
Defines various global constants.

mxConstantsDefines various global constants.
DEFAULT_HOTSPOTDefines the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
MIN_HOTSPOT_SIZEDefines the minimum size in pixels of the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
MAX_HOTSPOT_SIZEDefines the maximum size in pixels of the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
RENDERING_HINT_EXACTDefines the exact rendering hint.
RENDERING_HINT_FASTERDefines the faster rendering hint.
RENDERING_HINT_FASTESTDefines the fastest rendering hint.
DIALECT_SVGDefines the SVG display dialect name.
DIALECT_VMLDefines the VML display dialect name.
DIALECT_MIXEDHTMLDefines the mixed HTML display dialect name.
DIALECT_PREFERHTMLDefines the preferred HTML display dialect name.
DIALECT_STRICTHTMLDefines the strict HTML display dialect.
NS_SVGDefines the SVG namespace.
NS_XHTMLDefines the XHTML namespace.
NS_XLINKDefines the XLink namespace.
SHADOWCOLORDefines the color to be used to draw shadows in shapes and windows.
VML_SHADOWCOLORUsed for shadow color in filters where transparency is not supported (Microsoft Internet Explorer).
SHADOW_OFFSET_XSpecifies the x-offset of the shadow.
SHADOW_OFFSET_YSpecifies the y-offset of the shadow.
SHADOW_OPACITYDefines the opacity for shadows.
TOOLTIP_VERTICAL_OFFSETDefines the vertical offset for the tooltip.
DEFAULT_VALID_COLORSpecifies the default valid color.
DEFAULT_INVALID_COLORSpecifies the default invalid color.
OUTLINE_HIGHLIGHT_COLORSpecifies the default highlight color for shape outlines.
OUTLINE_HIGHLIGHT_COLORDefines the strokewidth to be used for shape outlines.
HIGHLIGHT_STROKEWIDTHDefines the strokewidth to be used for the highlights.
CONSTRAINT_HIGHLIGHT_SIZESize of the constraint highlight (in px).
HIGHLIGHT_OPACITYOpacity (in %) used for the highlights (including outline).
CURSOR_MOVABLE_VERTEXDefines the cursor for a movable vertex.
CURSOR_MOVABLE_EDGEDefines the cursor for a movable edge.
CURSOR_LABEL_HANDLEDefines the cursor for a movable label.
CURSOR_TERMINAL_HANDLEDefines the cursor for a terminal handle.
CURSOR_BEND_HANDLEDefines the cursor for a movable bend.
CURSOR_VIRTUAL_BEND_HANDLEDefines the cursor for a movable bend.
CURSOR_CONNECTDefines the cursor for a connectable state.
HIGHLIGHT_COLORDefines the color to be used for the cell highlighting.
TARGET_HIGHLIGHT_COLORDefines the color to be used for highlighting a target cell for a new or changed connection.
INVALID_CONNECT_TARGET_COLORDefines the color to be used for highlighting a invalid target cells for a new or changed connections.
DROP_TARGET_COLORDefines the color to be used for the highlighting target parent cells (for drag and drop).
VALID_COLORDefines the color to be used for the coloring valid connection previews.
INVALID_COLORDefines the color to be used for the coloring invalid connection previews.
EDGE_SELECTION_COLORDefines the color to be used for the selection border of edges.
VERTEX_SELECTION_COLORDefines the color to be used for the selection border of vertices.
VERTEX_SELECTION_STROKEWIDTHDefines the strokewidth to be used for vertex selections.
EDGE_SELECTION_STROKEWIDTHDefines the strokewidth to be used for edge selections.
SELECTION_DASHEDDefines the dashed state to be used for the vertex selection border.
SELECTION_DASHEDDefines the dashed state to be used for the edge selection border.
GUIDE_COLORDefines the color to be used for the guidelines in mxGraphHandler.
GUIDE_STROKEWIDTHDefines the strokewidth to be used for the guidelines in mxGraphHandler.
OUTLINE_COLORDefines the color to be used for the outline rectangle border.
OUTLINE_STROKEWIDTHDefines the strokewidth to be used for the outline rectangle stroke width.
HANDLE_SIZEDefines the default size for handles.
LABEL_HANDLE_SIZEDefines the default size for label handles.
HANDLE_FILLCOLORDefines the color to be used for the handle fill color.
HANDLE_STROKECOLORDefines the color to be used for the handle stroke color.
LABEL_HANDLE_FILLCOLORDefines the color to be used for the label handle fill color.
CONNECT_HANDLE_FILLCOLORDefines the color to be used for the connect handle fill color.
LOCKED_HANDLE_FILLCOLORDefines the color to be used for the locked handle fill color.
OUTLINE_HANDLE_FILLCOLORDefines the color to be used for the outline sizer fill color.
OUTLINE_HANDLE_STROKECOLORDefines the color to be used for the outline sizer stroke color.
DEFAULT_FONTFAMILYDefines the default family for all fonts in points.
DEFAULT_FONTSIZEDefines the default size for all fonts in points.
DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTIONDefines the default value for the STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION if no value is defined for it in the style.
LINE_HEIGHTDefines the default line height for text labels.
WORD_WRAPDefines the CSS value for the word-wrap property.
ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHTSpecifies if absolute line heights should be used (px) in CSS.
DEFAULT_FONTSTYLEDefines the default style for all fonts.
DEFAULT_STARTSIZEDefines the default start size for swimlanes.
DEFAULT_MARKERSIZEDefines the default size for all markers.
DEFAULT_IMAGESIZEDefines the default width and height for images used in the label shape.
ENTITY_SEGMENTDefines the length of the horizontal segment of an Entity Relation.
RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTORDefines the rounding factor for rounded rectangles in percent between 0 and 1.
LINE_ARCSIZEDefines the size of the arcs for rounded edges.
ARROW_SPACINGDefines the spacing between the arrow shape and its terminals.
ARROW_WIDTHDefines the width of the arrow shape.
ARROW_SIZEDefines the size of the arrowhead in the arrow shape.
PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAITDefines the rectangle for the A4 portrait page format.
PAGE_FORMAT_A4_PORTRAITDefines the rectangle for the A4 portrait page format.
