Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 importCells, mxGraph
 importNode, mxUtils
 include, mxClient
 indexOf, mxUtils
 indexOfStylename, mxUtils
 info, mxLog
 initBend, mxEdgeHandler
 initControl, mxCellRenderer
 initialCoords, mxCoordinateAssignment
 initializeLabel, mxCellRenderer
 initializeOverlay, mxCellRenderer
 initializeShape, mxCellRenderer
 initShape, mxHandle
 insertBackgroundImage, mxPrintPreview
 insertIntoGraph, mxCodec
 insertStateAfter, mxCellRenderer
 insertVertex, mxGraph
 installChangeHandler, mxEditor
 installCloseHandler, mxWindow
 installDblClickHandler, mxEditor
 installDrillHandler, mxEditor
 installDropHandler, mxDefaultToolbar
 installInsertHandler, mxEditor
 installMaximizeHandler, mxWindow
 installMinimizeHandler, mxWindow
 installMoveHandler, mxWindow
 installOverlayListeners, mxCellRenderer
 installUndoHandler, mxEditor
 intersection, mxUtils
 invalidate, mxGraphView
 invert, mxGraphHierarchyEdge
 isAddEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager
 isAddPointEvent, mxEdgeHandler
 isAddVirtualBendEvent, mxEdgeHandler
 isAllowDanglingEdges, mxGraph
 isAllowEval, mxGraphView
 isAllowLoops, mxGraph
 isAllowOverlapParent, mxGraph
 isAltDown, mxEvent
 isAncestorNode, mxUtils
 isArrowRounded, mxArrowConnector
 isAutoSizeCell, mxGraph
 isAutoSizeCells, mxGraph
 isBinary, mxXmlRequest
 isBooleanAttribute, mxObjectCodec
 isBrowserSupported, mxClient
 isBubbling, mxLayoutManager
 isCellBendable, mxGraph
 isCellCloneable, mxGraph
 isCellConnectable, mxGraph
 isCellDeletable, mxGraph
 isCellDisconnectable, mxGraph
 isCellEditable, mxGraph
 isCellFoldable, mxGraph
 isCellHorizontal, mxSwimlaneManager
 isCellLocked, mxGraph
 isCellMovable, mxGraph
 isCellResizable, mxGraph
 isCellRotatable, mxGraph
 isCellsBendable, mxGraph
 isCellsCloneable, mxGraph
 isCellsDeletable, mxGraph
 isCellsDisconnectable, mxGraph
 isCellsEditable, mxGraph
 isCellSelectable, mxGraph
 isCellSelected, mxGraph
 isCellsLocked, mxGraph
 isCellsMovable, mxGraph
 isCellsResizable, mxGraph
 isCellsSelectable, mxGraph
 isCellVisible, mxGraph
 isCloneEnabled, mxGraphHandler
 isCloneEvent, mxGraph
 isCloneInvalidEdges, mxGraph
 isConnectableEdges, mxGraph
 isConnecting, mxConnectionHandler
 isConstrainChild, mxGraph
 isConstrainChildren, mxGraph
 isConstrainChildrenOnResize, mxGraph
 isContainerEvent, mxGraphView
 isCreateIds, mxGraphModel
 isCreateTarget, mxConnectionHandler
 isDelayedSelection, mxGraphHandler
 isDisconnectOnMove, mxGraph
 isDropEnabled, mxGraph
 isEdgeIgnored, mxGraphLayout
 isEdgeLabelsMovable, mxGraph
 isEdgeValid, mxGraph
 isEditing, mxGraph
 isEnterStopsCellEditing, mxGraph
 isEscapeEnabled, mxGraph
 isEventsEnabled, mxEventSource
 isEventSource, mxCellEditor
 isEventSourceIgnored, mxGraph
 isExtendParent, mxGraph
 isExtendParents, mxGraph
 isExtendParentsOnAdd, mxGraph
 isExtendParentsOnMove, mxGraph
 isForcePanningEvent, mxPanningHandler
 isForceRubberbandEvent, mxRubberband
 isGraphEvent, mxKeyHandler
