each node a number of point of a circle of radius moveRadius are selected and the total energy of the system calculated if that node were moved to that new position. If a lower energy position is found this is accepted and the algorithm moves onto the next node. There may be a slightly lower energy value yet to be found, but forcing the loop to check all possible positions adds nearly the current processing time again, and for little benefit. Another possible strategy would be to take account of the fact that the energy values around the circle decrease for half the loop and increase for the other, as a general rule. If part of the decrease were seen, then when the energy of a node increased, the previous node position was almost always the lowest energy position. This adds about two loop iterations to the inner loop and only makes sense with 16 tries or more.
      • calcEnergyDelta

        protected double calcEnergyDelta​(int index,
                                         double oldNodeDistribution,
                                         double oldEdgeDistance,
                                         double oldEdgeCrossing,
                                         double oldBorderLine,
                                         double oldEdgeLength,
                                         double oldAdditionalFactorsEnergy)
        Calculates the change in energy for the specified node. The new energy is calculated from the cost function methods and the old energy values for each cost function are passed in as parameters
        index - The index of the node in the vertices array
        oldNodeDistribution - The previous node distribution energy cost of this node
        oldEdgeDistance - The previous edge distance energy cost of this node
        oldEdgeCrossing - The previous edge crossing energy cost for edges connected to this node
        oldBorderLine - The previous border line energy cost for this node
        oldEdgeLength - The previous edge length energy cost for edges connected to this node
        oldAdditionalFactorsEnergy - The previous energy cost for additional factors from sub-classes
        the delta of the new energy cost to the old energy cost
      • getNodeDistribution

        protected double getNodeDistribution​(int i)
        Calculates the energy cost of the specified node relative to all other nodes. Basically produces a higher energy the closer nodes are together.
        i - the index of the node in the array v
        the total node distribution energy of the specified node
      • getBorderline

        protected double getBorderline​(int i)
        This method calculates the energy of the distance of the specified node to the notional border of the graph. The energy increases up to a limited maximum close to the border and stays at that maximum up to and over the border.
        i - the index of the node in the array v
        the total border line energy of the specified node
      • getEdgeLengthAffectedEdges

        protected double getEdgeLengthAffectedEdges​(int node)
        Obtains the energy cost function for the specified node being moved. This involves calling getEdgeLength for all edges connected to the specified node
        node - the node whose connected edges cost functions are to be calculated
        the total edge length energy of the connected edges
      • getEdgeLength

        protected double getEdgeLength​(int i)
        This method calculates the energy due to the length of the specified edge. The energy is proportional to the length of the edge, making shorter edges preferable in the layout.
        i - the index of the edge in the array e
        the total edge length energy of the specified edge
      • getEdgeCrossingAffectedEdges

        protected double getEdgeCrossingAffectedEdges​(int node)
        Obtains the energy cost function for the specified node being moved. This involves calling getEdgeCrossing for all edges connected to the specified node
        node - the node whose connected edges cost functions are to be calculated
        the total edge crossing energy of the connected edges
      • getEdgeCrossing

        protected double getEdgeCrossing​(int i)
        This method calculates the energy of the distance from the specified edge crossing any other edges. Each crossing add a constant factor to the total energy
        i - the index of the edge in the array e
        the total edge crossing energy of the specified edge
      • getEdgeDistanceFromNode

        protected double getEdgeDistanceFromNode​(int i)
        This method calculates the energy of the distance between Cells and Edges. This version of the edge distance cost calculates the energy cost from a specified node. The distance cost to all unconnected edges is calculated and the total returned.
        i - the index of the node in the array v
        the total edge distance energy of the node
      • getEdgeDistanceAffectedNodes

        protected double getEdgeDistanceAffectedNodes​(int node)
        Obtains the energy cost function for the specified node being moved. This involves calling getEdgeDistanceFromEdge for all edges connected to the specified node
        node - the node whose connected edges cost functions are to be calculated
        the total edge distance energy of the connected edges
      • getEdgeDistanceFromEdge