PAGE_FORMAT_LETTER_PORTRAITDefines the rectangle for the Letter portrait page format.
PAGE_FORMAT_LETTER_PORTRAITDefines the rectangle for the Letter portrait page format.
NONEDefines the value for none.
STYLE_PERIMETERDefines the key for the perimeter style.
STYLE_SOURCE_PORTDefines the ID of the cell that should be used for computing the perimeter point of the source for an edge.
STYLE_TARGET_PORTDefines the ID of the cell that should be used for computing the perimeter point of the target for an edge.
STYLE_PORT_CONSTRAINTDefines the direction(s) that edges are allowed to connect to cells in.
STYLE_PORT_CONSTRAINT_ROTATIONDefine whether port constraint directions are rotated with vertex rotation.
STYLE_OPACITYDefines the key for the opacity style.
STYLE_FILL_OPACITYDefines the key for the fill opacity style.
STYLE_STROKE_OPACITYDefines the key for the stroke opacity style.
STYLE_TEXT_OPACITYDefines the key for the text opacity style.
STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTIONDefines the key for the text direction style.
STYLE_OVERFLOWDefines the key for the overflow style.
STYLE_ORTHOGONALDefines if the connection points on either end of the edge should be computed so that the edge is vertical or horizontal if possible and if the point is not at a fixed location.
STYLE_EXIT_XDefines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
STYLE_EXIT_YDefines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.
STYLE_EXIT_PERIMETERDefines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the source.
STYLE_ENTRY_XDefines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
STYLE_ENTRY_YDefines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.
STYLE_ENTRY_PERIMETERDefines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the target.
STYLE_WHITE_SPACEDefines the key for the white-space style.
STYLE_ROTATIONDefines the key for the rotation style.
STYLE_FILLCOLORDefines the key for the fill color.
STYLE_POINTER_EVENTSSpecifies if pointer events should be fired on transparent backgrounds.
STYLE_SWIMLANE_FILLCOLORDefines the key for the fill color of the swimlane background.
STYLE_MARGINDefines the key for the margin between the ellipses in the double ellipse shape.
STYLE_GRADIENTCOLORDefines the key for the gradient color.
STYLE_GRADIENT_DIRECTIONDefines the key for the gradient direction.
STYLE_STROKECOLORDefines the key for the strokeColor style.
STYLE_SEPARATORCOLORDefines the key for the separatorColor style.
STYLE_STROKEWIDTHDefines the key for the strokeWidth style.
STYLE_ALIGNDefines the key for the align style.
STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGNDefines the key for the verticalAlign style.
STYLE_LABEL_WIDTHDefines the key for the width of the label if the label position is not center.
STYLE_LABEL_POSITIONDefines the key for the horizontal label position of vertices.
STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITIONDefines the key for the vertical label position of vertices.
STYLE_IMAGE_ASPECTDefines the key for the image aspect style.
STYLE_IMAGE_ALIGNDefines the key for the align style.
STYLE_IMAGE_VERTICAL_ALIGNDefines the key for the verticalAlign style.
STYLE_GLASSDefines the key for the glass style.
STYLE_IMAGEDefines the key for the image style.
STYLE_IMAGE_WIDTHDefines the key for the imageWidth style.
STYLE_IMAGE_HEIGHTDefines the key for the imageHeight style.
STYLE_IMAGE_BACKGROUNDDefines the key for the image background color.
STYLE_IMAGE_BORDERDefines the key for the image border color.
STYLE_FLIPHDefines the key for the horizontal image flip.
STYLE_FLIPVDefines the key for the vertical flip.
STYLE_NOLABELDefines the key for the noLabel style.
STYLE_NOEDGESTYLEDefines the key for the noEdgeStyle style.
STYLE_LABEL_BACKGROUNDCOLORDefines the key for the label background color.
STYLE_LABEL_BORDERCOLORDefines the key for the label border color.
STYLE_LABEL_PADDINGDefines the key for the label padding, ie.
STYLE_INDICATOR_SHAPEDefines the key for the indicator shape used within an mxLabel.
STYLE_INDICATOR_IMAGEDefines the key for the indicator image used within an mxLabel.
STYLE_INDICATOR_COLORDefines the key for the indicatorColor style.
STYLE_INDICATOR_STROKECOLORDefines the key for the indicator stroke color in mxLabel.
STYLE_INDICATOR_GRADIENTCOLORDefines the key for the indicatorGradientColor style.
STYLE_INDICATOR_SPACINGThe defines the key for the spacing between the label and the indicator in mxLabel.
STYLE_INDICATOR_WIDTHDefines the key for the indicator width.
STYLE_INDICATOR_HEIGHTDefines the key for the indicator height.
STYLE_INDICATOR_DIRECTIONDefines the key for the indicatorDirection style.
STYLE_SHADOWDefines the key for the shadow style.
STYLE_SEGMENTDefines the key for the segment style.
STYLE_ENDARROWDefines the key for the end arrow marker.
STYLE_STARTARROWDefines the key for the start arrow marker.
STYLE_ENDSIZEDefines the key for the endSize style.
STYLE_STARTSIZEDefines the key for the startSize style.
STYLE_SWIMLANE_LINEDefines the key for the swimlaneLine style.
STYLE_ENDFILLDefines the key for the endFill style.
STYLE_STARTFILLDefines the key for the startFill style.
STYLE_DASHEDDefines the key for the dashed style.
STYLE_ROUNDEDDefines the key for the rounded style.
STYLE_CURVEDDefines the key for the curved style.
STYLE_ARCSIZEDefines the rounding factor for a rounded rectangle in percent (without the percent sign).
STYLE_SMOOTHAn experimental style for edges.
STYLE_SOURCE_PERIMETER_SPACINGDefines the key for the source perimeter spacing.
STYLE_TARGET_PERIMETER_SPACINGDefines the key for the target perimeter spacing.
STYLE_PERIMETER_SPACINGDefines the key for the perimeter spacing.
STYLE_SPACINGDefines the key for the spacing.
STYLE_SPACING_TOPDefines the key for the spacingTop style.
STYLE_SPACING_LEFTDefines the key for the spacingLeft style.
