
Class mxUnionFind

  extended by com.mxgraph.analysis.mxUnionFind

public class mxUnionFind
extends Object

Implements a union find structure that uses union by rank and path compression. The union by rank guarantees worst case find time of O(log N), while Tarjan shows that in combination with path compression (halving) the average time for an arbitrary sequence of m >= n operations is O(m*alpha(m,n)), where alpha is the inverse of the Ackermann function, defined as follows: alpha(m,n) = min{i >= 1 | A(i, floor(m/n)) > log n} for m >= n >= 1 Which yields almost constant time for each individual operation.

Nested Class Summary
 class mxUnionFind.Node
          A class that defines the identity of a set.
Field Summary
protected  Map<Object,mxUnionFind.Node> nodes
          Maps from elements to nodes
Constructor Summary
mxUnionFind(Object[] elements)
          Constructs a union find structure and initializes it with the specified elements.
Method Summary
 boolean differ(Object a, Object b)
          Returns true if element a and element b are not in the same set.
 mxUnionFind.Node find(mxUnionFind.Node node)
          Returns the set that contains node.
 mxUnionFind.Node getNode(Object element)
          Returns the node that represents element.
 void union(mxUnionFind.Node a, mxUnionFind.Node b)
          Unifies the sets a and b in constant time using a union by rank on the tree size.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Map<Object,mxUnionFind.Node> nodes
Maps from elements to nodes

Constructor Detail


public mxUnionFind(Object[] elements)
Constructs a union find structure and initializes it with the specified elements.

elements -
Method Detail


public mxUnionFind.Node getNode(Object element)
Returns the node that represents element.


public mxUnionFind.Node find(mxUnionFind.Node node)
Returns the set that contains node. This implementation provides path compression by halving.


public void union(mxUnionFind.Node a,
                  mxUnionFind.Node b)
Unifies the sets a and b in constant time using a union by rank on the tree size.


public boolean differ(Object a,
                      Object b)
Returns true if element a and element b are not in the same set. This uses getNode and then find to determine the elements set.

a - The first element to compare.
b - The second element to compare.
Returns true if a and b are in the same set.
See Also:


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.