Function Index
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 handlingResize, mxDivResizer
 hasScrollbars, mxUtils
 hasValidState, mxCellMarker
 HexagonPerimeter, mxPerimeter
 hideMenu, mxPopupMenu
 hideProperties, mxEditor
 hideSizers, mxVertexHandler
 hideSubmenu, mxPopupMenu
 hideTooltip, mxTooltipHandler
 hitsSwimlaneContent, mxGraph
 home, mxGraph
 horizontalLayout, mxCompactTreeLayout
 htmlEntities, mxUtils
Boolean specifying if the width should be updated.
hasScrollbars: function(node)
Returns true if the overflow CSS property of the given node is either scroll or auto.
mxCellMarker.prototype.hasValidState = function()
Returns true if validState is not null.
HexagonPerimeter: function (bounds,
Describes a hexagon perimeter.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.hide = function()
Resets the state of the cell marker.
Hides all current guides.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.hide = function()
Hides the tooltip and resets the timer.
mxWindow.prototype.hide = function()
Hides the window.
Shortcut to hideSizers.
Shortcut to hideSizers.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideMenu = function()
Removes the menu and all submenus.
mxEditor.prototype.hideProperties = function ()
Hides the properties dialog.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.hideSizers = function()
Hides all sizers except.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.hideSubmenu = function(parent)
Removes all submenus inside the given parent.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.hideTooltip = function()
Hides the tooltip.
mxGraph.prototype.hitsSwimlaneContent = function(swimlane,
Returns true if the given coordinate pair is inside the content are of the given swimlane.
mxGraph.prototype.home = function()
Uses the root of the model as the root of the displayed cell hierarchy and selects the previous root.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.horizontalLayout = function(node,
htmlEntities: function(s,
Replaces characters (less than, greater than, newlines and quotes) with their HTML entities in the given string and returns the result.