STYLE_SPACING_BOTTOMDefines the key for the spacingBottom style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the bottom side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).
STYLE_SPACING_RIGHTDefines the key for the spacingRight style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the right side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).
STYLE_HORIZONTALDefines the key for the horizontal style.
STYLE_DIRECTIONDefines the key for the direction style.
STYLE_ELBOWDefines the key for the elbow style.
STYLE_FONTCOLORDefines the key for the fontColor style.
STYLE_FONTFAMILYDefines the key for the fontFamily style.
STYLE_FONTSIZEDefines the key for the fontSize style (in points).
STYLE_FONTSTYLEDefines the key for the fontStyle style.
STYLE_ASPECTDefines the key for the aspect style.
STYLE_AUTOSIZEDefines the key for the autosize style.
STYLE_FOLDABLEDefines the key for the foldable style.
STYLE_EDITABLEDefines the key for the editable style.
STYLE_BENDABLEDefines the key for the bendable style.
STYLE_MOVABLEDefines the key for the movable style.
STYLE_RESIZABLEDefines the key for the resizable style.
STYLE_RESIZE_WIDTHDefines the key for the resizeWidth style.
STYLE_RESIZE_WIDTHDefines the key for the resizeHeight style.
STYLE_ROTATABLEDefines the key for the rotatable style.
STYLE_CLONEABLEDefines the key for the cloneable style.
STYLE_DELETABLEDefines the key for the deletable style.
STYLE_SHAPEDefines the key for the shape.
STYLE_EDGEDefines the key for the edge style.
STYLE_JETTY_SIZEDefines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
STYLE_SOURCE_JETTY_SIZEDefines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
targetJettySizeDefines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
STYLE_LOOPDefines the key for the loop style.
STYLE_ORTHOGONAL_LOOPDefines the key for the orthogonal loop style.
STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_XDefines the key for the horizontal routing center.
STYLE_ROUTING_CENTER_YDefines the key for the vertical routing center.
FONT_BOLDConstant for bold fonts.
FONT_ITALICConstant for italic fonts.
FONT_UNDERLINEConstant for underlined fonts.
SHAPE_RECTANGLEName under which mxRectangleShape is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_ELLIPSEName under which mxEllipse is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_DOUBLE_ELLIPSEName under which mxDoubleEllipse is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_RHOMBUSName under which mxRhombus is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_LINEName under which mxLine is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_IMAGEName under which mxImageShape is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_ARROWName under which mxArrow is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_ARROW_CONNECTORName under which mxArrowConnector is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_LABELName under which mxLabel is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_CYLINDERName under which mxCylinder is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_SWIMLANEName under which mxSwimlane is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_CONNECTORName under which mxConnector is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_ACTORName under which mxActor is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_CLOUDName under which mxCloud is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_TRIANGLEName under which mxTriangle is registered in mxCellRenderer.
SHAPE_HEXAGONName under which mxHexagon is registered in mxCellRenderer.
ARROW_CLASSICConstant for classic arrow markers.
ARROW_CLASSIC_THINConstant for thin classic arrow markers.
ARROW_BLOCKConstant for block arrow markers.
ARROW_BLOCK_THINConstant for thin block arrow markers.
ARROW_OPENConstant for open arrow markers.
ARROW_OPEN_THINConstant for thin open arrow markers.
ARROW_OVALConstant for oval arrow markers.
ARROW_DIAMONDConstant for diamond arrow markers.
ARROW_DIAMOND_THINConstant for thin diamond arrow markers.
ALIGN_LEFTConstant for left horizontal alignment.
ALIGN_CENTERConstant for center horizontal alignment.
ALIGN_RIGHTConstant for right horizontal alignment.
ALIGN_TOPConstant for top vertical alignment.
ALIGN_MIDDLEConstant for middle vertical alignment.
ALIGN_BOTTOMConstant for bottom vertical alignment.
DIRECTION_NORTHConstant for direction north.
DIRECTION_SOUTHConstant for direction south.
DIRECTION_EASTConstant for direction east.
DIRECTION_WESTConstant for direction west.
TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULTConstant for text direction default.
TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTOConstant for text direction automatic.
TEXT_DIRECTION_LTRConstant for text direction left to right.
TEXT_DIRECTION_RTLConstant for text direction right to left.
DIRECTION_MASK_NONEConstant for no direction.
DIRECTION_MASK_WESTBitwise mask for west direction.
DIRECTION_MASK_NORTHBitwise mask for north direction.
DIRECTION_MASK_SOUTHBitwise mask for south direction.
DIRECTION_MASK_EASTBitwise mask for east direction.
DIRECTION_MASK_ALLBitwise mask for all directions.
ELBOW_VERTICALConstant for elbow vertical.
ELBOW_HORIZONTALConstant for elbow horizontal.
EDGESTYLE_ELBOWName of the elbow edge style.
EDGESTYLE_ENTITY_RELATIONName of the entity relation edge style.
EDGESTYLE_LOOPName of the loop edge style.
EDGESTYLE_SIDETOSIDEName of the side to side edge style.
EDGESTYLE_TOPTOBOTTOMName of the top to bottom edge style.
EDGESTYLE_ORTHOGONALName of the generic orthogonal edge style.
EDGESTYLE_SEGMENTName of the generic segment edge style.
PERIMETER_ELLIPSEName of the ellipse perimeter.
PERIMETER_RECTANGLEName of the rectangle perimeter.
PERIMETER_RHOMBUSName of the rhombus perimeter.
PERIMETER_HEXAGONName of the hexagon perimeter.
PERIMETER_TRIANGLEName of the triangle perimeter.



