V | |
validate, mxGraphView | |
validateBackground, mxGraphView | |
validateBackgroundImage, mxGraphView | |
validateBackgroundPage, mxGraphView | |
validateBounds, mxGraphView | |
validateCell, mxGraph | |
validateConnection | |
validateEdge, mxGraph | |
validateGraph, mxGraph | |
validatePoints, mxGraphView | |
validationAlert, mxGraph | |
valueChanged, mxCell | |
valueForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
verticalLayout, mxCompactTreeLayout | |
visibleStateForCellChanged, mxGraphModel | |
visit | |
W | |
warn, mxLog | |
WeightedCellSorter, WeightedCellSorter | |
weightedMedian, mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction | |
write | |
writeAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeComplexAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
writeDefaults, mxXmlCanvas2D | |
writeGraphModel, mxEditor | |
writeHead, mxPrintPreview | |
writeln | |
writePrimitiveAttribute, mxObjectCodec | |
Z | |
zoom, mxGraph | |
zoomActual, mxGraph | |
zoomIn, mxGraph | |
zoomOut, mxGraph | |
zoomTo, mxGraph | |
zoomToRect, mxGraph |
First validates all bounds and then validates all points recursively on all visible cells starting at the given cell.
mxGraphView.prototype.validate = function( cell )
Calls validateBackgroundImage and validateBackgroundPage.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackground = function()
Validates the background image.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundImage = function()
Validates the background page.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBackgroundPage = function()
Validates the bounds of the given parent’s child using the given parent state as the origin for the child.
mxGraphView.prototype.validateBounds = function( parentState, cell )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given cell and validation context.
mxGraph.prototype.validateCell = function( cell, context )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source target pair is not valid.
mxConnectionHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Returns the error message or an empty string if the connection for the given source, target pair is not valid.
mxEdgeHandler.prototype.validateConnection = function( source, target )
Hook method for subclassers to return an error message for the given edge and terminals.
mxGraph.prototype.validateEdge = function( edge, source, target )
Validates the graph by validating each descendant of the given cell or the root of the model.
mxGraph.prototype.validateGraph = function( cell, context )
Validates the points for the state of the given cell recursively if the cell is not collapsed and returns the bounding box of all visited states as an mxRectangle.
mxGraphView.prototype.validatePoints = function( parentState, cell )
Displays the given validation error in a dialog.
mxGraph.prototype.validationAlert = function( message )
Changes the user object after an in-place edit and returns the previous value.
mxCell.prototype.valueChanged = function( newValue )
Inner callback to update the user object of the given mxCell using mxCell.valueChanged and return the previous value, that is, the return value of mxCell.valueChanged.
mxGraphModel.prototype.valueForCellChanged = function( cell, value )
mxCompactTreeLayout.prototype.verticalLayout = function( node, parent, x0, y0, bounds )
Inner callback to update the visible state of the given mxCell using mxCell.setCollapsed and return the previous visible state.
mxGraphModel.prototype.visibleStateForCellChanged = function( cell, visible )
Visits all entries in the dictionary using the given function with the following signature: function(key, value) where key is a string and value is an object.
mxDictionary.prototype.visit = function( visitor )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxGraphHierarchyModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
A depth first search through the internal heirarchy model.
mxSwimlaneModel.prototype.visit = function( visitor, dfsRoots, trackAncestors, seenNodes )
Adds all arguments to the console if WARN is enabled.
warn: function()
Constructs a new weighted cell sorted for the given cell and weight.
function WeightedCellSorter( cell, weightedValue )
Sweeps up or down the layout attempting to minimise the median placement of connected cells on adjacent ranks
mxMedianHybridCrossingReduction.prototype.weightedMedian = function( iteration, model )
Adds the specified strings to the console.
write: function()
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent.
write: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value into node using writePrimitiveAttribute or writeComplexAttribute depending on the type of the value.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Writes the given value as a child node of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writeComplexAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
mxXmlCanvas2D.prototype.writeDefaults = function()
Hook to create the string representation of the diagram.
mxEditor.prototype.writeGraphModel = function ( linefeed )
Writes the HEAD section into the given document, without the opening and closing HEAD tags.
mxPrintPreview.prototype.writeHead = function( doc, css )
Adds the specified strings to the console, appending a linefeed at the end of each string.
writeln: function()
Creates a text node for the given string and appends it to the given parent with an additional linefeed.
writeln: function( parent, text )
Writes the given value as an attribute of the given node.
mxObjectCodec.prototype.writePrimitiveAttribute = function( enc, obj, attr, value, node )
Zooms the graph using the given factor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoom = function( factor, center )
Resets the zoom and panning in the view.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomActual = function()
Zooms into the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomIn = function()
Zooms out of the graph by zoomFactor.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomOut = function()
Zooms the graph to the given scale with an optional boolean center argument, which is passd to zoom.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomTo = function( scale, center )
Zooms the graph to the specified rectangle.
mxGraph.prototype.zoomToRect = function( rect )