
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxLine
com.mxgraph.util This package provides utility classes such as mxConstants, mxUtils, mxPoint and mxRectangle as well as all classes for custom events and the undo history. 

Uses of mxLine in com.mxgraph.shape

Fields in com.mxgraph.shape declared as mxLine
 mxLine mxCurveLabelShape.LabelGlyphCache.glyphGeometry
          A line parallel to the curve segment at which the element is to be drawn

Methods in com.mxgraph.shape that return mxLine
protected  mxLine mxConnectorShape.getMarkerVector(List<mxPoint> points, boolean source, double markerSize)
          Hook to override creation of the vector that the marker is drawn along since it may not be the same as the vector between any two control points
protected  mxLine mxCurveShape.getMarkerVector(List<mxPoint> points, boolean source, double markerSize)
          Hook to override creation of the vector that the marker is drawn along since it may not be the same as the vector between any two control points

Uses of mxLine in com.mxgraph.util

Fields in com.mxgraph.util declared as mxLine
static mxLine mxCurve.INVALID_POSITION
          Indicates that an invalid position on a curve was requested

Methods in com.mxgraph.util that return mxLine
 mxLine mxCurve.getCurveParallel(String index, double distance)
          Returns a unit vector parallel to the curve at the specified distance along the curve.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.