Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Properties
com.mxgraph.mxCell Class Reference

Cells are the elements of the graph model. They represent the state of the groups, vertices and edges in a graph. More...

Inheritance diagram for com.mxgraph.mxCell:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 mxCell ()
 Constructs a new empty cell.
 mxCell (Object value)
 Constructs a new cell for the given value.
 mxCell (Object value, mxGeometry geometry, string style)
 Constructs a new cell for the given value, geometry and style.
mxICell GetTerminal (bool source)
 Returns the source or target terminal of the cell.
mxICell SetTerminal (mxICell terminal, bool isSource)
 Sets the source or target terminal.
int ChildCount ()
 Returns the number of child cells.
int GetIndex (mxICell child)
 Returns the index of the specified child in the child array.
mxICell GetChildAt (int index)
 Returns the child at the specified index.
mxICell Insert (mxICell child)
 Appends the specified child into the child array and updates the parent reference of the child.
mxICell Insert (mxICell child, int index)
 Inserts the specified child into the child array at the specified index and updates the parent reference of the child.
mxICell Remove (int index)
 Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed. Will remove the parent reference of the child.
mxICell Remove (mxICell child)
 Removes the given child from the child array. Will remove the parent reference of the child.
void RemoveFromParent ()
 Removes the cell from its parent.
int EdgeCount ()
 Returns the number of edges in the edge array.
int GetEdgeIndex (mxICell edge)
 Returns the index of the specified edge in the edge array.
mxICell GetEdgeAt (int index)
 Returns the edge at the specified index in the edge array.
mxICell InsertEdge (mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
 Inserts the specified edge into the edge array and returns the edge. Will update the respective terminal reference of the edge.
mxICell RemoveEdge (mxICell edge, bool isOutgoing)
 Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge. Will remove the respective terminal reference from the edge.
void RemoveFromTerminal (bool isSource)
 Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.
String GetAttribute (String name)
 Returns the specified attribute from the user object if it is an XML.
String GetAttribute (String name, String defaultValue)
 Returns the specified attribute from the user object if it is an XML.
void SetAttribute (String name, String value)
Object Clone ()
 Returns a clone of this cell.

Protected Attributes

string id
 Holds the Id. Default is null.
Object value
 Holds the user object. Default is null.
mxGeometry geometry
 Holds the geometry. Default is null.
string style
 Holds the geometry. Default is null.
bool vertex = false
 Specifies whether the cell is a vertex. Default value is false.
bool edge = false
 Specifies whether the cell is an edge. Default value is false.
bool connectable = true
 Specifies whether the cell connectable. Default value is true.
bool visible = true
 Specifies whether the cell is visible. Default value is true.
bool collapsed = false
 Specifies whether the cell is collapsed. Default value is false.
mxICell parent
 Reference to the parent cell.
mxICell source
 Reference to the source terminal of an edge.
mxICell target
 Reference to the target terminal of an edge.
List< mxICellchildren
 Holds the child cells.
List< mxICelledges
 Holds the connected edges.


string Id [get, set]
 Sets or returns the Id of the cell.
Object Value [get, set]
 Sets or returns the user object of the cell.
mxGeometry Geometry [get, set]
 Sets or returns the geometry of the cell.
string Style [get, set]
 Sets or returns the string that describes the style.
bool Vertex [get, set]
 Returns true if the cell is a vertex.
bool Edge [get, set]
 Returns true if the cell is an edge.
bool Connectable [get, set]
 Returns true if the cell is connectable.
bool Visible [get, set]
 Sets or returns the visible state of the cell.
bool Collapsed [get, set]
 Sets or returns the collapsed state of the cell.
mxICell Parent [get, set]
 Sets or returns the parent of the cell.
mxICell Source [get, set]
 Sets or returns the source terminal of the cell.
mxICell Target [get, set]
 Sets or returns the target terminal of the cell.

Detailed Description

Cells are the elements of the graph model. They represent the state of the groups, vertices and edges in a graph.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Constructs a new empty cell.

com.mxgraph.mxCell.mxCell ( Object  value) [inline]

Constructs a new cell for the given value.

valueValue that represents the user object.
com.mxgraph.mxCell.mxCell ( Object  value,
mxGeometry  geometry,
string  style 
) [inline]

Constructs a new cell for the given value, geometry and style.

valueValue that represents the user object.
geometryGeometry of the cell to be created.
styleStyle of the cell to be created.

Member Function Documentation

Returns the number of child cells.

Returns the number of child cells.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Object com.mxgraph.mxCell.Clone ( ) [inline]

Returns a clone of this cell.

Returns a clone of this cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

int com.mxgraph.mxCell.EdgeCount ( ) [inline]

Returns the number of edges in the edge array.