 isGridEnabledEvent, mxGraph
 isGuidesEnabled, mxDragSource
 isHandleEnabled, mxEdgeHandler
 isHandleVisible, mxEdgeHandler
 isHideLabel, mxCellEditor
 isHideOnHover, mxTooltipHandler
 isHighlightAt, mxCellHighlight
 isHotspotEnabled, mxCellMarker
 isHtmlLabel, mxGraph
 isHtmlLabels, mxGraph
 isHtmlRequired, mxHandle
 isImmediateConnectSource, mxConnectionHandler
 isInsertBefore, mxConnectionHandler
 isInteger, mxUtils
 isInvokesStopCellEditing, mxGraph
 isKeepFocusEvent, mxConstraintHandler
 isLabelClipped, mxGraph
 isLabelEvent, mxCellRenderer
 isLabelMovable, mxGraph
 isLanguageSupported, mxResources
 isLayer, mxGraphModel
 isLeftMouseButton, mxEvent
 isLivePreviewBorder, mxVertexHandler
 isLoop, mxGraph
 isMarkerEnd, mxArrowConnector
 isMarkerStart, mxArrowConnector
 isMenuShowing, mxPopupMenu
 isMetaDown, mxEvent
 isMiddleMouseButton, mxEvent
 isModified, mxEditor
 isMouseEvent, mxEvent
 isMoveEnabled, mxGraphHandler
 isMoveIconToFrontForState, mxConnectionHandler
 isMultigraph, mxGraph
 isMultiTouchEvent, mxEvent
 isNaN, mxUtils
 isNode, mxUtils
 isNumeric, mxUtils
 isNumericAttribute, mxObjectCodec
 isOpenEnded, mxArrowConnector
 isOrthogonal, mxGraph
 isPanningEnabled, mxPanningHandler
 isPanningTrigger, mxPanningHandler
 isPinchEnabled, mxPanningHandler
 isPortsEnabled, mxGraph
 isPropertiesVisible, mxEditor
 isReady, mxXmlRequest
 isRecursiveResize, mxGraph
 isRelativeUrl, mxUrlConverter
 isRemoveCellsFromParent, mxGraphHandler
 isRemovePointEvent, mxEdgeHandler
 isRendering, mxGraphView
 isResizable, mxWindow
 isResizeContainer, mxGraph
 isResizeEnabled, mxSwimlaneManager
 isRightMouseButton, mxEvent
 isRoot, mxGraphModel
 isRotationHandleVisible, mxVertexHandler
 isRunning, mxAnimation
 isScrollEvent, mxGraphView
 isSelected, mxGraphSelectionModel
 isSelectEnabled, mxGraphHandler
 isSelectionEmpty, mxGraph
 isSelectOnPopup, mxPopupMenuHandler
 isSelectText, mxCellEditor
 isShapeEvent, mxCellRenderer
 isShiftDown, mxEvent
 isSignificant, mxUndoableEdit
 isSingleSelection, mxGraphSelectionModel
 isSizerVisible, mxVertexHandler
 isSnapToTerminalsEvent, mxEdgeHandler
 isSource, mxMouseEvent
 isSplitEnabled, mxGraph
 isSplitTarget, mxGraph
 isStartEvent, mxConnectionHandler
 isStateIgnored, mxConstraintHandler
 isStopEditingEvent, mxCellEditor
 isStopEvent, mxConnectionHandler
 isSwimlane, mxGraph
 isSwimlaneIgnored, mxSwimlaneManager
 isSwimlaneNesting, mxGraph
 isSwimlaneSelectionEnabled, mxGraph
 isSyntheticEventIgnored, mxGraph
 isTerminalPointMovable, mxGraph
 isToggleEvent, mxGraph
 isTouchEvent, mxEvent
 isValidAncestor, mxGraph
 isValidConnection, mxGraph
 isValidDropTarget, mxGraph
 isValidRoot, mxGraph
 isValidState, mxCellMarker
 isVertexLabelsMovable, mxGraph
 isVertexMovable, mxGraphLayout
 isVirtualBendsEnabled, mxEdgeHandler
 isVml, mxUtils
 isWrapping, mxGraph
mxSvgCanvas2D.prototype.image = function(x,
Private helper function to create SVG elements
mxVmlCanvas2D.prototype.image = function(x,
Paints an image.
