/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012, JGraph Ltd */ /** * Constructs a new open dialog. */ let OpenDialog = function() { let iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; iframe.allowTransparency = 'true'; iframe.style.borderStyle = 'none'; iframe.style.borderWidth = '0px'; iframe.style.overflow = 'hidden'; iframe.frameBorder = '0'; // Adds padding as a workaround for box model in older IE versions let dx = 0; iframe.setAttribute('width', (((Editor.useLocalStorage) ? 640 : 320) + dx) + 'px'); iframe.setAttribute('height', (((Editor.useLocalStorage) ? 480 : 220) + dx) + 'px'); iframe.setAttribute('src', OPEN_FORM); this.container = iframe; }; /** * Constructs a new color dialog. */ let ColorDialog = function(editorUi, color, apply, cancelFn) { this.editorUi = editorUi; let input = document.createElement('input'); input.style.marginBottom = '10px'; input.style.width = '216px'; let applyFunction = (apply != null) ? apply : this.createApplyFunction(); function doApply() { let color = input.value; // Blocks any non-alphabetic chars in colors if (/(^#?[a-zA-Z0-9]*$)/.test(color)) { if (color != 'none' && color.charAt(0) != '#') { color = '#' + color; } ColorDialog.addRecentColor((color != 'none') ? color.substring(1) : color, 12); applyFunction(color); editorUi.hideDialog(); } else { editorUi.handleError({message: mxResources.get('invalidInput')}); } }; this.init = function() { if (!mxClient.IS_TOUCH) { input.focus(); } }; let picker = new mxJSColor.color(input); picker.pickerOnfocus = false; picker.showPicker(); let div = document.createElement('div'); mxJSColor.picker.box.style.position = 'relative'; mxJSColor.picker.box.style.width = '230px'; mxJSColor.picker.box.style.height = '100px'; mxJSColor.picker.box.style.paddingBottom = '10px'; div.appendChild(mxJSColor.picker.box); let center = document.createElement('center'); function createRecentColorTable() { let table = addPresets((ColorDialog.recentColors.length == 0) ? ['FFFFFF'] : ColorDialog.recentColors, 11, 'FFFFFF', true); table.style.marginBottom = '8px'; return table; }; function addPresets(presets, rowLength, defaultColor, addResetOption) { rowLength = (rowLength != null) ? rowLength : 12; let table = document.createElement('table'); table.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse'; table.setAttribute('cellspacing', '0'); table.style.marginBottom = '20px'; table.style.cellSpacing = '0px'; let tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); table.appendChild(tbody); let rows = presets.length / rowLength; for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { let tr = document.createElement('tr'); for (let i = 0; i < rowLength; i++) { (function(clr) { let td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.border = '1px solid black'; td.style.padding = '0px'; td.style.width = '16px'; td.style.height = '16px'; if (clr == null) { clr = defaultColor; } if (clr == 'none') { td.style.background = 'url(\'' + Dialog.prototype.noColorImage + '\')'; } else { td.style.backgroundColor = '#' + clr; } tr.appendChild(td); if (clr != null) { td.style.cursor = 'pointer'; mxEvent.addListener(td, 'click', function() { if (clr == 'none') { picker.fromString('ffffff'); input.value = 'none'; } else { picker.fromString(clr); } }); mxEvent.addListener(td, 'dblclick', doApply); } })(presets[row * rowLength + i]); } tbody.appendChild(tr); } if (addResetOption) { let td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('reset')); td.style.border = '1px solid black'; td.style.padding = '0px'; td.style.width = '16px'; td.style.height = '16px'; td.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + Dialog.prototype.closeImage + '\')'; td.style.backgroundPosition = 'center center'; td.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; td.style.cursor = 'pointer'; tr.appendChild(td); mxEvent.addListener(td, 'click', function() { ColorDialog.resetRecentColors(); table.parentNode.replaceChild(createRecentColorTable(), table); }); } center.appendChild(table); return table; }; div.appendChild(input); mxUtils.br(div); // Adds recent colors createRecentColorTable(); // Adds presets let table = addPresets(this.presetColors); table.style.marginBottom = '8px'; table = addPresets(this.defaultColors); table.style.marginBottom = '16px'; div.appendChild(center); let buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.style.textAlign = 'right'; buttons.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); if (cancelFn != null) { cancelFn(); } }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); } let applyBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('apply'), doApply); applyBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; buttons.appendChild(applyBtn); if (!editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); } if (color != null) { if (color == 'none') { picker.fromString('ffffff'); input.value = 'none'; } else { picker.fromString(color); } } div.appendChild(buttons); this.picker = picker; this.colorInput = input; // LATER: Only fires if input if focused, should always // fire if this dialog is showing. mxEvent.addListener(div, 'keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { editorUi.hideDialog(); if (cancelFn != null) { cancelFn(); } mxEvent.consume(e); } }); this.container = div; }; /** * Creates function to apply value */ ColorDialog.prototype.presetColors = ['E6D0DE', 'CDA2BE', 'B5739D', 'E1D5E7', 'C3ABD0', 'A680B8', 'D4E1F5', 'A9C4EB', '7EA6E0', 'D5E8D4', '9AC7BF', '67AB9F', 'D5E8D4', 'B9E0A5', '97D077', 'FFF2CC', 'FFE599', 'FFD966', 'FFF4C3', 'FFCE9F', 'FFB570', 'F8CECC', 'F19C99', 'EA6B66']; /** * Creates function to apply value */ ColorDialog.prototype.defaultColors = ['none', 'FFFFFF', 'E6E6E6', 'CCCCCC', 'B3B3B3', '999999', '808080', '666666', '4D4D4D', '333333', '1A1A1A', '000000', 'FFCCCC', 'FFE6CC', 'FFFFCC', 'E6FFCC', 'CCFFCC', 'CCFFE6', 'CCFFFF', 'CCE5FF', 'CCCCFF', 'E5CCFF', 'FFCCFF', 'FFCCE6', 'FF9999', 'FFCC99', 'FFFF99', 'CCFF99', '99FF99', '99FFCC', '99FFFF', '99CCFF', '9999FF', 'CC99FF', 'FF99FF', 'FF99CC', 'FF6666', 'FFB366', 'FFFF66', 'B3FF66', '66FF66', '66FFB3', '66FFFF', '66B2FF', '6666FF', 'B266FF', 'FF66FF', 'FF66B3', 'FF3333', 'FF9933', 'FFFF33', '99FF33', '33FF33', '33FF99', '33FFFF', '3399FF', '3333FF', '9933FF', 'FF33FF', 'FF3399', 'FF0000', 'FF8000', 'FFFF00', '80FF00', '00FF00', '00FF80', '00FFFF', '007FFF', '0000FF', '7F00FF', 'FF00FF', 'FF0080', 'CC0000', 'CC6600', 'CCCC00', '66CC00', '00CC00', '00CC66', '00CCCC', '0066CC', '0000CC', '6600CC', 'CC00CC', 'CC0066', '990000', '994C00', '999900', '4D9900', '009900', '00994D', '009999', '004C99', '000099', '4C0099', '990099', '99004D', '660000', '663300', '666600', '336600', '006600', '006633', '006666', '003366', '000066', '330066', '660066', '660033', '330000', '331A00', '333300', '1A3300', '003300', '00331A', '003333', '001933', '000033', '190033', '330033', '33001A']; /** * Creates function to apply value */ ColorDialog.prototype.createApplyFunction = function() { return mxUtils.bind(this, function(color) { let graph = this.editorUi.editor.graph; graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { graph.setCellStyles(this.currentColorKey, color); this.editorUi.fireEvent(new mxEventObject('styleChanged', 'keys', [this.currentColorKey], 'values', [color], 