
Uses of Class

Packages that use mxGraph
com.mxgraph.analysis This package provides various algorithms for graph analysis, such as shortest path and minimum spanning tree. This package contains all classes for input/output.   
com.mxgraph.layout This package contains various graph layouts. 
com.mxgraph.swing This package contains the main component for JFC/Swing, namely the graph component and the outline component. 
com.mxgraph.swing.handler This package contains all classes required for mouse event handling in JFC/Swing. 
com.mxgraph.swing.util This package contains all utility classes that require JFC/Swing, namely for mouse event handling, drag and drop, actions and overlays. 
com.mxgraph.util This package provides utility classes such as mxConstants, mxUtils, mxPoint and mxRectangle as well as all classes for custom events and the undo history. 
com.mxgraph.view This package implements the graph component, represented by the mxGraph class. 

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.analysis

Methods in com.mxgraph.analysis with parameters of type mxGraph
static void mxTraversal.bfs(mxGraph graph, Object cell, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor, Map<String,Object> properties)
static void mxTraversal.dfs(mxGraph graph, Object cell, Object edge, Set<Object> seen, mxGraph.mxICellVisitor visitor, Map<String,Object> properties)
          Implements a recursive depth first search starting from the specified cell.
static Object[] mxAnalysisUtils.getChildVertices(mxGraph graph, Object parent, Map<String,Object> properties)
 mxUnionFind mxGraphAnalysis.getConnectionComponents(mxGraph graph, Object[] v, Object[] e)
          Returns a union find structure representing the connection components of G=(E,V).
static Object[] mxAnalysisUtils.getEdges(mxGraph graph, Object cell, Object parent, boolean incoming, boolean outgoing, boolean includeLoops, boolean recurse, Map<String,Object> properties)
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getMinimumSpanningTree(mxGraph graph, Object[] v, mxICostFunction cf, boolean directed)
          Returns the minimum spanning tree (MST) for the graph defined by G=(E,V).
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getMinimumSpanningTree(mxGraph graph, Object[] v, Object[] e, mxICostFunction cf)
          Returns the minimum spanning tree (MST) for the graph defined by G=(E,V).
static Object[] mxAnalysisUtils.getOpposites(mxGraph graph, Object[] edges, Object terminal, boolean sources, boolean targets, Map<String,Object> properties)
          Returns all distinct opposite cells for the specified terminal on the given edges.
 Object[] mxGraphAnalysis.getShortestPath(mxGraph graph, Object from, Object to, mxICostFunction cf, int steps, boolean directed)
          Returns the shortest path between two cells or their descendants represented as an array of edges in order of traversal.
static Object mxAnalysisUtils.getTerminal(mxGraph graph, Object edge, boolean isSource, Map<String,Object> properties)

Uses of mxGraph in

Methods in with parameters of type mxGraph
static void mxGraphMlCodec.decode(Document document, mxGraph graph)
          Receives a GraphMl document and parses it generating a new graph that is inserted in graph.
static void mxGdCodec.decode(String input, mxGraph graph)
          Parses simple GD format and populate the specified graph
static mxGraphMlGraph mxGraphMlCodec.decodeGraph(mxGraph graph, Object parent, mxGraphMlGraph gmlGraph)
          Returns a Gml graph with the data of the vertexes and edges in the graph.
static Document mxGraphMlCodec.encode(mxGraph graph)
          Generates a Xml document with the cells in the graph.
static String mxGdCodec.encode(mxGraph graph)
          Generates a GD text output with the cells in the graph.

Uses of mxGraph in

Methods in with parameters of type mxGraph
 void mxGraphMlGraph.addGraph(mxGraph graph, Object parent)
          Adds the elements represented for this graph model into the given graph.

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.layout

Fields in com.mxgraph.layout declared as mxGraph
protected  mxGraph mxGraphLayout.graph
          Holds the enclosing graph.

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout that return mxGraph
 mxGraph mxGraphLayout.getGraph()
          Returns the associated graph.

Constructors in com.mxgraph.layout with parameters of type mxGraph
mxCircleLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxCircleLayout(mxGraph graph, double radius)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph)
mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal)
mxCompactTreeLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, boolean invert)
mxEdgeLabelLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxFastOrganicLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new fast organic layout for the specified graph.
mxGraphLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new fast organic layout for the specified graph.
mxOrganicLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructor for mxOrganicLayout.
mxOrganicLayout(mxGraph graph, Rectangle2D bounds)
          Constructor for mxOrganicLayout.
mxParallelEdgeLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxParallelEdgeLayout(mxGraph graph, int spacing)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxPartitionLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxPartitionLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxPartitionLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, int spacing)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxPartitionLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, int spacing, int border)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxStackLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxStackLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxStackLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, int spacing)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.
mxStackLayout(mxGraph graph, boolean horizontal, int spacing, int x0, int y0, int border)
          Constructs a new stack layout layout for the specified graph, spacing, orientation and offset.