Defines the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.  Default is 0.3.  Possible values are 0 < x <= 1.


Defines the minimum size in pixels of the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.  Default is 8.


Defines the maximum size in pixels of the portion of the cell which is to be used as a connectable region.  Use 0 for no maximum.  Default is 0.


Defines the exact rendering hint.


Defines the faster rendering hint.


Defines the fastest rendering hint.


Defines the SVG display dialect name.


Defines the VML display dialect name.


Defines the mixed HTML display dialect name.


Defines the preferred HTML display dialect name.


Defines the strict HTML display dialect.


Defines the SVG namespace.


Defines the XHTML namespace.


Defines the XLink namespace.


Defines the color to be used to draw shadows in shapes and windows.  Default is gray.


Used for shadow color in filters where transparency is not supported (Microsoft Internet Explorer).  Default is gray.


Specifies the x-offset of the shadow.  Default is 2.


Specifies the y-offset of the shadow.  Default is 3.


Defines the opacity for shadows.  Default is 1.


DOM node of type ELEMENT.


DOM node of type ATTRIBUTE.


DOM node of type TEXT.


DOM node of type CDATA.




DOM node of type ENTITY.




DOM node of type COMMENT.


DOM node of type DOCUMENT.


DOM node of type DOCUMENTTYPE.




DOM node of type NOTATION.


Defines the vertical offset for the tooltip.  Default is 16.


Specifies the default valid color.  Default is #0000FF.


Specifies the default invalid color.  Default is #FF0000.


Specifies the default highlight color for shape outlines.  Default is #0000FF.  This is used in mxEdgeHandler.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for shape outlines.  Default is 5.  This is used in mxEdgeHandler.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for the highlights.  Default is 3.


Size of the constraint highlight (in px).  Default is 2.


Opacity (in %) used for the highlights (including outline).  Default is 100.


Defines the cursor for a movable vertex.  Default is ‘move’.


Defines the cursor for a movable edge.  Default is ‘move’.


Defines the cursor for a movable label.  Default is ‘default’.


Defines the cursor for a terminal handle.  Default is ‘pointer’.


Defines the cursor for a movable bend.  Default is ‘crosshair’.


Defines the cursor for a movable bend.  Default is ‘crosshair’.


Defines the cursor for a connectable state.  Default is ‘pointer’.


Defines the color to be used for the cell highlighting.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #00FF00.


Defines the color to be used for highlighting a target cell for a new or changed connection.  Note that this may be either a source or target terminal in the graph.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #0000FF.


Defines the color to be used for highlighting a invalid target cells for a new or changed connections.  Note that this may be either a source or target terminal in the graph.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #FF0000.


Defines the color to be used for the highlighting target parent cells (for drag and drop).  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #0000FF.


Defines the color to be used for the coloring valid connection previews.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #FF0000.


Defines the color to be used for the coloring invalid connection previews.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #FF0000.


Defines the color to be used for the selection border of edges.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #00FF00.


Defines the color to be used for the selection border of vertices.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #00FF00.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for vertex selections.  Default is 1.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for edge selections.  Default is 1.


Defines the dashed state to be used for the vertex selection border.  Default is true.


Defines the dashed state to be used for the edge selection border.  Default is true.


Defines the color to be used for the guidelines in mxGraphHandler.  Default is #FF0000.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for the guidelines in mxGraphHandler.  Default is 1.


Defines the color to be used for the outline rectangle border.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #0099FF.


Defines the strokewidth to be used for the outline rectangle stroke width.  Default is 3.


Defines the default size for handles.  Default is 6.


Defines the default size for label handles.  Default is 4.


Defines the color to be used for the handle fill color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #00FF00 (green).


Defines the color to be used for the handle stroke color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is black.


Defines the color to be used for the label handle fill color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is yellow.


Defines the color to be used for the connect handle fill color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #0000FF (blue).


Defines the color to be used for the locked handle fill color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #FF0000 (red).


Defines the color to be used for the outline sizer fill color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #00FFFF.


Defines the color to be used for the outline sizer stroke color.  Use ‘none’ for no color.  Default is #0033FF.


Defines the default family for all fonts in points.  Default is Arial,Helvetica.


Defines the default size for all fonts in points.  Default is 11.


Defines the default value for the STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION if no value is defined for it in the style.  Default value is an empty string which means the default system setting is used and no direction is set.


Defines the default line height for text labels.  Default is 1.2.


Defines the CSS value for the word-wrap property.  Default is “normal”.  Change this to “break-word” to allow long words to be able to be broken and wrap onto the next line.


Specifies if absolute line heights should be used (px) in CSS.  Default is false.  Set this to true for backwards compatibility.


Defines the default style for all fonts.  Default is 0.  This can be set to any combination of font styles as follows.

mxConstants.DEFAULT_FONTSTYLE = mxConstants.FONT_BOLD | mxConstants.FONT_ITALIC;


Defines the default start size for swimlanes.  Default is 40.


Defines the default size for all markers.  Default is 6.


Defines the default width and height for images used in the label shape.  Default is 24.


Defines the length of the horizontal segment of an Entity Relation.  This can be overridden using mxConstants.STYLE_SEGMENT style.  Default is 30.


Defines the rounding factor for rounded rectangles in percent between 0 and 1.  Values should be smaller than 0.5.  Default is 0.15.


Defines the size of the arcs for rounded edges.  Default is 20.


Defines the spacing between the arrow shape and its terminals.  Default is 0.


Defines the width of the arrow shape.  Default is 30.


Defines the size of the arrowhead in the arrow shape.  Default is 30.


Defines the rectangle for the A4 portrait page format.  The dimensions of this page format are 826x1169 pixels.


Defines the rectangle for the A4 portrait page format.  The dimensions of this page format are 826x1169 pixels.


Defines the rectangle for the Letter portrait page format.  The dimensions of this page format are 850x1100 pixels.


Defines the rectangle for the Letter portrait page format.  The dimensions of this page format are 850x1100 pixels.


Defines the value for none.  Default is “none”.


Defines the key for the perimeter style.  This is a function that defines the perimeter around a particular shape.  Possible values are the functions defined in mxPerimeter.  Alternatively, the constants in this class that start with “PERIMETER_” may be used to access perimeter styles in mxStyleRegistry.  Value is “perimeter”.


Defines the ID of the cell that should be used for computing the perimeter point of the source for an edge.  This allows for graphically connecting to a cell while keeping the actual terminal of the edge.  Value is “sourcePort”.


Defines the ID of the cell that should be used for computing the perimeter point of the target for an edge.  This allows for graphically connecting to a cell while keeping the actual terminal of the edge.  Value is “targetPort”.


Defines the direction(s) that edges are allowed to connect to cells in.  Possible values are “DIRECTION_NORTH, DIRECTION_SOUTH, DIRECTION_EAST” and “DIRECTION_WEST”.  Value is “portConstraint”.


Define whether port constraint directions are rotated with vertex rotation.  0 (default) causes port constraints to remain absolute, relative to the graph, 1 causes the constraints to rotate with the vertex.  Value is “portConstraintRotation”.


Defines the key for the opacity style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is 0-100.  Value is “opacity”.


Defines the key for the fill opacity style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is 0-100.  Value is “fillOpacity”.


Defines the key for the stroke opacity style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is 0-100.  Value is “strokeOpacity”.


Defines the key for the text opacity style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is 0-100.  Value is “textOpacity”.


Defines the key for the text direction style.  Possible values are “TEXT_DIRECTION_DEFAULT, TEXT_DIRECTION_AUTO, TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR” and “TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL”.  Value is “textDirection”.  The default value for the style is defined in DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTION.  It is used is no value is defined for this key in a given style.  This is an experimental style that is currently ignored in the backends.