'cells', graph.getSelectionCells())); } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } }); }; /** * */ ColorDialog.recentColors = []; /** * Adds recent color for later use. */ ColorDialog.addRecentColor = function(color, max) { if (color != null) { mxUtils.remove(color, ColorDialog.recentColors); ColorDialog.recentColors.splice(0, 0, color); if (ColorDialog.recentColors.length >= max) { ColorDialog.recentColors.pop(); } } }; /** * Adds recent color for later use. */ ColorDialog.resetRecentColors = function() { ColorDialog.recentColors = []; }; /** * Constructs a new about dialog. */ let AboutDialog = function(editorUi) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('align', 'center'); var h3 = document.createElement('h3'); mxUtils.write(h3, mxResources.get('about') + ' GraphEditor'); div.appendChild(h3); let img = document.createElement('img'); img.style.border = '0px'; img.setAttribute('width', '176'); img.setAttribute('width', '151'); img.setAttribute('src', IMAGE_PATH + '/logo.png'); div.appendChild(img); mxUtils.br(div); mxUtils.write(div, 'Powered by mxGraph ' + mxClient.VERSION); mxUtils.br(div); let link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', 'http://www.jgraph.com/'); link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); mxUtils.write(link, 'www.jgraph.com'); div.appendChild(link); mxUtils.br(div); mxUtils.br(div); let closeBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('close'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); }); closeBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; div.appendChild(closeBtn); this.container = div; }; /** * Constructs a new textarea dialog. */ let TextareaDialog = function(editorUi, title, url, fn, cancelFn, cancelTitle, w, h, addButtons, noHide, noWrap, applyTitle, helpLink, customButtons) { w = (w != null) ? w : 300; h = (h != null) ? h : 120; noHide = (noHide != null) ? noHide : false; var row, td; let table = document.createElement('table'); let tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; td.style.width = '100px'; mxUtils.write(td, title); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); let nameInput = document.createElement('textarea'); if (noWrap) { nameInput.setAttribute('wrap', 'off'); } nameInput.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false'); nameInput.setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off'); nameInput.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); nameInput.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off'); mxUtils.write(nameInput, url || ''); nameInput.style.resize = 'none'; nameInput.style.width = w + 'px'; nameInput.style.height = h + 'px'; this.textarea = nameInput; this.init = function() { nameInput.focus(); nameInput.scrollTop = 0; }; td.appendChild(nameInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.paddingTop = '14px'; td.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; td.setAttribute('align', 'right'); if (helpLink != null) { let helpBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('help'), function() { editorUi.editor.graph.openLink(helpLink); }); helpBtn.className = 'geBtn'; td.appendChild(helpBtn); } if (customButtons != null) { for (let i = 0; i < customButtons.length; i++) { (function(label, fn) { let customBtn = mxUtils.button(label, function(e) { fn(e, nameInput); }); customBtn.className = 'geBtn'; td.appendChild(customBtn); })(customButtons[i][0], customButtons[i][1]); } } let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(cancelTitle || mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); if (cancelFn != null) { cancelFn(); } }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { td.appendChild(cancelBtn); } if (addButtons != null) { addButtons(td, nameInput); } if (fn != null) { let genericBtn = mxUtils.button(applyTitle || mxResources.get('apply'), function() { if (!noHide) { editorUi.hideDialog(); } fn(nameInput.value); }); genericBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; td.appendChild(genericBtn); } if (!editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { td.appendChild(cancelBtn); } row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); table.appendChild(tbody); this.container = table; }; /** * Constructs a new edit file dialog. */ let EditDiagramDialog = function(editorUi) { let div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.textAlign = 'right'; let textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); textarea.setAttribute('wrap', 'off'); textarea.setAttribute('spellcheck', 'false'); textarea.setAttribute('autocorrect', 'off'); textarea.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); textarea.setAttribute('autocapitalize', 'off'); textarea.style.overflow = 'auto'; textarea.style.resize = 'none'; textarea.style.width = '600px'; textarea.style.height = '360px'; textarea.style.marginBottom = '16px'; textarea.value = mxUtils.getPrettyXml(editorUi.editor.getGraphXml()); div.appendChild(textarea); this.init = function() { textarea.focus(); }; // Enables dropping files if (Graph.fileSupport) { function handleDrop(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); if (evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { let file = evt.dataTransfer.files[0]; let reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { textarea.value = e.target.result; }; reader.readAsText(file); } else { textarea.value = editorUi.extractGraphModelFromEvent(evt); } }; function handleDragOver(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }; // Setup the dnd listeners. textarea.addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver, false); textarea.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop, false); } let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { div.appendChild(cancelBtn); } let select = document.createElement('select'); select.style.width = '180px'; select.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.graph.isEnabled()) { let replaceOption = document.createElement('option'); replaceOption.setAttribute('value', 'replace'); mxUtils.write(replaceOption, mxResources.get('replaceExistingDrawing')); select.appendChild(replaceOption); } let newOption = document.createElement('option'); newOption.setAttribute('value', 'new'); mxUtils.write(newOption, mxResources.get('openInNewWindow')); if (EditDiagramDialog.showNewWindowOption) { select.appendChild(newOption); } if (editorUi.editor.graph.isEnabled()) { let importOption = document.createElement('option'); importOption.setAttribute('value', 'import'); mxUtils.write(importOption, mxResources.get('addToExistingDrawing')); select.appendChild(importOption); } div.appendChild(select); let okBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('ok'), function() { // Removes all illegal control characters before parsing let data = Graph.zapGremlins(mxUtils.trim(textarea.value)); let error = null; if (select.value == 'new') { editorUi.hideDialog(); editorUi.editor.editAsNew(data); } else if (select.value == 'replace') { editorUi.editor.graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { editorUi.editor.setGraphXml(mxUtils.parseXml(data).documentElement); // LATER: Why is hideDialog between begin-/endUpdate faster? editorUi.hideDialog(); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { editorUi.editor.graph.model.endUpdate(); } } else