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.image = function(x,
Paints an image.
mxGraph.prototype.importCells = function(cells,
Clones and inserts the given cells into the graph using the move method and returns the inserted cells.
importNode: function(doc,
Cross browser implementation for document.importNode.
include: function(src)
Dynamically adds a script node to the document header.
indexOf: function(array,
Returns the index of obj in array or -1 if the array does not contain the given object.
indexOfStylename: function(style,
Returns the index of the given stylename in the given style.
info: function()
Writes the current navigator information to the console.
mxCellEditor.prototype.init = function ()
Creates the textarea and installs the event listeners.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this connection handler.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this edge handler.
mxGraph.prototype.init = function(container)
Initializes the container and creates the respective datastructures.
mxGraphView.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the graph event dispatch loop for the specified container and invokes create to create the required DOM nodes for the display.
mxHandle.prototype.init = function()
Creates and initializes the shapes required for this handle.
mxLabel.prototype.init = function(container)
Initializes the shape and the indicator.
init: function()
Initializes the DOM node for the console.
mxOutline.prototype.init = function(container)
Initializes the outline inside the given container.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler.
mxShape.prototype.init = function(container)
Initializes the shape by creaing the DOM node using create and adding it into the given container.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the DOM nodes required for this tooltip handler.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.init = function()
Initializes the shapes required for this vertex handler.
mxWindow.prototype.init = function(x,
Initializes the DOM tree that represents the window.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.initBend = function(bend,
Helper method to initialize the given bend.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initControl = function(state,
Initializes the given control and returns the corresponding DOM node.
mxCoordinateAssignment.prototype.initialCoords = function(facade,
Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeLabel = function(state,
Initiailzes the label with a suitable container.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeOverlay = function(state,
Initializes the given overlay.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.initializeShape = function(state)
Initializes the shape in the given state by calling its init method with the correct container after configuring it using configureShape.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.initialRank = function()
Basic determination of minimum layer ranking by working from from sources or sinks and working through each node in the relevant edge direction.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.initialRank = function()
Basic determination of minimum layer ranking by working from from sources or sinks and working through each node in the relevant edge direction.
mxHandle.prototype.initShape = function(html)
Initializes shape and sets its cursor.
mxCell.prototype.insert = function(child,
Inserts the specified child into the child array at the specified index and updates the parent reference of the child.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.insert = function(vertex,
Handles a drop by inserting the given vertex into the given parent cell or the default parent if no parent is specified.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.insertBackgroundImage = function(div,
Inserts the background image into the given div.
mxCell.prototype.insertEdge = function(edge,
Inserts the specified edge into the edge array and returns the edge.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.insertEdge = function(parent,
Creates, inserts and returns the new edge for the given parameters.
mxGraph.prototype.insertEdge = function(parent,
Adds a new edge into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given source and target as the terminals of the new edge.
mxCodec.prototype.insertIntoGraph = function(cell)
Inserts the given cell into its parent and terminal cells.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.insertStateAfter = function(state,
Inserts the given array of mxShapes after the given nodes in the DOM.
mxGraph.prototype.insertVertex = function(parent,
Adds a new vertex into the given parent mxCell using value as the user object and the given coordinates as the mxGeometry of the new vertex.
mxEditor.prototype.installChangeHandler = function (graph)
Installs the listeners required to automatically validate the graph.
mxWindow.prototype.installCloseHandler = function()
Adds the closeImage as a new image node in closeImg and installs the close event.
mxEditor.prototype.installDblClickHandler = function (graph)
Overrides mxGraph.dblClick to invoke dblClickAction on a cell and reset the selection tool in the toolbar.
mxEditor.prototype.installDrillHandler = function (graph)
Installs listeners for dispatching the root event.
mxDefaultToolbar.prototype.installDropHandler = function (img,
Makes the given img draggable using the given function for handling a drop event.
mxEditor.prototype.installInsertHandler = function (graph)
Installs the handler for invoking insertFunction if one is defined.
mxCellEditor.prototype.installListeners = function(elt)
Installs listeners for focus, change and standard key event handling.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.installListeners = function(state)
Installs the event listeners for the given cell state.
mxGraphView.prototype.installListeners = function()
Installs the required listeners in the container.
mxWindow.prototype.installMaximizeHandler = function()
Installs the event listeners required for maximizing the window.
mxWindow.prototype.installMinimizeHandler = function()
Installs the event listeners required for minimizing the window.
mxWindow.prototype.installMoveHandler = function()
Installs the event listeners required for moving the window.