Defines the key for the overflow style.  Possible values are ‘visible’, ‘hidden’, ‘fill’ and ‘width’.  The default value is ‘visible’.  This value specifies how overlapping vertex labels are handled.  A value of ‘visible’ will show the complete label.  A value of ‘hidden’ will clip the label so that it does not overlap the vertex bounds.  A value of ‘fill’ will use the vertex bounds and a value of ‘width’ will use the the vertex width for the label.  See mxGraph.isLabelClipped.  Note that the vertical alignment is ignored for overflow fill and for horizontal alignment, left should be used to avoid pixel offsets in Internet Explorer 11 and earlier or if foreignObjects are disabled.  Value is “overflow”.


Defines if the connection points on either end of the edge should be computed so that the edge is vertical or horizontal if possible and if the point is not at a fixed location.  Default is false.  This is used in mxGraph.isOrthogonal, which also returns true if the edgeStyle of the edge is an elbow or entity.  Value is “orthogonal”.


Defines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.  Value is “exitX”.


Defines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its source terminal.  Value is “exitY”.


Defines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the source.  Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).  Default is 1 (true).  Value is “exitPerimeter”.


Defines the key for the horizontal relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.  Value is “entryX”.


Defines the key for the vertical relative coordinate connection point of an edge with its target terminal.  Value is “entryY”.


Defines if the perimeter should be used to find the exact entry point along the perimeter of the target.  Possible values are 0 (false) and 1 (true).  Default is 1 (true).  Value is “entryPerimeter”.


Defines the key for the white-space style.  Possible values are ‘nowrap’ and ‘wrap’.  The default value is ‘nowrap’.  This value specifies how white-space inside a HTML vertex label should be handled.  A value of ‘nowrap’ means the text will never wrap to the next line until a linefeed is encountered.  A value of ‘wrap’ means text will wrap when necessary.  This style is only used for HTML labels.  See mxGraph.isWrapping.  Value is “whiteSpace”.


Defines the key for the rotation style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is 0-360.  Value is “rotation”.


Defines the key for the fill color.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as ‘swimlane, ‘inherit’ or ‘indicated’ to use the color code of a related cell or the indicator shape.  Value is “fillColor”.


Specifies if pointer events should be fired on transparent backgrounds.  This style is currently only supported in mxRectangleShape.  Default is true.  Value is “pointerEvents”.  This is typically set to false in groups where the transparent part should allow any underlying cells to be clickable.


Defines the key for the fill color of the swimlane background.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Default is no background.  Value is “swimlaneFillColor”.


Defines the key for the margin between the ellipses in the double ellipse shape.  Possible values are all positive numbers.  Value is “margin”.


Defines the key for the gradient color.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as ‘swimlane, ‘inherit’ or ‘indicated’ to use the color code of a related cell or the indicator shape.  This is ignored if no fill color is defined.  Value is “gradientColor”.


Defines the key for the gradient direction.  Possible values are DIRECTION_EAST, DIRECTION_WEST, DIRECTION_NORTH and DIRECTION_SOUTH.  Default is DIRECTION_SOUTH.  Generally, and by default in mxGraph, gradient painting is done from the value of STYLE_FILLCOLOR to the value of STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR.  Taking the example of DIRECTION_NORTH, this means STYLE_FILLCOLOR color at the bottom of paint pattern and STYLE_GRADIENTCOLOR at top, with a gradient in-between.  Value is “gradientDirection”.


Defines the key for the strokeColor style.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as special keywords such as ‘swimlane, ‘inherit’, ‘indicated’ to use the color code of a related cell or the indicator shape or ‘none’ for no color.  Value is “strokeColor”.


Defines the key for the separatorColor style.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  This style is only used for SHAPE_SWIMLANE shapes.  Value is “separatorColor”.


Defines the key for the strokeWidth style.  The type of the value is numeric and the possible range is any non-negative value larger or equal to 1.  The value defines the stroke width in pixels.  Note: To hide a stroke use strokeColor none.  Value is “strokeWidth”.


Defines the key for the align style.  Possible values are ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER and ALIGN_RIGHT.  This value defines how the lines of the label are horizontally aligned.  ALIGN_LEFT mean label text lines are aligned to left of the label bounds, ALIGN_RIGHT to the right of the label bounds and ALIGN_CENTER means the center of the text lines are aligned in the center of the label bounds.  Note this value doesn’t affect the positioning of the overall label bounds relative to the vertex, to move the label bounds horizontally, use STYLE_LABEL_POSITION.  Value is “align”.


Defines the key for the verticalAlign style.  Possible values are ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_MIDDLE and ALIGN_BOTTOM.  This value defines how the lines of the label are vertically aligned.  ALIGN_TOP means the topmost label text line is aligned against the top of the label bounds, ALIGN_BOTTOM means the bottom-most label text line is aligned against the bottom of the label bounds and ALIGN_MIDDLE means there is equal spacing between the topmost text label line and the top of the label bounds and the bottom-most text label line and the bottom of the label bounds.  Note this value doesn’t affect the positioning of the overall label bounds relative to the vertex, to move the label bounds vertically, use STYLE_VERTICAL_LABEL_POSITION.  Value is “verticalAlign”.


Defines the key for the width of the label if the label position is not center.  Value is “labelWidth”.


Defines the key for the horizontal label position of vertices.  Possible values are ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER and ALIGN_RIGHT.  Default is ALIGN_CENTER.  The label align defines the position of the label relative to the cell.  ALIGN_LEFT means the entire label bounds is placed completely just to the left of the vertex, ALIGN_RIGHT means adjust to the right and ALIGN_CENTER means the label bounds are vertically aligned with the bounds of the vertex.  Note this value doesn’t affect the positioning of label within the label bounds, to move the label horizontally within the label bounds, use STYLE_ALIGN.  Value is “labelPosition”.


Defines the key for the vertical label position of vertices.  Possible values are ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_BOTTOM and ALIGN_MIDDLE.  Default is ALIGN_MIDDLE.  The label align defines the position of the label relative to the cell.  ALIGN_TOP means the entire label bounds is placed completely just on the top of the vertex, ALIGN_BOTTOM means adjust on the bottom and ALIGN_MIDDLE means the label bounds are horizontally aligned with the bounds of the vertex.  Note this value doesn’t affect the positioning of label within the label bounds, to move the label vertically within the label bounds, use STYLE_VERTICAL_ALIGN.  Value is “verticalLabelPosition”.


