
Uses of Interface

Packages that use mxICostFunction
com.mxgraph.analysis This package provides various algorithms for graph analysis, such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree. 

Uses of mxICostFunction in com.mxgraph.analysis

Classes in com.mxgraph.analysis that implement mxICostFunction
 class mxConstantCostFunction
          Implements a cost function for a constant cost per traversed cell.
 class mxDistanceCostFunction
          Implements a cost function for the Euclidean length of an edge.

Methods in com.mxgraph.analysis with parameters of type mxICostFunction
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getMinimumSpanningTree(mxGraph graph, Object[] v, mxICostFunction cf, boolean directed)
          Returns the minimum spanning tree (MST) for the graph defined by G=(E,V).
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getMinimumSpanningTree(mxGraph graph, Object[] v, Object[] e, mxICostFunction cf)
          Returns the minimum spanning tree (MST) for the graph defined by G=(E,V).
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getShortestPath(mxGraph graph, Object from, Object to, mxICostFunction cf, int steps, boolean directed)
          Returns the shortest path between two cells or their descendants represented as an array of edges in order of traversal.
 mxCellState[] mxGraphAnalysis.sort(mxCellState[] states, mxICostFunction cf)
          Returns a sorted set for cells with respect to cf.
 double mxGraphAnalysis.sum(mxCellState[] states, mxICostFunction cf)
          Returns the sum of all cost for cells with respect to cf.

Uses of mxICostFunction in com.mxgraph.costfunction

Classes in com.mxgraph.costfunction that implement mxICostFunction
 class mxConstCostFunction
 class mxCostFunction
 class mxDoubleValCostFunction
          A cost function that assumes that edge value is of type "double" or "String" and returns that value.

Uses of mxICostFunction in com.mxgraph.generatorfunction

Classes in com.mxgraph.generatorfunction that implement mxICostFunction
 class mxGeneratorConstFunction
 class mxGeneratorFunction
 class mxGeneratorRandomFunction
 class mxGeneratorRandomIntFunction


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.