M | |
maintainEdgeParent, mxGraphModel | |
mapping, mxObjectCodec | |
mergeChildren, mxGraphModel | |
mergeChildrenImpl, mxGraphModel | |
MIN_ACTIVE_REGION, mxConstants | |
model, mxGraph | |
mxCell | |
mxCellCodec | |
mxCellPath | |
mxCellState | |
mxCodec | |
mxCodecRegistry | |
mxConnectionConstraint | |
mxConstants | |
mxEdgeStyle | |
mxEdgeStyleFunction | |
mxElbowConnector | |
mxEllipsePerimeter | |
mxEntityRelation | |
mxEvent | |
mxEventObject | |
mxEventSource | |
mxGdCanvas | |
mxGdCanvas.php | |
mxGeometry | |
mxGraph | |
mxGraphModel | |
mxGraphView | |
mxGraphViewHtmlReader | |
mxGraphViewImageReader | |
mxHtmlCanvas | |
mxImageBundle | |
mxLog | |
mxLoop | |
mxModelCodec | |
mxObjectCodec | |
mxPerimeter | |
mxPerimeterFunction | |
mxPoint | |
mxRectangle | |
mxRectanglePerimeter | |
mxRhombusPerimeter | |
mxSideToSide | |
mxStyleRegistry | |
mxStylesheet | |
mxStylesheetCodec | |
mxTopToBottom | |
mxTrianglePerimeter | |
mxUtils | |
N | |
name, mxEventObject | |
nextId, mxGraphModel | |
NONE, mxConstants | |
NS_SVG, mxConstants | |
NS_XHTML, mxConstants | |
NS_XLINK, mxConstants | |
O | |
objects, mxCodec | |
offset | |
origin, mxCellState | |
out, mxHtmlCanvas |
Specifies if edges should automatically be moved into the nearest common ancestor of their terminals.
var $maintainEdgeParent
Maps from from fieldnames to XML attribute names.
var $mapping
Merges the children of the given cell into the given target cell inside this model.
function mergeChildren( $from, $to, $cloneAllEdges = true )
Clones the children of the source cell into the given target cell in this model and adds an entry to the mapping that maps from the source cell to the target cell with the same id or the clone of the source cell that was inserted into this model.
function mergeChildrenImpl( $from, $to, $cloneAllEdges, $mapping )
Defines the minimum size in pixels of the portion of the cell cell which is to be used as a connectable region.
public static $MIN_ACTIVE_REGION
Holds the mxGraphModel.
var $model
Constructs a new cell to be used in a graph model.
function mxCell( $value = null, $geometry = null, $style = null )
Constructs a new object that represents the current state of the given cell in the specified view.
function mxCellState( $view = null, $cell = null, $style = null )
Constructs a new connection constraint for the given point and boolean arguments.
function mxConnectionConstraint( $point = null, $perimeter = true )
Constructs a new event for the given name and properties.
function mxEventObject( $name )
Constructs a new GD canvas.
function mxGdCanvas( $width = 0, $height = 0, $scale = 1, $background = null, $imageBasePath = "" )
Constructs a new object to describe the size and location of a vertex or the control points of an edge.
function mxGeometry( $x = 0, $y = 0, $width = 0, $height = 0 )
Constructs a new graph model using the specified root cell.
function mxGraphModel( $root = null )
Constructs a new view for the specified mxGraph.
function mxGraphView( $graph )
Constructs a new HTML graph view reader.
function mxGraphViewHtmlReader()
Constructs a new image graph view reader.
function mxGraphViewImageReader( $background = null, $border = 0 )
Constructs a new image bundle.
function mxImageBundle()
Constructs a new codec for the specified template object.
function mxObjectCodec( $template, $exclude = array(), $idrefs = array(), $mapping = array() )
Constructs a new point for the optional x and y coordinates.
function mxPoint( $x = 0, $y = 0 )
Constructs a new rectangle for the optional parameters.
function mxRectangle( $x = 0, $y = 0, $width = 0, $height = 0 )
Constructs a new stylesheet and assigns default styles.
function mxStylesheet()
Holds the name of the event.
var $name
Specifies the next Id to be created.
var $nextId
Defines the value for none.
public static $NONE
Defines the SVG namespace.
public static $NS_SVG
Defines the XHTML namespace.
public static $NS_XHTML
Defined the XLink namespace.
public static $NS_XLINK
Maps from IDs to objects.
var $objects
Creates a new array of x, y sequences where the each coordinate is translated by dx and dy, respectively.
function offset( $points, $dx = null, $dy = null )
Holds the offset of the label for edges.
var $offset
mxPoint that holds the origin for all child cells.
var $origin
Adds the specified string to the output.
function out( $string )