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical

Constructors in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical with parameters of type mxGraph
mxHierarchicalLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a hierarchical layout
mxHierarchicalLayout(mxGraph graph, int orientation)
          Constructs a hierarchical layout

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.stage

Methods in com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.stage with parameters of type mxGraph
protected  void mxCoordinateAssignment.calculateWidestRank(mxGraph graph, mxGraphHierarchyModel model)
          Calculates the width rank in the hierarchy.
protected  void mxCoordinateAssignment.rankCoordinates(int rankValue, mxGraph graph, mxGraphHierarchyModel model)
          Sets up the layout in an initial positioning.
protected  void mxCoordinateAssignment.setCellLocations(mxGraph graph, mxGraphHierarchyModel model)
          Sets the cell locations in the facade to those stored after this layout processing step has completed.

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.layout.orthogonal

Constructors in com.mxgraph.layout.orthogonal with parameters of type mxGraph
mxOrthogonalLayout(mxGraph graph)

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.layout.orthogonal.model

Constructors in com.mxgraph.layout.orthogonal.model with parameters of type mxGraph
mxOrthogonalModel(mxGraph graph)

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.swing

Fields in com.mxgraph.swing declared as mxGraph
protected  mxGraph mxGraphComponent.graph

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing that return mxGraph
 mxGraph mxGraphComponent.getGraph()

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing with parameters of type mxGraph
 void mxGraphComponent.setGraph(mxGraph value)

Constructors in com.mxgraph.swing with parameters of type mxGraph
mxGraphComponent(mxGraph graph)

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.swing.handler

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.handler with parameters of type mxGraph
protected  void mxConnectionHandler.addGraphListeners(mxGraph graph)
          Installs the listeners to update the handles after any changes.
protected  void mxSelectionCellsHandler.addGraphListeners(mxGraph graph)
          Installs the listeners to update the handles after any changes.
protected  void mxConnectionHandler.removeGraphListeners(mxGraph graph)
          Removes all installed listeners.
protected  void mxSelectionCellsHandler.removeGraphListeners(mxGraph graph)
          Removes all installed listeners.

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.swing.util

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.util that return mxGraph
static mxGraph mxGraphActions.getGraph(ActionEvent e)

Methods in com.mxgraph.swing.util with parameters of type mxGraph
protected  int mxGraphActions.GroupAction.getGroupBorder(mxGraph graph)
protected  int mxGraphActions.UpdateGroupBoundsAction.getGroupBorder(mxGraph graph)

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.util

Methods in com.mxgraph.util with parameters of type mxGraph
static BufferedImage mxCellRenderer.createBufferedImage(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, boolean antiAlias, mxRectangle clip)
static BufferedImage mxCellRenderer.createBufferedImage(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, boolean antiAlias, mxRectangle clip, mxGraphics2DCanvas graphicsCanvas)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createHtmlDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createSvgDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static Document mxCellRenderer.createVmlDocument(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, Color background, mxRectangle clip)
static mxICanvas mxCellRenderer.drawCells(mxGraph graph, Object[] cells, double scale, mxRectangle clip, mxCellRenderer.CanvasFactory factory)
          Draws the given cells using a Graphics2D canvas and returns the buffered image that represents the cells.

Uses of mxGraph in com.mxgraph.view

Fields in com.mxgraph.view declared as mxGraph
protected  mxGraph mxSwimlaneManager.graph
          Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
protected  mxGraph mxSpaceManager.graph
          Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
protected  mxGraph mxLayoutManager.graph
          Defines the type of the source or target terminal.
protected  mxGraph mxGraphSelectionModel.graph
          Reference to the enclosing graph.
protected  mxGraph mxGraphView.graph
          Reference to the enclosing graph.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view that return mxGraph
 mxGraph mxSwimlaneManager.getGraph()
 mxGraph mxSpaceManager.getGraph()
 mxGraph mxLayoutManager.getGraph()
 mxGraph mxGraphView.getGraph()
          Returns the enclosing graph.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxGraph
 String mxMultiplicity.check(mxGraph graph, Object edge, Object source, Object target, int sourceOut, int targetIn)
          Function: check Checks the multiplicity for the given arguments and returns the error for the given connection or null if the multiplicity does not apply.
 boolean mxMultiplicity.checkNeighbors(mxGraph graph, Object edge, Object source, Object target)
          Checks the type of the given value.
 boolean mxMultiplicity.checkTerminal(mxGraph graph, Object terminal, Object edge)
          Checks the type of the given value.
 boolean mxMultiplicity.checkType(mxGraph graph, Object value, String type)
          Checks the type of the given value.
 boolean mxMultiplicity.checkType(mxGraph graph, Object value, String type, String attr, String attrValue)
          Checks the type of the given value.
 void mxSwimlaneManager.setGraph(mxGraph graph)
 void mxSpaceManager.setGraph(mxGraph graph)
 void mxLayoutManager.setGraph(mxGraph value)

Constructors in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxGraph
mxGraphSelectionModel(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new selection model for the specified graph.
mxGraphView(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new view for the given graph.
mxLayoutManager(mxGraph graph)
mxSpaceManager(mxGraph graph)
mxSwimlaneManager(mxGraph graph)


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.