if (select.value == 'import') { editorUi.editor.graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { let doc = mxUtils.parseXml(data); let model = new mxGraphModel(); let codec = new mxCodec(doc); codec.decode(doc.documentElement, model); let children = model.getChildren(model.getChildAt(model.getRoot(), 0)); editorUi.editor.graph.setSelectionCells(editorUi.editor.graph.importCells(children)); // LATER: Why is hideDialog between begin-/endUpdate faster? editorUi.hideDialog(); } catch (e) { error = e; } finally { editorUi.editor.graph.model.endUpdate(); } } if (error != null) { mxUtils.alert(error.message); } }); okBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; div.appendChild(okBtn); if (!editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { div.appendChild(cancelBtn); } this.container = div; }; /** * */ EditDiagramDialog.showNewWindowOption = true; /** * Constructs a new export dialog. */ let ExportDialog = function(editorUi) { let graph = editorUi.editor.graph; let bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); let scale = graph.view.scale; let width = Math.ceil(bounds.width / scale); let height = Math.ceil(bounds.height / scale); var row, td; let table = document.createElement('table'); let tbody = document.createElement('tbody'); table.setAttribute('cellpadding', (mxClient.IS_SF) ? '0' : '2'); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; td.style.width = '100px'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('filename') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let nameInput = document.createElement('input'); nameInput.setAttribute('value', editorUi.editor.getOrCreateFilename()); nameInput.style.width = '180px'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(nameInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('format') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let imageFormatSelect = document.createElement('select'); imageFormatSelect.style.width = '180px'; let pngOption = document.createElement('option'); pngOption.setAttribute('value', 'png'); mxUtils.write(pngOption, mxResources.get('formatPng')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(pngOption); let gifOption = document.createElement('option'); if (ExportDialog.showGifOption) { gifOption.setAttribute('value', 'gif'); mxUtils.write(gifOption, mxResources.get('formatGif')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(gifOption); } let jpgOption = document.createElement('option'); jpgOption.setAttribute('value', 'jpg'); mxUtils.write(jpgOption, mxResources.get('formatJpg')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(jpgOption); let pdfOption = document.createElement('option'); pdfOption.setAttribute('value', 'pdf'); mxUtils.write(pdfOption, mxResources.get('formatPdf')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(pdfOption); let svgOption = document.createElement('option'); svgOption.setAttribute('value', 'svg'); mxUtils.write(svgOption, mxResources.get('formatSvg')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(svgOption); if (ExportDialog.showXmlOption) { let xmlOption = document.createElement('option'); xmlOption.setAttribute('value', 'xml'); mxUtils.write(xmlOption, mxResources.get('formatXml')); imageFormatSelect.appendChild(xmlOption); } td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(imageFormatSelect); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('zoom') + ' (%):'); row.appendChild(td); let zoomInput = document.createElement('input'); zoomInput.setAttribute('type', 'number'); zoomInput.setAttribute('value', '100'); zoomInput.style.width = '180px'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(zoomInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('width') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let widthInput = document.createElement('input'); widthInput.setAttribute('value', width); widthInput.style.width = '180px'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(widthInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('height') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let heightInput = document.createElement('input'); heightInput.setAttribute('value', height); heightInput.style.width = '180px'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(heightInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('dpi') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let dpiSelect = document.createElement('select'); dpiSelect.style.width = '180px'; var dpi100Option = document.createElement('option'); dpi100Option.setAttribute('value', '100'); mxUtils.write(dpi100Option, '100dpi'); dpiSelect.appendChild(dpi100Option); var dpi200Option = document.createElement('option'); dpi200Option.setAttribute('value', '200'); mxUtils.write(dpi200Option, '200dpi'); dpiSelect.appendChild(dpi200Option); var dpi300Option = document.createElement('option'); dpi300Option.setAttribute('value', '300'); mxUtils.write(dpi300Option, '300dpi'); dpiSelect.appendChild(dpi300Option); var dpi400Option = document.createElement('option'); dpi400Option.setAttribute('value', '400'); mxUtils.write(dpi400Option, '400dpi'); dpiSelect.appendChild(dpi400Option); let dpiCustOption = document.createElement('option'); dpiCustOption.setAttribute('value', 'custom'); mxUtils.write(dpiCustOption, mxResources.get('custom')); dpiSelect.appendChild(dpiCustOption); let customDpi = document.createElement('input'); customDpi.style.width = '180px'; customDpi.style.display = 'none'; customDpi.setAttribute('value', '100'); customDpi.setAttribute('type', 'number'); customDpi.setAttribute('min', '50'); customDpi.setAttribute('step', '50'); let zoomUserChanged = false; mxEvent.addListener(dpiSelect, 'change', function() { if (this.value == 'custom') { this.style.display = 'none'; customDpi.style.display = ''; customDpi.focus(); } else { customDpi.value = this.value; if (!zoomUserChanged) { zoomInput.value = this.value; } } }); mxEvent.addListener(customDpi, 'change', function() { let dpi = parseInt(customDpi.value); if (isNaN(dpi) || dpi <= 0) { customDpi.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; } else { customDpi.style.backgroundColor = ''; if (!zoomUserChanged) { zoomInput.value = dpi; } } }); td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(dpiSelect); td.appendChild(customDpi); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('background') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let transparentCheckbox = document.createElement('input'); transparentCheckbox.