Defines the key for the image aspect style.  Possible values are 0 (do not preserve aspect) or 1 (keep aspect).  This is only used in mxImageShape.  Default is 1.  Value is “imageAspect”.


Defines the key for the align style.  Possible values are ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER and ALIGN_RIGHT.  The value defines how any image in the vertex label is aligned horizontally within the label bounds of a SHAPE_LABEL shape.  Value is “imageAlign”.


Defines the key for the verticalAlign style.  Possible values are ALIGN_TOP, ALIGN_MIDDLE and ALIGN_BOTTOM.  The value defines how any image in the vertex label is aligned vertically within the label bounds of a SHAPE_LABEL shape.  Value is “imageVerticalAlign”.


Defines the key for the glass style.  Possible values are 0 (disabled) and 1(enabled).  The default value is 0.  This is used in mxLabel.  Value is “glass”.


Defines the key for the image style.  Possible values are any image URL, the type of the value is String.  This is the path to the image that is to be displayed within the label of a vertex.  Data URLs should use the following format: data:image/png,xyz where xyz is the base64 encoded data (without the “base64”-prefix).  Note that Data URLs are only supported in modern browsers.  Value is “image”.


Defines the key for the imageWidth style.  The type of this value is int, the value is the image width in pixels and must be greater than 0.  Value is “imageWidth”.


Defines the key for the imageHeight style.  The type of this value is int, the value is the image height in pixels and must be greater than 0.  Value is “imageHeight”.


Defines the key for the image background color.  This style is only used in mxImageShape.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Value is “imageBackground”.


Defines the key for the image border color.  This style is only used in mxImageShape.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Value is “imageBorder”.


Defines the key for the horizontal image flip.  This style is only used in mxImageShape.  Possible values are 0 and 1.  Default is 0.  Value is “flipH”.


Defines the key for the vertical flip.  Possible values are 0 and 1.  Default is 0.  Value is “flipV”.


Defines the key for the noLabel style.  If this is true then no label is visible for a given cell.  Possible values are true or false (1 or 0).  Default is false.  Value is “noLabel”.


Defines the key for the noEdgeStyle style.  If this is true then no edge style is applied for a given edge.  Possible values are true or false (1 or 0).  Default is false.  Value is “noEdgeStyle”.


Defines the key for the label background color.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Value is “labelBackgroundColor”.


Defines the key for the label border color.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Value is “labelBorderColor”.


Defines the key for the label padding, ie. the space between the label border and the label.  Value is “labelPadding”.


Defines the key for the indicator shape used within an mxLabel.  Possible values are all SHAPE_* constants or the names of any new shapes.  The indicatorShape has precedence over the indicatorImage.  Value is “indicatorShape”.


Defines the key for the indicator image used within an mxLabel.  Possible values are all image URLs.  The indicatorShape has precedence over the indicatorImage.  Value is “indicatorImage”.


Defines the key for the indicatorColor style.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes, as well as the special ‘swimlane’ keyword to refer to the color of the parent swimlane if one exists.  Value is “indicatorColor”.


Defines the key for the indicator stroke color in mxLabel.  Possible values are all color codes.  Value is “indicatorStrokeColor”.


Defines the key for the indicatorGradientColor style.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  This style is only supported in SHAPE_LABEL shapes.  Value is “indicatorGradientColor”.


The defines the key for the spacing between the label and the indicator in mxLabel.  Possible values are in pixels.  Value is “indicatorSpacing”.


Defines the key for the indicator width.  Possible values start at 0 (in pixels).  Value is “indicatorWidth”.


Defines the key for the indicator height.  Possible values start at 0 (in pixels).  Value is “indicatorHeight”.


Defines the key for the indicatorDirection style.  The direction style is used to specify the direction of certain shapes (eg.  mxTriangle).  Possible values are DIRECTION_EAST (default), DIRECTION_WEST, DIRECTION_NORTH and DIRECTION_SOUTH.  Value is “indicatorDirection”.


Defines the key for the shadow style.  The type of the value is Boolean.  Value is “shadow”.


Defines the key for the segment style.  The type of this value is float and the value represents the size of the horizontal segment of the entity relation style.  Default is ENTITY_SEGMENT.  Value is “segment”.


Defines the key for the end arrow marker.  Possible values are all constants with an ARROW-prefix.  This is only used in mxConnector.  Value is “endArrow”.


style[mxConstants.STYLE_ENDARROW] = mxConstants.ARROW_CLASSIC;


Defines the key for the start arrow marker.  Possible values are all constants with an ARROW-prefix.  This is only used in mxConnector.  See STYLE_ENDARROW.  Value is “startArrow”.


Defines the key for the endSize style.  The type of this value is numeric and the value represents the size of the end marker in pixels.  Value is “endSize”.


Defines the key for the startSize style.  The type of this value is numeric and the value represents the size of the start marker or the size of the swimlane title region depending on the shape it is used for.  Value is “startSize”.


Defines the key for the swimlaneLine style.  This style specifies whether the line between the title regio of a swimlane should be visible.  Use 0 for hidden or 1 (default) for visible.  Value is “swimlaneLine”.


Defines the key for the endFill style.  Use 0 for no fill or 1 (default) for fill.  (This style is only exported via mxImageExport.)  Value is “endFill”.


Defines the key for the startFill style.  Use 0 for no fill or 1 (default) for fill.  (This style is only exported via mxImageExport.)  Value is “startFill”.


Defines the key for the dashed style.  Use 0 (default) for non-dashed or 1 for dashed.  Value is “dashed”.


Defines the key for the rounded style.  The type of this value is Boolean.  For edges this determines whether or not joins between edges segments are smoothed to a rounded finish.  For vertices that have the rectangle shape, this determines whether or not the rectangle is rounded.  Use 0 (default) for non-rounded or 1 for rounded.  Value is “rounded”.


Defines the key for the curved style.  The type of this value is Boolean.  It is only applicable for connector shapes.  Use 0 (default) for non-curved or 1 for curved.  Value is “curved”.


Defines the rounding factor for a rounded rectangle in percent (without the percent sign).  Possible values are between 0 and 100.  If this value is not specified then RECTANGLE_ROUNDING_FACTOR * 100 is used.  For edges, this defines the absolute size of rounded corners in pixels.  If this values is not specified then LINE_ARCSIZE is used.  (This style is only exported via mxImageExport.)  Value is “arcSize”.


