var path = require("path"), fs = require("fs"), parentFolderName = path.basename(path.resolve('..')), mxClientContent, deps; module.exports = function (grunt) { // To get the dependencies for the project, read the filenames by matching // mxClient.include([...]) in mxClient.js. This is not perfect, but the list is // required in mxClient.js for compatibility. mxClientContent = fs.readFileSync( path.join(process.cwd(), "./javascript/src/js/mxClient.js"), "utf8" ); deps = mxClientContent.match(/mxClient\.include\([^"']+["'](.*?)["']/gi).map(function (str) { return "." + str.match(/mxClient\.include\([^"']+["'](.*?)["']/)[1]; }); deps = ["./js/mxClient.js"].concat(deps.slice(0)); grunt.initConfig({ copy: { main: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: "./javascript/src", src: deps, dest: "./javascript/dist" }], options: { // After each module, add the object to the '__mxOutput' namespace // E.g. __mxOutput.mxLog, etc. process: function (content, srcpath) { var afterContent = "", moduleName = path.basename(srcpath, ".js"); afterContent += "\n__mxOutput." + path.basename(srcpath, ".js") + " = typeof " + moduleName + " !== 'undefined' ? " + moduleName + " : undefined;\n"; return content + afterContent; } } } }, concat: { dist: { src: (dep) { return path.join("./javascript/dist", dep); }), dest: './javascript/dist/build.js' }, options: { banner: "(function (root, factory) {\n" + "if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n" + "define([], factory);\n" + "} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {\n" + "module.exports = factory();\n" + "} else {\n" + "root.mxgraph = factory();\n" + "}\n" + "}(this, function () {\n" + "return function (opts) {\n" + // Opts will be passed into this function, expand them out as if // they were globals so they can get picked up by the logic in // mxClient.js. "for (var name in opts) { this[name] = opts[name]; }\n" + "var __mxOutput = {};\n", footer: "return __mxOutput;\n" + "};\n" + "}));" } }, webpack: { examples: { entry: "./javascript/examples/webpack/src/anchors.js", output: { path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "./javascript/examples/webpack/dist"), filename: "anchors.js" } } }, watch: { javascripts: { files: "javascript/src/**/*.js", tasks: ["umdify"], options: { interrupt: true } } }, }); require(parentFolderName === "node_modules" ? "load-grunt-parent-tasks" : "load-grunt-tasks")(grunt); grunt.registerTask("default", [ "copy", "concat", "webpack" ]); grunt.registerTask("build", [ "default" ]); };