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); transparentCheckbox.checked = graph.background == null || graph.background == mxConstants.NONE; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(transparentCheckbox); mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('transparent')); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.style.fontSize = '10pt'; mxUtils.write(td, mxResources.get('borderWidth') + ':'); row.appendChild(td); let borderInput = document.createElement('input'); borderInput.setAttribute('type', 'number'); borderInput.setAttribute('value', ExportDialog.lastBorderValue); borderInput.style.width = '180px'; td = document.createElement('td'); td.appendChild(borderInput); row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); table.appendChild(tbody); // Handles changes in the export format function formatChanged() { let name = nameInput.value; let dot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot > 0) { nameInput.value = name.substring(0, dot + 1) + imageFormatSelect.value; } else { nameInput.value = name + '.' + imageFormatSelect.value; } if (imageFormatSelect.value === 'xml') { zoomInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); widthInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); heightInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); borderInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); } else { zoomInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); widthInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); heightInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); borderInput.removeAttribute('disabled'); } if (imageFormatSelect.value === 'png' || imageFormatSelect.value === 'svg' || imageFormatSelect.value === 'pdf') { transparentCheckbox.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { transparentCheckbox.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (imageFormatSelect.value === 'png') { dpiSelect.removeAttribute('disabled'); customDpi.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { dpiSelect.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); customDpi.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; mxEvent.addListener(imageFormatSelect, 'change', formatChanged); formatChanged(); function checkValues() { if (widthInput.value * heightInput.value > MAX_AREA || widthInput.value <= 0) { widthInput.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; } else { widthInput.style.backgroundColor = ''; } if (widthInput.value * heightInput.value > MAX_AREA || heightInput.value <= 0) { heightInput.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; } else { heightInput.style.backgroundColor = ''; } }; mxEvent.addListener(zoomInput, 'change', function() { zoomUserChanged = true; let s = Math.max(0, parseFloat(zoomInput.value) || 100) / 100; zoomInput.value = parseFloat((s * 100).toFixed(2)); if (width > 0) { widthInput.value = Math.floor(width * s); heightInput.value = Math.floor(height * s); } else { zoomInput.value = '100'; widthInput.value = width; heightInput.value = height; } checkValues(); }); mxEvent.addListener(widthInput, 'change', function() { let s = parseInt(widthInput.value) / width; if (s > 0) { zoomInput.value = parseFloat((s * 100).toFixed(2)); heightInput.value = Math.floor(height * s); } else { zoomInput.value = '100'; widthInput.value = width; heightInput.value = height; } checkValues(); }); mxEvent.addListener(heightInput, 'change', function() { let s = parseInt(heightInput.value) / height; if (s > 0) { zoomInput.value = parseFloat((s * 100).toFixed(2)); widthInput.value = Math.floor(width * s); } else { zoomInput.value = '100'; widthInput.value = width; heightInput.value = height; } checkValues(); }); row = document.createElement('tr'); td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('align', 'right'); td.style.paddingTop = '22px'; td.colSpan = 2; let saveBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('export'), mxUtils.bind(this, function() { if (parseInt(zoomInput.value) <= 0) { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('drawingEmpty')); } else { let name = nameInput.value; let format = imageFormatSelect.value; let s = Math.max(0, parseFloat(zoomInput.value) || 100) / 100; let b = Math.max(0, parseInt(borderInput.value)); let bg = graph.background; let dpi = Math.max(1, parseInt(customDpi.value)); if ((format == 'svg' || format == 'png' || format == 'pdf') && transparentCheckbox.checked) { bg = null; } else if (bg == null || bg == mxConstants.NONE) { bg = '#ffffff'; } ExportDialog.lastBorderValue = b; ExportDialog.exportFile(editorUi, name, format, bg, s, b, dpi); } })); saveBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { td.appendChild(cancelBtn); td.appendChild(saveBtn); } else { td.appendChild(saveBtn); td.appendChild(cancelBtn); } row.appendChild(td); tbody.appendChild(row); table.appendChild(tbody); this.container = table; }; /** * Remembers last value for border. */ ExportDialog.lastBorderValue = 0; /** * Global switches for the export dialog. */ ExportDialog.showGifOption = true; /** * Global switches for the export dialog. */ ExportDialog.showXmlOption = true; /** * Hook for getting the export format. Returns null for the default * intermediate XML export format or a function that returns the * parameter and value to be used in the request in the form * key=value, where value should be URL encoded. */ ExportDialog.exportFile = function(editorUi, name, format, bg, s, b, dpi) { let graph = editorUi.editor.graph; if (format == 'xml') { ExportDialog.saveLocalFile(editorUi, mxUtils.getXml(editorUi.editor.getGraphXml()), name, format); } else if (format == 'svg') { ExportDialog.saveLocalFile(editorUi, mxUtils.getXml(graph.getSvg(bg, s, b)), name, format); } else { let bounds = graph.getGraphBounds(); // New image export let xmlDoc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument(); let root = xmlDoc.createElement('output'); xmlDoc.appendChild(root); // Renders graph. Offset will be multiplied with state's scale when painting state. let xmlCanvas = new mxXmlCanvas2D(root); xmlCanvas.translate(Math.floor((b / s - bounds.x) / graph.view.scale), Math.floor((b / s - bounds.y) / graph.view.scale)); xmlCanvas.scale(s / graph.view.scale); let imgExport = new mxImageExport() imgExport.drawState(graph.getView().getState(graph.model.root), xmlCanvas); // Puts request data together let param = 'xml=' + encodeURIComponent(mxUtils.getXml(root)); let w = Math.ceil(bounds.width * s / graph.view.scale + 2 * b); let h = Math.ceil(bounds.height * s / graph.view.scale + 2 * b); // Requests image if request is valid if (param.length <= MAX_REQUEST_SIZE && w * h < MAX_AREA) { editorUi.hideDialog(); let req = new mxXmlRequest(EXPORT_URL, 'format=' + format + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(name) + '&bg=' + ((bg != null) ? bg : 'none') + '&w=' + w + '&h=' + h + '&' + param + '&dpi=' + dpi); req.simulate(document, '_blank'); } else { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('drawingTooLarge')); } } }; /** * Hook for getting the export format. Returns null for the default * intermediate XML export format or a function that returns the * parameter and value to be used in the request in the form * key=value, where value should be URL encoded. */ ExportDialog.saveLocalFile = function(editorUi, data, filename, format) { if (data.length < MAX_REQUEST_SIZE) { editorUi.hideDialog(); let req = new mxXmlRequest(SAVE_URL, 'xml=' + encodeURIComponent(data) + '&filename=' + encodeURIComponent(filename) + '&format=' + format); req.simulate(document, '_blank'); } else { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('drawingTooLarge')); mxUtils.popup(xml); } }; /** * Constructs a new metadata dialog. */ let EditDataDialog = function(ui, cell) { let div = document.createElement('div'); let graph = ui.editor.graph; let value = graph.getModel().getValue(cell); // Converts the value to an XML node if (!mxUtils.isNode(value)) { let doc = mxUtils.createXmlDocument(); let obj = doc.createElement('object'); obj.setAttribute('label', value || ''); value = obj; } let meta = {}; try { let temp = mxUtils.getValue(ui.editor.graph.getCurrentCellStyle(cell), 'metaData', null); if (temp != null) { meta = JSON.parse(temp); } } catch (e) { // ignore } // Creates the dialog contents let form = new mxForm('properties'); form.table.style.width = '100%'; let attrs = value.attributes; let names = []; let texts = []; let count = 0; let id = (EditDataDialog.getDisplayIdForCell != null) ? EditDataDialog.getDisplayIdForCell(ui, cell) : null; let addRemoveButton = function(text, name) { let wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.style.position = 'relative'; wrapper.style.paddingRight = '20px'; wrapper.