Installs the listeners for the given mxCellState, mxCellOverlay and mxShape that represents the overlay.
mxEditor.prototype.installUndoHandler = function (graph)
Adds the undoManager to the graph model and the view.
intersection: function (x0,
Returns the intersection of two lines as an mxPoint.
mxCellMarker.prototype.intersects = function(state,
Returns true if the given coordinate pair intersects the given state.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.intersects = function(icon,
Returns true if the given icon intersects the given rectangle.
mxGraph.prototype.intersects = function(state,
Returns the bottom-most cell that intersects the given point (x, y) in the cell hierarchy that starts at the given parent.
intersects: function(a,
Returns true if the two rectangles intersect.
mxGraphView.prototype.invalidate = function(cell,
Invalidates the state of the given cell, all its descendants and connected edges.
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.invert = function(layer)
Inverts the direction of this internal edge(s)
mxDragSource.prototype.isActive = function()
Returns true if this drag source is active.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isActive = function()
Returns true if the handler is currently active.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isAddEnabled = function()
Returns addEnabled.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isAddPointEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given event is a trigger to add a new point.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isAddVirtualBendEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given event allows virtual bends to be added.
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowDanglingEdges = function()
Returns allowDanglingEdges as a boolean.
mxGraphView.prototype.isAllowEval = function()
Returns allowEval.
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowLoops = function()
Returns allowLoops as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isAllowOverlapParent = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is allowed to be placed outside of the parents area.
isAltDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the alt key is pressed for the given event.
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.isAncestor = function(otherNode)
mxGraphModel.prototype.isAncestor = function(parent,
Returns true if the given parent is an ancestor of the given child.
isAncestorNode: function(ancestor,
Returns true if the given ancestor is an ancestor of the given DOM node in the DOM.
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isArrowRounded = function()
Returns wether the arrow is rounded
mxGraph.prototype.isAutoSizeCell = function(cell)
Returns true if the size of the given cell should automatically be updated after a change of the label.
mxGraph.prototype.isAutoSizeCells = function()
Returns autoSizeCells.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.isBinary = function()
Returns binary.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isBooleanAttribute = function(enc,
Returns true if the given object attribute is a boolean value.
isBrowserSupported: function()
Returns true if the current browser is supported, that is, if mxClient.IS_VML or mxClient.IS_SVG is true.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.isBubbling = function()
Returns true if a layout should bubble, that is, if the parent layout should be executed whenever a cell layout (layout of the children of a cell) has been executed.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellBendable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is bendable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellCloneable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is cloneable.
codec.isCellCodec = function()
Returns true since this is a cell codec.
mxCodec.prototype.isCellCodec = function(codec)
Returns true if the given codec is a cell codec.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellCollapsed = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is collapsed in this graph.
mxGraphView.prototype.isCellCollapsed = function(cell)
Returns true if the children of the given cell should not be visible in the view.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellConnectable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is connectable in this graph.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellDeletable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is moveable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellDisconnectable = function(cell,
Returns true if the given cell is disconnectable from the source or target terminal.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellEditable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is editable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellFoldable = function(cell,
Returns true if the given cell is foldable.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isCellHorizontal = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is horizontal.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellLocked = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell may not be moved, sized, bended, disconnected, edited or selected.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellMovable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is moveable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellResizable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is resizable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellRotatable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is rotatable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsBendable = function()
Returns cellsBenadable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsCloneable = function()
Returns cellsCloneable, that is, if the graph allows cloning of cells by using control-drag.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsDeletable = function()
Returns cellsDeletable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsDisconnectable = function()
Returns cellsDisconnectable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsEditable = function()
Returns cellsEditable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellSelectable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is selectable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellSelected = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is selected.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsLocked = function()
Returns true if the given cell may not be moved, sized, bended, disconnected, edited or selected.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsMovable = function()
Returns cellsMovable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsResizable = function()
Returns cellsResizable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellsSelectable = function()
Returns cellsSelectable.
mxGraph.prototype.isCellVisible = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is visible in this graph.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isCloneEnabled = function()
Returns cloneEnabled.
mxGraph.prototype.isCloneEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given event is a clone event.
mxGraph.prototype.isCloneInvalidEdges = function()
Returns cloneInvalidEdges as a boolean.
mxCell.prototype.isCollapsed = function()
Returns true if the cell is collapsed.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isCollapsed = function(cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is collapsed.
mxCell.prototype.isConnectable = function()
Returns true if the cell is connectable.
mxGraph.prototype.isConnectable = function(connectable)
Returns true if the connectionHandler is enabled.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isConnectable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is connectable.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is connectable.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isConnectableCell = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is connectable.
mxGraph.prototype.isConnectableEdges = function()
Returns connectableEdges as a boolean.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isConnecting = function()
Returns true if the source terminal has been clicked and a new connection is currently being previewed.
