J | |
join, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
K | |
keyDown, mxKeyHandler | |
L | |
labelChanged, mxGraph | |
layeringStage | |
layout | |
layoutCells, mxLayoutManager | |
layoutLeaf, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
leave, mxLog | |
lineTo | |
link | |
linkAction, mxUtils | |
linkInvoke, mxUtils | |
load, mxUtils | |
loadInto, mxUtils | |
loadResources, mxResources | |
localEdgeProcessing | |
lookup, mxCodec | |
Loop, mxEdgeStyle | |
ltrim, mxUtils |
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.join = function( node )
Handles the event by invoking the function bound to the respective keystroke if isEnabledForEvent returns true for the given event and if isEventIgnored returns false, except for escape for which isEventIgnored is not invoked.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.keyDown = function( evt )
Sets the label of the specified cell to the given value using cellLabelChanged and fires mxEvent.LABEL_CHANGED while the transaction is in progress.
mxGraph.prototype.labelChanged = function( cell, value, evt )
Implements first stage of a Sugiyama layout.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function()
Implements first stage of a Sugiyama layout.
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.layeringStage = function()
Starts the actual compact tree layout algorithm at the given node.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layout = function( node )
Lays out the parallel edges in the given array.
mxParallelEdgeLayout.prototype.layout = function( parallels )
Executes all layouts which have been scheduled during the changes.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.layoutCells = function( cells )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.layoutLeaf = function( node )
Writes the specified string to the console if TRACE is true and computes the difference between the current time and t0 in milliseconds.
leave: function( string, t0 )
Draws a line to the given coordinates.
mxAbstractCanvas2D.prototype.lineTo = function( x, y )
Draws a line to the given coordinates.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.lineTo = function( x, y )
Adds a link node to the head of the document.
link: function( rel, href, doc )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent and invokes the given function when the link is clicked.
link: function( parent, text, funct, pad )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent that invokes action on the specified editor.
linkAction: function( parent, text, editor, action, pad )
Adds a hyperlink to the specified parent that invokes the specified function on the editor passing along the specified argument.
linkInvoke: function( parent, text, editor, functName, arg, pad )
Loads the specified URL synchronously and returns the mxXmlRequest.
load: function( url )
Loads the specified URL asynchronously into the specified document, invoking onload after the document has been loaded.
loadInto: function( url, doc, onload )
Loads all required resources asynchronously.
loadResources: function( callback )
Moves the specified node and all of its children by the given amount.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function( node )
Separates the x position of edges as they connect to vertices
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.localEdgeProcessing = function( model )
Hook for subclassers to implement a custom lookup mechanism for cell IDs.
mxCodec.prototype.lookup = function( id )
Implements a self-reference, aka.
Loop: function ( state, source, target, points, result )
Strips all whitespaces from the beginning of the string.
ltrim: function( str, chars )