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; wrapper.style.width = '100%'; let removeAttr = document.createElement('a'); let img = mxUtils.createImage(Dialog.prototype.closeImage); img.style.height = '9px'; img.style.fontSize = '9px'; img.style.marginBottom = '5px'; removeAttr.className = 'geButton'; removeAttr.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('delete')); removeAttr.style.position = 'absolute'; removeAttr.style.top = '4px'; removeAttr.style.right = '0px'; removeAttr.style.margin = '0px'; removeAttr.style.width = '9px'; removeAttr.style.height = '9px'; removeAttr.style.cursor = 'pointer'; removeAttr.appendChild(img); let removeAttrFn = (function(name) { return function() { let count = 0; for (let j = 0; j < names.length; j++) { if (names[j] == name) { texts[j] = null; form.table.deleteRow(count + ((id != null) ? 1 : 0)); break; } if (texts[j] != null) { count++; } } }; })(name); mxEvent.addListener(removeAttr, 'click', removeAttrFn); let parent = text.parentNode; wrapper.appendChild(text); wrapper.appendChild(removeAttr); parent.appendChild(wrapper); }; let addTextArea = function(index, name, value) { names[index] = name; texts[index] = form.addTextarea(names[count] + ':', value, 2); texts[index].style.width = '100%'; if (value.indexOf('\n') > 0) { texts[index].setAttribute('rows', '2'); } addRemoveButton(texts[index], name); if (meta[name] != null && meta[name].editable == false) { texts[index].setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; let temp = []; let isLayer = graph.getModel().getParent(cell) == graph.getModel().getRoot(); for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if ((isLayer || attrs[i].nodeName != 'label') && attrs[i].nodeName != 'placeholders') { temp.push({name: attrs[i].nodeName, value: attrs[i].nodeValue}); } } // Sorts by name temp.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.name < b.name) { return -1; } else if (a.name > b.name) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); if (id != null) { let text = document.createElement('div'); text.style.width = '100%'; text.style.fontSize = '11px'; text.style.textAlign = 'center'; mxUtils.write(text, id); form.addField(mxResources.get('id') + ':', text); } for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { addTextArea(count, temp[i].name, temp[i].value); count++; } let top = document.createElement('div'); top.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:30px;right:30px;overflow-y:auto;top:30px;bottom:80px;'; top.appendChild(form.table); let newProp = document.createElement('div'); newProp.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; newProp.style.paddingRight = '160px'; newProp.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; newProp.style.marginTop = '6px'; newProp.style.width = '100%'; let nameInput = document.createElement('input'); nameInput.setAttribute('placeholder', mxResources.get('enterPropertyName')); nameInput.setAttribute('type', 'text'); nameInput.setAttribute('size', '40'); nameInput.style.boxSizing = 'border-box'; nameInput.style.marginLeft = '2px'; nameInput.style.width = '100%'; newProp.appendChild(nameInput); top.appendChild(newProp); div.appendChild(top); let addBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('addProperty'), function() { let name = nameInput.value; // Avoid ':' in attribute names which seems to be valid in Chrome if (name.length > 0 && name != 'label' && name != 'placeholders' && name.indexOf(':') < 0) { try { let idx = mxUtils.indexOf(names, name); if (idx >= 0 && texts[idx] != null) { texts[idx].focus(); } else { // Checks if the name is valid let clone = value.cloneNode(false); clone.setAttribute(name, ''); if (idx >= 0) { names.splice(idx, 1); texts.splice(idx, 1); } names.push(name); let text = form.addTextarea(name + ':', '', 2); text.style.width = '100%'; texts.push(text); addRemoveButton(text, name); text.focus(); } addBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); nameInput.value = ''; } catch (e) { mxUtils.alert(e); } } else { mxUtils.alert(mxResources.get('invalidName')); } }); this.init = function() { if (texts.length > 0) { texts[0].focus(); } else { nameInput.focus(); } }; addBtn.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('addProperty')); addBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); addBtn.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; addBtn.style.position = 'absolute'; addBtn.style.overflow = 'hidden'; addBtn.style.width = '144px'; addBtn.style.right = '0px'; addBtn.className = 'geBtn'; newProp.appendChild(addBtn); let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { ui.hideDialog.apply(ui, arguments); }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; let applyBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('apply'), function() { try { ui.hideDialog.apply(ui, arguments); // Clones and updates the value value = value.cloneNode(true); let removeLabel = false; for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (texts[i] == null) { value.removeAttribute(names[i]); } else { value.setAttribute(names[i], texts[i].value); removeLabel = removeLabel || (names[i] == 'placeholder' && value.getAttribute('placeholders') == '1'); } } // Removes label if placeholder is assigned if (removeLabel) { value.removeAttribute('label'); } // Updates the value of the cell (undoable) graph.getModel().setValue(cell, value); } catch (e) { mxUtils.alert(e); } }); applyBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; function updateAddBtn() { if (nameInput.value.length > 0) { addBtn.removeAttribute('disabled'); } else { addBtn.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; mxEvent.addListener(nameInput, 'keyup', updateAddBtn); // Catches all changes that don't fire a keyup (such as paste via mouse) mxEvent.addListener(nameInput, 'change', updateAddBtn); let buttons = document.createElement('div'); buttons.style.cssText = 'position:absolute;left:30px;right:30px;text-align:right;bottom:30px;height:40px;' if (ui.editor.graph.getModel().isVertex(cell) || ui.editor.graph.getModel().isEdge(cell)) { let replace = document.createElement('span'); replace.style.marginRight = '10px'; let input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); input.style.marginRight = '6px'; if (value.getAttribute('placeholders') == '1') { input.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); input.defaultChecked = true; } mxEvent.addListener(input, 'click', function() { if (value.getAttribute('placeholders') == '1') { value.removeAttribute('placeholders'); } else { value.setAttribute('placeholders', '1'); } }); replace.appendChild(input); mxUtils.write(replace, mxResources.get('placeholders')); if (EditDataDialog.placeholderHelpLink != null) { let link = document.createElement('a'); link.setAttribute('href', EditDataDialog.placeholderHelpLink); link.