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainChild = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell should be kept inside the bounds of its parent according to the rules defined by getOverlap and isAllowOverlapParent.
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainChildren = function()
Returns constrainChildren.
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainChildrenOnResize = function()
Returns constrainChildrenOnResize.
mxGraph.prototype.isConstrainedEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given mouse event should be aligned to the grid.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isConstrainedEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the aspect ratio if the cell should be maintained.
isConsumed: function(evt)
Returns true if the event has been consumed using consume.
mxEventObject.prototype.isConsumed = function()
Returns true if the event has been consumed.
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isConsumed = function()
Returns consumed.
mxGraphView.prototype.isContainerEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the event origin is one of the drawing panes or containers of the view.
isControlDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the control key is pressed for the given event.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.isControlDown = function(evt)
Returns true if the control key is pressed.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isCreateIds = function()
Returns createIds.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isCreateTarget = function(evt)
Returns createTarget.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given event allows custom handles to be changed.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isCustomHandleEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given event allows custom handles to be changed.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isDelayedSelection = function(cell,
Hook to return true for delayed selections.
mxGraph.prototype.isDisconnectOnMove = function()
Returns disconnectOnMove as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isDropEnabled = function()
Returns dropEnabled as a boolean.
mxCell.prototype.isEdge = function()
Returns true if the cell is an edge.
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.isEdge = function()
Returns whether or not this cell is an edge
mxGraphHierarchyEdge.prototype.isEdge = function()
Returns true.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isEdge = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is an edge.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isEdgeIgnored = function(edge)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell should be ignored by the algorithm.
mxGraph.prototype.isEdgeLabelsMovable = function()
Returns edgeLabelsMovable.
mxGraph.prototype.isEdgeValid = function(edge,
Checks if the return value of getEdgeValidationError for the given arguments is null.
mxGraph.prototype.isEditing = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is currently being edited.
mxCellStatePreview.prototype.isEmpty = function()
Returns true if this contains no entries.
isEmpty: function()
Returns true if the clipboard currently has not data stored.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isEmpty = function()
Returns true if no cells are currently selected.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isEmpty = function()
Returns true if the this edit contains no changes.
mxUndoManager.prototype.isEmpty = function()
Returns true if the history is empty.
mxAutoSaveManager.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxCellMarker.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxDragSource.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if the graph is enabled.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns enabled.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxLayoutManager.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxOutline.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxRubberband.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxSelectionCellsHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns enabled.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns true if events are handled.
mxUrlConverter.prototype.isEnabled = function()
Returns enabled.
mxGuide.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the guide should be enabled for the given native event.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.isEnabledForEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given event should be handled.
mxGraph.prototype.isEnterStopsCellEditing = function()
Returns enterStopsCellEditing.
mxGraph.prototype.isEscapeEnabled = function()
Returns escapeEnabled.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isEventIgnored = function(me,
Returns true if the given mxMouseEvent should be ignored in update.
mxGraph.prototype.isEventIgnored = function(evtName,
Returns true if the event should be ignored in fireMouseEvent.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.isEventIgnored = function(evt)
Returns true if the given keystroke should be ignored.
mxEventSource.prototype.isEventsEnabled = function()
Returns eventsEnabled.
mxCellEditor.prototype.isEventSource = function(evt)
Returns true if this editor is the source for the given native event.
mxGraph.prototype.isEventSourceIgnored = function(evtName,
Returns true if the event should be ignored in fireMouseEvent.
codec.isExcluded = function(obj,
Excludes user objects that are XML nodes.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isExcluded = function(obj,
Returns true if the given attribute is to be ignored by the codec.
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParent = function(cell)
Returns true if the parent of the given cell should be extended if the child has been resized so that it overlaps the parent.
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParents = function()
Returns extendParents.