Returns the number of edges.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

String com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetAttribute ( String  name) [inline]

Returns the specified attribute from the user object if it is an XML.


nameName of the attribute whose value should be returned.
Returns the value of the given attribute or null.
String com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetAttribute ( String  name,
String  defaultValue 
) [inline]

Returns the specified attribute from the user object if it is an XML.


nameName of the attribute whose value should be returned.
defaultValueDefault value to use if the attribute has no value.
Returns the value of the given attribute or defaultValue.
mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetChildAt ( int  index) [inline]

Returns the child at the specified index.

indexInteger that specifies the child to be returned.
Returns the child at the specified index.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetEdgeAt ( int  index) [inline]

Returns the edge at the specified index in the edge array.

indexInteger that specifies the index of the edge to be returned.
Returns the edge at the specified index.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

int com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetEdgeIndex ( mxICell  edge) [inline]

Returns the index of the specified edge in the edge array.

edgeCell whose index should be returned.
Returns the index of the given edge.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

int com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetIndex ( mxICell  child) [inline]

Returns the index of the specified child in the child array.

childChild whose index should be returned.
Returns the index of the specified child.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.GetTerminal ( bool  source) [inline]

Returns the source or target terminal of the cell.

sourceBoolean that specifies if the source terminal should be returned.
Returns the source or target terminal.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Appends the specified child into the child array and updates the parent reference of the child.

childCell to be appended to the child array.
Returns the appended child.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.Insert ( mxICell  child,
int  index 
) [inline]

Inserts the specified child into the child array at the specified index and updates the parent reference of the child.

childCell to be inserted into the child array.
indexInteger that specifies the index at which the child should be inserted into the child array.
Returns the inserted child.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.InsertEdge ( mxICell  edge,
bool  isOutgoing 
) [inline]

Inserts the specified edge into the edge array and returns the edge. Will update the respective terminal reference of the edge.

edgeCell to be inserted into the edge array.
isOutgoingBoolean that specifies if the edge is outgoing.
Returns the inserted edge.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.Remove ( int  index) [inline]

Removes the child at the specified index from the child array and returns the child that was removed. Will remove the parent reference of the child.

indexInteger that specifies the index of the child to be removed.
Returns the child that was removed.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Removes the given child from the child array. Will remove the parent reference of the child.

Returns the child that was removed.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.RemoveEdge ( mxICell  edge,
bool  isOutgoing 
) [inline]

Removes the specified edge from the edge array and returns the edge. Will remove the respective terminal reference from the edge.

edgeCell to be removed from the edge array.
isOutgoingBoolean that specifies if the edge is outgoing.
Returns the edge that was removed.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Removes the cell from its parent.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

void com.mxgraph.mxCell.RemoveFromTerminal ( bool  isSource) [inline]

Removes the edge from its source or target terminal.

isSourceBoolean that specifies if the edge should be removed from its source or target terminal.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

void com.mxgraph.mxCell.SetAttribute ( String  name,
String  value 
) [inline]

Sets the specified attribute on the user object if it is an XML node.

nameName of the attribute whose value should be set.
valueNew value of the attribute.
mxICell com.mxgraph.mxCell.SetTerminal ( mxICell  terminal,
bool  source 
) [inline]

Sets the source or target terminal.

terminalCell that represents the new source or target terminal.
sourceBoolean that specifies if the source or target terminal should be set.
Returns the new terminal.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Member Data Documentation

Holds the child cells.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.collapsed = false [protected]

Specifies whether the cell is collapsed. Default value is false.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.connectable = true [protected]

Specifies whether the cell connectable. Default value is true.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.edge = false [protected]

Specifies whether the cell is an edge. Default value is false.

List<mxICell> com.mxgraph.mxCell.edges [protected]

Holds the connected edges.

Holds the geometry. Default is null.

string [protected]

Holds the Id. Default is null.

Reference to the parent cell.

Reference to the source terminal of an edge.

string [protected]

Holds the geometry. Default is null.

Reference to the target terminal of an edge.

Object com.mxgraph.mxCell.value [protected]

Holds the user object. Default is null.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.vertex = false [protected]

Specifies whether the cell is a vertex. Default value is false.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.visible = true [protected]

Specifies whether the cell is visible. Default value is true.

Property Documentation

Sets or returns the collapsed state of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Returns true if the cell is connectable.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.Edge [get, set]

Returns true if the cell is an edge.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Sets or returns the geometry of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

string com.mxgraph.mxCell.Id [get, set]

Sets or returns the Id of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Sets or returns the parent of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Sets or returns the source terminal of the cell.

string com.mxgraph.mxCell.Style [get, set]

Sets or returns the string that describes the style.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

Sets or returns the target terminal of the cell.

Object com.mxgraph.mxCell.Value [get, set]

Sets or returns the user object of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.Vertex [get, set]

Returns true if the cell is a vertex.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

bool com.mxgraph.mxCell.Visible [get, set]

Sets or returns the visible state of the cell.

Implements com.mxgraph.mxICell.

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