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('help')); link.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); link.style.marginLeft = '8px'; link.style.cursor = 'help'; let icon = document.createElement('img'); mxUtils.setOpacity(icon, 50); icon.style.height = '16px'; icon.style.width = '16px'; icon.setAttribute('border', '0'); icon.setAttribute('valign', 'middle'); icon.style.marginTop = '-4px'; icon.setAttribute('src', Editor.helpImage); link.appendChild(icon); replace.appendChild(link); } buttons.appendChild(replace); } if (ui.editor.cancelFirst) { buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); buttons.appendChild(applyBtn); } else { buttons.appendChild(applyBtn); buttons.appendChild(cancelBtn); } div.appendChild(buttons); this.container = div; }; /** * Optional help link. */ EditDataDialog.getDisplayIdForCell = function(ui, cell) { let id = null; if (ui.editor.graph.getModel().getParent(cell) != null) { id = cell.getId(); } return id; }; /** * Optional help link. */ EditDataDialog.placeholderHelpLink = null; /** * Constructs a new link dialog. */ let LinkDialog = function(editorUi, initialValue, btnLabel, fn) { let div = document.createElement('div'); mxUtils.write(div, mxResources.get('editLink') + ':'); let inner = document.createElement('div'); inner.className = 'geTitle'; inner.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; inner.style.borderColor = 'transparent'; inner.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; inner.style.textOverflow = 'clip'; inner.style.cursor = 'default'; inner.style.paddingRight = '20px'; let linkInput = document.createElement('input'); linkInput.setAttribute('value', initialValue); linkInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'http://www.example.com/'); linkInput.setAttribute('type', 'text'); linkInput.style.marginTop = '6px'; linkInput.style.width = '400px'; linkInput.style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'' + Dialog.prototype.clearImage + '\')'; linkInput.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; linkInput.style.backgroundPosition = '100% 50%'; linkInput.style.paddingRight = '14px'; let cross = document.createElement('div'); cross.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('reset')); cross.style.position = 'relative'; cross.style.left = '-16px'; cross.style.width = '12px'; cross.style.height = '14px'; cross.style.cursor = 'pointer'; cross.style.display = 'inline-block'; cross.style.top = '3px'; // Needed to block event transparency in IE cross.style.background = 'url(' + IMAGE_PATH + '/transparent.gif)'; mxEvent.addListener(cross, 'click', function() { linkInput.value = ''; linkInput.focus(); }); inner.appendChild(linkInput); inner.appendChild(cross); div.appendChild(inner); this.init = function() { linkInput.focus(); if (mxClient.IS_GC || mxClient.IS_FF) { linkInput.select(); } else { document.execCommand('selectAll', false, null); } }; let btns = document.createElement('div'); btns.style.marginTop = '18px'; btns.style.textAlign = 'right'; mxEvent.addListener(linkInput, 'keypress', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { editorUi.hideDialog(); fn(linkInput.value); } }); let cancelBtn = mxUtils.button(mxResources.get('cancel'), function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); }); cancelBtn.className = 'geBtn'; if (editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { btns.appendChild(cancelBtn); } let mainBtn = mxUtils.button(btnLabel, function() { editorUi.hideDialog(); fn(linkInput.value); }); mainBtn.className = 'geBtn gePrimaryBtn'; btns.appendChild(mainBtn); if (!editorUi.editor.cancelFirst) { btns.appendChild(cancelBtn); } div.appendChild(btns); this.container = div; }; /** * */ let OutlineWindow = function(editorUi, x, y, w, h) { let graph = editorUi.editor.graph; let div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.width = '100%'; div.style.height = '100%'; div.style.border = '1px solid whiteSmoke'; div.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this.window = new mxWindow(mxResources.get('outline'), div, x, y, w, h, true, true); this.window.minimumSize = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 80, 80); this.window.destroyOnClose = false; this.window.setMaximizable(false); this.window.setResizable(true); this.window.setClosable(true); this.window.setVisible(true); this.window.setLocation = function(x, y) { let iw = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; let ih = window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, iw - this.table.clientWidth)); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, ih - this.table.clientHeight - 48)); if (this.getX() != x || this.getY() != y) { mxWindow.prototype.setLocation.apply(this, arguments); } }; let resizeListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { let x = this.window.getX(); let y = this.window.getY(); this.window.setLocation(x, y); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); let outline = editorUi.createOutline(this.window); this.destroy = function() { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); this.window.destroy(); outline.destroy(); } this.window.addListener(mxEvent.RESIZE, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { outline.update(false); outline.outline.sizeDidChange(); })); this.window.addListener(mxEvent.SHOW, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.window.fit(); outline.suspended = false; outline.outline.refresh(); outline.update(); })); this.window.addListener(mxEvent.HIDE, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { outline.suspended = true; })); this.window.addListener(mxEvent.NORMALIZE, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { outline.suspended = false; outline.update(); })); this.window.addListener(mxEvent.MINIMIZE, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { outline.suspended = true; })); let outlineCreateGraph = outline.createGraph; outline.createGraph = function(container) { let g = outlineCreateGraph.apply(this, arguments); g.gridEnabled = false; g.pageScale = graph.pageScale; g.pageFormat = graph.pageFormat; g.background = (graph.background == null || graph.background == mxConstants.NONE) ? graph.defaultPageBackgroundColor : graph.background; g.pageVisible = graph.pageVisible; let current = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(graph.container); div.style.backgroundColor = current.backgroundColor; return g; }; function update() { outline.outline.pageScale = graph.pageScale; outline.outline.pageFormat = graph.pageFormat; outline.outline.pageVisible = graph.pageVisible; outline.outline.background = (graph.background == null || graph.background == mxConstants.NONE) ? graph.defaultPageBackgroundColor : graph.background;; let current = mxUtils.getCurrentStyle(graph.container); div.style.backgroundColor = current.backgroundColor; if (graph.view.backgroundPageShape != null && outline.outline.view.backgroundPageShape != null) { outline.outline.view.backgroundPageShape.fill = graph.view.backgroundPageShape.fill; } outline.outline.refresh(); }; outline.init(div); editorUi.editor.addListener('resetGraphView', update); editorUi.addListener('pageFormatChanged', update); editorUi.addListener('backgroundColorChanged', update); editorUi.addListener('backgroundImageChanged', update); editorUi.addListener('pageViewChanged', function() { update(); outline.update(true); }); if (outline.outline.dialect == mxConstants.DIALECT_SVG) { let zoomInAction = editorUi.actions.get('zoomIn'); let zoomOutAction = editorUi.actions.get('zoomOut'); mxEvent.addMouseWheelListener(function(evt, up) { let outlineWheel = false; let source = mxEvent.getSource(evt); while (source != null) { if (source == outline.outline.view.canvas.ownerSVGElement) { outlineWheel = true; break; } source = source.parentNode; } if (outlineWheel) { if (up) { zoomInAction.funct(); } else { zoomOutAction.funct(); } } }); } }; /** * */ let LayersWindow = function(editorUi, x, y, w, h) { let graph = editorUi.editor.graph; let div = document.createElement('div'); div.style.userSelect = 'none'; div.style.background = (Dialog.backdropColor == 'white') ? 