An experimental style for edges.  This style is currently not available in the backends and is implemented differently for VML and SVG.  The use of this style is currently only recommended for VML.  Value is “smooth”.


Defines the key for the source perimeter spacing.  The type of this value is numeric.  This is the distance between the source connection point of an edge and the perimeter of the source vertex in pixels.  This style only applies to edges.  Value is “sourcePerimeterSpacing”.


Defines the key for the target perimeter spacing.  The type of this value is numeric.  This is the distance between the target connection point of an edge and the perimeter of the target vertex in pixels.  This style only applies to edges.  Value is “targetPerimeterSpacing”.


Defines the key for the perimeter spacing.  This is the distance between the connection point and the perimeter in pixels.  When used in a vertex style, this applies to all incoming edges to floating ports (edges that terminate on the perimeter of the vertex).  When used in an edge style, this spacing applies to the source and target separately, if they terminate in floating ports (on the perimeter of the vertex).  Value is “perimeterSpacing”.


Defines the key for the spacing.  The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to each side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).  Value is “spacing”.


Defines the key for the spacingTop style.  The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the top side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).  Value is “spacingTop”.


Defines the key for the spacingLeft style.  The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the left side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).  Value is “spacingLeft”.


Defines the key for the spacingBottom style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the bottom side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).  Value is “spacingBottom”.


Defines the key for the spacingRight style The value represents the spacing, in pixels, added to the right side of a label in a vertex (style applies to vertices only).  Value is “spacingRight”.


Defines the key for the horizontal style.  Possible values are true or false.  This value only applies to vertices.  If the STYLE_SHAPE is “SHAPE_SWIMLANE” a value of false indicates that the swimlane should be drawn vertically, true indicates to draw it horizontally.  If the shape style does not indicate that this vertex is a swimlane, this value affects only whether the label is drawn horizontally or vertically.  Value is “horizontal”.


Defines the key for the direction style.  The direction style is used to specify the direction of certain shapes (eg.  mxTriangle).  Possible values are DIRECTION_EAST (default), DIRECTION_WEST, DIRECTION_NORTH and DIRECTION_SOUTH.  Value is “direction”.


Defines the key for the elbow style.  Possible values are ELBOW_HORIZONTAL and ELBOW_VERTICAL.  Default is ELBOW_HORIZONTAL.  This defines how the three segment orthogonal edge style leaves its terminal vertices.  The vertical style leaves the terminal vertices at the top and bottom sides.  Value is “elbow”.


Defines the key for the fontColor style.  Possible values are all HTML color names or HEX codes.  Value is “fontColor”.


Defines the key for the fontFamily style.  Possible values are names such as Arial; Dialog; Verdana; Times New Roman.  The value is of type String.  Value is fontFamily.


Defines the key for the fontSize style (in points).  The type of the value is int.  Value is “fontSize”.


Defines the key for the fontStyle style.  Values may be any logical AND (sum) of FONT_BOLD, FONT_ITALIC and FONT_UNDERLINE.  The type of the value is int.  Value is “fontStyle”.


Defines the key for the aspect style.  Possible values are empty or fixed.  If fixed is used then the aspect ratio of the cell will be maintained when resizing.  Default is empty.  Value is “aspect”.


Defines the key for the autosize style.  This specifies if a cell should be resized automatically if the value has changed.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 0.  See mxGraph.isAutoSizeCell.  This is normally combined with STYLE_RESIZABLE to disable manual sizing.  Value is “autosize”.


Defines the key for the foldable style.  This specifies if a cell is foldable using a folding icon.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellFoldable.  Value is “foldable”.


Defines the key for the editable style.  This specifies if the value of a cell can be edited using the in-place editor.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellEditable.  Value is “editable”.


Defines the key for the bendable style.  This specifies if the control points of an edge can be moved.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellBendable.  Value is “bendable”.


Defines the key for the movable style.  This specifies if a cell can be moved.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellMovable.  Value is “movable”.


Defines the key for the resizable style.  This specifies if a cell can be resized.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellResizable.  Value is “resizable”.


Defines the key for the resizeWidth style.  This specifies if a cell’s width if resize if the parent is resized.  If this is 1 then the width will be resized even if the cell’s geometry is relative.  If this is 0 then the cell’s width will not be resized.  Default is not defined.  Value is “resizeWidth”.


Defines the key for the resizeHeight style.  This specifies if a cell’s height if resize if the parent is resized.  If this is 1 then the height will be resized even if the cell’s geometry is relative.  If this is 0 then the cell’s height will not be resized.  Default is not defined.  Value is “resizeHeight”.


Defines the key for the rotatable style.  This specifies if a cell can be rotated.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellRotatable.  Value is “rotatable”.


Defines the key for the cloneable style.  This specifies if a cell can be cloned.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellCloneable.  Value is “cloneable”.


Defines the key for the deletable style.  This specifies if a cell can be deleted.  Possible values are 0 or 1.  Default is 1.  See mxGraph.isCellDeletable.  Value is “deletable”.


Defines the key for the shape.  Possible values are all constants with a SHAPE-prefix or any newly defined shape names.  Value is “shape”.


Defines the key for the edge style.  Possible values are the functions defined in mxEdgeStyle.  Value is “edgeStyle”.


Defines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.  Default is 10.  Possible values are all numeric values or “auto”.  Value is “jettySize”.


Defines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.  Default is 10.  Possible values are numeric values or “auto”.  This has precedence over STYLE_JETTY_SIZE.  Value is “sourceJettySize”.


Defines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.  Default is 10.  Possible values are numeric values or “auto”.  This has precedence over STYLE_JETTY_SIZE.  Value is “targetJettySize”.


Defines the key for the loop style.  Possible values are the functions defined in mxEdgeStyle.  Value is “loopStyle”.


Defines the key for the orthogonal loop style.  Possible values are 0 and 1.  Default is 0.  Value is “orthogonalLoop”.  Use this style to specify if loops should be routed using an orthogonal router.  Currently, this uses mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector but will be replaced with a dedicated orthogonal loop router in later releases.


Defines the key for the horizontal routing center.  Possible values are between -0.5 and 0.5.  This is the relative offset from the center used for connecting edges.  The type of this value is numeric.  Value is “routingCenterX”.