        protected double getEdgeDistanceFromEdge​(int i)
        This method calculates the energy of the distance between Cells and Edges. This version of the edge distance cost calculates the energy cost from a specified edge. The distance cost to all unconnected nodes is calculated and the total returned.
        i - the index of the edge in the array e
        the total edge distance energy of the edge
      • getAdditionFactorsEnergy

        protected double getAdditionFactorsEnergy​(int i)
        Hook method to adding additional energy factors into the layout. Calculates the energy just for the specified node.
        i - the nodes whose energy is being calculated
        the energy of this node caused by the additional factors
      • getRelevantEdges

        protected int[] getRelevantEdges​(int cellIndex)
        Returns all Edges that are not connected to the specified cell
        cellIndex - the cell index to which the edges are not connected
        Array of all interesting Edges
      • getConnectedEdges

        protected int[] getConnectedEdges​(int cellIndex)
        Returns all Edges that are connected with the specified cell
        cellIndex - the cell index to which the edges are connected
        Array of all connected Edges
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns Organic, the name of this algorithm.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getAverageNodeArea

        public double getAverageNodeArea()
        Returns the averageNodeArea.
      • setAverageNodeArea

        public void setAverageNodeArea​(double averageNodeArea)
        averageNodeArea - The averageNodeArea to set.
      • getBorderLineCostFactor

        public double getBorderLineCostFactor()
        Returns the borderLineCostFactor.
      • setBorderLineCostFactor

        public void setBorderLineCostFactor​(double borderLineCostFactor)
        borderLineCostFactor - The borderLineCostFactor to set.
      • getEdgeCrossingCostFactor

        public double getEdgeCrossingCostFactor()
        Returns the edgeCrossingCostFactor.
      • setEdgeCrossingCostFactor

        public void setEdgeCrossingCostFactor​(double edgeCrossingCostFactor)
        edgeCrossingCostFactor - The edgeCrossingCostFactor to set.
      • getEdgeDistanceCostFactor

        public double getEdgeDistanceCostFactor()
        Returns the edgeDistanceCostFactor.
      • setEdgeDistanceCostFactor

        public void setEdgeDistanceCostFactor​(double edgeDistanceCostFactor)
        edgeDistanceCostFactor - The edgeDistanceCostFactor to set.
      • getEdgeLengthCostFactor

        public double getEdgeLengthCostFactor()
        Returns the edgeLengthCostFactor.
      • setEdgeLengthCostFactor

        public void setEdgeLengthCostFactor​(double edgeLengthCostFactor)
        edgeLengthCostFactor - The edgeLengthCostFactor to set.
      • getFineTuningRadius

        public double getFineTuningRadius()
        Returns the fineTuningRadius.
      • setFineTuningRadius

        public void setFineTuningRadius​(double fineTuningRadius)
        fineTuningRadius - The fineTuningRadius to set.
      • getInitialMoveRadius

        public double getInitialMoveRadius()
        Returns the initialMoveRadius.
      • setInitialMoveRadius

        public void setInitialMoveRadius​(double initialMoveRadius)
        initialMoveRadius - The initialMoveRadius to set.
      • isFineTuning

        public boolean isFineTuning()
        Returns the isFineTuning.
      • setFineTuning

        public void setFineTuning​(boolean isFineTuning)
        isFineTuning - The isFineTuning to set.
      • isOptimizeBorderLine

        public boolean isOptimizeBorderLine()
        Returns the isOptimizeBorderLine.
      • setOptimizeBorderLine

        public void setOptimizeBorderLine​(boolean isOptimizeBorderLine)
        isOptimizeBorderLine - The isOptimizeBorderLine to set.
      • isOptimizeEdgeCrossing

        public boolean isOptimizeEdgeCrossing()
        Returns the isOptimizeEdgeCrossing.
      • setOptimizeEdgeCrossing

        public void setOptimizeEdgeCrossing​(boolean isOptimizeEdgeCrossing)
        isOptimizeEdgeCrossing - The isOptimizeEdgeCrossing to set.
      • isOptimizeEdgeDistance