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnAdd = function(cell)
Returns extendParentsOnAdd.
mxGraph.prototype.isExtendParentsOnMove = function()
Returns extendParentsOnAdd.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isForcePanningEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given mxMouseEvent should start panning.
mxRubberband.prototype.isForceRubberbandEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given mxMouseEvent should start rubberband selection.
mxKeyHandler.prototype.isGraphEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the event should be processed by this handler, that is, if the event source is either the target, one of its direct children, a descendant of the mxGraph.container, or the mxGraph.cellEditor of the graph.
mxDragSource.prototype.isGridEnabled = function()
Returns gridEnabled.
mxGraph.prototype.isGridEnabled = function()
Returns gridEnabled as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isGridEnabledEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given mouse event should be aligned to the grid.
mxDragSource.prototype.isGuidesEnabled = function()
Returns guidesEnabled.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isHandleEnabled = function(index)
Creates the shape used to display the given bend.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isHandleVisible = function(index)
Returns true if the handle at the given index is visible.
mxCellEditor.prototype.isHideLabel = function(state)
Returns true if the label should be hidden while the cell is being edited.
mxTooltipHandler.prototype.isHideOnHover = function()
Returns hideOnHover.
mxCellHighlight.prototype.isHighlightAt = function(x,
Returns true if this highlight is at the given position.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function()
Returns horizontal.
mxPartitionLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function()
Returns horizontal.
mxStackLayout.prototype.isHorizontal = function()
Returns horizontal.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isHorizontal = function()
Returns horizontal.
mxCellMarker.prototype.isHotspotEnabled = function()
Returns true if hotspot is used in intersects.
mxImageShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function()
Returns true if HTML is allowed for this shape.
mxLabel.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function()
Returns true for non-rounded, non-rotated shapes with no glass gradient and no indicator shape.
mxRectangleShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function()
Returns true for non-rounded, non-rotated shapes with no glass gradient.
mxShape.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function()
Returns true if HTML is allowed for this shape.
mxText.prototype.isHtmlAllowed = function()
Returns true if HTML is allowed for this shape.
mxGraph.prototype.isHtmlLabel = function(cell)
Returns true if the label must be rendered as HTML markup.
mxGraph.prototype.isHtmlLabels = function()
Returns htmlLabels.
mxHandle.prototype.isHtmlRequired = function()
Returns true if this handle should be rendered in HTML.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isImmediateConnectSource = function(state)
Returns true if a tap on the given source state should immediately start connecting.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isInsertBefore = function(edge,
Returns insertBeforeSource.
isInteger: function(n)
Returns true if the given value is an valid integer number.
mxGraph.prototype.isInvokesStopCellEditing = function()
Returns invokesStopCellEditing.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isKeepFocusEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the current focused state should not be changed for the given event.
mxGraph.prototype.isLabelClipped = function(cell)
Returns true if the overflow portion of labels should be hidden.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isLabelEvent = function(state,
Returns true if the event is for the label of the given state.
mxGraph.prototype.isLabelMovable = function(cell)
Returns true if the given edges’s label is moveable.
isLanguageSupported: function(lan)
Hook for subclassers to disable support for a given language.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isLayer = function(cell)
Returns true if isRoot returns true for the parent of the given cell.
isLeftMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the left mouse button is pressed for the given event.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isLivePreviewBorder = function()
Called if livePreview is enabled to check if a border should be painted.
mxGraph.prototype.isLoop = function(state)
Returns true if the given cell state is a loop.
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isMarkerEnd = function()
Returns whether the end marker is drawn
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isMarkerStart = function()
Returns whether the start marker is drawn
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isMenuShowing = function()
Returns true if the menu is showing.
isMetaDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the meta key is pressed for the given event.
isMiddleMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the middle mouse button is pressed for the given event.
mxEditor.prototype.isModified = function ()
Returns modified.
isMouseEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a mouse (not a pen or touch device).