'whiteSmoke' : Dialog.backdropColor; div.style.border = '1px solid whiteSmoke'; div.style.height = '100%'; div.style.marginBottom = '10px'; div.style.overflow = 'auto'; let tbarHeight = (!EditorUi.compactUi) ? '30px' : '26px'; let listDiv = document.createElement('div') listDiv.style.backgroundColor = (Dialog.backdropColor == 'white') ? '#dcdcdc' : Dialog.backdropColor; listDiv.style.position = 'absolute'; listDiv.style.overflow = 'auto'; listDiv.style.left = '0px'; listDiv.style.right = '0px'; listDiv.style.top = '0px'; listDiv.style.bottom = (parseInt(tbarHeight) + 7) + 'px'; div.appendChild(listDiv); let dragSource = null; let dropIndex = null; mxEvent.addListener(div, 'dragover', function(evt) { evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; dropIndex = 0; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }); // Workaround for "no element found" error in FF mxEvent.addListener(div, 'drop', function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }); let layerCount = null; let selectionLayer = null; let ldiv = document.createElement('div'); ldiv.className = 'geToolbarContainer'; ldiv.style.position = 'absolute'; ldiv.style.bottom = '0px'; ldiv.style.left = '0px'; ldiv.style.right = '0px'; ldiv.style.height = tbarHeight; ldiv.style.overflow = 'hidden'; ldiv.style.padding = (!EditorUi.compactUi) ? '1px' : '4px 0px 3px 0px'; ldiv.style.backgroundColor = (Dialog.backdropColor == 'white') ? 'whiteSmoke' : Dialog.backdropColor; ldiv.style.borderWidth = '1px 0px 0px 0px'; ldiv.style.borderColor = '#c3c3c3'; ldiv.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; ldiv.style.display = 'block'; ldiv.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; let link = document.createElement('a'); link.className = 'geButton'; let removeLink = link.cloneNode(); removeLink.innerHTML = '
'; mxEvent.addListener(removeLink, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { let index = graph.model.root.getIndex(selectionLayer); graph.removeCells([selectionLayer], false); // Creates default layer if no layer exists if (graph.model.getChildCount(graph.model.root) == 0) { graph.model.add(graph.model.root, new mxCell()); graph.setDefaultParent(null); } else if (index > 0 && index <= graph.model.getChildCount(graph.model.root)) { graph.setDefaultParent(graph.model.getChildAt(graph.model.root, index - 1)); } else { graph.setDefaultParent(null); } } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } } mxEvent.consume(evt); }); if (!graph.isEnabled()) { removeLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } ldiv.appendChild(removeLink); let insertLink = link.cloneNode(); insertLink.setAttribute('title', mxUtils.trim(mxResources.get('moveSelectionTo', ['...']))); insertLink.innerHTML = '
'; mxEvent.addListener(insertLink, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled() && !graph.isSelectionEmpty()) { let offset = mxUtils.getOffset(insertLink); editorUi.showPopupMenu(mxUtils.bind(this, function(menu, parent) { for (let i = layerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(child) { let item = menu.addItem(graph.convertValueToString(child) || mxResources.get('background'), null, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { graph.moveCells(graph.getSelectionCells(), 0, 0, false, child); }), parent); if (graph.getSelectionCount() == 1 && graph.model.isAncestor(child, graph.getSelectionCell())) { menu.addCheckmark(item, Editor.checkmarkImage); } }))(graph.model.getChildAt(graph.model.root, i)); } }), offset.x, offset.y + insertLink.offsetHeight, evt); } }); ldiv.appendChild(insertLink); let dataLink = link.cloneNode(); dataLink.innerHTML = '
'; dataLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('rename')); mxEvent.addListener(dataLink, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { editorUi.showDataDialog(selectionLayer); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }); if (!graph.isEnabled()) { dataLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } ldiv.appendChild(dataLink); function renameLayer(layer) { if (graph.isEnabled() && layer != null) { let label = graph.convertValueToString(layer); let dlg = new FilenameDialog(editorUi, label || mxResources.get('background'), mxResources.get('rename'), mxUtils.bind(this, function(newValue) { if (newValue != null) { graph.cellLabelChanged(layer, newValue); } }), mxResources.get('enterName')); editorUi.showDialog(dlg.container, 300, 100, true, true); dlg.init(); } }; let duplicateLink = link.cloneNode(); duplicateLink.innerHTML = '
'; mxEvent.addListener(duplicateLink, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { let newCell = null; graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { newCell = graph.cloneCell(selectionLayer); graph.cellLabelChanged(newCell, mxResources.get('untitledLayer')); newCell.setVisible(true); newCell = graph.addCell(newCell, graph.model.root); graph.setDefaultParent(newCell); } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } if (newCell != null && !graph.isCellLocked(newCell)) { graph.selectAll(newCell); } } }); if (!graph.isEnabled()) { duplicateLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } ldiv.appendChild(duplicateLink); let addLink = link.cloneNode(); addLink.innerHTML = '
'; addLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('addLayer')); mxEvent.addListener(addLink, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.model.beginUpdate(); try { let cell = graph.addCell(new mxCell(mxResources.get('untitledLayer')), graph.model.root); graph.setDefaultParent(cell); } finally { graph.model.endUpdate(); } } mxEvent.consume(evt); }); if (!graph.isEnabled()) { addLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } ldiv.appendChild(addLink); div.appendChild(ldiv); function refresh() { layerCount = graph.model.getChildCount(graph.model.root) listDiv.innerHTML = ''; function addLayer(index, label, child, defaultParent) { let ldiv = document.createElement('div'); ldiv.className = 'geToolbarContainer'; ldiv.style.overflow = 'hidden'; ldiv.style.position = 'relative'; ldiv.style.padding = '4px'; ldiv.style.height = '22px'; ldiv.style.display = 'block'; ldiv.style.backgroundColor = (Dialog.backdropColor == 'white') ? 'whiteSmoke' : Dialog.backdropColor; ldiv.style.borderWidth = '0px 0px 1px 0px'; ldiv.style.borderColor = '#c3c3c3'; ldiv.style.borderStyle = 'solid'; ldiv.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; ldiv.setAttribute('title', label); let left = document.createElement('div'); left.style.display = 'inline-block'; left.style.width = '100%'; left.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis'; left.style.overflow = 'hidden'; mxEvent.addListener(ldiv, 'dragover', function(evt) { evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move'; dropIndex = index; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }); mxEvent.addListener(ldiv, 'dragstart', function(evt) { dragSource = ldiv; // Workaround for no DnD on DIV in FF if (mxClient.IS_FF) { // LATER: Check what triggers a parse as XML on this in FF after drop evt.dataTransfer.setData('Text', ''); } }); mxEvent.addListener(ldiv, 'dragend', function(evt) { if (dragSource != null && dropIndex != null) { graph.addCell(child, graph.model.root, dropIndex); } dragSource = null; dropIndex = null; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }); let btn = document.createElement('img'); btn.setAttribute('draggable', 'false'); btn.setAttribute('align', 'top'); btn.setAttribute('border', '0'); btn.style.padding = '4px'; btn.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('lockUnlock')); let style = graph.getCurrentCellStyle(child); if (mxUtils.getValue(style, 'locked', '0') == '1') { btn.setAttribute('src', Dialog.prototype.lockedImage); } else { btn.setAttribute('src', Dialog.prototype.unlockedImage); } if (graph.isEnabled()) { btn.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } mxEvent.addListener(btn, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { let value = null; graph.getModel().beginUpdate(); try { value = (mxUtils.getValue(style, 'locked', '0') == '1') ? null : '1'; graph.setCellStyles('locked', value, [child]); } finally { graph.getModel().endUpdate(); } if (value == '1') { graph.removeSelectionCells(graph.getModel().getDescendants(child)); } mxEvent.consume(evt); } }); left.appendChild(btn); let inp = document.createElement('input'); inp.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); inp.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('hideIt', [child.value || mxResources.get('background')])); inp.style.marginLeft = '4px'; inp.style.marginRight = '6px'; inp.style.marginTop = '4px'; left.appendChild(inp); if (graph.model.isVisible(child)) { inp.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); inp.defaultChecked = true; } mxEvent.addListener(inp, 'click', function(evt) { graph.model.setVisible(child, !graph.model.isVisible(child)); mxEvent.consume(evt); }); mxUtils.write(left, label); ldiv.appendChild(left); if (graph.isEnabled()) { // Fallback if no drag and drop is available if (mxClient.IS_TOUCH || mxClient.IS_POINTER) { let right = document.createElement('div'); right.style.display = 'block'; right.style.textAlign = 'right'; right.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap'; right.style.position = 'absolute'; right.style.right = '6px'; right.style.top = '6px'; // Poor man's change layer order if (index > 0) { var img2 = document.createElement('a'); img2.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('toBack')); img2.className = 'geButton'; img2.style.cssFloat = 'none'; img2.innerHTML = '▼'; img2.style.width = '14px'; img2.style.height = '14px'; img2.style.fontSize = '14px'; img2.style.margin = '0px'; img2.style.marginTop = '-1px'; right.appendChild(img2); mxEvent.addListener(img2, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.addCell(child, graph.model.root, index - 1); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }); } if (index >= 0 && index < layerCount - 1) { var img1 = document.createElement('a'); img1.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('toFront')); img1.className = 'geButton'; img1.style.cssFloat = 'none'; img1.innerHTML = '▲'; img1.style.width = '14px'; img1.style.height = '14px'; img1.style.fontSize = '14px'; img1.style.margin = '0px'; img1.style.marginTop = '-1px'; right.appendChild(img1); mxEvent.addListener(img1, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.addCell(child, graph.model.root, index + 1); } mxEvent.consume(evt); }); } ldiv.appendChild(right); } if (mxClient.IS_SVG) { ldiv.setAttribute('draggable', 'true'); ldiv.style.cursor = 'move'; } } mxEvent.addListener(ldiv, 'dblclick', function(evt) { let nodeName = mxEvent.getSource(evt).nodeName; if (nodeName != 'INPUT' && nodeName != 'IMG') { renameLayer(child); mxEvent.consume(evt); } }); if (graph.getDefaultParent() == child) { ldiv.style.background = (Dialog.backdropColor == 'white') ? '#e6eff8' : '#505759'; ldiv.style.fontWeight = (graph.isEnabled()) ? 'bold' : ''; selectionLayer = child; } else { mxEvent.addListener(ldiv, 'click', function(evt) { if (graph.isEnabled()) { graph.setDefaultParent(defaultParent); graph.view.setCurrentRoot(null); } }); } listDiv.appendChild(ldiv); }; // Cannot be moved or deleted for (let i = layerCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { (mxUtils.bind(this, function(child) { addLayer(i, graph.convertValueToString(child) || mxResources.get('background'), child, child); }))(graph.model.getChildAt(graph.model.root, i)); } let label = graph.convertValueToString(selectionLayer) || mxResources.get('background'); removeLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('removeIt', [label])); duplicateLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('duplicateIt', [label])); dataLink.setAttribute('title', mxResources.get('editData')); if (graph.isSelectionEmpty()) { insertLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } }; refresh(); graph.model.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, refresh); graph.addListener('defaultParentChanged', refresh); graph.selectionModel.addListener(mxEvent.CHANGE, function() { if (graph.isSelectionEmpty()) { insertLink.className = 'geButton mxDisabled'; } else { insertLink.className = 'geButton'; } }); this.window = new mxWindow(mxResources.get('layers'), div, x, y, w, h, true, true); this.window.minimumSize = new mxRectangle(0, 0, 120, 120); this.window.destroyOnClose = false; this.window.setMaximizable(false); this.window.setResizable(true); this.window.setClosable(true); this.window.setVisible(true); this.init = function() { listDiv.scrollTop = listDiv.scrollHeight - listDiv.clientHeight; }; this.window.addListener(mxEvent.SHOW, mxUtils.bind(this, function() { this.window.fit(); })); // Make refresh available via instance this.refreshLayers = refresh; this.window.setLocation = function(x, y) { let iw = window.innerWidth || document.body.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; let ih = window.innerHeight || document.body.clientHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, iw - this.table.clientWidth)); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, ih - this.table.clientHeight - 48)); if (this.getX() != x || this.getY() != y) { mxWindow.prototype.setLocation.apply(this, arguments); } }; let resizeListener = mxUtils.bind(this, function() { let x = this.window.getX(); let y = this.window.getY(); this.window.setLocation(x, y); }); mxEvent.addListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); this.destroy = function() { mxEvent.removeListener(window, 'resize', resizeListener); this.window.destroy(); } };