Defines the key for the vertical routing center.  Possible values are between -0.5 and 0.5.  This is the relative offset from the center used for connecting edges.  The type of this value is numeric.  Value is “routingCenterY”.


Constant for bold fonts.  Default is 1.


Constant for italic fonts.  Default is 2.


Constant for underlined fonts.  Default is 4.


Name under which mxRectangleShape is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is rectangle.


Name under which mxEllipse is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is ellipse.


Name under which mxDoubleEllipse is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is doubleEllipse.


Name under which mxRhombus is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is rhombus.


Name under which mxLine is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is line.


Name under which mxImageShape is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is image.


Name under which mxArrow is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is arrow.


Name under which mxArrowConnector is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is arrowConnector.


Name under which mxLabel is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is label.


Name under which mxCylinder is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is cylinder.


Name under which mxSwimlane is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is swimlane.


Name under which mxConnector is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is connector.


Name under which mxActor is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is actor.


Name under which mxCloud is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is cloud.


Name under which mxTriangle is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is triangle.


Name under which mxHexagon is registered in mxCellRenderer.  Default is hexagon.


Constant for classic arrow markers.


Constant for thin classic arrow markers.


Constant for block arrow markers.


Constant for thin block arrow markers.


Constant for open arrow markers.


Constant for thin open arrow markers.


Constant for oval arrow markers.


Constant for diamond arrow markers.


Constant for thin diamond arrow markers.


Constant for left horizontal alignment.  Default is left.


Constant for center horizontal alignment.  Default is center.


Constant for right horizontal alignment.  Default is right.


Constant for top vertical alignment.  Default is top.


Constant for middle vertical alignment.  Default is middle.


Constant for bottom vertical alignment.  Default is bottom.


Constant for direction north.  Default is north.


Constant for direction south.  Default is south.


Constant for direction east.  Default is east.


Constant for direction west.  Default is west.


Constant for text direction default.  Default is an empty string.  Use this value to use the default text direction of the operating system.


Constant for text direction automatic.  Default is auto.  Use this value to find the direction for a given text with mxText.getAutoDirection.


Constant for text direction left to right.  Default is ltr.  Use this value for left to right text direction.


Constant for text direction right to left.  Default is rtl.  Use this value for right to left text direction.


Constant for no direction.


Bitwise mask for west direction.


Bitwise mask for north direction.


Bitwise mask for south direction.


Bitwise mask for east direction.


Bitwise mask for all directions.


Constant for elbow vertical.  Default is horizontal.


Constant for elbow horizontal.  Default is horizontal.


Name of the elbow edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the entity relation edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the loop edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the side to side edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the top to bottom edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the generic orthogonal edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the generic segment edge style.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_EDGE style.


Name of the ellipse perimeter.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_PERIMETER style.


Name of the rectangle perimeter.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_PERIMETER style.


Name of the rhombus perimeter.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_PERIMETER style.


Name of the hexagon perimeter.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_PERIMETER style.


PERIMETER_TRIANGLE: 'trianglePerimeter' }

Name of the triangle perimeter.  Can be used as a string value for the STYLE_PERIMETER style.

Defines the key for the text direction style.
Extends mxShape to implement an image shape with a label.
OrthConnector: function(state,
Implements a local orthogonal router between the given cells.
Extends mxShape to implement a rectangle shape.
Renders cells into a document object model.
Extends mxShape to implement an ellipse shape.
Extends mxShape to implement a double ellipse shape.
Extends mxShape to implement a rhombus (aka diamond) shape.
Extends mxShape to implement a horizontal line shape.
Extends mxShape to implement an image shape.
Extends mxShape to implement an arrow shape.
Extends mxShape to implement an new rounded arrow shape with support for waypoints and double arrows.
Extends mxShape to implement an cylinder shape.
Extends mxShape to implement a swimlane shape.
Extends mxShape to implement a connector shape.
Extends mxShape to implement an actor shape.
Extends mxActor to implement a cloud shape.
Implementation of the triangle shape.
Implementation of the hexagon shape.
PERIMETER_TRIANGLE: 'trianglePerimeter' }
Name of the triangle perimeter.
Graph event handler that reconnects edges and modifies control points and the edge label location.
Defines the key for the segment style.
Provides various perimeter functions to be used in a style as the value of mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER.
Singleton class that acts as a global converter from string to object values in a style.
Defines the default value for the STYLE_TEXT_DIRECTION if no value is defined for it in the style.
mxGraph.prototype.isLabelClipped = function(cell)
Returns true if the overflow portion of labels should be hidden.
mxGraph.prototype.isOrthogonal = function(edge)
Returns true if perimeter points should be computed such that the resulting edge has only horizontal or vertical segments.
mxGraph.prototype.isWrapping = function(cell)
This enables wrapping for HTML labels.
Constant for direction east.
Constant for direction west.
Constant for direction north.
Constant for direction south.
Defines the key for the fill color.
Defines the key for the gradient color.
Name under which mxSwimlane is registered in mxCellRenderer.
Constant for left horizontal alignment.
Constant for center horizontal alignment.
Constant for right horizontal alignment.
Defines the key for the horizontal label position of vertices.
Constant for top vertical alignment.
Constant for middle vertical alignment.
Constant for bottom vertical alignment.
Defines the key for the vertical label position of vertices.
Defines the key for the align style.
Defines the key for the verticalAlign style.
Name under which mxLabel is registered in mxCellRenderer.
Defines the key for the end arrow marker.
Creates a new image export instance to be used with an export canvas.
Defines the key for the shape.
Constant for elbow horizontal.
Constant for elbow vertical.
Constant for bold fonts.
Constant for italic fonts.
Constant for underlined fonts.
mxGraph.prototype.isAutoSizeCell = function(cell)
Returns true if the size of the given cell should automatically be updated after a change of the label.
Defines the key for the resizable style.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellFoldable = function(cell,
Returns true if the given cell is foldable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellEditable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is editable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellBendable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is bendable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellMovable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is moveable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellResizable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is resizable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellRotatable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is rotatable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellCloneable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is cloneable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellDeletable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is moveable.
Provides various edge styles to be used as the values for mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style.
Defines the key for the jetty size in mxEdgeStyle.OrthConnector.
mxText.prototype.getAutoDirection = function()
Used to determine the automatic text direction.