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isMoveEnabled = function()
Returns moveEnabled.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isMoveIconToFrontForState = function(state)
Returns true if the state has a HTML label in the graph’s container, otherwise it returns moveIconFront.
mxGraph.prototype.isMultigraph = function()
Returns multigraph as a boolean.
isMultiTouchEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
isNaN: function(value)
Returns true if the given value is of type number and isNaN returns true.
isNode: function(value,
Returns true if the given value is an XML node with the node name and if the optional attribute has the specified value.
isNumeric: function(n)
Returns true if the specified value is numeric, that is, if it is not null, not an empty string, not a HEX number and isNaN returns false.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isNumericAttribute = function(dec,
Returns true if the given XML attribute is a numeric value.
mxArrowConnector.prototype.isOpenEnded = function()
Returns whether the ends of the shape are drawn
mxGraph.prototype.isOrthogonal = function(edge)
Returns true if perimeter points should be computed such that the resulting edge has only horizontal or vertical segments.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent = function(me)
Returns true if outlineConnect is true and the source of the event is the outline shape or shift is pressed.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isOutlineConnectEvent = function(me)
Returns true if outlineConnect is true and the source of the event is the outline shape or shift is pressed.
mxPolyline.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function()
Returns false.
mxShape.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function()
Returns true if the bounds should be inverted.
mxText.prototype.isPaintBoundsInverted = function()
Inverts the bounds if mxShape.isBoundsInverted returns true or if the horizontal style is false.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningEnabled = function()
Returns panningEnabled.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPanningTrigger = function(me)
Returns true if the given event is a panning trigger for the optional given cell.
mxShape.prototype.isParseVml = function()
Specifies if any VML should be added via insertAdjacentHtml to the DOM.
mxText.prototype.isParseVml = function()
Text shapes do not contain VML markup and do not need to be parsed.
mxPanningHandler.prototype.isPinchEnabled = function()
Returns pinchEnabled.
isPopupTrigger: function(evt)
Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isPopupTrigger = function()
Returns true if the event is a popup trigger.
mxPopupMenu.prototype.isPopupTrigger = function(me)
Returns true if the given event is a popupmenu trigger for the optional given cell.
mxGraph.prototype.isPort = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a “port”, that is, when connecting to it, the cell returned by getTerminalForPort should be used as the terminal and the port should be referenced by the ID in either the mxConstants.STYLE_SOURCE_PORT or the or the mxConstants.STYLE_TARGET_PORT.
mxHierarchicalLayout.prototype.isPort = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a “port”, that is, when connecting to it, its parent is the connecting vertex in terms of graph traversal
mxSwimlaneLayout.prototype.isPort = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a “port”, that is, when connecting to it, its parent is the connecting vertex in terms of graph traversal
mxGraph.prototype.isPortsEnabled = function()
Returns portsEnabled as a boolean.
mxEditor.prototype.isPropertiesVisible = function ()
Returns true if the properties dialog is currently visible.
mxXmlRequest.prototype.isReady = function()
Returns true if the response is ready.
mxGraph.prototype.isRecursiveResize = function(state)
Returns recursiveResize.
codec.isReference = function(obj,
Returns true for the child attribute if the child cell had a previous parent or if we’re reading the child as an attribute rather than a child node, in which case it’s always a reference.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.isReference = function(obj,
Returns true if the given fieldname is to be treated as a textual reference (ID).
mxUrlConverter.prototype.isRelativeUrl = function(url)
Returns true if the given URL is relative.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isRemoveCellsFromParent = function()
Returns removeCellsFromParent.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isRemovePointEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given event is a trigger to remove a point.
mxGraphView.prototype.isRendering = function()
Returns rendering.
mxWindow.prototype.isResizable = function()
Returns true if the window is resizable.
mxGraph.prototype.isResizeContainer = function()
Returns resizeContainer.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isResizeEnabled = function()
Returns resizeEnabled.
isRightMouseButton: function(evt)
Returns true if the right mouse button was pressed.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isRoot = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is the root of the model and a non-null value.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isRotationHandleVisible = function()
Returns true if the rotation handle should be showing.
mxAnimation.prototype.isRunning = function()
Returns true if the animation is running.
mxGraphView.prototype.isScrollEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the event origin is one of the scrollbars of the container in IE.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isSelected = function(cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is selected.
mxGraphHandler.prototype.isSelectEnabled = function()
Returns selectEnabled.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isSelectionDashed = function()
Returns mxConstants.EDGE_SELECTION_DASHED.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isSelectionDashed = function()
mxGraph.prototype.isSelectionEmpty = function()
Returns true if the selection is empty.
mxPopupMenuHandler.prototype.isSelectOnPopup = function(me)
Hook for returning if a cell should be selected for a given mxMouseEvent.