        public boolean isOptimizeEdgeDistance()
        Returns the isOptimizeEdgeDistance.
      • setOptimizeEdgeDistance

        public void setOptimizeEdgeDistance​(boolean isOptimizeEdgeDistance)
        isOptimizeEdgeDistance - The isOptimizeEdgeDistance to set.
      • isOptimizeEdgeLength

        public boolean isOptimizeEdgeLength()
        Returns the isOptimizeEdgeLength.
      • setOptimizeEdgeLength

        public void setOptimizeEdgeLength​(boolean isOptimizeEdgeLength)
        isOptimizeEdgeLength - The isOptimizeEdgeLength to set.
      • isOptimizeNodeDistribution

        public boolean isOptimizeNodeDistribution()
        Returns the isOptimizeNodeDistribution.
      • setOptimizeNodeDistribution

        public void setOptimizeNodeDistribution​(boolean isOptimizeNodeDistribution)
        isOptimizeNodeDistribution - The isOptimizeNodeDistribution to set.
      • getMaxIterations

        public int getMaxIterations()
        Returns the maxIterations.
      • setMaxIterations

        public void setMaxIterations​(int maxIterations)
        maxIterations - The maxIterations to set.
      • getMinDistanceLimit

        public double getMinDistanceLimit()
        Returns the minDistanceLimit.
      • setMinDistanceLimit

        public void setMinDistanceLimit​(double minDistanceLimit)
        minDistanceLimit - The minDistanceLimit to set.
      • getMinMoveRadius

        public double getMinMoveRadius()
        Returns the minMoveRadius.
      • setMinMoveRadius

        public void setMinMoveRadius​(double minMoveRadius)
        minMoveRadius - The minMoveRadius to set.
      • getNodeDistributionCostFactor

        public double getNodeDistributionCostFactor()
        Returns the nodeDistributionCostFactor.
      • setNodeDistributionCostFactor

        public void setNodeDistributionCostFactor​(double nodeDistributionCostFactor)
        nodeDistributionCostFactor - The nodeDistributionCostFactor to set.
      • getRadiusScaleFactor

        public double getRadiusScaleFactor()
        Returns the radiusScaleFactor.
      • setRadiusScaleFactor

        public void setRadiusScaleFactor​(double radiusScaleFactor)
        radiusScaleFactor - The radiusScaleFactor to set.
      • getTriesPerCell

        public int getTriesPerCell()
        Returns the triesPerCell.
      • setTriesPerCell

        public void setTriesPerCell​(int triesPerCell)
        triesPerCell - The triesPerCell to set.
      • getUnchangedEnergyRoundTermination

        public int getUnchangedEnergyRoundTermination()
        Returns the unchangedEnergyRoundTermination.
      • setUnchangedEnergyRoundTermination

        public void setUnchangedEnergyRoundTermination​(int unchangedEnergyRoundTermination)
        unchangedEnergyRoundTermination - The unchangedEnergyRoundTermination to set.
      • getMaxDistanceLimit

        public double getMaxDistanceLimit()
        Returns the maxDistanceLimit.
      • setMaxDistanceLimit

        public void setMaxDistanceLimit​(double maxDistanceLimit)
        maxDistanceLimit - The maxDistanceLimit to set.
      • isApproxNodeDimensions

        public boolean isApproxNodeDimensions()
        the approxNodeDimensions
      • setApproxNodeDimensions

        public void setApproxNodeDimensions​(boolean approxNodeDimensions)
        approxNodeDimensions - the approxNodeDimensions to set
      • isDisableEdgeStyle

        public boolean isDisableEdgeStyle()
        the disableEdgeStyle
      • setDisableEdgeStyle

        public void setDisableEdgeStyle​(boolean disableEdgeStyle)
        disableEdgeStyle - the disableEdgeStyle to set
      • isResetEdges

        public boolean isResetEdges()
        the resetEdges
      • setResetEdges

        public void setResetEdges​(boolean resetEdges)
        resetEdges - the resetEdges to set