mxCellEditor.prototype.isSelectText = function()
Returns selectText.
mxCellRenderer.prototype.isShapeEvent = function(state,
Returns true if the event is for the shape of the given state.
isShiftDown: function(evt)
Returns true if the shift key is pressed for the given event.
mxUndoableEdit.prototype.isSignificant = function()
Returns significant.
mxGraphSelectionModel.prototype.isSingleSelection = function()
Returns singleSelection as a boolean.
mxVertexHandler.prototype.isSizerVisible = function(index)
Returns true if the sizer for the given index is visible.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isSnapToTerminalsEvent = function(me)
Returns true if snapToTerminals is true and if alt is not pressed.
mxMouseEvent.prototype.isSource = function(shape)
Returns true if the given mxShape is the source of evt.
mxGraph.prototype.isSplitEnabled = function()
Returns splitEnabled as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isSplitTarget = function(target,
Returns true if the given edge may be splitted into two edges with the given cell as a new terminal between the two.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStartEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given mouse down event should start this handler.
mxConstraintHandler.prototype.isStateIgnored = function(state,
Returns true if the given state should be ignored.
mxCellEditor.prototype.isStopEditingEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given keydown event should stop cell editing.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isStopEvent = function(me)
Returns true if the given mouse up event should stop this handler.
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlane = function (cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a swimlane in the graph.
mxSwimlaneManager.prototype.isSwimlaneIgnored = function(swimlane)
Returns true if the given swimlane should be ignored.
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlaneNesting = function()
Returns swimlaneNesting as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isSwimlaneSelectionEnabled = function()
Returns swimlaneSelectionEnabled as a boolean.
mxGraph.prototype.isSyntheticEventIgnored = function(evtName,
Hook for ignoring synthetic mouse events after touchend in Firefox.
mxGraph.prototype.isTerminalPointMovable = function(cell,
Returns true if the given terminal point is movable.
mxGraph.prototype.isToggleEvent = function(evt)
Returns true if the given event is a toggle event.
isTouchEvent: function(evt)
Returns true if the event was generated using a touch device (not a pen or mouse).
mxGraph.prototype.isValidAncestor = function(cell,
Returns whether or not the specified parent is a valid ancestor of the specified cell, either direct or indirectly based on whether ancestor recursion is enabled.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidConnection = function(source,
Returns true if the given target cell is a valid target for source.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidDropTarget = function(cell,
Returns true if the given cell is a valid drop target for the specified cells.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidRoot = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a valid root for the cell display hierarchy.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidSource = function(cell,
Returns mxGraph.isValidSource for the given source terminal.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidSource = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a valid source for new connections.
mxCellMarker.prototype.isValidState = function(state)
Returns true if the given mxCellState is a valid state.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.isValidTarget = function(cell)
Returns true.
mxGraph.prototype.isValidTarget = function(cell)
Returns isValidSource for the given cell.
mxCell.prototype.isVertex = function()
Returns true if the cell is a vertex.
mxGraphAbstractHierarchyCell.prototype.isVertex = function()
Returns whether or not this cell is a node
mxGraphHierarchyNode.prototype.isVertex = function()
Returns true.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isVertex = function(cell)
Returns true if the given cell is a vertex.
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell should be ignored as a vertex.
mxFastOrganicLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell should be ignored as a vertex.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell should be ignored by the algorithm.
mxRadialTreeLayout.prototype.isVertexIgnored = function(vertex)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell should be ignored as a vertex.
mxGraph.prototype.isVertexLabelsMovable = function()
Returns vertexLabelsMovable.
mxGraphLayout.prototype.isVertexMovable = function(cell)
Returns a boolean indicating if the given mxCell is movable or bendable by the algorithm.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.isVirtualBendsEnabled = function(evt)
Returns true if virtual bends should be added.
mxCell.prototype.isVisible = function()
Returns true if the cell is visibile.
mxGraphModel.prototype.isVisible = function(cell)
Returns true if the given mxCell is visible.
isVisible: function()
Returns true if the console is visible.
mxWindow.prototype.isVisible = function()
Returns true if the window is visible.
isVml: function(node)
Returns true if the given node is in the VML namespace.
mxGraph.prototype.isWrapping = function(cell)
This enables wrapping for HTML labels.